Dating A Nerd [COMPLETED]

By bluewinkee23

68.7K 2K 287

A cassanova could be fall in love with an average girl? & An average girl who loves studies could be fall in... More

Introduction (Characters)
Author's Note 💕
Chapter One (1):
Chapter Two (2):
Chapter Three (3):
Chapter Four (4):
Chapter Five (5):
Chapter Six (6):
Chapter Seven (7):
Chapter Eight (8):
Chapter Nine (9):
Chapter Ten (10):
Chapter Eleven (11):
Chapter Twelve (12):
Chapter Thirteen (13):
Chapter Fourteen (14):
Chapter Fifteen (15):
Chapter Seventeen (17):
Chapter Eighteen (18):
Chapter Nineteen (19):
Chapter Twenty (20):
Chapter Twenty-One (21):
Chapter Twenty-Two (22):
Chapter Twenty-Three (23):
Chapter Twenty-Four (24):
Chapter Twenty-Five (25):
Chapter Twenty-Six (26):
Chapter Twenty-Seven (27):
Chapter Twenty-Eight (28):
Chapter Twenty-Nine (29):
Chapter Thirty (30):
Chapter Thirty-One (31):
Chapter Thirty-Two (32):
Chapter Thirty-Three (33):
Chapter Thirty-Four (34):
Chapter Thirty-Five (35):
Chapter Thirty-Six (36): FINALE

Chapter Sixteen (16):

1.1K 49 5
By bluewinkee23

"Really? He did that?" Yerin asked.

End of school hours. The three girls were already inside Yerin's car. As always Eunbi sitting next to Yerin who is their driver, while Yuna is sitting behind them.

"Actually, I didn't know that he will do that." Yuna said.

"Maybe, he was really serious towards you." Eunbi also joined the conversation.

"Pfft. He only did that because he was serious to get me to be his fake girlfriend." Yuna answered.

"So, are you willing to do it for him?" Yerin asked again.

Yuna looked down. In this kind of talk, her brain didn't process immediately. She need to think twice… no, many times before she could answer their questions.

"Is it because of your first love?" Eunbi asked.

"No." Yuna immediately answer.

Yerin chuckled while Eunbi smirked.


"Nerd, Nerd, Nerd!" her classmates keeps on teasing her.

"A nerd like you doesn't belong in this class." they said while they are surrounding Yuna.

Yuna only stay in the corner of the classroom. She was sitting at the last row, but everytime she went to school, her classmates put her table at the back and sometimes they put it outside the classroom. In short, they are bullying her.

But this girl didn't do anything, she just let them to make fun of her. She was afraid to fight back because she knows if she fight back, they will bullying her even more. So, Yuna just choose to stay quiet in the classroom, but not during their class since she was really a genius student. She is the topnotcher in their school.

"Yah! Nerd, what is your lunch today?" one of the bullies asked.

"Huh? Ah, my mom didn't buy me foods." Yuna answered.

"Really?" then the bully get her bag and throw all the things inside.

"What's this?" they get the lunch box of Yuna, they open it and saw peeled apple, yogurt drink, and sandwich.

"That's mine." Yuna tried to get her lunch box, but they already get her foods and throw her things outside the classroom.

Watching them, makes her cried. She just watch them laughing at her. Yuna really feel sorry to her mom who always woke up early in the morning just to prepare her food.


Yuna looked at one of her classmate, then she saw the guy student who also known as their 2nd topnotcher.

"Give back her food." he said.

The bullies slowly bring back the food that they get from Yuna.

"Good. If I heard that you bullied Yuna again, then I will never think twice to tell it to our guidance councilor." he said.


"Don't say sorry to me. You should to Yuna." he said.

They sigh. "Mianhae, Yuna!"

Yuna didn't say anything, she just stay there silently crying while hugging her food that prepared by her mom.

"It's okay! Just tell it to me when they disturb you again." he said.

"Thank you, Bambam-ssi." Yuna said.

The guy named BamBam smiled at her. "It's okay!"

A month later, Yuna and BamBam were really close towards each other. Their classmates who always bullied Yuna, didn't bothered her again after she wad being one of Bambam's closest friend.

"At first, I don't know what kind of feels that I always feel everyday. But now I know why." Yuna told herself. She was resting in their school's garden. It was their breaktime, Bambam told her that he will leave her for awhile.

"I think I like him." she said. "Bambam!"

Saying, remembering, hearing, or seeing that person with the name that she always wants to hear makes the young girl blush and her heart beat faster. At first she thought that it was normal to feel nervous everyday, but day by day; she figure out that she wasn't nervous for nothing. Means, she was nervous for a one, a one special person in her life.


Hearing thay voice makes her heart beat faster again. She really wants to hear that, like it was a song playlist in her phone. Yuna straighten her body and slowly looked at her back, her smile suddenly disappear when she saw that her friend wasn't alone.

"H-Hi!" Yuna said.

"Yow, sorry for making you wait." Bambam said.

"It was okay!" Yuna answered.

"Did you already eaten?" Bambam asked.

"No." she answer.

"Come on, we should eat together." Bambam said. But before they go, suddenly he introduce the person that he was with.

"By the way, Yuna this is Chaeyeon." Bambam introduce the two girls with each other. "And Chaeyeon this is Yuna."

"Hi!" The girl beside Bambam, named Chaeyeon greeted Yuna. She even straighten her arm asking for a handshake.

Yuna trie to smile geniunely, and she did it. "Hi, I'm Yuna." she accept her hand to shake.

"Nice meeting you, Yuna. I'm Chaeyeon."

Yuna smiled.

"Chaeyeon, she is the one that I always told you. She is Yuna." Bambam said.

"You are right, she was beautiful." Chaeyeon said.

Yuna can't hide her blushing face hearing that compliment. Besides, it was came from him.

"Wah! I am not. But you are." Yuna said.

"Thank you! But, you are the most beautiful." Chaeyeon said.

"A-Ah! Ahahaha! Thank you!"

"So, now! I am sorry that I didn't told you about Chaeyeon since I always saw you busy reading your textbook. So, we rarely talk." Bambam said. "But now, I will introduce her to you."

"You already introduce her to me." Yuna said.

"Ahaha! Not only that." Bambam said. "Actually, Yuna.… Chaeyeon is my girlfriend."

--end of flashback--

"AHAHAHA!!! I heard that for so many times." Yerin said.

The three girls were already in their appartment. Yuna is busy wiping her wet hair, while Eunbi sitting on her bed while holding a book, and Yerin also there in their room.

"Yeah! It was happened when our Yuna were still in 6th grade, primary student." Eunbi said.

"Chaeyeon is my girlfriend~" Yerin immitate a boy tone to teased Yuna.

Eunbi laughed. "First love never dies."

"It was die now." Yuna said.

"Do you really like that Bambam?" Yerin asked.

"I have a crush on him, and I only love him as a friend and protector, while I like him because I like him." Yuna said.

"Oh, really?!"

"I am really thankful to him. Because if we didn't become friends, then my 6th grade in primary will be a disaster and burden." Yuna said.

"By the way, why did you and him not attending the same school in high school?" Yerin asked.

"Actually, he move to California. He studied there, I think up until now." Yuna said.

"How about his girlfriend?" Eunbi asked.

Yuna smiled. She was really happy thinking the relationship of one of her friends. "They are still together."

"Aw! I really like a relationship who will last forever." Yerin said hugging the pillow.

"I hope they will really last forever since Chaeyeon and Bambam is really fit for each other." Yuna said.

"Are you happy with them now?" Eunbi asked.

"Actually, at first I am so hurt when they told me about their relationship. But in the end, I already accept that I and Bambam are only fit for each other as a friend." Yuna said. "Besides, Chaeyeon is really kind and pretty."

"So, he is not the reason why you don't like an opposite sex!!" Eunbi said.

"Again, actually I am not against of that. But maybe for now, I am not ready since I am really focus in my studies." Yuna answer.

"How about Jungkook?" Yerin asked.

Yuna looked at her and shrugged her shoulder. She doesn't know what to say to them about that fake relationship thing.


"Good morning, our maknae!" Jimin give Jungkook a bro hug, so does Taehyung.

"How's your day?" Taehyung asked.

The three were in thr parking lot of their school. They arrive early as expected, their fangirls still aren't in school. Jungkook wants to come to school early today to have a talk with Yuna again, since he knows that she always arrive early in school.

"Always fine." Jungkook answer.

"I heard that Lisa will come to school today. Are you aware?" Jimin asked.

"And also, how about Yuna?" Taehyung added a question.

"First question, yes I am aware. And second question, I don't know." Jungkook answer.

"I told you that we will held an audition for your fake girlfriend." Taehyung said.

"I don't want to waste our time for that. Besides, if Yuna didn't accept my offer, then I will just face this. I will face Lisa, but I will not talk to her." Jungkook said.

"That's our boy." Jimin and Taehyung patted his back.


A sweet and loving voice caught the attention of the three boys. They are now walking towards the stairs, going up to their room. Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other, signing that they need to left them alone. The two immediately left and went upstairs, leaving Jungkook with a hatred look in his face.

"What do you want?" Jungkook asked coldly.

"Aren't you happy to see me here?"

"Why should I?" He asked.

"Jungkook oppa--"

"Don't call me oppa anymore…" Jungkook said. "I don't want to hear that word from you, Lisa."

"Sorry!" she said.

Jungkook was about to leave, but Lisa stop him by holding his arm.

"I hope that we should become a good friends." Lisa said.

"After of what happen?" Jungkook is trembling because of hatred that he feels. "If you just want to break up with me before, if you just want to leave me, then you should told me. Because I will let you, I will let you go if you are not happy with me. Not to have a sex with the other guy."

"Actually, I really don't want that to happen. I love you! I really do--"

"Too late Lisa. It was really too late. I move on from our past, and I don't want to go back to our past." Jungkook said.

"Why? Is it because that you already found someone?" Lisa asked.

"I don't--"


Hi, Hello! New Chapter for you! 😊
Sorry for the long wait, and also thank you for waiting hehe!!!
By the way, I mention a new character cameo. They are Bambam and Chaeyeon😄 sorry if I did pair them, I can't think of some pairing that will become a couple cameo. Don't hate, just love! ❤
Thank you so much for supporting, Love lots! 😘💞
Sorry for the wrong grammar and typos.

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