18 & Over! (Lesbian Stories)

By AliciaBloMieLudick

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Hannah Miller is a eighteen year old teenager who mostly lives with her best friend. She was raised in a very... More

18 & Over! (GirlxGirl)
Chapter 1 - Bonfire Nights
Chapter 2 - Lipstick lullabies this is sorry for the last time
Chapter 3 - Hold on to your hats I see a storm coming.
Chapter 4 - Close your eyes and fall
Chapter 5 - The Dinner Date
Chapter 6 - You should be so lucky
Chapter 7- Horrible bosses
Chapter 8 - Prom Part 1
Chapter 9 - Prom part 2
Chapter 10 - Sometimes its magic
Chapter 11 - When the credits roll
Chapter 12 - Sometimes either it is there or it isn't
Chapter 13 - Don't blink you might miss it
Chapter 14 - I'll be the one who breaks my own heart
Chapter 15 - Slipping away
Chapter 16 - Hallowed out memories of you and I
Chapter 17 - Meet the parents
Chapter 18 - Stricking it dumb
Chapter 19 - Christmas part 1
Chapter 20 - Christmas Part 2
Chapter 21- light the fire to my bonfire heart
Chapter 22 - I'm going to make this place your home
Chapter 24 - The in-laws
Chapter 25 - You make everything better
Chapter 26 - Lexi Hill
Chapter 27 - Lets hear it for the girl
Chapter 28 - Homecoming
Chapter 29 - Helping Hand
Chapter 30 - Please Listen
Chapter 31 - Surprise surprise
Chapter 32 - One more Week
Chapter 33 - Promises of tomorrow
Chapter 34 - When tomorrow comes where will you be?

Chapter 23 - Wedding bells

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By AliciaBloMieLudick

Authors Note

Finally the wedding chapter is here!
Hope all of you are ready for a few surprises
 and a few tears and a little bit of undressing.

Remember to comment at the end of the chapter and tell me what you thought.


The Wedding

I Couldn't fall asleep the excitement got to me I suppose. Today was they day Beth and I start our lives together. Something that has been at the back of my mind for years..Something I used to only dream about whilst staring at Kims older sister.

6 Years ago

"Mom I made a new friend look.."Kim say tugging me towards her mother "She is the one I've been telling you all about."Kim smiles brightly throwing her arm over my shoulder

Her Mom pops a dish of pasta in the oven and turns around waving her face with the oven mit and smiles at us "Well it is good to finally meet you Hannah, Kim has been rambling on and on telling us all about you." Kim's mom said shaking my hand

"It's nice to meet you Misses Williams. You have a lovely home."I smiled shyly moving back to Kim.

Her Mom smiled putting her hand on my shoulder "Thank you sweetheart."She says winking and turned her attention to Kim "Why can't you and your sister have such good manners?"She asked Kim and Kim sighed making me laugh a little.

It felt strange to have people act so extremely loving towards each other even though they were complaining about each other I still felt the love they had. At my house my mother was always busy and the hospital and Dad was always away with his doctors without borders thing. Sometimes I just wish I could see more of them and have them pressure me a bit less. Maybe then I would feel like I make them proud.

I couldn't really be sad about it I mean I was privileged to be born into the family that I have.

"Come on lets go watch Television I before we eat. I want to talk to you about that cute guy you talked to yesterday."Kim says excitedly grabbing my hand and dragging me to the living room. She was always dragging me places but I kind of liked it. I knew it was just because she wanted me around and wasn't really good and showing it.

"What was his name again?"Kim asked wiggling her eyebrows

"I think it was Kyle. He was kind of cute right?"I laugh as Kim nods quickly almost drooling.

"You should totally let him kiss you. I mean I know you haven't had your first kiss yet but you should totally just kiss him I mean we are in high school. Why not right? Unless you don't think he is cute. Then I should kiss him."Kim says winking at me and I knock her with a pillow.

If anyone was going to kiss Kyle it was going to be me. I think.

"Guys it's time for dinner!"Kim's mom yells from the kitchen and Kim rolls her eyes jumping off of the couch.

"I guess that mean my sister and father are here."She says walking ahead. I completely forgot she had a sister. I probably think everyone is a only child like me. How dumb.

When we walk into the dining room I see through the glass doors a girl standing outside. She had her back against me so all I noticed were how sexy her legs were and when she turned around I saw her blow out smoke before meeting my gaze. She was wearing shorts and a v neck top which exposed a lot of skin. I think I looked at her a bit too long because I realized I was still stuck in the same spot and looked away walking towards Kim and sitting down besides her.

"You okay?"Kim asked smiling at me. I nodded hearing the sliding door close and seeing this girl come and sit opposite me as well as an older man sitting at the end of the table.

"I presume this is the girl you have been raving about Kimmy?"The man said and Kim nodded

"Yes daddy this is Hannah."She smiled and I smiled at him.

"Well welcome to our home Hannah."

"You really are a cutie aren't you."The girl across from me said.

"Beth don't start."Misses Williams warned and I saw Beth look at me smirking as she nodded and continued  eating her food.

Present day

I felt arms around my waist and opened my eyes to see Beth standing behind me in her PJs and softly kissing my cheek. "I saw you standing here when I got up to go get water. I know we aren't suppose to see each other until the wedding but I wanted to say I love you."She whispers with her eyes closed and her head on my shoulder.

I touch her cheek looking at both of us in the mirror. I wish I could relive that first moment I saw her and know that this day was going to come. I think I might have appreciated everything a bit more. I might have looked a bit harder.

"Do you remember the first time we met?"I asked her and she smiled kissing my shoulder.

"You are just going to have to wait for our vows before you can have that question answered."She smiled and I turned around in her embrace putting my hands around her neck.

I kissed her cheeks softly and kissed her nose smiling at her rubbing our noses together. "I can't wait to see you up there."I said laying a soft kiss on her lips and hugging her tight. I didn't let go until she did and I watched as she made her way out blowing me kisses the whole time.

After hours of getting ready I stood in the courtyard pacing back and forth waiting for my cue. I knew a few people were still arriving so I had a little bit of time. Still I just wanted to be there with her already and be her wife. It's the only thing I ever want the best thing I can ever get and the most important piece of my life.

"Honey."I hear someone say and as I turned I saw my father in a black tuxedo with his hair combed backwards. He smiled and walked up to me taking both my hands in his and looked at my dress then at me. My father was here. He had come even after my mother said what she had. Even after my mother disowned me my father still choose to come.

I hugged him and felt tear want to erupt and pulled away waving my eyes trying my best to keep them at bay. "I can't cry..I'm glad you're here dad but if I cry now I will ruin my makeup."I said pacing around again.

"You look beautiful."He smiled and I almost started to cry again but instead and pushed him lightly and he smiled nodding "Okay I understand the makeup the makeup. Well I am going to go take my seat. You knock 'em dead."He said walking to the back and waving at me one last time.

"Han are you okay?"Kim asked smiling at me. She looked so cute in her bridesmaid dress and she knew it too. I nodded and kept waving at my eyes holding back the emotion for as long as I could. "I can cry later I just want to look perfect for her right now."I said and Kim held her hand on her heart and smiled at me.

Seconds later we started hearing our song playing and that was the bridesmaids cue to starts walking. Kim held onto my hand tightly before it was her turn to walk and then I walked closer and saw Beth walk along the aisle I could only see a little bit but her dress left me breathless and then the wedding planner whispered that it was my turn. I nervously put one foot in front of the other and when I was halfway down the aisle I looked up and saw Beth smiling at me with tears in her eyes holding her hand out for me.

I have seen Beth look beautiful multiple of times but this time she look like the most beautiful woman in the world and as I looked to the side I saw Beth's mother and fathers both crying as I made my way up to her . They were my family and they loved us so much.

"We are gather here today to witness Miss Beth Williams and Hannah Miller declare their love for one another by entering into marriage. And now a few words from Miss Williams" The pastor said smiling at us but I couldn't keep my eyes off of Beth.

 Beth held onto my hands looking at the ground and then at me. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly showing everybody how nervous she actually was. Everybody chuckled and Beth smiled looking into my eyes "Before I met you my life revolved around one thing..me and I liked it that way. Bu through the years you crept into my heart and I realized that my old life wasn't making me happy. The way I was living wasn't enough anymore and the bigger part of my life you grew to be the happier I was. Standing here today I know that there has never been anybody who has every made me feel the way you make me feel. You teach me the true meaning of love and you continue to make me love you even more. I fell in love with the way you see the world and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life trying to see the world through your eyes. You asked me earlier if I remember the first time we met and I smiled. I smiled because that was the moment my life truly began."She said making everybody clap as hard as they could

My heart was beating so fast I wanted to take it all in and remember this for eternity. I want to remember this love we have for each other. I swallowed the lump in my throat and mouthed to her I Love you.

"And now Miss Miller would like to say a few words."The pastor said smiling at us again.

I bit my lip and looked at the people sitting on the chairs and smiled to all of their happy faces then looked at Beth and smiled.

"Today I am standing here in front of all of our friends and family and I have to express my feeling for you. It was something impossible to grasp mostly because the way I feel about you is too overwhelming even for me to explain but I will try my best. For the first time in my I feel invincible. You make me feel invisible Beth you make me feel like I am worthy and your love is something I would have never bet on.  You always seem to save me. You never ask for anything thing in return and you are the most selfless person I know. When I am around you I fall in love with everything about you. The best way I know how to say it and try to explain what I'm feeling is that...This love..this love people think they understand..this love is the type of love people write about in novels. It's the type of love you catch your breath for. The type of love you hold onto until the very end. It's the type of love that has been planned out centuries before it ever happened. I was destined for you Beth Williams and you were destined for me."I say stepping closer to her.

"Please tell me I can kiss her already?"Beth asked the pastor her eyes not leaving mine.

"There is still another part but.."

"We do."Beth said for the both of us and I nodded my head bringing her closer towards me.

"Okay then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you Mrs and Mrs Williams. You may kiss your bride."She said to me and I instantly grabbed Beth around the waist and pulled her against me hearing everyone cheer and kissed her softly as my tears rolled down my face and she hugged me closer. Leaning our heads against each other she wiped away my tears and kissed my cheek.

"Misses and Misses Williams."She lovingly smiled and took my hand in hers as we made our way down the aisle. We walked to the wedding reception and walked to the back.

"I need to kiss my wife right now."She smiled unzipping my wedding dress and pushing me against the wall."I get you out of these uncomfortable clothes."She whispered and I remembered the other dress I had for the reception and smiled at that thought.

She kissed me in my neck and held me tightly and I stroked her hair smiling just of pure happiness.

"I'm not going anywhere Love."I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"It's just unbelievable that your are finally all mine. All mine forever."She said brushing her hand over my cheek.


Kim P.O.V

"When Beth and Hannah first started dating I was not a fan. To say the least. I thought that Beth wasn't good enough for my best friend I thought that Hannah has going to get hurt. But then Hannah does what she always does , she makes you love her like you never thought possible. I believe in true love , I believe that true love doesn't come easy and sometimes you are tested but it is in these tests that we realize how strong we are and being a by stander seeing everything these two have went through I know that what they have is nothing but unconditional love for each other and I'm so happy I get to be a part of that. Everybody please raise your classes for Hannah and Beth. Beth you better take care of my sister" I winked at Hannah watching Beth shake her head and smile.

Once all of the toast were done Hannah and Beth walked onto the dance floor and their first dance song started to play. I looked over at them and watched Hannah whisper into Beth's ears caressing her hair and grazing her hand over Beth's back. I smiled and turned around and looked at Kevin who was holding out his hand to me and I grabbed it and we started dancing as well. I smelt his perfume and leaned my head against his chest . I love weddings but this one had to be my favorite.

"So I talked to my uncle and he said that I could started to work for him first thing Monday. I would still be in college taking night classes. He said that this job pays for a new house and transportation. I will have my own company car. Once I qualify and get my diploma I could become manager."He said and I looked up smiling at him

"That is really great news. I'm really happy for you."I say feeling him kiss my forehead.

"I want you to move in with me. You and Austin both. Beth already told me she bought a new place for her and Hannah and I assume they are going to want to be alone. I know it's a lot to take in."He says looking hopefully at me

"You really want me and Austin there with you and Tara?"I asked

"I don't want you to feel like you have to be her mother I just want the both of you with me. I want us four together."He smiles

"I love Tara you know that...I think we should try."I say seeing him go from happy to deliriously happy hugging me tightly and kissing me everywhere.

Hannah P.O.V

"I was thinking that we should go to the new place tonight and spend one night there before we head off to our honeymoon and leave first thing tomorrow morning."Beth says shocking me. What new place?

"New place?"I asked

"I bought a house. Our own place to start our family and be together."She whispered

"You are going to give me a heart attack if you keep surprising me. Do you think we should tell your family what we plan on doing on our honeymoon. It's a pretty big thing. Kim would be mad for not telling her."

"You're right. Tell Kim once we are about to leave that way she can't make a scene okay?"Beth says kissing my cheek and I nod. I feel someone tapping my shoulder and I see my father standing before me and Beth turns and looks at us.

"I'm glad you came sir."Beth smiled placing her hand on the small of my back."I'll leave you guys to it."She says kissing me and walking towards her mother. I think she was about to tell her mother what are plans were.

My dad started dancing with me and stayed quiet for a while probably trying to find the words ."Honey I realize we didn't give you the upbringing that you would have liked. I didn't know you wanted all those things. I didn't know you wanted Sunday lunched and trips to the mall."

"How would you dad you were gone most of the time in Africa of Irac."I smiled knowing he only did what he thought was best.

"I'm sorry I missed out on your moments kid. I know it doesn't change anything but here."She says handing me an envelope."Don't open it now just open it later when you are at home. My plane is in an hour so this is goodbye kid."He said smiling at me

"Just see you later right not bye forever?"I asked and he remained quiet looking around the room and nodded "I'm always going to be your father Hannah but these people they are the people that you need around not me." He smiled and walked away. Just like that he was gone.


as we drove in the middle of the night I can't help but stare at Beth. She seemed so excited and I was too I was just enjoying her for a moment and running the whole day through my head. She drives up a drive way and I get out of the car and look at the beautiful house in front of me. She grabs my hand and we walk into a large room with a shag carpet on the floor and a fireplace that is lit in front of it. She takes me through all the rooms and I imagine our babies each having their own room and we both decided which room we would use at the study and entertainment room. The kitchen was enormous and there were sliding door to the outside which sported a swimming pool and barbeque area.

"Do you love it?"She asked stepping closer to me kissing my neck softly and I let out a moan at her touch waiting for damn long to feel that touch.

"I love it."I smiled touching her sides.

The house was basically still empty apart from our bedroom which she was leading me to and once inside and walked to the bed and sat down looking at her as she zipped of her white dress and was left in her black lace underwear walking closer and closer towards me and making me want to kiss every inch of her.

"I want you so bad."I whisper pulling her by the hand against me as she smirks leaning in biting my ear

"Tonight I'm going to make love to you Misses Williams and I'm not going to stop. You looked so sexy today it drove me crazy.."She whispers zipping off my dress leaving me in my underwear. She grabs me by my waist and pulls me deeper onto the bed unclipping my bra and I moan a bit into her ear as she licks and kisses down my neck down my chest...


"Baby hurry we need to leave now!"Beth says grabbing my ass and running to the car throwing in all our luggage. We overslept a tad considering till what time we were awake last night.

I reached into my back pocket and took out the letter from my father tearing it open. Once I saw what is was I looked up at Beth and she instantly ran towards me. "Babe what is it?"She asked looking down on the check.

"Om my soul.."Is all she said.

My dad gave me a check for 30 000$ I couldn't even comprehend that amount of money and how much it was going to help us. Beth kissed my cheek and smiled nodding at me

"Your dad through for you after all."She smiled

I saw a note in the envelope and took it out.

It read:

My darling daughter I'm writing you this because I finally understand. I should've been there but I wasn't and now all that I can do it to help you and you beautiful wife in any manner I can. I will be here for you Hannah. I promise this time I won't leave or abandon you.
If you need more please be sure to call.

Your Father

When we got in the plane I quickly texted Kim what I wanted to tell her last night but didn't have a chance to and put my phone in my bag.

"Did you tell her?"Beth asks kissing my hands

I nodded and laid my head on her shoulder. Hoping that when we came back everybody would be on board with this.

Kim P.O.V

Beep Beep

I looked around my room feeling my head spinning like crazy and looked for my phone. I finally found it under Kevin and looked and saw a new message from Hannah.

Hannah : Hey Sis we are on the plane now. I will see you in two weeks but there is something that can't wait two weeks and that I have to tell you now. Kim Beth and I decided that we wanted to get pregnant while we were on honeymoon so whilst we are out here we will be doing IVF and trying to have a baby. I know it seems rushed but this is what we want. It's what we decided when we planned the wedding. Your Mom and dad also know and when I'm back hopefully I would be pregnant. I love you best friend.


Authors Message

Okay so that was the wedding chapter any thoughts?  
What do you think of Beth and Hannahs plan to get pregnant on honeymoon? Do you think Hannahs father was being genuine or was he just feeling guilty for skipping out of Hannahs childhood?

Please remember to comment and vote

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