Platinum Obsession (Dramione...

Por gabbiebrogan

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Chapter One - First Glance
Chapter Two - Tracks Back to Hogwarts
Chapter Three - Explain Yourself
Chapter Four - New Rules & Sleeping Arrangements
Chapter Five - The Divination Classroom
Chapter Seven - Late for Class
Chapter Eight - Insights and Misconceptions
Chapter Nine - Decisions and Heartbeak
Chapter Ten - Pizza, Neck Ties & Virgins
Chapter Eleven - Damaged
Chapter Twelve - Guilt and Bruises
Chapter Thirteen - Shopping At Andromeda's
Lit for Life
Chapter Fourteen - Halloween Sleepover
Chapter Fifteen - The Wrath of an Old Friend
Chapter Sixteen - An Unlikely Betrayal
Chapter Seventeen - Prison Breaks and Underwear
Chapter Eighteen - Steamy Shower Anyone?
Chapter Nineteen - Breakfast Conversation
Chapter Twenty - Narcissa's Predicament & Ron's Revelation
Chapter Twenty-One - Bad Moves
Chapter Twenty-Two - Don't Be Such A Pansy!
Chapter Twenty-Three - What Have You Done?
Chapter Twenty-Four - The Burrow
Chapter Twenty-Five - He Loves Me
Chapter Twenty-Six - A Cherry Popping Christmas
Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Gift
Chapter Twenty-Eight - The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Strawberries, Lies And A Game of Ties
Chapter Thirty - Bellatrix, Hermione and Fiendfyre
Chapter Thirty-One - Valentine's Day Pt. I
Chapter Thirty-Two - Valentine's Day Pt II
Chapter Thirty-Three - Lucy's Sticky End
Chapter Thirty-Four - The Aftermath
Chapter Thirty-Five - Harry's Tribulation
Chapter Thirty-Six - The Trip Must Go On
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Camp Training With Bordeaux
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Legilimency and the I.W.I.A.
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Finals and Aunty Ginny
Chapter Forty - Graduation
Chapter Forty-One - Falling
Sequel Antics and Thank You's

Chapter Six - What is this Magic?

20.7K 478 311
Por gabbiebrogan

Hermione POV:

Ginny had surprised me with breakfast this morning jumping on my bed and waking me with the most delicious smell. My eyes flicked open, a smile spread across my face and I sat bolt upright ready for food. She waved the plate of stacked pancakes, bananas, whipped cream, maple syrup and bacon in front of me.

"Mm mm...breathe it in Mione. Yes that's it, good girl." she purred before yanking the plate away. My face dropped. "Now you're going to tell me what happed in the divination classroom last night aren't you?" I rolled my eyes then smiled at her girlishly and nodded. "And you aren't going to lie or be vague or leave things out purposely are you?" Damn she was killing me. I nodded more vigorously, starting to bounce on my bed as the smile on my face spread far and wide. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you Godrick?"

"YES now give me the bloody plate!" I yelled. She cracked up laughing before handing me the plate and some cutlery. I gushed over Draco to Ginny as we both sat on my bed chowing back our food.

I took in a mouthful of pancake and bacon and started recapping last night, squirming at parts that aroused me even just by remembering them. I didn't hold back any details with Ginny when it came to the oral sex. I described everything explicitly and she was a Grade A listener. She sat there wide-eyed and silent nodding at all the right moments, a look of absolute awe temporarily glued to her face. I started to describe the build up to my climax and her features sharpened with a knowing, fiery look in her eyes and she started to bounce on my bed in excitement. As I described the rushing release I felt after the violent hip thrust and the way my legs turned to jelly, she squealed loudly and threw her arms around me knocking my plate of bacon to the floor. I couldn't help but smile with her as she hugged me half to death. She was so happy for me. A little too happy in my opinion but hey, she was entitled to feel however she wanted.

"But honestly Ginny, the way he stared up at me from below my waist and he made me feel like a queen! Or some kind of a Greek Goddess! Like I was the only thing above all else in the world that mattered to him. In that moment, I felt....powerful, I felt regal. I felt in control and I absolutely LOVED it." I said to her, my eyes darkening a little as I said it.

Ginny grinned a wicked smile. "Empowering isn't it?" she said. "Like breaking in a wild stallion no one else has ever been able to tame before. Ever."

"And now he only bows for you and only you." I added finally for the first time understanding what Ginny's rants about self esteem boosts and sex were about.

"Think about it Hermione, I know to us they are just boys we've grown up with. I love Harry dearly regardless, it's just an added bonus that he is 'The Chosen One'" she said making air quotes with her fingers before she carried on. "From what I saw on the platform and in the carriage combined with what you've just told me today, it seems you Hermione Granger, have managed to snag one of, if not THE, most notorious bad-boys of our time." she smiled proudly. "The Chosen One and The Bad-Boy, they rule our era now and who rules them I wonder?" she smirked at me and we fell about in girlish giggles.

"What is this magic?" I said joking aloud.

"This my lovely, is 'The Power of the Pussy!' no shit," she said dramatically as she cleared our plates with her wand and sent them to the kitchen. "It's a real thing."

I laughed as she got up and started to rummage through my things looking for something for me to wear.

"I think today, I am going to wear some green just in celebration and honour of your first orgasm stimulated by none other than the ferret!" Ginny announced. "What do you want to wear? I think you should wear something sexy!"

"Ginny, we are going to the Great Hall during breakfast." I said looking at her funny. "And then we have class. We wear uniforms?" I said exasperatedly when she clearly still didn't understand me.

"What? Did you not read our letters properly this year? Seniors are exempt from daily uniform attire. Uniforms are only a must during formal dinners such as the Start of Term banquet." Ginny said frowning at me. Why didn't I know this? Why was I so out of sync this year?

When I stared at her blankly, she threw my fluffy towel at me. "Go and have a shower or we're gonna be late. I'll lay your outfit on your bed when I'm done." I showered quickly skipping my hair and using my favorite body wash that smelled of shea butter and vanilla to bring back the scent Draco had passionately inhaled off my skin. I grinned to myself as I smelled the body wash and quickly rinsed off.

I walked to my room in my towel and saw the outfit Ginny had laid out for me. A black lacey push-up bra with a matching black G-string, a wine colored chiffon sleeveless blouse beneath a white skin tight pencil skirt that fell just below my knees and zipped up at the back. I put on skinny black heels that looked about 3.5 to 4 inches tall to match. They were all mine but I never had put these together in this combination before. I stood in the mirror and frowned. I wasn't sure. My arms felt bare. Just then, Ginny burst through the door dripping wet, in her towel carrying a bunch of clothes.

"Perfect!" she said noticing me. "Here, I brought this for you. I think it will go nicely with your outfit." she handed me a black leather jacket. Perfect!

"Awesome thanks Gin," I said as I put the jacket on.

"Not a problem!" Ginny replied dropping her towel and grabbing her lingerie.

"Shit! I'm so sorry!" I said whipping round to give her some privacy.

"Hermione!" she said. I heard her stop getting changed.

"Yeah?" I answered still not turning around.

"Look at me!" she stomped her foot.

I turned around slowly, looking at her in all her naked glory.

"I'm not ashamed of my body. You shouldn't be either." she said simply. "You just said this morning you felt like a goddess or queen so act like the queen of goddesses that I know you are and strut your stuff! We are regal and divine!" she pranced around like a fairy before going back to her clothing. "But seriously though, the more you walk around naked and get comfortable seeing all of you, the easier you find it to let others see you too." She finished putting on her underwear, looked at her bra and shrugged tossing it aside. She slipped her olive green, satin, spaghetti string dress over her head and fastened a thick belt at her waist so that the satin hugged her figure and accentuated her perfectly rounded ass cheeks. She paired it with suede heel booties and a black leather jacket to match me. She spun around for me a few times before grabbing her wand and giving herself big wavy curls with lots of volume at the top. She put a nice gloss and mascara on then turned to me.

"Come here. Let me do your make-up today." she said with a devilish grin.

I backed up warily and she rolled her eyes.

"I promise I won't over do it Mione. Just give me today and if you feel stupid or uncomfortable I will never ask to do your make-up ever again." she said pleadingly.

It seemed like a small price to pay. "Deal" I said sitting down on my bed. She did my hair first giving it skinny loose waves and pulled it into a high ponytail so that my hair looked like layered waves rolling down to the middle of my back. Then, she spun me around and attacked my eyelashes with mascara. Finally she pulled out a deep red matte lipstick.

"No way!" I told her.

"Way! You look gorgeous in red!" Ginny countered.

"Ginny! It's breakfast!" I said angrily.

"In case you've forgotten, we've already eaten thanks to me and anyways we are meant to be in the Great Hall to meet with McGonagall to figure out what classes we're taking this year! Now sit down and stop talking, this stuff stains so I wouldn't move if I were you." she then violated my face with the lipstick.

"All done!" she clapped her hands excitedly and grabbed her handbag heading for the door.

I checked my reflection. She was right, red did suit me well. Dammit. I grabbed my own bag and headed out the door after her.

"Where's Luna?" I asked as I reached Ginny downstairs. "I haven't seen or heard from her all morning."

She laughed. "I caught her sneaking off with Neville early this morning on my way to the kitchens to get food to make our breakfast. They must've gone back to his dorm or something because she hasn't been back since."

"Oh okay, seems Hogwarts has been slipped a serious dose of love potion this year." I said giggling.

"According to Harry, they are very uh, 'passionate' in their own loving and unique way." Ginny laughed. "We should invite Luna to our next sex gossip fest." she added as she stepped through the tapestry.

* * *

As we entered the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall could be seen giving out the last of the class schedules to the younger students and sending them off to their classes. Ginny and I scanned the room for Harry and found him at the Ravenclaw table with Luna and Neville who looked very comfortable given the whole school kept staring as they walked past. Ginny and I began to approach the table and I stopped in my tracks rooted to the spot. I had just noticed a full head of platinum blond hair on the Slytherin table next to Theodore Nott, behind the Ravenclaw table, sitting with his back facing us.

"Hermione, act natural. Harry's staring at us." Ginny nudged me painfully in the ribs and I continued walking. All of a sudden the air was thick and my jacket was too much for me. As we approached the Ravenclaw table, people had started to stare. I hadn't felt this many eyes on me since I showed up at the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum. I dropped my bag on the bench beside where I planned to sit and started taking my jacket off. A wolf-whistle sounded from the Slytherin table. Everyone including me looked up to see who had made the sound. Blaise Zabini, who was sat across from Draco, shamelessly wolf-whistled in my direction again and shouted out, "Hey Granger! You're looking yummy today! Can I have you for breakfast?" he let out an obnoxious laugh and Draco's head whipped round faster than lightning. Our eyes met and my breath hitched. He stared at me awestruck and I let my perfectly pouted red lips smirk in his direction before I replied to Blaise "Thanks Blaise. But no, you can't." his friends howled with laughter at his public rejection and I could feel the daggers thrown in my direction by the Slytherin girls. Malfoy's eyes flashed in fury and desire and they stayed fixed on me as I took my seat. I checked the time on my watch, 9:45am. McGonagall will be calling us over soon. I tried to get involved with the conversation at our table but with Draco's eyes on me and the racket his friends were making it was useless.

"Hey Draco, Draco, DRACO!" Blaise yelled at Draco forcing him to turn his back on me.

"Why the fuck are you yelling at me?" Draco growled staring head-on at Blaise now. Blaise faltered for a second under Draco's death stare but recovered fast enough.

"Think fast!" he replied throwing a big round peach that would've hit Draco right in the face, had his lightning fast reflexes not caught it in his fist first. "Damn you and your death-eater level dueling reflexes!"

"Do you want to see more of those reflexes Zabini?" Draco threatened, a growl rumbling in his chest.

But Blaise was as sly as they come. "Nah mate, you know I can't compete with training from good Ol' Voldy himself, I just thought I'd give you my last fruit seeing as you keep eyeing out my second course over there." He nodded his head in my direction and even though I faced away and they couldn't tell I could hear them, I tensed wondering what Malfoy's response could be.

Curiosity getting the best of me, I braved a glance back at them. Draco sunk his teeth deep into the fruit and wrapped his lips over it. I almost came seeing the way he cupped it with his mouth just like he did to me not 12 hours ago. He pulled a chunk of it off and ate it before throwing the rest of the peach back at Zabini hitting him square in the nose causing it to bleed profusely. "I've tasted better." he said getting off the table. He grabbed a folder and flashed a smirk at me as he walked closer to the front of the hall. Professor McGonagall started summoning us all closer to her and we all obliged.

She made the subject selection very simple. She conjured up four blackboards out of thin air and a piece of chalk started outlining various subjects on each board. Next, four floating ribbons flew out of the end of her wand and twisted gracefully into numbers 1 to 4 high above each table. She cleared her throat for silence as the seniors gathered round her.

"The professors of this school have collaborated to design four separate study paths for you all this year. Each course is designed to play to your individual strengths and interests." she paused to let this information sink in. "For example, the course outline at table one consists of study based mostly around Theoretical Practices so if you are thinking of pursuing a career behind a desk, say somewhere within a ministry department or even a Hogwarts professor, this would be the table for you. Note that during this course you will be learning leadership roles, politics and wizarding laws in depth and detail therefore your previous years' grades WILL matter." She gestured to the Gryffindor table on her far left with the large ribbon "1" hovering above. "If you prefer working outdoors or abroad with magical plants and animals, this would be the table for you here." She gestured to the Hufflepuff table with a huge number two floating in the air. She stood before us and continued. "This third table represents those who have a more practical persona and excel in practical lessons over and above theory." She spotted Seamus whispering a joke to Dean Thomas and the two fell into fits of laughter. "Yes mister Finnigan that also includes blowing your homework up over handing it in." she fixed Seamus with a glare that would've shut even Voldemort up. "This last table is for the Healers and Medics of the wizarding world. You will flutter between practical and theory as you are exposed to the most basic and the most rare of sicknesses known to wizard kind. You may spend time between here and St. Mungo's Hospital throughout the year." She held her arm up gesturing to the Slytherin table and every single Slytherin jumped from their chairs as if someone lit a bunch of filibuster fireworks beneath them. "Please rearrange yourselves accordingly." McGonagall finished and sat at the high table as we moved.

I grabbed my bag and jacket and swung my legs over the bench and into someone's legs. Fuck. Draco. He was everywhere today. So much for keeping his distance in public. But did I really want that? Of course not!

"Got enough room in that skirt there, Granger?" he said smirking that devilish smirk.

"Not that it's any of your business Malfoy, but yes my skirt fits fine thank you." I replied, my eyes sparkling at this display of pretend unfamiliarity.

I stood maneuvering myself carefully around him and as a whiff of his sexy cologne installed a dampness between my thighs, I shot off in the direction of the Gryffindor table. I could feel his eyes on my ass as he took my spot at the Ravenclaw table.

"Hey! Malfoy! Eyes this way perv!"

It was Harry voice.

"Or what Potter?" Draco challenged. "You've got a cute number of your own! Look at your own candy instead of worrying about me and maybe if you treat her right and pay attention to her, she'll screw your brains out tonight." he added gesturing to Ginny.

Ginny laughed, "Thanks ferret!"

"Anytime Weaselette." he said turning toward McGonagall.

Harry looked confused and outraged.

I reached the Gryffindor table and sat next to Padma Patil and Terry Boot. "Hermione! You're looking sassy today! New man?" Terry Boot wiggled his eyebrows at me. Terry and his boyfriend Stephen Cornfoot were both Ravenclaws and they had been through a lot since coming out as a couple in our fourth year but I personally didn't see anything wrong with this. I had made sure to let them both know this and that single gesture had installed a nice friendship between us all. "Aha! No no, I just let Ginny dress me today. That's all." I replied nervously.

"Well, that outfit and lippy is definitely rocking!" he said enthusiastically.

Padma Patil hadn't said a word. "Hello Padma," I said politely.

"Hermione." she responded curtly.

Okay whatever. I wasn't even going there. After the way she was to Luna I didn't feel there was much of a loss really. I turned to the front to see where everyone had sat. Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones and Ernie MacMillan were seated at my table, 3 girls and a boy called Dylan Harper from Ginny and Luna's year were here too. Neville and Luna were at the table for creatures and plants. It fit them so perfectly, with her being into animals and creatures and him into herbology, plants and fungi. Parvati was also at the table and I was glad to see she didn't have the nerve to try and befriend Luna now that she wasn't with her sister. Instead, she sat by two girls in Ginny's year that I didn't know the names of. Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass sat at the table too. On the Ravenclaw table, Draco, Harry and Ginny remained on their table and they were joined by Seamus, Blaise, Theodore Nott, Millicent Bullstrode and Pansy Parkinson. I felt an anger boil inside me seeing that stupid tramp again. She sat by Draco purring over him and trying to stroke his hair. He weaved around her hands every time and she laughed thinking he was playing.

"Fuck it Pansy, get off!" Draco spat at her silencing her horrid giggle instantly. Millicent burst into laughter and Pansy turned to her giving her thick braid a sharp yank and causing her to topple backwards off her chair. Draco growled in irritation and turned toward McGonagall again.

On the last table, Lavender Brown sat with Mandy Brocklehurst, her roommate and Justin Finch-Fletchley sat with a bunch of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws I vaguely knew.

As McGonagall started handing out class schedules, Parvati ran over to join Lavender and Mandy. According to Ginny, last year sometime during the war, Lavender and Parvati had a threesome with that Dylan Harper dude in Slytherin and Lavender got jealous and shunned Parvati. Judging by the way they hugged, I guessed all that was behind them now.

McGonagall had left the schedules distributing themselves and began walking over to our table. "Miss Granger, a word please." she said curtly. Wondering what the hell I could have possibly done wrong, I stood and walked over to where she stood a fair distance away from all the tables. "What career path are you thinking of pursuing?" she asked.

"Oh, um, I haven't really decided between my options yet professor," I admitted. "I'm still on the fence about a lot of it but I figure it'd be in this general area."

She sighed and moved her spectacles up her nose. "Hermione I know that you believe you are a theoretical student but the truth is, you are strong in both areas. Practical and Theory. I believe that you truly excel in theory so much so that this year doing theory wouldn't do you much good. In fact, I feel you will become bored. The real challenge for you lies in the practical classes and I don't mean simple spell casting. I mean duelling and battle. The challenge of being able to think of a spell or counter-jinx during combat before your opponent. Exactly as you did during the war. I saw you fight off death-eater after death-eater and you didn't blink once. I believe that deep inside, combat is where you truly belong."

"But professor, I'm good at books. I know books. Books are my life and they don't change." I said unsure.

"And that's why I know the books will be there waiting for you when you figure things out." she said gently handing me a class schedule for table number three. "Just give it a go. I wouldn't push you there if I didn't think it was truly your calling. You'd make a great auror Miss Granger."

I took it off her and made my way back to the Ravenclaw table.

Ginny squealed and wriggled in her chair as I sat next to her. I did my best to ignore Draco's steely eyes but as I turned to face Harry, he said aloud: "I think this year's going to be perfect!"

Another chapter underway guys. I know you might be confused coz some characters I mentioned may or may not be dead but let's just clear this up now, they're alive in this story k 😁

Anyways Jolene303 this one's for you for all your votes on every chapter. Thanks boo xx 😍

N.B: Ginny's dress style will be picked a lot of the time based on Kylie Jenner's outfits. She does have some sick styles (in my opinion anyway) so yeah be prepared for more kylizzle inspired outfits on Ginny.

Vote, share, comment your ideas and lemme know what you think should happen next!

#moresmut #? #ofcourse #stilltocome 🐍🐍

PS: No hate on same sex relationships and/or references please? We're all entitled to love and there's no room for your negative vibes here. So be nice or get lost 🌈⭐

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