My Alpha ~ Levi x Reader

By Rhina_Dandela

532K 21K 17.5K

[COMPLETED] "(Y/N), after everything we've been through, I have become certain of one thing. I love you. Havi... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Pack, Pack, Pack
Chapter 3: Something to Look At
Chapter 4: Screeching All Night Long
Chapter 5: Eren's True Power
Chapter 6: Bunch of Brats
Chapter 7: Name and Fact
Chapter 8: Greedy Brat
Chapter 9: Glares for Breakfast
Chapter 10: Power
Chapter 11: Don't Want
Chapter 12: Return
Chapter 14: Starting
Chapter 15: Hey!
Not a Chapter - Yay!
Chapter 16: Crush
Chapter 17: A What?
Chapter 18 - Part 1: The Mall
Chapter 18 - Part 2: The Forest
Hiatus Note
Chapter 19: To The Beginning of a New Life
Chapter 20: You What?!
Chapter 21: Cold yet Warm
Chapter 22: Light
Chapter 23: Desperate
Chapter 24: Confess?
Chapter 25: Ride
Chapter 26: Rose Lake Expedition
Chapter 27: Breakfast
Chapter 28: Walk
Chapter 29: Lake
Chapter 30: Book
Chapter 31: Ilse Langnar
Chapter 32: Before the Night
Chapter 33: The Confession
Chapter 34: Secrets Surrounds Me
Chapter 35: Mysteries to be Solved
Chapter 36: End of Expedition
Chapter 37: End of First Year
Chapter 38: New Year - Part 1
Chapter 39: New Year - Part 2
Chapter 40: A Bad Start
Chapter 41: Friends?
Chapter 42: Please
Chapter 43: Slow Truth
Chapter 44: More Than One
Chapter 45: Changes
Chapter 46: I What?!
Chapter 47: Sick
Chapter 48: End of a Dream
Chapter 49: Lean
Chapter 50: Ms. Falida
Chapter 51: I Miss You
Chapter 52: Letting Go
Chapter 53: Protect
Chapter 54: You Have Me
Chapter 55: Meeting
Chapter 56: We Meet Again
Re-draw (Y/N) (L/N)
Chapter 57: Notes
Chapter 58: Lies and Denial
Chapter 59: Rage
69.6 k Special - Bonus (Official) Audio Clip of Levi
Chapter 60: Whispers
Chapter 61: Alright
Christmas Special: Her Gift
Chapter 62: You Monster
Chapter 63: A Jog Through Secrets
Chapter 64: End All This
Chapter 65: The Confrontation
Chapter 65: Confrontation
Thank You - 100k
Chapter 66: Welcome to Mt. Maria
Chapter 67: A Cold Night
Chapter 68: A Glimpse of Joy
Chapter 69: A Fate Nearly Sealed
Chapter 70: A Secret Only Told by Time
Chapter 71: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 72: No Matter What
Chapter 73: Because of Me
Chapter 74: One More Month
Chapter 75: Crumbling Mask
Chapter 76: A Chain of Misunderstanding
Chapter 77: Sealing Fate
Chapter 78: Downfall
Chapter 79: KAM
Chapter 80: Remember Us
Chapter 81: Mending
Chapter 82: Snowing Blood
Chapter 83: Erwin Smith
Valentine's Day!
Chapter 84: White
Chapter 85: Scarlet
Chapter 86: Darkness Surrounds Me
Chapter 87: Midnight Tea
Chapter 88: Waking Up
Chapter 89: Overdue Answers
Chapter 90: Drowning
Chapter 91: Forgive Him
Chapter 92: Visions of a Murderer
Chapter 93: Vanishing Shadows
Chapter 94: The Past and The Future
Chapter 95: Missing Light
Chapter 96: Return of the Devil
Chapter 97: The Truth Untold
Chapter 98: Kenny Ackerman
Chapter 99: Wishes and Promises
Chapter 100: The Lion's Past
Chapter 101: Train
Chapter 102: Friend to Foe
Chapter 103: Newfound Will
Chapter 104: A Step Closer
Chapter 105: Partners
Chapter 106: Mastering
Chapter 107: The Last Lesson
Chapter 108: My Family
Chapter 109: My Friends
Chapter 110: My Alpha

Chapter 13: Red

6.4K 284 191
By Rhina_Dandela

After a few minutes of walking, we finally reached the school administration counter. As Hanji had said, it was deserted.

I walked around the lobby, taking in the surroundings. It was quite large, obviously. The walls were painted with different shades of gray and blue, giving it a really unique design.

"Is this your first time here?" Hanji joked.

"No.. I have been here before, I just never took the time to look at the place properly."

Hanji nodded in understanding before going up to the desk, waiting patiently for someone to come. At last, a half-sleepy half-annoyed lady greeted her. "Yes, what is it?"

"I wanted to get the--"

"--schedule," the lady finished, crossing her arms. Hanji gave a nod and the lady sighed. I looked at her closely, and I realised she looked exhausted. Has she been working all night?

The lady rubbed her temples and closed her eyes, accidently brushing a paper in the process. The white sheet fell to the floor, and my relfex kicked in.

Swiftly, I snatched the paper before it reached the floor. Unintentionally, I skimmed the paper, reading briefly the information typed on it.

And what I saw nearly made my eyes pop out.

Not saying a word, I handed back the paper to the lady, who grunted in response.

"We're still sorting everything out. Come back again in 15 minutes. In the meantime, why don't you join the other lad that's been here an hour ago. He's at the seats over at the corner."


Hanji slightly flinched after hearing her words, and she immediately turned to me. "(Y/N), why don't we go to the park?"

"What? No, that's like, far away. And I'd have to like, walk to get there," I protested, shaking my head as a no.

Hanji looked at me as if I was mad. "You walked to get here."

"Yeah well it's different," I replied, not really thinking of a good reason. I started to head for the seating place the lady mentioned, and Hanji grabbed my shoulder quickly.

"Let's just go to another place," she insisted, turning me around.

I frowned, and shook her hand off of my shoulder. Now something was really suspicious. Nevertheless, I still headed for the seats, Hanji groaning behind me.

Once it came to my sight, I realised the reason why Hanji had so desperately wanted me to not come here.

Sitting alone, staring at me, was none other than the raven-haired bitch.



From somewhere deep inside me, I felt sick. The urge to just run back to my dorm was back again, just from the mere sight of him.

But I can't let that happen. In the end, I was going to be seeing him a lot more often than this. And I need to learn to endure it.

Mustering up whatever courage and will I had left, I forced myself to walk cooly to one of the seats, giving him a nod on the way, resulting in him narrowing his eyes at me.

"Levi," I greeted him shortly, sitting down and taking my phone out.

"(Y/N)," he greeted back, his voice deep and cool.

Hanji took a seat between us, perhaps to make sure we didn't start lunging at each other's throats. The awkward levels were off the chart. I began searching random stuff on the internet, Hanji would occasionally glance at me and Levi, and Levi himself was staring outside.

Just as I was starting to get extremely bored, my phone started ringing. A call, but from who?

I looked at the caller, surprised to see Ms. Falida's contact name on the screen. Quicker than light, I bolted  outside and answered the call.

"Hello, Ms. Falida," I greeted, steadying my voice from the sudden running.

"Hello (Y/N) dear, how are you?"

"I'm.... good."

"You hesitated. What's wrong?"

I shook my head. Nothing gets through her. "I suppose Eren and Armin already told you?"

"Well, yes. I would've called you sooner, but I believed you needed some time to yourself. How did it happen?"

"Something.... triggered my memory..."

" happened again?"


"Was it.... clearer than.... before?"

My voice shook, "Y-yeah... this time... it really did feel like I was reliving the past."

"Do you remember the incident better now?" Ms. Falida's voice softened.

"No... not really. When I got everything back together, I forgot most of what happened."

"I see.... may I ask. What... or who triggered the memory?"

"Um," I swallowed, "This guy.... his name's Levi. He just said..... a few things... that was kinda deep."

Ms. Falida remained silent for a good minute, before finally answering, "Well then, be careful around him. And take care, okay?"

"Mm, okay."

From the other end of the line, a plate smashing was heard. My eyes widened at the noise, worry suddenly washing over me. "What was that?'

Ms. Falida must've left the phone on, since I could hear the conversation of two people. I waited patiently, and heard some static when the phone was picked up.

"Sorry having to cut this short (Y/N), but Jeff dropped a plate when he was trying to sneak some cookies."

I chuckled. Jeff is at it again. "Yeah, sure."

"Bye sweets, take care."


The boop signalled Ms. Falida had ended the call. Honestly, I felt much better after confiding things with her.

From when I was young, she had always been the one there for me whenever I needed it. If it weren't for her, I don't know what I'd be right now. Hence why I was forever grateful to her.

She was both the mother and father figure I had missed.

Looking at the time, I realised 15 minutes has passed. That means I could pick up the papers and scram.

I went back inside, greeted with the side of Hanji and Levi; their heads bent down, voices low in a deep conversation. I let out a small cough as I neared, glancing expectantly at the two people.

Levi's eyes darted to me and he stopped talking, regained his composure and scooted away from Hanji.

The brunette's gaze turned to me and a smile appeared on her lips. "(Y/N), finished on the phone?"

I nodded and took my place beside Hanji. For some weird reason, Hanji moved to my left, resulting in me standing next to Levi.

Tha raven-haired man glared at Hanji, then at me.

Be calm (Y/N).

I returned his glare with an innocent gaze, my mouth forming a small smile.

By the Titans, I did not expect what Levi's reaction was.

His face was laced with pure shock, pupils small, eyes wide and a light tint of pink blushing his cheeks. Mentally, I was laughing my head off. I did not expect that kind of reaction coming drom the bitch himself.

Deciding it was priceless, I went a little bit further. "Levi? What's wrong? Your face is red," I asked in the most softest voice I have ever done in my life. I rounded my eyes, and made them seem like I was concerned.

Well, his face wasn't techincally red before, but it sure is now. His mouth was left gaped open, and he brought a hand over his face. Using the backside of his hand, he covered his lower face.

Hanji beside me was shaking, trying her best not to laugh hysterically. The lady at the counter snickered as she looked through some documents, stealing glances at the students in front of her every now and then.

I pouted my face even more, and heck, even leaned closer to him.

But that was the last straw.

Using his free hand, he pushed it on my face, earning a grunt of surprise from me. Levi's voice, for once, was not cool and collected, yet flustered and shaky.

"Stop before you regret it," he growled, but it didn't sound intimidating at all.

Feeling interested in his reaction, I tested it even further, ignoring his warning.

I took his hand from my face gently, holding it down. "Levi?" I asked again for absolutely no reason, making sure my voice was soft and high. Shitty lovey-dovey animes has taught me a lot of things.

Levi's breath hitched, as his face burned crimson red.

From the counter, the lady choked from her held laughter, and Hanji burst out scream-laughing. At this point even I couldn't take it anymore, a steady laugh erupting from my chest.

Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes, and my throat hurts from laughing so much. "God Levi! You should've seen your face!!" Hanji screamed, earning a punch from him.

My laughter began to die out, and I ended up panting for breath as I looked at Levi, looking pissed and flustered at the same time.

"Hey.. Levi," I murmured, catching my breath.

Levi's steel blue eyes turned to me, looking pissed off than ever. "What?"

"Sorry," I breathed out, "and thank you."

"Thank you? Why the fuck are you thanking me you dipshit?!" Levi snapped, his face slowly losing its redness.

This time I offered him a genuine smile. "Cause you made me feel better."

Something flashed in the raven's eyes, before he clenched his teeth. "Brat," he spat. Turning to the lady at the counter, he growled, "Levi Ackerman. Give me the stuff now."

The lady snorted at his sudden change of attitude, and handed him a piece of paper. Levi snatched it and stomped away, the sound echoing in the room.

I looked at the lady when she handed me two pieces of paper.

"(Y/N) (L/N) and Hanji Zoe, right?"

I nodded, taking the papers and handing Hanji her's. "Can I get Petra Ral's as well?" I added, remembering my roommate.

The lady nodded, and fumbled with some papers before taking one out and handing it to me.

I mumbled a thanks and walked away to the entrance with Hanji.

"Wow," the brunette commented as she read the paper. "We're all in the same class."

"Huh?" I skimmed the paper, quickly taking in the information. I'd be lying if I said I was shocked to see that the great bitch was one class with me.

I already knew. The paper I picked up from before? That was one of the copies of this schedule.

But I'm sure a certain guy wasn't expecting it. And the proof?

A loud scream saying fuck was heard from some meters away.

Me and Hanji looked at each other, instantly recognizing the voice. Both our eyes were filled with amusement as the same name floated in our head.



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