Platinum Obsession (Dramione...

By gabbiebrogan

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Chapter One - First Glance
Chapter Two - Tracks Back to Hogwarts
Chapter Three - Explain Yourself
Chapter Four - New Rules & Sleeping Arrangements
Chapter Six - What is this Magic?
Chapter Seven - Late for Class
Chapter Eight - Insights and Misconceptions
Chapter Nine - Decisions and Heartbeak
Chapter Ten - Pizza, Neck Ties & Virgins
Chapter Eleven - Damaged
Chapter Twelve - Guilt and Bruises
Chapter Thirteen - Shopping At Andromeda's
Lit for Life
Chapter Fourteen - Halloween Sleepover
Chapter Fifteen - The Wrath of an Old Friend
Chapter Sixteen - An Unlikely Betrayal
Chapter Seventeen - Prison Breaks and Underwear
Chapter Eighteen - Steamy Shower Anyone?
Chapter Nineteen - Breakfast Conversation
Chapter Twenty - Narcissa's Predicament & Ron's Revelation
Chapter Twenty-One - Bad Moves
Chapter Twenty-Two - Don't Be Such A Pansy!
Chapter Twenty-Three - What Have You Done?
Chapter Twenty-Four - The Burrow
Chapter Twenty-Five - He Loves Me
Chapter Twenty-Six - A Cherry Popping Christmas
Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Gift
Chapter Twenty-Eight - The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Strawberries, Lies And A Game of Ties
Chapter Thirty - Bellatrix, Hermione and Fiendfyre
Chapter Thirty-One - Valentine's Day Pt. I
Chapter Thirty-Two - Valentine's Day Pt II
Chapter Thirty-Three - Lucy's Sticky End
Chapter Thirty-Four - The Aftermath
Chapter Thirty-Five - Harry's Tribulation
Chapter Thirty-Six - The Trip Must Go On
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Camp Training With Bordeaux
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Legilimency and the I.W.I.A.
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Finals and Aunty Ginny
Chapter Forty - Graduation
Chapter Forty-One - Falling
Sequel Antics and Thank You's

Chapter Five - The Divination Classroom

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By gabbiebrogan

Hermione POV:

Professor McGonagall dismissed us from the Great Hall and as we headed towards the North Tower, I felt an arm brush past me and a shock enter my body through my arm as a cool pale white hand slipped past mine. I quickly pulled my arm back as I felt the shock but not before I grabbed the folded piece of parchment that he had handed me. I shoved the note up my sleeve as I felt my cheeks redden and shot off torwards the dorm rooms.

"So what does the note say?"

I jumped as Ginny snuck up behind me slapping my right bum cheek as she reached me. Fuck sakes. Couldn't get anything past this girl.

"I don't know. I haven't read it yet." I confessed pulling the parchment out from under my sleeve. Seeing as she already knew, I unfolded the parchment and read:


I'll be in the divination classroom at midnight tonight. I'd like to see you again. I'll be waiting for you, Granger. Don't let me down.


"Ooooooooh!" Ginny squealed as she read over my shoulder. "Shit Mione, he's still a bit of an egotistical bastard sometimes huh?" she added as she finished the note.

I laughed. "Would he still be Malfoy if he wasn't demanding and egotistical? Besides, that's what makes him sexy!" I said it before I could stop myself.

Her eyes widened, "What the actual fuck? Did you, Hermione Jean Granger, just admit out loud that you think Draco Malfoy is SEXY?!" she said, jaw practically on the ground.

"He is exceptionally hansome isn't he?" Luna said walking past.

Punching Ginny on the arm, I said "Sure Luna, if you think so!" trying to cover my tracks.

"Luna, why are you out here walking alone? Who are you rooming with?" Ginny asked trying to change the subject.

"I was meant to room with Parvati but Padma threw a huge fit so I guess I'm not sure anymore. I suppose it wouldn't be much different if I went back to the Ravenclaw Dormitory." she turned around to walk in the opposite direction.

"Wait!" Ginny and I said at the same time.

"Luna, stay with us! McGonagall said the dorms house groups of two or three." I said. "I don't know why the Patil twins didn't think of that."

"Padma hasn't liked me very much since I scored higher than her in a charms essay Flitwick set us 3 years ago." Luna said vacantly. "Hermione, you scored higher than the both of us and she doesn't detest you."

"Oh, tell her to stop being such a bitch and get over it. Seriously, she should have been in Hufflepuff. Way too sensitive. C'mon Lu." Ginny said walking off as the rest of the seniors started appearing at the other end of the corridor.

Ginny selected a blank tapestry on the wall and abruptly stepped through it. Luna and I stepped through right behind her.

These dorms were HUGE. The stone from the castle lined the walls and the ceiling had a very victorian/medieval wooden style with candle chandeliers hanging from it. The second floor which we assumed led to the bedrooms because of the super high ceiling, had dark wooden panels and railings everywhere. The furniture matched the room well and were very beautiful.

Ginny yelled out from the top floor letting us know that there were three bedrooms and a shared bathroom up there. I spotted a water pitcher and a glass on one of the tables and realizing I was thirsty, poured a drink.

Luna made her way upstairs to her bedroom, "Goodnight Hermione. I'm going to bed. Thanks for inviting me to stay with you guys. I really appreciate it." She climbed the stairs and disappeared.

I followed her direction. Before I read the note, I was full of food and tired but now I was wide awake. I checked the time on my watch. 9:30pm. What the hell am I going to do for the next three hours?

I went to the last bedroom left (obviously mine) and found my trunk was there. I opened up the trunk and began setting my personal items around the room without using magic to pass the time. I wrestled my huge duck down duvet out of my trunk and began slipping the duvet cover overtop. I pulled out some satin sheets I had bought before I came to Hogwarts and stripped the King Bed of the school sheets. With Crookshanks now living with Mr. and Mrs Weasley (he preffered it there) I was able to have nice silky sheets without him ruining them and I had grown very used to the silky feeling on my skin as I slept. I fluffed around a little longer hanging clothes up and stacking the mini island of shoes I had on the shelf on the wall. I sighed and went to try out our new bathroom.

I spent ages in the bath having a good long soak. I washed my hair and put a conditioning treatment through it to tame that ghastly nest I sometimes woke up with. I used my wand and performed a hair removal charm to my legs, armpits and genitals. I jumped out of the shower summoning my fluffy crème towel using non-verbal magic. I loved the feel of freshly hairless skin. So soft! I checked the time, it was 11:30pm. My legs melted a bit as I realized how close it was to midnight. I raced to my bedroom and pulled out my summer silk pajamas shorts with a matching bralette and silk robe. I changed and dried my hair with the towel. I grabbed my wand drying my hair fully so I didn't catch a chill and put it in a messy bun at the top of my head. I glanced in the mirror. I really didnt need make-up. My skin was flawless and I had been blessed with naturally beautifully shaped brows. It was the hair that rebelled. But that was tamed now. All I needed was slippers and I was good to go. I pulled a pair of fluffy grey slippers off the shoe shelf and put them on as I left my bedroom. I got to the bottom of the stairs and came face to face with...Ginny.

"So, looks like you'll be taking up Divination this year." she winked at me and let out a laugh. I laughed with her and I felt my heart start to race. I subconsiously clamped my thighs together. What exactly was I going to the Divination Classroom for? And dressed like this nonetheless. I considered this outfit a good girls version of comfy/sexy. If this is what I wanted to wear for Draco Malfoy, I had to seriously face the facts. I like him. No I WANT him. Badly. I want to kiss him and straddle him again. I want to feel his..

"Tick-tock!! You're going to be late." Ginny snapped her fingers in my face pulling me from my thoughts. "It's quarter to."

"Shit. Thanks Gin". I hugged her quickly and dashed out the entrance to our dorm, doing up the front of my robe as I went. I hung a left and ran all the way down the corridor muffling my steps with my wand as I went. By the time I was at the pull down door to the Divination Classroom in the ceiling, the bells around the castle had started to chime. I was startled as the door suddenly dropped down and Draco's hansome, smooth face loomed out of the shadows and down towards me, reaching to help me up the steps and into the classroom.

As I got up, I turned to face him.

"Hello Granger." his arm snaked around my waist, sending shocks all over me and he pulled me right up against his body so that my silky pajamas pressed against his grey sweatpants. "You smell," he put his face in my neck and inhaled deeply. " delicious." he said drawing back to fix his eyes on me again. I had goosebumps rising all over my body just from his breath on my neck.

"Hello to you too." I said blushing but trying my best to hide it. My temperature was starting to rise and I was sure he could feel my heart pounding away through my robe.

He fixed his penetrating stare on me causing me to blush harder and bite my lip nervously. He smelled so good and as I inhaled his sexy yet passionate, masculine cologne, I picked up hints of fresh mint leaves, Italian lemon & green apple with subtle notes of geranium flower and vanilla. The smell was seriously intoxicating and with the close proximity to this sexy human, dripping with confidence, strong and dominating with his muscles flexed behind my lower back, pushing me into him, I felt the lace g-string beneath my shorts start to dampen and my thighs twitched.

With both hands I pushed away from his chest freeing myself for a little while longer and walking away from him into the rest of the classroom. The divination classroom was beautiful at night. the whole ceiling had become one large, glass dome and with this room being the highest point in the whole castle, the effect it gave off became very similar to looking at the stars through a telescope. In fact the night sky was very clear AND very close. I suspected that this glass was indeed a giant telescope.

I froze as Draco's hands came up behind me and slid round my hips linking his fingers together right over my belly. I seriously need to calm down. I told myself as my breath started to quicken again. A voice inside my head countered the first thought: You're a grown woman now, act like one. What's the problem? You like him, he clearly likes you. Let what will be, be. This would've been Ginny's advice too. I smiled as I took that on board. 'Let what will be, be.'

I turned around to face Draco, unlinking his fingers, resting his hands on my hips and reaching up on my tip-toe to kiss him. He was staring up at the night sky before he felt me turn to him. He glanced down and was caught off guard by my kiss. He recovered quickly however and I felt his grip on my hips tighten in arousal. My heart skipped a beat and my hands reached up to his hair, his response giving me confidence. I tugged lightly at his tousled hair and he let out a small moan. Literally buzzing off the energy radiating from him, I pushed my front up against his, feeling once again the hard manhood I knew was standing at attention. In response, his hands slid down to squeeze my bum cheeks and in one fluid motion, he hoisted me up and passionately and pushed me against the wall, not breaking the kiss once. It was my turn to let out a moan this time. I loved the rough bad boy aggresiveness. It was hot. He was firm but a certain gentleness lay within the way he kissed me. Bracing myself with my forearms against his collarbone, my fingers continued to tangle and tug at his platinum locks and from this new position above him, I was able to deepen the kiss. His huge hands massaged at my thighs and I tensed as the aroma of my juices now soaking my lace g-string surrounded us.

"Fuck Hermione!" he exclaimed breaking the kiss to look at me. I blushed furiously and even with him between my legs I involutarily attempted to jam my legs shut. "No!" he pushed his hips further into me pinning me between the wall and his raging hard-on. He lowered me in his arms so that he could pull one hand out from under me and cup my face. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist to keep from falling. "Don't ever try to hide from me." he said eyes swimming with erotic desire. "That is the highest compliment a man can receive from his woman." I felt a jolt in my chest when he said 'his woman'. "You can never comprehend how much it excites me to know that this is how much you want me. That this is what I do to you."

"I- I'm your woman now am I?" I managed to get out teasingly. The tone of my voice surprised even me and his eyes flew to mine shocked that I would question him.

"Yes! You're mine." he growled huskily. He growled, but again, I could feel the gentleness in his voice.

At those words he kissed me passionately while releasing me from the wall and setting me back on the floor. His tongue dipped in and out of my mouth expertly before he drew back slightly, his lips grazing mine as he made his way across my jawline and down my neck. As he got to my collarbone, he whipped apart my silk robe and observed my breasts in the little black bralette.

"Fucking wow." he growled. His hands slid up my body as he knelt down in front of me kissing and nipping playfully at every inch of bare skin he could reach. Playing with my breasts from the outside of my bra, he traced kisses along my left hip bone and stopped at the waistband of my silk shorts. My legs were barely managing my weight as he rested his chin just above my now throbbing beauty.

"Do you trust me?" he asked staring up at me, silver eyes now alight and filled with lust. The light emitting from the galaxy of stars and planets above us gave the room a bluey glow and I could see the stars in his eyes (literally).

Holy fucking shit. Looking down at him kneeling beneath me, gripping me tightly and an almost desperate desire for me dripping off every word that left his lips, how could I not? I felt like more than just 'his woman', I felt like his QUEEN. I slowly nodded.

"Yeah." I whispered barely controlling myself. His eyes flashed and he smirked the naughtiest raunchiest sexiest smirk I had ever seen on his face before. He kept my eyes locked on his as he kissed at my right hip bone moving further and further down, never once breaking eye contact. As his teeth snapped my lace g-string I realised that while looking at him, he had slid my shorts down to my ankles.

"Let me show you just how much I appreciate you." he whispered to my inner thigh as he began kissing his way back up my leg moving closer and closer to my now saturated G-string.

He took his time, licking and kissing everywhere but where I really wanted to feel him, teasing me with his tongue. I felt his breath on the outside of my covered pussy sending me into overdrive. My breathing had picked up tenfold and I was struggling to control my heart rate too.

"You smell divine." he whispered as the tip of his nose traced the slit between my lips, nudging my swollen bean within and causing me to buck involutarily.

"Draco! Please.." I panted feeling like my head was about to explode.

"Please what?" he asked cheekily. Taking the tip of his tongue and tracing it along the same path as his nose.

"I want you to taste me. I want to feel your tongue inside me." I told him shamelessly.

His eyes sparked almost salaciously before he opened his mouth and sucked the outside of the lace cupping my whole labia between his sexy lips. With a single movement he tore the lace away ripping them completely off me with both hands and dipping his tongue deep between my folds. I threw my head back in ecstasy as his tongue moved inside me. Slowly at first, caressing my folds, teasing my opening and circling my clitoris before picking up speed and capturing my throbbing bean between his lips. My hands grabbed at his hair squeezing and tugging as my chest rose and fell with every flick of his tongue against me.

My eyes rolled back as I felt my very first orgasm approaching. Everything tensed and stilled within me and I screamed his name as one violent hip thrust threw my climax into turbo boost. My legs shook uncontrollably and my hips started to ride out the waves that were literally lapping at the insides of my vagina.

Draco resurfaced just as my legs gave out and he caught me in his arms. I looked at him, still in a state of euphoria and I kissed him deeply, tasting my own juices on his lips, mouth, chin and face.

"You did well Hermione and you taste so good. I could spend everyday doing that to you." He said as he set us both down in between a pile of cushions and pillows in the corner of the room.

As I lay there in his arm with my head on his chest staring at the constellations above us, Draco turned to me and kissed my forehead before he whispered "I'll replace your underwear when I see you next baby, I promise." I realized I was still half naked and started feeling very self conscious. "Accio blanket!" Draco said lazily summoning one of the fluffy throws that were folded in one of the cupboards.

"Remind me never to wear expensive underwear near you." I giggled pulling the throw up over us both.

"I'll refrain from ripping them off next time." He said as he pushed the hair out of my face and kissed me before tucking me in for a cuddle.

We stayed wrapped in our blissful embrace for a while as he pointed out the constellation he was named after. The castle bells tolled indicating it was now 3am, I let out a huge yawn. Draco stood, walked to the other end of the room and retrieved my shorts for me. I slipped them on feeling very naked still without my underwear.

We made our way to the drop down staircase and I took Draco's outstretched hand as I climbed down the stairs.

We walked to the dorms together without a care in the world, hand in hand. As we reached the tapestry outside my dorm Draco pulled me into his strong arms and whispered, "Sweet dreams Hermione."

"Goodnight Draco." He raised his eyebrows and chuckled. "Goodnight." And kissed me before heading to his own dorm. I watched my Slytherin King walk down the corridor and I smiled to myself as he disappeared. What a night!

Woohoo! I had so much fun writing that chapter. I mean who wouldn't wanna get all sensual under the stars?? Perfect!

UPDATE: in case you guys were wondering what Draco smells like in my books, here's the exact cologne. Go smell it if you see it in a shop somewhere, it's bound to get you giddy girls xx 😍 Versace Eros gets me frisky every single time.

Vote, comment and share guys! Tell all your friends! xx

Love loves...Gabbie xx

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