Diabolik Lovers Oneshots

By _Exlipsed_

1.9M 49.1K 27.9K

Oneshots for all you Dialovers out there! 1.4M reads ๐Ÿ’› More

Diabolik Lovers Oneshots
Ayato x Reader - Rage
Laito x Reader - Nightmare
Subaru x Reader - Sugar Rush
Shu x Reader - Unfaithful
Kanato x Reader - Marrionette
Reiji x Reader - Kindness
Laito x Reader - Attention
Shu x Reader - Father
Authers Note!
Kou x Reader - Runaway
Azusa x Reader - Your Not A Monster
Yuma x Reader - Pillow
Shu x Reader - Better Than Words
Ayato x Reader - Shut Up
Yuma x Reader - Mud Fight
Kanato x Reader - Teddy
Reiji x Reader - Punnishment
Laito x Reader - Playboy
Subaru x Reader - Lies
Authers Note!
Shu x Reader - Soul Mate
Ayato x Reader - I'm Not Going To Hurt You
Ruki x Reader - Can I Class This As Rape?
Karlhienz Is Everywhere
Yuma x Reader - Daddy's Comming
Subaru x Reader - No Matter What
Kou x Reader - Kiss and Tell
Authers Note!
Subaru x Reader - Stereotypes
Reiji x Reader - Not What It Seems
Azusa x Reader - Black
Karlhienz Is Everywhere Part 2
Kou x Reader - I Promise
Kou x Reader - I Promise Part 2
Kanato x Reader - Insanity
Reji x Reader - Lonley
Mukami Brothers x Reader - Home
Authers Note!
Aurthers Note!
Ayato x Reader - Jealousy
Subaru X Reader - Moonlight Lover
Serious Chat.
Admin Update!
Carla Tskinami x Reader - White Roses.
Authors Note
Ayato x Reader - Seduction
Something I need to say.
Vote! ^^
Kou X Reader - Midnight
Karlhienz Is Everywhere - Part Three.
Should I come back?

Ruki x Reader - Forgive Me

53.1K 1.3K 1.1K
By _Exlipsed_

"No, Ruki! Why cant you see that I really dont need your crap today?"

"Like you've got any say in the matter! Have you forgotten who owns you?"

Your pointless bickering echoed through the mansion.

You were having another pointless argument with your boyfriend, Ruki.

You disagreed on almost everything. He constanlty teased you about being flat chested. He was allowed to flirt with other girls, but whenever you went even near another boy, he went nuts.

And to top it all of, he was a vampire.

Why were you even in this relationship again?

"Why cant you see that I need some space from you right now? I've had enough of you for one day."

You hid your head in your hands, turning away from the black-haired boy. Why was he always all over you? It was sufforcating.

"Fine. Go. Like I care. I'll just go feed of Yui instead. Her blood is much better anyway."

That hit you hard. You spun around to face him.


He smirked evily at you.

"You heard me. It's much sweeter and smoother, and she's better in bed to."

You couldnt belive what you were hearing. You may be the most dysfunctional couple in the world, but you never thought he would stoop that low.

"Y-you mean that you..."

The smirk slowly faded of his handsom face as he realised what he'd just said.

"No, (Y/N) its not like that. Seriously, I just-"

"No. It's fine, really. You go pick up a few STD's and call me when I'm supposed to pay for the hospital bill."

You wer'nt taking any of his pathetic excuses today. Spinning on your heels, you marched out the door of the mansion, leaving Ruki speechless behind you.


~ 3 Weeks Later ~

You sighed as you wandered around the town square of your home town. It was 9pm, but you didnt care.

You were weighed down with angry thoughts and negative situations. Even the weather had been grey.

What a great way to spend your birthday.

3 weeks. 3 whole weeks of being lonley. 3 whole weeks without your favourite vampire.

He never showed up to appologise. He could have easily teleported to wherever you were, but he didnt.

Not one call. Not one text. Not one sighn that your relationship actually meant somthing to him.

You knew he didnt care.

Dotted around the square were numerous large TV's that were usually used for advertisments. Strangly enough, they were all blank today. Not like you cared.

As you were lost in your train of sad thoughts, you didnt notice the TV screens light up with a familliar face.

Tougou Sakamaki.

You knew him as Karlhienz, the world knew him as a well known polotition. His face caused a stir in the crowds milling in the square.

You assumed he was just advertising his new campaign or somthing, so you took no notice.

"Hello, good day to you all. I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather we had today."

You rolled your eyes and kept walking.

"Now, unlike most days, this broadcast is not for my campaign. An old friend of mine has somthing to say."

You stooped and stared curiously up at the screen. Old friend?

"Please welcome Ruki Mukami."

Your mouth fell open as Ruki's face appered on the screen. He had huge bags under his eyes and looked like he hadnt slept for a week, but in your opinion he still looked good.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Ruki Mukami and I am a close friend of Tougou. I'm here today because I have an appologie to make."

"At one point in my life, I met a girl unlike any other. She was brave, smart, funny and didnt take nothing from knowone. We fought about everything, never agreed on anything, yet she always had that special place in my heart."

"One day, I made a mistake that I will regret for the rest of my life. I betrayed her trust and broke her heart. It was a totally selfish decision."

"She left me. I havnt seen her for 3 weeks. 3 whole weeks without my favourite girl. 3 whole weeks without her perfect smile."

You mouth was open in shock. You couldnt belive what you were hearing

Others had tears in their eyes as they listened to his speech. Couples reached for eachothers hands as they stared up at the TV.

"(Y/N), if your listening to this, I just want to say that I'm sorry. You were the best thing that ever happened to me, and if I had one wish it would be to go back in time and fix everything. I love you."

Suddenly, a satalite image filled the screen, showing you staring up at the TV. People turned to look at you, eyes watering. Your eyes were fixed on the screen until there was a tap on your shoulder.

Stood behind you was Ruki Mukami, holding a single red rose in his hand and smiling at you. You stared at him in shock for a few seconds before running into his open arms.

You cried into his shirt while he strocked your hair. All you could here was the coos of the watching crowd until fireworks exploded in the night sky.

"Happy birthday, (Y/N)."

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