Dear Dulcie [h.s.]

By Pianogirl56

6.3K 291 159

'Deafness isn't the opposite of hearing, it's a silence full of sound.' - Mark Medhoff. Sequel to Quiet Littl... More

Dear Dulcie.
Mrs Styles; Things In Cars.
Too Soon Niall; No News.
Release; Slumber.
Magnets; Potential Vows.
Ham And Pineapple; Farm Weddings.
Hypothetically; Emergency.
Singeing Eyebrows; Wedding To Plan.
Visitors; To Leave Me Alone.
Travelling; Sass.
My Baby; Maple Syrup.

Speechless; Weighty Decisions.

677 28 9
By Pianogirl56

Mr Miller allowed a couple of days holiday to look after Odette after she was released from the hospital, but now I'm back and dealing with the day to day. The symptoms from Odette's surgery seemed to have affected her quite drastically and my heart sinks at the thought of me having to leave her; the nausea and dizziness has taken over her completely and she often suffers with ringing in her ears which comes and goes, so far everyone is taking turns at looking after her whenever they are free but I can't help but feel like I neglect her by being at work, unfortunately though, I can't take any more time off.

"Mr Styles?" Katherine's head pops around the side of my office doorway and my eyes shoot up in response to my name.

"What can I do for you Katherine?"

"Mr James would like to see you in his office." She replies simply with a small smile.

"Thank you, I'll be right with you." I gather my current work and folders, taking them along with me to my meeting, no doubt they'll want to know what I'm up to.

The walk to the lift is short and after what feels like milliseconds I am in front of Mr James' office door, Katherine kindly opens it for me and I walk through to find my two boss' waiting for me; Mr Miller sits on Mr James' desk as the latter lounges in his luxurious desk chair, "Harry, it's good to see you." Mr Miller shakes my hand, followed closely by Mr James who then offers me a seat opposite him. "How are things?"

"Everything seems to be working like clockwork here. Deadlines are being met, and I had an amazing pitch from Marketing earlier to do with maximising the company's consumerism-"

"I meant at home Harry, Odette went for her surgery correct?"

"Ahh yes. She did, and thank you for letting me have those days off, she's really needed it."

"How is she recovering at home?" Mr James asks, his brows furrowing in concern for my beautiful bride to be.

"Odette is a strong person but she has definitely met her match at the moment. Dizziness, nausea, constant ringing in her ears. She isn't too pleased that the doctors had to shave her head either, or that she has to wear head bandages but, she has enough people looking after her for her to be comfortable." I explain, the image of Odette sat at home - asleep and frail - makes my heart shiver, but it won't be forever. She would never let anything get the better of her.

"I would like to visit at some point if possible." Miller asks apprehensively, his eyes hopeful and I know it's because of Cara, this could have been her right now and I think that's why he feels the need to help so generously - it's like Odette is his sister.

I think back to Odette's reaction when we told her she had to rest for a few days and let people look after her, she wasn't too pleased about the verdict but nevertheless she decided to play along, bed rest is probably the worst thing for Odette, ever since I have known her she has been doing something, whether it's wandering around town or creating some amazing dishes for her blog, she always seems to be doing something - so this has really taken the wind out of her sails, but it's for her own good and she knows that. Having any guests is a welcome distraction I suppose, everyone that comes to visit tends to spend more time chatting with Odette than they do looking after her, though their company makes her happy and that in turn helps her get better.

"Of course sir, she would love that, she'd love the company." He releases a small and quick exhale from his nose, most likely imagining Odette's impatient personality bed ridden, it is quite comical when I think about it.

"When is Odette back to work?" Mr James asks, their interest in my personal life is a welcome distraction especially if allows me to talk about my stunning wife; however I wonder if they have called me in for a meeting about work or just an update on Odette.

"About a week or so." My thoughts are answered within seconds as Mr Miller's demeanour changes and turns into the professional man I've grown to respect.

"Good, so, what do you have for us?"

I shuffle forward in my seat and open my folder, the plastic wallets inside sticking to one another due to static and I struggle to separate them, finally I flick to my current work load and swivel the folder in its place, preparing the second as they glance down at the first, "we've had a few problems in HR regarding some temp hires but as I have written in the notes in this file I have met with Elliot and he has come up with a really efficient strategy. Regarding the finance department they have told me that in order for us to expand the company into the North east we will have to renegotiate a loan, however I've come up with a strategy that could potentially give us both the extra financial assistance and a loyal sponsor, the marketing team in London are coming up with a prototype as we speak." The two officials sat in front of me scan over the prepared folders and colour coded binders - that Odette persuaded me to organise - staring at them excruciatingly before glance back at one another. Their heads slowly swivel eerily in my direction, "what?" I ask expectantly, hoping I haven't got something stuck in my teeth.

"This is really good work." Miller mumbles under his breath approvingly, his fingers still flicking through the plastic wallets.

"Harry you're truly wasted being a branch manager, you caught up with all of this in record time." James shakes his head disbelievingly at my attention to detail and laid back attitude, it's my job what do they expect me to do?

I glance down to my watch and know that I'm already late for William's famous leftover lasagne, even after all this time he still manages to bring me lunch knowing that without him I'd probably forget. "He's right Harry, you're wasted as a branch manager. I'm going to have Geoff Reeves shadow you for the next couple of weeks. He is our Northwest area manager, and I'm interested to hear what he has to say about your work. Keep it up." With a head nod from Miller I take my leave, that meeting went well, but I wonder why someone of higher authority is going to shadow me, it's not like he can learn much from someone in a lower position than him.

I think back to my folders and my mind is already working ahead through my lunch before I even manage to step through my office doors, I have a meeting later with the finance department and then another meeting later on in the afternoon, perhaps I should have some lun- "Harry my boy!" William stands from the chair opposite my desk, his cane taking the pressure off of his stiff bones as he waddles over to me like always. "I thought you were going to stand me up." He laughs, his free hand clapping me on the back.

I notice the Tupperware container already on my desk and smile, "I was in a meeting with your son. What is it today William? Lasagne?"

"There he is mr smart mouth," he points to me accusingly with a sly smile, "I'll have you know it's Mrs James' famous hotpot. The best in the country." My dimples appear at his statement, he really does adore his wife's cooking, as much as I do with Odette. "Heard you got engaged son, congrats."

"Thanks, safe to say she was speechless." I laugh at my own joke and remind myself to tell Odette later, knowing she'll roll those beautiful blues at me before giving in and laughing at my somewhat witty joke.

"I like that." He laughs, indulging in his own lunch, his eyes rolling back in utter elation and satisfaction. "I like this too." He mumbles to himself, his mouth occupied with delicious hotpot.

My office phone rings and I check the caller ID swallowing as quickly as I can before answering, "Mr Miller, what can I do for you?"

"Harry I would like you to hold two meetings on Thursday. One meeting with the finance department and the other with the area managers, Ethan and I will attend also. "His voice is firm and demanding but not in the slightest bit hostile.

"You can use the folder and binder from today, and also some more research if possible." Mr James intervenes offering some words of advice however my brow furrows and I struggle to comprehend.

"Hi son!" William interjects, his mouth full once again as he shouts through the loud speaker to his son.

"Hi dad!"

"Wait sir," my voice finally returns and I regretfully interrupt their greeting, "an area meeting? I can't organise an area meeting as a branch manager. The area manager needs to organise that."

"Gail is currently off on sick leave so currently we do not have an area manager. For this meeting we are asking you to be acting area manager for the south west, James and I will be there the entire time anyway." Mr Miller explains, a prickling sensation makes its way up my spine and I suddenly become nauseous. I can't do an area manager job, in no way am I qualified for that. Harry relax, my subconscious calms, you're acting area manager for one meeting, just calm down - and anyway, you didn't think you could be a branch manager and look where you are now. My breathing slows at my subconscious' rationalisation, it's something that Odette would have said.

"Okay, I'll do it, I'll just write it in my calendar now. Thank you sir."

"My pleasure Harry. Goodbye William." Miller's tone is monotonous but I can tell that he really does care for William, he's like a second father to him.

"Bye dad." I chuckle at Mr James' opposite tone as his wishes his father well before being cut off by his father.

"That boy of mine." He rolls his eyes making me laugh, I wouldn't be surprised if Ethan made his way down here just to annoy his father, in fact I can already hear his footprints. "So that's good news, a bit of experience being an area manager."

"Yeah, I'd hate to do it permanently though." My fork shovels another load of hotpot into my awaiting mouth, the corned beef to die for as it melts in my mouth, every morsel as inviting as the last.

"Why so?"

"Being an area manager involves travelling for miles to have meetings and resolves issues larger than what I'm used to, and also I love living here, I'd hate to be on the road all the time. And Odette, I couldn't be away from Odette, I can barely manage the eight hours away from her when I come to work, never mind staying overnight in a hotel away from her. I'd never sleep."

"Well that's a good argument son, but have a think about it. You're too talented for this position now. I wouldn't be surprised if they're making you do this to see how you cope with more responsibility." The thought never crossed my mind that they may be testing my abilities, but now it seems so much clearer, why would they promote me to a higher position when I have no experience - Harry you said that as an intern and you did really well, stop doubting yourself. I hear Odette's voice in my mind, her French accent whispering every word.

"You really think they're doing that?"

His shoulder shrugs as he finishes up the last of his meal, his hungry eyes glancing over to my half full Tupperware container wondering if I've finished so he can polish it off, "well, it's what I'd do. In fact I'd probably put you on a few management courses, with those under your belt you could go even further up."

A sigh escapes my frustrated lips, my deeps green eyes scanning the room to find something interesting that will peel my mind away from these weighty thoughts, "I just don't want to leave Odette, not at a time like this, she needs me now more than ever."

"I understand son, but if you were to take those courses you'd have to travel. It's up to you." His fork clattering against the plastic has he finishes the meal, my careless eyes staring into space at what feels like a heavy and overwhelming decision.


No Odette, but what do you think he is going to do?

Comment and vote please! Thank you :)

- Pianogirl56

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