Brains and Brawn (BxB)

By lady-writer-2000

1.4M 46.7K 25.2K

Based on the prompt: "I'm not stalking you, exactly, it's just that you accidentally put my notebook in your... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 9

48.4K 1.7K 857
By lady-writer-2000

Matt's POV:

After the diner I was about to say goodbye and walk home (even though I don't have any idea where I am, but hey, that's why your phone has a GPS right?), even when it's like 3 am, when Leo just walked to his car without saying anything. When he noticed I wasn't following, he just looked over his shoulder and asked smirking: "You didn't think I was just gonna let you walk home did you? What kind of person do you take me for?"

I just smiled and followed him to the car. 

I don't know what happened but last thing I remember is listening to some music before blacking out.


When I open my eyes I start freaking out. I have no idea where I am. Oh my God, I've been kidnapped! No, I can't leave Chris with my mom, he'll have a terrible life, he'll be alone. Well, then again my mom isn't home most of the time because of me, so maybe she'll be better. She was a great mom, once upon a time.

That's not important right now! Focus!

I look around the room to try and figure out where I am. It's a simple room, with light blue walls, a bookcase in the corner and a TV. I'm laying down on a bed with a blue comforter, next to me a bedside table where my phone, my wallet and my keys are. Ok, so definitely not kidnapped. Unless, this kidnapper person is just a real amateur. 

I pick up my phone and start panicking when I see it's already pm. I have to pick up Chris! Crap!

I quickly get up and head straight to the door. Where are my shoes?! ugh!

After I open the door I go to the stairs, seeing as it's the logical thing to do, and am flabbergasted by how freaking huge it is! Where the heck am I?

While looking around I don't notice where I'm going and trip on one step and almost fall, but manage to catch myself in time. Just as I finish descending the stairs, a guy walks out of one of the doors. And not just any guy, Leonardo Bryant, in the flesh. He's not wearing anything special just some black skinny jeans and a hoodie but he still looks handsome as hell.

"Oh, you're awake, I was just about to check on you," he says.

"Hey...", I say back, not exactly sure what to say.

"Oh, yeah right, I should probably explain why you're at my house. Well, would you like some breakfast? Or brunch, considering it's already 1 pm," Leo asks.

So I'm at Leo's house. I mean, I knew he was rich, but this is a whole other level of rich. 

I consider his offer for brunch. I mean, I really want to hear his explanation, and I am really hungry...but I should really pick up Chris from Mrs. Pemberton's house, I don't to bother her.

But she did say she didn't mind and didn't have any plans... might as well stay. And if she asks I'll just explain the situation.

"Ok," I finally decide and follow Leo to what I'm assuming is the kitchen.

"You can sit down there," he point to the stool next to the kitchen counter. "I just made some eggs and bacon and french toast. I hope you like it."

He sets a plate in front of me and I look up at him and nod eagerly. He chuckles and goes back to his plate. 

"So, you're probably wondering why you're at my house," He adds. I nod, seeing as my mouth is full of eggs and wait for him to continue, "Well, after you got inside my car you almost instantly fell asleep, and while I was just planning on taking you home, but I didn't want to just barge into your house, I don't know if your parents would be worried or not and it was late so I didn't want to wake your prants nor you, 'cause you looked so peacefull so I just brought you here. I hope you don't mind..." Wow, that's the most I've heard him speak.

"It's ok, my mom won't mind," I say, not really wanting to give away much information about myself. "And thank you, you didn't have to do that. It was nice of you."

He sends a smile my way and I smile back.

Just as I'm about to say something, a beautiful woman walks into the kitchen. She stops and stares at me for a while, then at Leo with a questioning look. Then offers me her hand and says with a kind smile and a thick spanish accent,"Hello there, I'm Olivia, Leo's mom, nice to meet you." 

"Hello Mrs. Bryant, I'm Matt, I'm sorry to stay here unannounced, it was kind of a last minute thing," I greet back, shaking her hand and giving her an equally kind smile.

"Oh, so polite, call me Olivia honey, no Mrs." Leo's mom says.

"And nonsense, I brought him here. He was at the party last night and fell asleep in my car when I was giving him a ride back to his house," Leo interrupts.

"Oh yeah, how was the party? I hope you didn't drink much Leonardo! Because if I find out you did and got drunk AND drove your car you are so grounded for life Mister!" Olivia says.

"Chill, mom, none of us drank, we were at the party for a while and then we went to the diner," Leo retorts back.

"Oh, Sabrina's Diner? You never take anyone there besides your sister, " Mrs. Bryant says.

Leo opens his mouth to answer but is interrupted by a voice of a girl coming inside the kitchen, "Heard you were talking about me, so here I am!"

Leo rolls his eyes and introduces me," Matt, that's my sister Catarina, Cat this is my friend Matt"

"Oooohhh, you never bring anyone here lil' bro, you must be special," She adresses me now, extending her hand while smiling." also call me Cat."

I shake her hand and say, "nice to meet you."

"OMG, you are SO cute! I just wanna squish your cheeks!" Cat squeels.

"Sould I be jeaulous?" Says a man announcing his presence as he comes inside the kitchen. He's very attractive, nice blonde and nice brown eyes. He's also ridiculously tall. Seriously is everyone in this house incredibly good looking and incredibly tall? 

Then he turns to Cat, who was laughing at the guys comment, and gives her a peck on the lips and she introduces me, " Honey, this is Leo's friend, Matt this is my fiancé, Lyam."

Then Liam turns to me and offers me his hand and I shake it, "Nice to meet you. Man, I don't think I've ever met any of Leo's friends, mmm...", then he looks at Leo and gives him a knowing smirk and Leo just glares back.

"Oh and look he made breakfast! That's so nice of you lil' bro, you're growing up," Cat says and pretends to wipe a fake tear. Then moves closer to her brother and ruffles up his hair while Leo just looks terribly annoyed. 

"Ok, ok enough with the teasing," Leo says while running a hand through his hair. "Also, stop saying fiancé like that, Cat. You've been engaged for months it's getting annoying. Both of you with your lovesick smiles and freaking puppy eyes." 

"You're just jeaulous 'cause you don't have anyone to look a that way!" Cat retorts. Then she looks at me, with a mischievous glint in her eyes and says:" Or do you?"

By now I'm just observing the exchange silently, just like Liam and Mrs. Bryant. But while their look is amusing, mine is just confused.

"Ok, no I don't have anyone. Also stop it, you're making Matt uncomfortable," Leo responds. Then they all turn to look at me and I blush, not liking the attention.

"I'm sure he doesn't mind, do you dear?" Cat asks.

Then I clear my throat and answer shyly," Not really, no. I actually think it's sweet, seeing as not many people still believe in love. It's refreshing to know that there are still people who are happy in their relationships and still believe in something so strong."

They all look at me seriously, except Leo who looks at me with his head a little tilted to the side like he's trying to figure me out.

Then I realize I just ruined the mood and clear my throat again and keep going, " I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin the happy mood or anything, I was just saying what I thought..." I look down, while I flush, extremely embaressed.

Then I feel someone hug me and look up to see Cat squeezing me like there's no tomorrow, " Oh sweety, no need to be embarrassed, never feel like you shouldn't say what you think. Your opinion is just as important as everyone else's."

That was actually some of the best advice I've ever recieved.  I look up at her and give a genuine smile. 

"Also, you're like, super adorable when you blush so I really just felt like hugging you," She adds and I look at her with wide eyes and blush even more. I must look like a tomato by now.

I hear a chuckle and look up to see Leo laughing. And just before I say something, Liam beats me to it, " It is now! The end of the world! Leo is laughing! Like, really laughing!" Everyone laughs at his antics, just as Liam turns to me and asks, "What have you done to moody sulking Leo?! I mean, I'm not complaining, we were actually just starting to think he had a permanent scowl on his face and were just starting to accept it, but THIS, this is a nice change!"

Then Leo stands up and gently rest his hand on my upper arm. It feels tingly where he's touching, his hands are warm. " We should get going, I'm taking Matt home."

"Oh no, that's ok, I can just walk or take the bus don't worry about it. Also, I have to pick my brother up from a friends house, so really, it's fine, I like walking, " I say, not wanting to bother them even further.

"All the more reason to give you a ride. You don't even know where you are Matt, just let me give you a ride," Leo says and I nod relunctantly. "Great, is it the same friend as the other time?"


"Cool, let's go then."

Then I turn to Leo's family and start saying goodbye and Olivia and Cat  attack me with bear hugs. Liam and I just do that hand shake and half hug thing guys usually do.

"Again, sorry for staying unannounced and thank you for your hospitality," I thank them.

"Oh honey, don't even worry about it! You're always welcome, you are Leo's friend so come by any time!" She says before hugging me again and saying goodbye.

Leo and I leave and walk to his huge garage and to his car and then we're off to pick up my brother.

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