Reiji x Reader - Punnishment

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It was the year 2034, and everything was in toatal chaos.

Karlhienz, the vampire king and his 6 sons had taken over the world.

It was utter pandemonium. The number of deaths was impossible to count. Buildings had been torn down. Forests burned to the ground.

Yet, people were so pursuadable. They had been convinced that the murder and disaster was necersary. They had been told their new king would lead them forward into what they called 'a new dawn'.

There were parades. There were banners and flags hanging from every possible place. Broadcasts about the new 'rules'. It was madness.

You were one of the only people who saw sense. You were a rebel, part of a small group who resisted. To you, vampires were disgusting, murderous creatures who fed of the lives of inocent people.

So thats why you were shaking with anger as some sort of vampire official gave a speech about how humans "should acept their position as the inferior race".

The man then proceded to ramble on about how great Karlhienz was, and how you should "acept him as your ruler, and give up everything to him".

"You humans are simply food, worthless wastes of space. However, if you give up everything you have to us, the king will have mercy on your poor souls."

That was the last straw. You pushed your way to the front and climbed up on to the stage.

"The king is good and kind to those who willingly obey-"

You shoved the vampire of the stage. He fell to the ground and stared at you in shock. You spat at him before grabbing the microphone and turned to face the stunned crowd.

"Stop! Stop it! Stop the broadcasts, halt the parades! Tear down the banners all red like the blood they drink! And please, sombody treat this insane man who thinks hes king in some asylum somewhere, because he is out of his mind!"

People gaped at you. You were about to start yelling again when loud gasps were heard from the crowd. People got down on their knees and bowed. You were about to ask them what the hell they were doing when a voice spoke up from behind you.

"Such bad manners..."

Spinning around, you came face to face with Prince Reiji, the second in line to the throne.

You didnt have time to run before he grabbed your arm and pulled you close to him. You struggled and kicked, but it was no use. He just chuckled darkly.

A hand was placed over your eyes. You began to grow drowzy and felt like you were going to collapse. Just as it all went black, you heard him speak again.

"Such character. I like you. But we shall have to work on that mouth of yours."

You fell back into his arms as you slipped into unconciousnes.

"Prepare yourself for some Punnishment."

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