Ocean Eyes

By InHemsworthianHeaven

41K 470 147

Theia moves to a new city and after saving herself from love she ends up falling for the neighbour. More

Ocean Eyes
Chapter two.
chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
chapter eight.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

1.9K 41 15
By InHemsworthianHeaven

Okay so this is the last chapter of my story and before you read I would just like to thank EVERYONE for reading this.

THANK YOU, so bloody much : )

And this chapter is for:










Thank you SO much. You've been awesome fans.

The ride back home had been awfully silent and scary. Both me and Ethan were looking out of our windows and if my neck was any indication then then his will be stiff, too.

Ha. Serves him right.

And as soon as I had come back, I had burst through Caramel's door.

"Ethan's here." I panted and five pair of eyes snapped to me.

"What?" Alice.

"Ahaaaa." Iris.

"WHAT?" Violet.

"Dude, sucks to be you." April.

"Hahahaha." Caramel.

"Yeah. Shit guy's HE is Chris's best-man." I panicked then.

God, why ?

"Ok Theia, calm down. He came here to be at the ceremony, he didn't follow you." Alice said trying to be reasonable but her words had an odd effect on me. I was almost ... dissapointed? And from the little conversation we had at the airport it was pretty clear he didn't care.

"But guy's I can't stay here. I mean HE is here and then I'm here and I still love him and I can't face him." I was almost tearing my hair out.

I was miserable again. The wedding no longer seemed to calm my senses but it was sending my mind in turmoil. I canNOT believe Chris's best-man was Ethan. I mean how lame is that? why would he need TWO best-man anyway.

"Caramel's having five maid's of honour, Chris deserves two best-man's." Was Violet's practical reply but Lord, I was freaking out!

"So tell him and get it over with." April said and shrugged.

"Are you crazy? I saw him with another woman. And anyway's the last time I listened to you guy's and went to tell him, I got my heart broken. Forget it." I snapped.

"I want to see him." Violet said and I groaned.

"Violet focus." I said and she smiled.

God, so much for understanding.

"Listen if we see him once then we can measure him up." Violet said and Iris giggled.

"I'm curious." April said and this time Alice smiled, too.

"I'm in." Caramel shouted.

Wow, they ganged up on me.

"Okay guy's. But you go out and just see him. You don't talk to him, don't say ANYTHING. Is that clear ..?" I asked them and they all looked at each other.

"GUYS." I said and they all chorused a 'yes'.

God, this was a mess but then I stepped aside and let them get out to meet Ethan.

It had been one-freaking-hour since they had gone to 'check' Ethan out and I was definitely going crazy waiting for them now and what's more it was almost time for the wedding and Caramel was not even bothered.

I whirled around ready to find them and demand to know what they talked about but before I could so much as move the door burst open and then all of them walked in.

"What happened?" I asked them but they totally ignored me and started walking around getting their dresses ready.

"What? What?" I asked but still there was no response and then Caramel's mom came in, too and there was just chaos.

"GUYS. SPILL." I shouted and they all jerked back.

"What we didn't talk. We just saw him and then left." April said and everyone nodded.

"You were gone for an hour." I pointed out.

"Yeah we were with Caramel's mom." Alice said.

They were lying I could see it in their faces but I wasn't gonna let them get away so easily.

"Guy's if you don't tell me wha..." I started but Caramel's mom cut in.

"Darling I know the lover's paradise has some problem's but can you wait we ALL have to get ready for the wedding." She said and everybody got busy where as me? I was flipping out.

They had done something, I could tell.

But after that one thought it was impossible to think becuase we were SO busy, we were literally flying! Throwing stuff around, helping each other, giggling and in the end crying and you know what it felt absolutely amazing.

And before we even knew it was time for the bride walk-out and Caramel was on cloud nine.

"This is it, baby." I said and then hugged her followed by Violet, April, Iris and Alice.

"Thank's guy's. I love you." She said and then took her father's outstretched hand. Okay you know what I'm not the weepy kind of girl but right now I just wanted to break down. Walking behind Caramel on the tune of 'here comes the bride' almost killed me and then I don't know quite how but Ethan ocean eye's clashed with mine making my breath hitch in my throat and then he smiled at me.

And my heart popped.

At that moment grief went through me, this could have been us. If things would have been different, if Ethan had loved me, today he would have been standing at the altar waiting for me, smiling at me, loving me. But he didn't and that tore at my heart. Tear's were glistening in my eyes now.

God, I was such a loser.

I didn't look at him throughout the whole ceremony after that and if truth be told I didn't think I could. The priest's words, Chris's smile, the vow's, Caramel's happiness .. they were all getting to me and I just wanted to get away.

But all too soon it was time for the dance. Alice refused, Iris joined Ian and April started making her way towards Edward and then I saw Ethan just standing there staring at me.

He walked toward's me. All handsome and male and I wanted to run. I did. I even turned around but his hand's sneaked around my waist and he twirled me toward's the dance floor.

"Hey." He whispered in my ear and I wanted to die.

"Hi." I chocked out and he smiled at me. SMILED AT ME.

God, I was going to faint or get sick or scream or die!

"Theia." He said very slowly and I jerked back to look at him. He sensed the tension in me and he started smoothing his hands over my back, trying to ease the tension out.

And damn it, he was succeeding.

"I missed you." He whispered in my ear and tears pricked my eyes again, he was going to kill me, he definitely was. I hid my face against his shoulder and took two deep breath's.

"Huh." That's all I managed out.

I was going crazy but if felt so wonderfully amazing to be in his arms again, to feel his hands roam over me, to hear his whispers in my ear, to feel his heart beat against mine, to finally be able to just forget the heart ache for awhile and be one. Just him and me and nothing in between and then we just flowed.

I was stuck in the moment with him. Lost in it, actually and I was shit scared.

"Theia, I want to talk to you." He whispered in my ear.

"Don't spoil this for me." I whispered back.

"I won't, baby. I have a confession to make." He said and then he lifted my head off his shoulder and that's when I realised that we were outside.

Oh my God, he had .. swayed me out of the hall and into the garden.

"Ethan, please. I don't want to talk about it." I said.

"Theia, please. Just listen okay? There is nothing NOTHING going on between me and Melissa. She is just a friend, trust me." He said and when I wouldn't look at him his hand came under my chin and lifted it up.

"I want you, silly." He moved closer and then slowly kissed my cheek. My heart slammed against my chest. He wanted me. He didn't LOVE me.

I was caught in the middle and there was no way out.

"Ethan, just go away." I mumbled and started making mmy way back.

"Why are you doing this, Theia? Why are you breaking us?" He asked in voice so low I barely caught what he said.

"Ethan I told you the last time, there is no us." I said and again the urge to cry was almost over-whelming. Wasn't it enough that he had already broken my heart once? Did he have to do it all over again? Did it give him some kind of satisfaction?

I saw Ethann make his way towards me and then he was just in front of me, he strtched out his hand and I took a step back.

"Don't." I choked out, but he took no notice he took a step closer and then his hand rested against my heart.

And my heartbeat went wild.

"You're wrong, Theia. There is and you know it." He whsipered, stepping even closer.

"Don't do this to me." I said in a muffled voice, totally wit-less.

"Don't do what? Theia, please trust me. I'm not the playboy you think I'm." He said and then he was just an inch away from me.

"Ethan I can't take this, I'm sorry if you think I'm a fling kind of a person but I'm not I .." I started saying but his finger stopped me from talking.

"Listen to me, with you I'm me Theia. No illusions, no pretence, nothing. And I have never felt like that before. I love being with you, I just want to be with you. YOU, Theia. I look in your eyes and I feel .. happy, I look at you smile at me and it rocks my world, I kiss you and I'm on fire and that scares me but I just canNOT let you get away from me. And your friends are right even if you don't believe me or reciprocate the feeling's you should know that I love you. Only you." He whispered the last words to me and I came alive.

"Ethan, I love you, too." I shouted at him and then I was in his arms where I always wanted to be.

"Oh God, Theia. I've waited to hear that, when you're friends told me I dared not believe them but then I knew I couldn't stay away from you, these last months I've been miserable! I can't stay away from you." He said and then his lips met mine and I went crazy. I dreamed about this, about him telling me that he loved me, about my happily ever after.

And now it was here and I was on cloud nine.

"I love you, Ethan. So much, I was miserable, too and though I promised myself I wouldn't I still missed you like hell. And I'm sorry for not believing you but when I came back and saw you with her I just snapped and I suppose I was jealous." I whispered against his lips and when he gave me a dazzling smile my heart skipped.

"Well one jealous person deserves another, everytime I saw you with Aidan I wanted to rip his head-off." He growled,

He kissed me again and again and again till the time we heard some hoots and shouting, startled we both turned around to see my erratic friends jumping and giggling at us.

"Come on, time to say bye to Caramel." They shouted and Ethan hooked his arm through mine and led me inside.

There standing at the patio, I knew I was the luckiest person alive.

No offense to Caramel, though. But she just couldn't have been as happy as I was and then to make matter's worse or I should say happier Caramel's bouquet of flower's landed straight at my feet.

"See that? We'll have to work on it." Ethan whispered in my ear and then he turned mme around and in front of EVERYBODY gave me a mind-numbing kiss, promising me of the bliss ahead.

"I love, you." He growled against me lips.

"I love you, too Mr. Ocean eyes." I whispered back and then lost myself in his kiss.

He was mine forever and always.

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