Lost Love (Robbie Kay/ Peter...

By panswendy

558K 11K 4.5K

Based of the TV series, Once Upon A Time. Melody, the daughter of Prince Eric and Ariel, has been kidnapped b... More

Lost Love (Robbie Kay/ Peter Pan)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Not an Update
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Not an update
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
More news
Chapter 44
All About You!
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
New Fanfiction Idea
Don't Hate Me
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
I Swear I Will Update Tomorrow
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
I'm Awful
Sorry Again
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
2 years later...

Chapter 41

5.1K 113 65
By panswendy

"FIANCÉ?" Felix spat.

"Yeah! Isn't it amazing? Mrs. Melody Pan," Peter says and kisses my neck quickly.

"Melody! You can't be serious! You are sixteen! You can't be getting married!" Felix yelled, pulling me over to him.

"Felix get off of me! What the hell are you doing? You are not my father!" I screamed, trying to pry his strong hands off of my shoulders.

"Of course I'm not your father!" Felix roared.

"Get your hands off of her Felix! Get your hands off of my Melody!" Peter stormed. He pulled me off of Felix and I wrapped my arms around Peter's waist like a puppy.

"God Melody! You are so naive!" Felix yelled, pulling at the blonde roots of his hair. His face started to turn red as his rage grew.

"Peter," I cried into Peter's shoulder. Felix was genuinely scaring me.

Right in the midst of Felix's freak out, the door to the police station slammed shut. We immediately shut up and waited until the person appears.

A flash of vibrante red hair swung into view.

"Mom?" I whispered, clinging on to Peter tighter.

"Sweetheart!" She smiled and rushed to the metal bars that seperated us. Soon my father came after her.

Peter held me really close and kissed the top of my head to soothe my uneasy nerves.

"We heard that you were alive and we couldn't wait to see you any longer," She plasters a fake smile an her fake face.

"Melody, what are you doing with him?" My father spoke with disappointment .

"I love him daddy," I squeck.

"You can't love him! Do you know who he is?" Dad spoke with shame.

I feel Peter tense under me. With my left hand I caressed his face to calm him down.

"What's on your hand?!" Ariel screamed refering to the ring on my left-ring finger.

"I'm fully in love with your daughter. And she loves me," Peter breathed, looking down at me. His glimmering eyes were filled with love.

"I don't think so! Emma! Regina! I want my daughter out of this cell!" My dad yelled.

Emma and Regina appeared and Regina threw some blue magic dust on the jail cell that flung Peter and Felix to the black wall. Emma unlocked the door and let Eric in.

"PETER!" I screamed as my dad flung me over his shoulder. "Peter! Please!

"Melody! I love you! Always and Forever," Peter yelled as he struggled against the magical binds.

"Always and Forever!" I cried as I kicked my father in the stomach and punched his back.

"Shut up Melody!" My father screamed as my mother shoved a bandana in my mouth.

"I will save you Mel! Anything for you, love!" Peter screamed right before I was taken out of the police station.


Eric and Ariel kicked me down the stairs and into the damp basement. I know this place all to well. I hate it down here, always have and always will.

"What the hell were you thinking when he gave you this ring?" My mother spat, actually spat.

I couldn't respond because the bandana was still suffocating me. Eric tied my hands together, behind my back so I couldn't take out the bandana.

She grabbed my left hand, flipping me over to my stomach. I tried to yelp, but no sound pasted through the bandana.

"This is a very nice ring, Melody. He probably stole it off a dead body one day. He doesn't love you. Nobody loves you," She screeched, flipping me back over and kicking me in my stomach.

I'd beg to differ that nobody loves me. I have Peter, Felix, Henry, and Sebastian. Well i had Sebastian when he was alive. Shes just jealous that only Eric can handle all of her shit.

"Why did you leave us? Why did you let that shadow capture you? Did you really think that when you would come back that you wouldn't be harshly punished?" Eric stormed. He took out my gag to so I could respond to the questions.

"I never thought I was coming back!" I cried. "I want to live there forever with Peter."

Ariel slapped me with her sharp nails, drawling blood.

"His name is Pan. You will not refer to his as Peter!" She screamed.

"His name IS Peter! And I am in love with him!" I exclaimed. That got another slap from mom.

"Do not talk back to me young lady!" She hollered.

"If your mother saw you like this-" I wasn't able to finish the sentence when she kicked my side.


"I know them all! Brooke, Haley, Ashley. Mother I know them all. They told me stories about you! they said you ran away because you saw Eric and immediately became in love with him! If you can except that ridiculous love story, then why can't you except mine!" I cried.

"Gag her, Eric," Ariel spoke sharply, making sure I could hear the hate in her voice.

I tried to back away and started to shake my head, but I was too slow for Eric. He placed the same, lightly damp, bandana in my mouth.

"Mr. Gold will be here in two days to unbrainwash you. You will not be receiving food until you realize that you and Pan aren't in love, that he forced you to love him," Ariel spat and walked back up the creaking stair. Eric followed her immediately afterwards.

I became alone with only my thoughts to keep me company. Horrible and horrible company.


Point of View of Peter Pan <3

She's gone. My lovely soon to be wife is gone, again. I keep on letting her slip through my fingers. Tears started to emerge from my eyes soon after Melody was taken. Regina released Felix and myself from the magical bonds.

"How could you let them take her?" I screamed at Regina, pounding my fists against the metal bars.

"Ariel is her mother," She said like it was no big deal.

"I am her fiancé!" I roared. My fists were wrapping tight against the bars to the point that my knuckles started to turn blue.

"So, love means nothing in this world. And you don't actually think that she love you. Melody is royalty and you are just a street rat like Aladin and his son Tate. At least Tate has royal blood coursing through his viens. You, Pan, are just a villian like me. We don't have love. We never have love," Regina spoke in a calm voice. "I think that its time that you learned that."

"What do you think you can do to me?" I questioned, raising a single eyebrow.

"Its not what I can do. Its what your father can do," Regina smiled.

"Your father as in-" Felix tried to say, but I cut him off.

"Yes, my father is the dark one," I confessed.

"And he should be here any minute know. You really need to learn that True Love doesn't win," Regina snapped.

After a few minutes of silence, my father finally entered the building. Regina had left by that point to do 'mayor things'.

"There you are Pan," He spoke. "I've missed you my boy."

"Go to hell," I spat.

"I heard about your little engagment to the innocent Melody. Using your mother's ring? Bold choice my son," He retorted.

"What do you what from me?" I asked him.

"I know what they are going to do with Melody. They are probably beating her as we speak. Ariel and Eric asked me to come over in two days to wipe away her memories. Heavens knows what they are doing to that sweet body of hers in that time," My father stated. The idea of them hurting my love fills me with rage, but I contain it.

"Why are you telling me this?" I said through a clentched jaw.

"I may not be the best father, but I would never beat you until you grew so weak that you couldn't move. They would be killing her in a slow and painfilled manner. I have some morals that I stand by. I want to make a deal with you, my son."

"What kind of deal?"

"I will let you go if you let me train your first child with Melody. I will teach him or her light magic. I may be a horrid being, but I want my grandkid to love me like you never did."

"How can I trust you?"

"I never break my promises and I promise you that I will teach your child light magic, not dark."

"So you will let me out of here, unharmed to save Melody if you can help train our child light magic?" I asked to clearly stated that these are the condictions.

"Of course, unlike Regina, I do believe in true love."

"What about me?" Felix whined from the corner that he likes so much.

"I'll make a deal with you later," My father said and unlocked the jail cell.

He let me go, unharmed, like he said. I really hope that I can trust my own father.

Hey guys!!! HOw's life?

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GETTING ME TO 100K READS ON HERE! I dont think you realize how big of a deal that is for me. I'm seriously just a socially awkward teenager in some small and pathetic town in Ohio. I Love YOu Guys! xoxox

PLEASe VOte anD CoMmEnT!!!!



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