
By Fernshade

793 151 207

❝ no matter how far away from you i get, i will always remember you ❞ Britta and Diana have lived their whol... More

Authors Note
~ Spring ~
1, Herbs and Herbivores
2, Dreams and Desperate Thoughts
3, Mist and Misgivings
4, A Boyish Exterior
5, A Dagger, a Bow and a Decision
~ Summer ~
7, Arrogance and Aggravation
8, Wild Horses
9, Couldn't Drag Me Away
10, Practice Makes Progress
12, Woman and Willpower
~ Autumn ~
13, Determination is Detrimental
~ Winter ~
14, Silence Between Sisters
14, an Eye for an Eye
~ Spring ~
15, Fight or Flight?
16, Move Like Quicksilver
~ Summer ~
17, Trapped Thief
18, Lucky Escape
19, Faithful Companion
20, Attack and Defence
21, Dark River
22, Fear
23, Feverish
24, Thunderous Realization
25, The Falcon Flies
26, Swallowed by the Mist
27, Letting Go
Authors Note...

11, Thunder Bolt

16 4 8
By Fernshade

"Want to see for yourself?" She asked, holding out the pot. She supposed that as much as she found him either annoying or intimidating – His eyes still made her shiver – she might as well try get on his good side.

He nodded, taking it from her and cautiously taking a sip.

"You'll have to take more than that." Britta chided and watched the lines smooth out on his forehead when he did.

She stretched out a tentative hand and took the pot from him. She was regretting speaking to him; she always seemed to say too much. Miach nodded his thanks, and Britta closed her hand around the handle of the pot and hurried off. She found her friends sitting in their usual spot, blinking sleepily or cradling their heads. Thom, as Neal clearly stated, had refused to drink much at all.

"He's just annoyed he drunk so much." Retorted Thom.

"Or he can't handle alcohol." Said Ed. Neal shoved him sideways, the wicked spark returning to his pale green eyes.

"I have something that will help," said Britta, rather shyly as she was not sure if tea was the kind of thing a man should be offering. She held out the pot and bade the men to get mugs. She smiled happily at the grunt's of appreciation; she's rarely seen the food she cooked at the Abbey enjoyed by anyone. She was thanked several times before they got to the training area. The Fox was standing in the middle with his hands on his hips.

"I expect you all to get out your horses. Hopefully you have been riding them throughout the week."

Britta was happy to get Thunder out. She thanked Hoshi with rubs and pats.

Sorry you can't come, but we're only allowed one horse.

No matter, Thunder is as much as you can handle, Hoshi said teasingly. 

Thanks, Britta said sarcastically as she clipped the lead-rope onto Thunders bridle. 

She walked Thunder to the tack shed and was careful to act as though she couldn't talk to Thunder, using the Voice silently, similar to what she did with Diana.

Please let me put the bridle and saddle on you, we won't be able to ride otherwise.

Ride without either all the time.

Yes but this time we're being assessed as to how we do this.

No, do not need. Who cares what they think?

I don't either, but I want to be able to do well and the only way I'm going to be able to do that is if you let me put your gear on.

Thunders' ears flew back and with a loud throated neigh, he backed away. Britta watched helplessly as he bolted through the stable door and with a flaming face she went after him.

Thunder you stupid horse, get back here before they decided they've no use for you.

All she got back was a distant pounding in her ears and she knew Thunder was running further and further away. She felt the eyes on her and slowly turned around, Diana's eyes bore into hers. Britta shrugged.

He'll come back.

Don't kid yourself.

Come on Di I just.... He didn't....

"Bren" Came a voice from behind her. It was the stable master. "You've just lost one of our horses. I expect you to find him and bring him back, I knew you were being too cocky when you assumed you could control him."

"I wasn't controlling him, and it's not my fault he's too scared to have anything done with him, that was your own doing." She said angrily.

"You cannot point the blame. You choose to manage him yourself and now it is your job to find him. Don't let me see your face without the stallion by your side."

Britta huffed. "Okay, I will."

She left through the open door and back outside she breathed deeply. Of all times for Thunder to be so stubborn. She quickly picked up his large hoof prints and began to follow them, they followed the path into the forest and to the training yard. After a few minutes of her fast run she reached the training area. Inside she saw Micah, standing with Thunder and holding his halter. He turned and nodded at Bren.

"I see you couldn't keep this one confined." He said.

"I... he doesn't react well to the bit, sir, he bolted and I didn't expect it."

"You should have." He said gruffly, handing her the lead rope.

Britta didn't meet his eyes and she took it off him. "Thanks I guess." She muttered, face flaming. She was grateful for her skin tone, but she was sure her embarrassment would show in every other movement she made.

Sending a glare at Thunder she began to walk back. She didn't dare look at Micah, hoping he wouldn't be so mad. Their encounter of that morning played on her mind and she did her best to dispel it. She didn't know a great deal about medicine but her natural sensitivity had shown her this morning that he had felt bad in the morning. Even Ed, who'd claimed to have won some drinking competition, had been much more cheerful. Then again, imagining Micah as cheerful was difficult. When she began to wonder why he might drink so much she was quick to dispatch the thought. It was none of her business and she didn't want it to be. Besides, his body probably just didn't deal with alcohol well as Neal's didn't. Concentrating instead on Thunder she gathered up a glare and looked him up and down.

How could you Thunder? I don't know what you'll do. Micah knows now too and he has full power to treat you as he wants. If you don't let me put your gear on this time I'll put you back in your stable and find another horse, I don't have time for this.

Britta knew telling him off wasn't particularly helpful, but she was annoyed at him and didn't make an effort to hide it.

She ignored the stares of the men as she grabbed down Thunders saddle. With that on she held the bit in front of her nose.

Can you let me put this on? She asked carefully bringing her hand around to stroke his ears.

When he didn't answer she simply stood on tiptoes and pulled it over his head. He stiffened but remained in place. Exaggerating her movements so Thunder could tell what she was doing she pulled herself up onto his back. Everyone else had finished and they waited for her, some annoyed that they had to wait and some surprised at how she had handled Thunder. She brought him up beside Diana and Ed.

"That was quite a show you put on Bren, surprised a little midget like you could handle him."

"I'm not a midget." Britta said defensively, she was tempted to add something much sharper, but she held her tongue. It wasn't his fault.

Ed rolled his eyes in doubt and secretly Britta agreed with him, eyeing up the muscles that flexed as he pulled his mount into a turn. It put into perspective just how hard she would have to work. The riding work was simple; they eased into a trot on the way back and then had to put away the tack. Britta was now refusing to talk to Thunder until she knew what effect his actions might have. She put him in the paddock, rubbed Hoshi down and went quickly to get lunch.

She walked stiffly out of the room and sat down, shoveling her food into her mouth and talking with her friends. She was then quick to pull on her fighting boots and jog to the training area with Ed by her side. She got there and almost stopped when she saw Micah standing cross-armed beside The Fox.

"As you can see..." The Fox began, "Micah, the overseer of this camp, has joined us for today, as he will in another three days this week. Now you supposedly know the basics he will be rotating around each of the training area's to survey progress." He nodded at Micah and he began to walk around them, watching as the Fox taught them. Britta was careful not to meet his eyes when he walked past her but then he stopped.

"Your guard is too low." He said coldly, "You'd have been killed in the real world by now." He held her wrists and pulled them upwards while she made sure every other aspect of her stance was correct.

Her hands had kept slipping down while she practiced, she knew that and would have adjusted her stance herself if he hadn't come along – she hoped. Besides, she thought, annoyed, he fights with a sword, not a dagger.

When he walked away she carried on, but all through it she could still feel his hands gripping her wrists and his cold eyes looking her up and down. Their second encounter that morning played through her head again. She found it mortifying how she had managed to fright Thunder and guilty she was not more sensitive to the stallions needs. A light tinge of red spread across her face again as she continued her work.

Micah came twice more that week to watch them and Diana reported that he had also been watching the archery group as well.

"I wonder why he's here looking after the training grounds when he could be out doing all the fighting?" Britta had wondered aloud.

That Sunday the twins remembered the commitment they had made to spend a day in town. Britta got up later than usual but was quick in giving Thunder and Hoshi their morning rides and did not run longer than usual. After two weeks she was beginning to feel a change. She did not have muscles as men were supposed to, but she was getting stronger, faster and more agile. As Ed had one day pointed out, she was also graceful in the first pattern dance which she now knew so well. She had never spent so much time outside and her skin was tanned darker by the early summer sun. They would be blindingly conspicuous back at the Abbey, but here there were skin tones of all shades and Britta found she enjoyed the variety.

The next Sunday, Britta and Diana were dressed and ready by the time the others were up. Britta ate her porridge and then got Thunder out. She briefly considered tacking him up, but decided against it. Smiling at Diana – who was especially happy to be going into town – she mounted Thunder and sat up straight ready for the ride in. Micah was at the gate ensuring they knew when they had to be back and what they could and couldn't tell. They weren't able to visit families or get involved with any of the emperor's men.

Conversation was simple on the way there. Britta grew stiff from sitting without a saddle but tried not to let it show. Ed rode on her left and Diana on her right, Britta enjoyed their companionship.

"What are we going to do in town?" She asked curiously.

"Oh, there's plenty to do. Go the inn, find some.... ladies."

Britta snorted, "That's not something I do."

"Come on Bren, do you intentionally go out of your way to get out of fun?"

Britta shrugged and shared a glance with Diana. "It's just something I believe in. Besides, we've only been here three weeks, I might have a wild side yet." If you knew I was a girl you'd definitely think I had a wild side, she thought, grinning as she imagined his face if he ever found out. His thin eyebrows would rise into his chestnut hair and his eyes would almost burst out of his head.

Ed shrugged and gestured to Thom. "So what are you going to do?" He asked.

Britta waved off suggestions to go to the inn. She instead acted as though she and Diana had something to do and the separated off to do something else when they reached to town and after stabling their horses they wandered the streets, Britta trying to build a mental map of the place so she could later find her way about.

"It's our found-day in another month." Pointed out Diana as they wandered past a dress shop.

"So how should we celebrate it? We have enough money now to buy something."

"How about being girls one Sunday?" Asked Diana.

Britta shook her head quickly. "No. We'd have to buy dresses and shoes and then find a way to buy them without the shop owner getting suspicious. And how would we keep them. Besides, we're supposed to be saving up."

"But we're turning sixteen, that's a special time. We should be ourselves just that once, no disguises no hiding. It's been so long since we've worn dresses and been girls."

"We've only been here a few weeks," Britta argued.

"Yes but we've been dressed as boys for about a month now, more than that, I'd almost say three. And if you're worried about them catching us then I doubt it, we've been gone so long." Diana countered.

Britta shrugged. "I guess so." She said reluctantly. "We'll have time to get the clothes sometime this month."

They found Ed and his friends in an inn near sunset, and, declining drinks, Britta got back on Thunder and kept half an eye on the men. She sighed knowing she'd need to make the morning after drink for them the next day. Glad she at least had kept her head enough to be able to find her way back to the campsite, she was quick to undress and get into bed. She found it as easy that morning to get up early and after her usual exercise she made the tea and again went down into the training area to get the mint. Again she saw Micah there, half-heartedly swinging his sword in ways Britta could only begin to understand. She wordlessly shredded up the leaves and put them in the net to seep into the brew. Micah was determinedly ignoring her, so, giving up on subtlety, she held it out to Micah, refusing to meet his eyes.

She moved to a corner of the clearing, knowing this was the sword training place instead of the dagger one but practicing the pattern dance again before going through the moves she had been taught. The sleep in the previous day had re-energised her and she felt calm as she performed the defensive and offensive techniques. She turned when behind her Micah cleared his throat. He held his sword ready but it took her a few moments to figure out what he wanted her to do. Smoothing over her leather armour she took a fighting stance and watched his movements carefully. She knew in the back of her mind she would never be able to beat him. Not yet.

When he moved she was ready for him and she darted to one side. His sword was heavy but he was quick to stop the swing and turn to her. Its greater length meant that Britta couldn't perform the movements he was doing and stay out of range. She felt a twinge of unease when she realised his blade was razor sharp but shaking off the feeling, she reminded herself her daggers were too. She concentrated on her speed and got out of the way again as he swung. She used the split second it took for him to bring the blade back up to dart in and she managed to take a chink out of his mail. She realised her mistake as he easily brought his sword back around and swung it down. Twisting she caught it near the hilt and tried to hold it off.

For a few seconds they stood in fighting stances the blade sinking closer to Britta. With a small huff she tucked into a roll; she wasn't strong enough to hold him off that way. He was as quick as she when he caught her and held his sword to her throat. Britta drew back and let herself fall as the pressure followed her. Managing to get back on her feet she made a swing to his chest again, but wary of his speed now she didn't go in far enough. He ended again with her in his grip. Britta pushed her dagger back into its sheath and ducked out of the way.

He nodded at her. "You're quick and inventive, I've never seen that move before."

Britta shrugged, wiping her brow and feeling annoyed at how hot and sticky she felt. "I made it up, it was all I could think of to do."

"That's a valuable skill to have in the thick of things."

Britta felt unexpectedly pleased with his praise. "Thanks." She muttered.

He pulled off the chain mail and draped it over his arm. Britta scooped up the tea and began to walk back.

"Hey," He said behind her. "Do you know what the best trainee's award is?" He asked.

Britta paused and turned. "No sir." She said.

"They get called in to do something only the most skilled people can do. We're aiming to save Dereges."

"I... I didn't know the empire was in danger." Britta said, wondering why he told her this.

"A while ago there was a war. See those mountains?"

Britta almost rolled her eyes. How could she not see them?

"That's where they came from."

"And that's what we're fighting?"

"In a sense."

Britta took in his too-quick blink and the stiff motion in which he turned around. What was he lying about? Uneasily she turned and kept walking back. She hoped he wasn't referring to the Mountain Men, but who else lived over there?

The riding was uneventful. Thunder stood still while she put on the saddle. The stable hand nodded at her, she knew he was surprised that this time she had been able to manage Thunder, but she was talking to him again though she was still slightly annoyed at him. The swift movements they were taken through were more complicated this time, patterns that would be used in battle and war horses like Thunder handled easily. All Britta had to do was keep her balance. But the deft way in which Thunder responded to the shouts, and the calm way he stood among other horses made Britta wonder where he came from before.

Micah was standing beside the Fox again and Britta's practice fight with him this morning played through her mind. She could see the mistakes she had made more clearly now she wasn't in combat, though she'd had an idea of them at the time. The biggest thing was her strength. She couldn't yet handle fighting as she had tried that day, trying to knock Micahs blade aside. He had strength in his wiry form. He was not bulky, instead at the perfect balance between strong and fast and he knew how to work with his skills. It was obvious he wasn't the only one. Britta would need to find the perfect balance for her and as she practiced more of the skills she made up her mind to talk to the Fox at the nightly training sessions.

Britta knew she no longer had to go underway with the training each evening. In some ways she was a better fighter than some of the other men and was working towards the top of the group. The training gave her satisfaction and let her feel as if she was meant to be there. As if all the work would make up for her lies. At some stage during the three weeks she had been at the training grounds it had become less about earning money and much more about proving herself. If she had been able to leave it all behind she wouldn't. She hoped she would be able to defend the empire and one day, she might even be realised for who she was.

With her training every spare moment and her rapid improvement it was not herself who Britta worried about, it was Diana. Though her sister worked just as hard and was doing just as well, neither of them felt Diana was ready for the climbing. Britta had watched her scale the cliff and knew this would no longer be enough; Diana never looked down when she climbed. Getting to the top was one thing but shooting from it was another.

By the end of the week, Diana was carrying her bow to the clifftop and shooting at a target Britta had marked on a nearby tree. With Diana's extra exercise Britta was also able to run for longer, not that she rejoiced in the aching muscles it left her with. Even when Micah couldn't find fault with her stance the following day Britta didn't let her guard down. Something drove her forwards – she wanted to do well.

Each Monday Britta made the morning-after drink and offered it to Micah who always took it, sat down for a few minutes and then challenged Britta. Though he won each time Britta was lasting longer and added their practice to the other ones she made sure to complete. There were a few Sundays where they didn't go into town because of work someone needed to complete or because they simply needed a rest. The Sunday after their birthday though the twins made sure they could go into town for a day. Telling Ed, Clyde, Thom and Neal they wanted some alone time on their birthday. Britta and Diana made their excuses to the tailor who sold them each a dress under the impression they were buying it as a gift. After the twins made to the forest. Both removed the shroud from their faces, undid the chest bindings ("I feel so free!" Britta had said.) and slipped on the dresses. Both dresses were of the same style, with elbow length sleeves modest necklines and medium sized crinolines to give the skirts a gentle slope down, ending just above the ground. Britta's was a dark blue and Diana's a softer lighter blue.

"These are our birthday presents to each other." Pointed out Britta "So we aren't going shopping."

"Trust you to get out of that at any cost." Laughed Diana, smiling for real for the first time in months.

"Should we go talk to Ed and every one?" Asked Britta, a smile to match her sisters spreading across her face.

"He might know." Said Diana warily.

"Oh come on, we had everything disguised before, even our voices, at the end of the day we can just say we've got to get back to our family and run along."

Diana shrugged. "We'll walk around the town for a while first, see what people think. We're both stronger and faster now, we should be able to run fast enough if we're spotted."

Britta undid the tie in her hair and let it fall to frame her face. It had changed as much as the rest of her. The curls looked good at the shorter length and the top layer of hair was sun-bleached a much lighter colour from her previous dark auburn, enhancing the effect. Smiling at Diana, Britta took her hand and they walked through town.

"Where do you think they'll be?" Britta asked, her eyes darting from building to building. It was just past noon and it was as hot as a midsummer's day should be.

"Swimming?" Suggested Diana.

Britta shook her head. "Not swimming, we're in town, things aren't as casual as they are out there. How about we go to the building we saw them go in?"

"The inn Britta, is that a good idea?"

"We won't drink." Said Britta scornful, "We can't afford to get as loose mouthed and whatever else right now."

Heads turned as the twins walked into the inn. Britta trying to ingrain in her mind that she didn't know who Ed was and was just a woman who had come in from the streets. With a smile she walked over and she and Diana sat down beside Ed.

"This isn't a place for women, especially pretty ones." He said looking them each up and down perhaps a bit too appreciatively.

Britta shrugged and smiled at him. "Even women of sixteen? Coming to the tavern was the first place we planned to adventure."

It took a few minutes of talking before Britta realised he was actually flirting with her. She suppressed a laugh; it was fun being a woman around Ed when she knew the other side of him. The side that didn't refrain from swearing or contact, which Britta noticed he avoided. Sharing a secretive smile with Diana, Britta stood up.

"We should be going now, plenty more to do, it was nice meeting you Edmond." She nodded at the others and she and Diana left.

"That was fun," Said Britta. "I laugh to think how many people would react if we came into the training area as girls."

Diana nodded absentmindedly. "How about we look around the town. We might be able to see some manuscripts."

Britta rolled her eyes at her sister's enthusiasm. "They probably won't even let us see the illuminated ones."

"You forget, we could be high born noble women now. We look the part." Said Diana, heading down the nearest road.

"We don't even know where to go to see them. I guess I would like to see some of the art though."

Hand in hand they headed through the town. "Imagine if they put wanted posters up." Said Britta glancing around.

The buildings seemed tall now they were right beside them. As far as Britta could tell a lot of them were houses but she could see a few building with bright colours that advertised the selling of goods. They walked swiftly through the town to the castle, Diana's sharp eyes scanning the crowd until she saw a likely place. Now having to step around people, Diana almost dragged Britta up to it. It was easy to see the manuscripts on shelves, all unaffordable as they were written out by hand. Britta watched as her sister walked over to one of the smaller, printed booklets and picked it up.

"I think I'll stay here and read." Said Diana, already gently pulling it open.

Britta shrugged and pulled out one of the illuminated copies and looked at the pictures. The colours caught her eye but privately she saw some of the shapes as crude and through the colours were beautiful she wondered at some of the proportions.

"Hey, Diana." She said quietly, not wanting to disturb the peace of the room. "How about you buy yourself a book and I'll buy myself some paper to draw on, I left my old drawing stuff back at the orphanage." She said.

At her sisters shrug Britta went over to the materials at the counter and paid for a few leaves of parchment and some charcoal preferring that to the paint she had seen others use. As she made her way back to the seat a flash of black caught her eye. Turning she saw the back of a man, heading swiftly down an alleyway. Britta would know the confident stride anywhere. Micah. Curious she hurried to Diana.

"I'm just going out to find something to draw, you don't mind do you?" She asked.

Diana nodded. "Just keep in contact."

Britta nodded and, eyes catching on the alley where Micah had turned in to, she slid the papers into one of the large dress pockets and hurried after him. Keeping her steps silent as she had trained herself too and following his trail she quickly caught sight of him again. She realised she was in the perfect disguise, If he saw her he wouldn't see Bren, he would see a lady off the streets who, Britta quickly decided, had lost her way. She passed when she saw he was with someone and looked up to the nearest building. Hoping her skills would still apply whilst she was wearing a dress Britta pulled herself up the old stone wall and moved from window sill to window sill until she was right above him and the other man.

"....coming along well, we should have some that stand out by the end." Micah was saying.

"Good. Make sure you assess them, they have to be able to complete the job without arousing suspicion." Said the other man.

From what Britta could see, he was slightly taller than Micah, who himself was far from short himself, and had brown hair. His voice was precise and somehow dangerous. Britta pushed herself further into the window sill as their conversation continued.

"I think the job will be easy enough to complete, I have a few trainees with potential already and more that are still good enough to send to the groups."

"That's good news, let's hope your father will be pleased."

"He will be. I'm planning to lead the mission myself. Do you bring me any other news from him?"

"Only that the raids are going well, he was pleased with the last men you sent, he said you should send the other ones within a year now."

"Tell him I'll have them ready." Said Micah.

Questions burned in Britta's mind, but seeing they would soon be finishing their conversation, whatever it was about, she climbed back down and made her way back. She was back out in the open when she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning around she felt a shock when she realised it was Micah. Had he seen her?


Woo! A rhetorical question with an obvious answer, how fun 

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