Isabella, Tartarus survivor

By AlayaJenkins

87.5K 2K 905

Isabella has been trapped in Tartarus for 71 years. Even she doesn't know how she managed to survive. When... More

A Lucky Escape
Close your eyes and jump
Aria (part II)
Healing Percy and godly parentage
Asking for help
I want to say hello to the stars again
Clearing the air
The Heart of Tartarus
Author's Update
Why do I trust these strangers?
Doors of Death, here we come
Am I as happy as I should be to leave?
I escape Tartarus and... wait, what?
For goodness sake, I'm not dying yet!
A flying ship? The world sure has advanced since I was here.
Sorry, Sally, I didn't mean to wake you up!
In which I have a panic attack
A chat with Leo
Hazel takes me on a trip to the past
We don't talk about Albania
Reyna can do some really awesome stuff
I'm Isabella (ft. Leo and Calypso)
How the heck do showers work??
Another godly visit? How embarrassing.
Quest time!
What the heck are Einherji??
I should probably learn sign language
Going to Hotel Valhalla and meeting a gobby ghost

We've got company

3.2K 96 30
By AlayaJenkins

Chapter 4

I tried not to scream as a fell, and within seconds, I felt the impact of my feet on the ground, I bent my knees slightly, to absorb the shock, and opened my eyes quickly. There were two faces, staring at me, one boy and one girl. I let out a scream of shock, and reached to grab my dagger, but the boy already had his sword pointed at me, and the girl had somehow managed to get behind me and but her dagger to my throat. I choked. "What are you?" The girl questioned in a demanding voice.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked, caught off guard by the fact that I was being asked questions. Normally, things just tried to kill me. The boy took a threatening step towards me, and the girl tightened her arm around my throat.

"WHAT ARE YOU?" she yelled.

"A- a human." I blinked, confused.

"Your lying." The boy hissed. "Tell us what you are or I swear to gods, we'll kill you."

"I'm not lying! Really, I'm not." I said, scared now, as well as confused. This was the weirdest monster encounter I'd ever had. The boy went to say something, but the girl held up her free hand.

"I think she's telling the truth." The girl said. The boy raised his eyebrows questioningly.

"You sure?"

"I think so." She said. I felt her grip on my throat loosening, and finally she dropped her arm.

"How did you get here?" She asked in an incredulous tone.

"I don't know." I replied. "I just... I just woke up here. Look, I'm sorry to sound rude but, well, what are you?" I asked.

"Human, like you." The boy replied. He held up something, a lid of some sort?, and placed it on the point of his sword. It shrank into a pen. I looked at it with wide eyes. The boy stepped forward, with a hand out stretched. "I'm Percy," he said "And this is Annabeth. Who are you?"

"Isabella.". I took his hand and shook it once. I hadn't seen another human in so long, and I was so overwhelmed that I started sobbing gently. Percy looked slightly shocked and embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" he asked in an inquisitive tone.

"I haven't seen another human in so long. I- I'm just overwhelmed, that's all." I shook my head and tried to regain composure.

"How long have you been here?" Annabeth asked.

"I don't know," I told her, "but I- I think it's been a good couple of years at least."

"Years?" Percy repeated incredulously.

"What was the year when you arrived here?" Annabeth asked.

"1939." I told her. Her eyes widened and she looked at me in shock, Percy glanced towards her, and they seemed to have a silent conversation. I saw Percy tilt his head in a questioning manner, and Annabeth nod, almost imperceptibly.

"What's wrong?" I asked, suddenly feeling anxious again.

"You got here in 1939?" Annabeth asked, repeating me. I nodded. Percy looked at me in away that made me feel like he was studying me.

"Isabella, if you fell here in 1939, that means you've been down here for 71 years. It's- it's 2010."

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