Finally Free Dumped & Pregnan...

By khassal

689K 29.2K 5.2K

After going through so much, Isabella Joshua and their baby Elise are finally able to start their new life. W... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 15

13.1K 722 95
By khassal

With my body no longer responding to my brain all I could do was lay there and accept my fate. I couldn't move a single muscle. Exhausted broken and bloody I knew I wasn't going to be able to live through another round of torture. As much as I mentally willed Joshua to come and rescue me I didn't want him anywhere near these lunatics'. These weren't anything like the drunken hooligans back at the club. These were more professional like. It was as if they loved seeing me being tortured even down to when they dragged my body down the stairs. It was as if this was fun for them, the enjoyment on their faces was enough to scare you to death.

The car had been stopped for a while now; sweat mixed with tears soaked my face as I waited for someone to open the trunk up. Listening out for every little sound was horrifying. I knew they were probably leaving it longer to torture me more and by god was it working, I was becoming more of a wreck with every passing second. The worst part though was not knowing whether they were leaving me out here to die or if they were waiting for Audrey to come up with what she wanted to do next. So many things were going through my head that for a flick of a second I forgot to concentrate on the sounds outside the trunk. Before I knew it the trunk opened and my body was not lifted but dragged out of the trunk.

Screaming out as my body hit the rock-hard ground a hard kick hit straight into my stomach knocking the wind out of me. Trying to catch my breath was impossible as the large heavy booted foot kept kicking out striking me with no actual target in mind. Feeling I couldn't take any more I just willed for death to come.

There was no way on this earth I was going to survive this and as much as I hated myself for being so weak, I didn't care. Then again I don't think it was a matter of me being or feeling weak any more, it was a fact. A fact that my life was meant to be taken brutally away from me like this, maybe I shouldn't have survived the first time around. And because I survived, I was now being punished yet again.

"STOP!" I heard who I knew was only Audrey's voice screaming. Instantly the beatings stopped. I thought for a second that maybe Audrey had finally found her heart and realized what she was doing but her next words had me praying well more like begging for my life to end NOW!

"Remember boys I want this fun to last and by you keep kicking your boot in her you're all going to ruin all my fun" she whined like a little child. If she wasn't so close to me I don't think I would've even heard her as I floated in and out of consciousness.


'This was so much fun but these goons were ruining it for me and if they didn't listen to me soon I was going to get daddy to sort them out!' I wanted not only to repay Isabella for Jaxon but also for taking what was not hers in the first place. As well as dragging us through court and on top of all that was making my daddy the maddest I've ever seen him and believe me you wouldn't like to see the head mafia mad. I know he could've just put a hit out on them but daddy only kills when needed and he told Jaxon when he finally admitted to us what was going on that this was his shit so he had to deal with it.

"What the hell Audrey?" a deep bellowing voice came from behind me. 'Oh Oh.' I thought as I heard my daddy's angry voice. However, I was too caught up in the excitement of finally getting this bitch to worry why the hell he was mad. Then again once I had told him who she was all will be fantastic.

"Daddy you won't believe this but I got her, the girl who took your grandbabies daddy away from them." The creepy smile my daddy always wore when he got excited appeared on his face showing me everything I felt.

"Well what have you planned for her princess?" the excitement in his voice I knew I was on a win. Looking down I caught Isabella's body flinch. Laughing to myself I watched as she tried to squirm away from my daddy, haha yes....yes Isabella you flinch because girl you don't know what you're in for, I mentally thought before telling my daddy what I had planned.

"As much as I love the sound of that darling what have I told you about going out alone." Giving me his deadly stare I tried to think of something quick to lighten him up a little. Putting on the tears I reworded what he wanted to hear.

"Daddy but she took Jaxon from me and I had to make her pay if not for me then for my babies." Internally I was vomiting at every word that came out of my mouth but I had no choice I had to get my dad on my side.

"Now, now let's stop those tears princess you know I hate it when you cry." Smiling internally I sniffled a few more fake tears then wiped my eyes. After a few moments silence, my daddy spoke up.

"I have a better plan. How about I take her to my playhouse and I can have her join the slave girls. Pleasing all the men while you can have all the money she makes so you can give it to your babies as payment for taking their daddy." At first, I wanted to shoot him down point blank but that did sound like a better plan than mine as I knew that that playhouse was the worse place for any girl to be. Torturing her would be petty towards her living the rest of her youthful life out in the playhouse. I knew right there and then I had to agree.

"Yes, daddy that sounds so good how soon can you move her in because her husband and their friends are probably out looking for her right now so we need to move quickly. With just a click of his fingers, I watched as two men approached Isabella.

"Let's just say she's no longer reachable shall we princess." My daddy laughed whilst planting a quick kiss on my forehead.

"Oh daddy, I know you don't like me anywhere near the playhouse but could I please just come and watch her being punished once?" I asked while giving my best pouty face hoping he would fall for it.

"Usually I would say a straight out no but under the circumstances, I will arrange something for you ok?" knowing this was the best I was going to get I quickly agreed. I knew all about the playhouse as he calls it but have never ever been allowed in there. Let alone near the place. Damn, I didn't even know where it was but the things I have overheard about that place I knew Isabella was in for it. The men there were brutal and as much as I wanted to torture her myself I knew this was a much better plan because not only will she be beaten but she will be exploited by many abusive men and women.

I couldn't stop smiling as I watched Isabella's now limp body being thrown into the back of my daddy's black Range Rover. Jaxon would be so proud of me, (not that it mattered anymore) Plus I get to punish Isabella for messing about with my man in the first place! Maybe I don't love him anymore but that doesn't mean I never did. I loved Jaxon more than life itself at one point but the day found out about Isabella all that love I held for him evaporated along with our marriage. Not wanting the past to ruin my happiness I decided it was time for me to get back to my new man and have some fun. Bubbling with excitement I drove home texting my man making sure he was ready for me.

Gosh I know hate is a strong word but I hate her so much!

I hope you all enjoyed

Mel xx

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