Moosecraft X Reader(The one f...

By MidKnight_13_

35.2K 1K 1.4K

You have just meet up with your old friend Nathan(Unspeakable) from high school and you are living together... More

First Story
The Move
Author's Note
Unexpected Guest
Valentine's Day
Together or Not?
First Date
The Man
New Friends?
The Hang Over
The Dance
~Author's Note~
The House
Author's Note
Another Author's Note
The Date
Who is that!?!
The Explanation
The Makeup
I am...WHAT!
What is it?
The Gender
The Trip
The Flight
His Parents
Oh God! I am Such An Idiot!
The Wedding Day
The Party
It's Time
The Mall
The Next Day
Mother's Day
Which one?
One More
Visiting Nathan
The One!
The Question
The Argument
The Test
The Doctor
Sorry Guys
Not Ready
The Party
Doctor Alice
The Gender
✨Not Goodbye✨
Moose's Birthday
A Birthday Surprise
First Day Home
Who is Erick?
Happily Ever After

I Will Always Hate You!

799 25 19
By MidKnight_13_

Y/n pov

I looked out my window, and see a car that was familiar. Then I remembered who's car it was. How did he find our house!? I jumped out the car, and ran into the house. Moose was right behind me. " Nathan!" I yelled, he was on the floor and he was not moving. Then I heard someone say, " Welcome home you two." I remembered that voice. " What do you want, dad!" Then he stepped out of the darkness to show him self. That idiot came out smiling. What was so funny? "Oh honey, I want you back in my life again, don't you understand." Moose stepped in front of me to keep the distance between me and my father. "Do you mind?" " It is ok, Moose. I know how to handle myself." He stepped out of the way, and went to check on Nathan. " My dear daughter, do you remember the game we would always play?" You got to be kidding, now! " Yes, how could I forget! The scars remind me every time I see them." He laughed. " Would you like to play again?" I was about to kick him, but then he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Moose and Nathan. " I wouldn't to that if I was you." He said as he still looked at me. " Fine I'll play the game again, but leave George and Nathan out of this!" He said fine, and got closer to me. " You know what to do." I took off my jacket, and we stood their staring at each other. Then he pointed the gun at me and I dodged the bullet. " I have seen you have gotten better at this game." " Well I had to, that is what I get when I live with a lunatic." He just laughed, and tried to shoot me again. But I dodged it again. Know was the time I pulled out a gun and tried to shoot him. He dodged it. " You know I really missed this." " You miss this!? I don't! I had to live through the pain and the abuse from you." And then he shot me in the arm. I could hardly feel the pain. I can't let him win! If he dose, I have to leave with him. I can't leave know, I have so much to fight for! I am not gonna loose!

Moose's pov

" Y/n!!!" She got shot in the arm, and she didn't say anything. Did she even feel that? She ran towards him and pointed her gun and got him in the leg. " Dang, you actually got a hit on me." He said in excitement. What did he do to her when she was younger? Then all of a sudden, Nathan yelled," Y/n, the sword!" And then he fainted again. What sword? She knew what that meant and ran towards her office, and came out with a sword. Her father shot this time, and she dodged the bullet with her sword. She had a sword in one hand and a gun in another. I picked Nathan up to get him to a safer place. And watched from there. I hope she plays it off safe.

Y/n pov
"Y/n, the sword!" Nathan yelled. I remember the sword in my office, and went to get it. Now the battle was on. Moose moved Nathan into another room, and watched from there. I ran to him, and he started shooting at me, but I dodged every bullet. " Dang, you just won't give up!" I shot him, and he fell. I kicked the gun from out of his hand. " Look who is the looser this time daddy!" He didn't say anything, then he started laughing. " Do it! You don't have the guts to do it. Your mother would be ashamed of you." I snapped, I was about to push the sword deeper into his neck, but I stopped. I pulled him closer, and whispered," Your not worth it! And never talk about my mother like that again!" I punched him, and he was knocked out. I went to my jacket to grab my phone and called the police and an ambulance. I went Moose and said that they are on there way here. He looked and me, and kissed me. " Your arm!" " It is fine, it is nothing compared to what he did to me when I was little." I heard a knock at the door, and opened it. " He is over here officer." And showed him where my father was. " You are a lucky one mama. We have been looking for this guy for years." He said. " Thanks, just get him out of here, please." They got my father out of here and checked on me and Nathan. My arm was patched up, and Nathan just needed to rest. I went to my room, and Moose was behind me. He hugged me from behind and kissed my shoulder. I whined a little when he saw scars my back. " Your father?" I nodded. I turned around, and started to cry in his arms. "It is ok, he won't hurt you anymore." I hugged him tighter, and he helped me to the bed. " I know you don't wanna talk about him, but what did he do to you when you were little?" I trusted him, and told him want he did. " It was right after my mother died. And that was when he started to drink a lot. He started abusing my older brother, but I asked him to not hurt them, and to blame me. He took that in his offer, and started to abuse me." I stopped to take a breath. " You can stop if you want." He said. " No, I want you to know. I trust you," I said," he started that game when I was about 5. He would always torture me, but it didn't matter. Because I wanted Isabel and Tyrell to be safe, so I went through with the torture. Is he really gone?" I asked him, I knew he was but I wanted to hear it from Moose. " Yes he is, he won't be able to hurt you anymore." I was glad I told him. We got into bed, and we went to sleep. I didn't want to leave his side. I was happy, that I told him. I loved him so much. I forgot to tell him about what happened to me when I was little, but I will tell him in the morning. Tonight I just needed to be with him. I moved closer to his chest and went to sleep.

~ Hey guys it is your author here! And I hope you guys liked today's chapter. Please don't forget to vote to show your support. I love writing this story! But I'll see you guys in another chapter, byeeeeeeeee!~

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