Everything Has Changed

By pringlejingle

483 42 27

Eva Hale, or Evie as she's known, lost her parents at the age of 18 leaving her legal guardian to her three y... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Authors Note

Chapter One

102 5 14
By pringlejingle

"As you all should remember from last time we were going over the central nervous system. I'll go over a quick summary of it before we continue. The central nervous system is made up of three structures one of them being the brain" she paused and scanned the room. Everyone sat up straighter in their seat and began taking notes or acted like they were interested in the subject.

"The brain is made up of several parts and is one of the most important organs in the human body. It has four key structures that are the cerebellum, the hypothalamus, the cerebrum and the medulla. The medulla controls the heart and breathing rate of our body. The cerebrum controls conscious thoughts and-Dylan, what is the function of the hypothalamus?" Mrs Jones stopped talking mid-sentence to the class and directed all her attention onto Dylan White who was sitting at the back of the class, feet up on the desk, leaning back in his chair as he texted. He never even thought to hide his phone and boredom for this subject.

He glanced up at her as he frowned and muttered a few words under his breath. I have no doubt in the world that they few words were anything but nice. "What's the function of the hypothalamus, Dylan?" Mrs Jones asked him again as she scowled and pressed her lips tightly together.

Mrs Jones was in her late thirties. She had shoulder length wavy brown hair and wore a pair of small black glasses. She's one of those teachers that gets really into her lessons and enjoys teaching and helping us unlike some of my teachers who couldn't give a rat's ass if we fail.

"Dylan, you have one more chance to answer the question" she said sternly. God sake Dylan, it's fucking water balance and temperature regulation, it's not that hard. I twiddled my pen in my fingers and leaned back in my chair as I watched Mrs Jones try to get him to answer the fucking question.

He looked at her and shrugged before going back to texting someone who I can only guess to be a slut. "Dylan White, get off your phone and pay attention to the lesson. This will be in your exams in two months" she pointed to his phone then crossed her arms.

"I don't care about the fucking exams" he mumbled. Will you just fucking shut up or get out so we can continue with the lesson, I actually enjoy biology. It's one of my subjects that I look forward to going to.

"Actually, if you do start paying attention now it won't raise your marks in anyway. Nothing can get through your thick skull and you've failed whether you start trying now or not. Maybe I should just tell the school board to fail you so you can leave school and stop being a pain in my class" she said before turning and walking back up to the board were she had a slideshow playing and a picture of the brain projected. I smiled and grabbed my pen and started taking notes as she continued with the lesson.

She's right. Once he got asked what the function of the heart was at the beginning of the year. You would think that even if he wasn't listening he would at least know the answer, it's pretty easy considering it's just common-sense. Nope, he answered with to produce energy. I don't have a fucking clue how he got to that in the first place.

"-so as you can see the spinal cord, the brain and the nerves all make up the central nervous system. Today we will be going over the breathing system" she clicked into the next slide then stood up and handed out a small thin yellow book.

"Okay class, this will be your homework on the central nervous system. It is due next time you are in here. You should be able to answer all the questions if you have been paying attention the last couple of periods" I looked through the book that was five pages long. God this will take ages. It's not like I have a life or anything. Note the sarcasm. "Now back onto the breathing system. We will go over how it works and-" she was cut off when the classrooms phone suddenly started to ring loudly.

She sighed "excuse me class." She walked over to the black phone that hung on the wall and picked it up and put it to her ear. "Hello this is Mrs Jones" she answered. I blocked her out as the class burst out into conversation. I sighed and looked at the clock. Only fifteen more minutes until lunch, I'm starving.

"Evie, you have to go down to the office and take your bag" she said as she hung the phone back on the wall and walked back over to her desk. I frowned and nodded, grabbing my bag and shoving my notebook and homework book back in my bag I made my way out the class and down to the office.

What do they want? I scanned my brain looking for answers but unfortunately came up with none. Maybe Jays not well and they can't get a hold of mum and dad considering they are on their way to Hawaii for their anniversary. That's completely not fair that they wouldn't let us go because we have school. While they bathe in the sun, I have to sit through endless hours of teachers lecturing us and rambling on about a bunch of shit I couldn't care about, yay go education.

I stood outside the office window and waited on one of them noticing me. You may be wondering why I don't just chap on the window, well the answer to that is because they are all a load of menopausal bitches who moan the second you interrupt their very busy day, cause you know this isn't part of their job description. Like I said before, note the sarcasm.

After standing there for what felt like centuries underneath the air conditioning which was bloody freezing, one of them dragged their fat asses up off their chair long enough to see what I wanted. She opened the window and glared at me. "I got called down" I spoke calmly as I readjusted my bag strap on my shoulder.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Eva Hale" I said. She frowned then after a minute recognition shone in her eyes then her face fell into pity.

"Go round to the door sweetie and I'll buzz you in" she gave a small smile and walked over to the office door. What was that about? I've never seen or heard any of them give a shit before. I have a bad feeling about this. I walked over to the door and waited as she walked over and let me in. She gave me the same sad smile as she walked me down the corridor and into one of the small offices.

"Take a seat" a women who I didn't recognise said. I walked in and sat down, placing my bag between my legs. I looked at them. They were the police. Her and her partner wore the normal police uniform as they leaned back against the office desk. What have I done? I began to panic. I clasped my hands together tightly and my knuckles turned white with the amount of pressure I was putting on them. I felt my heart beat quicken. They scanned my face and body language before one of them spoke.

"Don't worry, you are not in trouble we are here to speak to you and your brother, Jason I believe?" the male officer said who I hadn't properly noticed until now. I nodded. Somehow that just made me worry more. It's got to be bad news, it has to be. What else will they be here to talk about? How good a citizen we are? Ha now that's a laugh.

"What is it you want to talk about?" I looked up to them and asked when I got the courage.

"I believe it would be in your best interest to wait until your brother got here" the women spoke. I nodded again and looked down towards my hands. Hurry up Jay for crying out loud. After a few more uncomfortable minutes the door burst open and in walked my brother. His hair was messed up and his shirt was sticking out from his trousers, his tie was crooked and his jumper was tied around his waist. I'm guessing he was in PE there.

"Sorry I was late, I was in PE" he said breathing heavily and gave a smile as he sauntered over to the chair beside me. I smiled at him and he returned it. He must not have the same bad feeling I'm feeling right now. He seems perfectly calm and collected. What is wrong with him? There is two police officers in the school wanting to talk to us.

"Right, now that we have you both in here we have some news that we are terribly sorry to have to give to you" the man spoke. I looked up to him and gripped my hands tighter together. Definitely bad news.

"Unfortunately, your parents Ian and Sharon Hale were involved in a car accident a few hours ago-" I felt my heart drop at her words. Jay began to cry beside me but I blocked him out and focused on what she had to say.

"-we are sorry to tell you but two bodies were identified as your parents. Sharon, your mum, was flung from the car and died on impact and your dad, Ian was in critical condition when he was brought to the hospital but suffering a haemorrhage to the brain and couldn't be saved" she continued to speak. They can't be dead. They were with us this morning, smiling, laughing, and talking. That was the last time I saw them. They were meant to be on a plane flying across the ocean right now, not dead.

"We understand that you are eighteen, Eva. Are we correct?" The male officer asked me as he flicked open his small black notebook and scanned through what was on it.

I cleared my throat and nodded "Yes, just turned it last week" I said. They looked at each other and nodded.

"Since you are legal age and your parents have made a will, then you can legally take care of yourself and your siblings, Jason, Isabella and Aaron. We know this is a big responsibility and it is ill-timing but-"

I cut him off "I don't want them took away. I will take care of them" I stood up. Of course I'm going to take care of them. I'm their older sister. It's my job to protect them, not get rid of them because I can't handle it.

"If you would like we can set up someone, maybe family to take care of you and your siblings for the mean time?" She asked.

"No, it's fine. I can take care of them. I don't need anyone to look after them" I said.

"But Miss Hale, it is a huge responsibility to take care of three younger siblings at your age and when you are going through this grief" the male officer interjected. Just give up. I am taking care of them myself.

"I know that, but I can take care of them" I insisted. My dad always said I was stubborn when I cared about something so they either agree now or they can argue the rest of the day about it, I don't care either way because I will win.

They looked wearily at me before they sighed and nodded. "If you insist. Here is a number for social services who have been informed of your situation. If you need help phone them" the women officer handed me a card and they both left the office.

I took the card and glanced down at it before shoving it in my pocket and turning to Jay. I knelt down in front of him and pulled him in for a hug. He rested his head on my shoulder and clung to my top as he cried. His body shook with sobs. In the distance I heard the bell ring. Usually I would join the stampede of hungry teenagers killing each other on their way out of class and trying to get to the front of the line in the cafeteria, it's fish and chips day after all.

I pushed Jay arm's length away as I rested my hands on his shoulders. I gave them a gentle squeeze encouraging him to look at me. I can't sit here all day and hug him as he cries in school, but I can't go home now. I need to pick up a few things from my classes. Maybe if I phone Aunt Christie she'll come and get him. She's watching Aaron right now anyway. He wiped his eyes with his shirt collar and looked up at me as more tears fell.

"I'll be back in a minute ok?" I gave him a small smile and a pat on his shoulder before standing up and walking out the room.

I grabbed my phone out my pocket and dialled Christie as I shut the office door behind me. Leaning on the wall, I closed my eyes; I listened to the phone ring. Please please please pick up. Just as I was about to give up she answered. "Hey Evie" she chirped.

"Christie, have you heard?" I asked her. She was silent for a minute, probably thinking what I was talking about.

"Heard about what sweetie?" Ah fuck. How do I tell her that her sister and brother-in-law are dead through the phone and that I need her to watch my crying brother who's taking it badly?

"Em...I don't know how to tell you this and I wish it wasn't through the phone but-" I took a deep breath and decided I would just go straight to it, there's no point beating around the bush "-mum and dad were in a car accident this morning and haven't survived" I said quietly. The line was eerily silent. I was starting to worry that she would turn out like Jay. What would I do if she can't come get him or she can't watch Isabella and Aaron?

"How are you and Jay taking it?" I heard the unmistakable crack in her voice as she tried to keep the cries at bay. Please be my strong aunt and hold it together for a few hours.

"I'm fine; I think the shock hasn't set in yet but Jays taking it badly. Can you come and get him and watch him as well as Isabella and Aaron for a few hours extra until I get home? I have to do a few things" I asked. I really don't know if it is the shock that hasn't set in yet or I'm just handling it strangely well. Whatever it is I hope I don't breakdown now that I have to take care of three people. I need to be strong.

"Of course I can sweetie. Whatever you need I'm here, just a phone call away. I'll get this monster ready. Give me ten minutes" she said before hanging up. Thank god she came through. I leaned off the wall and put my phone back in my pocket before entering back into the room. Jay was still sitting on the seat. He was slouched forward with his head in his hands as he cried; his shoulders shook with every cry. I took a deep shaky breath and walked over to him.

"Jay, Aunt Christie is on her way. She's coming to pick you up and take you home. She'll watch you until I get home, I'll only be a few more hours" I bent down and picked up my bag and his. I shoved mine over my shoulder and held onto the strap of his. He looked up as tears continued to stream down his face. How do I deal with this? I've never been in a situation like this before. What do I say? What do I do?

I stood up and held out my hand. He looked at it and then looked at my face before he placed his hand in mine and let me pulled him up. I wrapped my arm around his torso and leaned my head into his chest. Hes three years younger than me but already taller than me, how is that? He rested his arm over my shoulder and the other was shoved into his pocket. We walked out the room. Well I walked he slouched and dragged his feet. He leaned most his weight onto me as we made our way through the school and out the front.

Just as we stepped outside I spotted aunt Christies bright blue Mercedes pull up. We walked over to it and I helped Jay in and shut the door behind him. I walked around the car towards the driver's side were Christie was. She put her window down to talk to me. "He's not said a thing since we were told and I don't think he will. Can you just get him to his room and check up on him every wee while. I'll deal with him when I get home" I glanced at the back of the car were Jay was leaning his head against the window as he cried. On the opposite seat from him, Aaron was sitting up in his car seat trying to eat his feet. His shoes and socks were flung on the seat. His bright blue eyes shone in the light. He's such a cutie.

"Ok sweetie. Just call me if you need me at all" she reached out and took my hand. She gave it a gentle squeeze. Her eyes glassed over but she blinked the tears away quickly.

"I'll phone when I'm on my way" I said before taking a step back as she drove away. I watched the blue Mercedes leave the school grounds. Right, I need to get through two more periods then I can go home and deal with this. I have so much I need to deal with now. Will I be able to take care of them by myself? Will I be able to finish school? Will Jay be ok? Shut up brain. We will deal with this when the bell goes at the end of the day. Right now school is the only thing i need to think of.

I spun on my heals and headed back into school. I walked past everyone ignoring their stares. Why wouldn't they stare? They saw what Jay was like. They probably had a million questions and a thousand rumours that would be spread by tomorrow morning, but for now that's another day's problem.

I found Macy, Luke and Nicole laughing away at our usual table. It brought a smile to my face and eased my tension. These three idiots will help me. I sat down on my seat next to Luke, kicked my bag under the table and rested my head on his shoulder. "Look who finally decided to join us?" Nicole smirked when I sat down but after a minute her face turned serious. Her eyebrows knitted together and her mouth turned into a thin line, her eyes searched my face for something to give me away.

"What's wrong, Evie?" Luke said gently, he rested his head on top of mine and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and rubbed up my arm soothingly. Somehow that small action calmed me.

"God my life is fucked up" I sighed. I rubbed my face roughly with my hands.

"What happened? You know you can talk to us?" Macy said her voice quiet and soothing. She reached over and took my hand in her small ones. I looked at our hands, at Macy's face which held genuine worry and opened my mouth.

"My parents were in a car accident and both didn't make it. I now need to go home and take care of three kids by myself. Jays took it bad. I've never seen him like this. He just shut up after we were told and broke down. I don't know what to do. I've never seen someone this distraught before. Should I talk to him? Should I leave him alone? What happens if he can't get up tomorrow or the next day or the next day? What happens if he just gets worse? What happens if I breakdown and can't take care of them?" I rambled on and on about everything.

"Well that's a lot to take on board" Luke blinked. I guess he's got nothing. He just continued to rub my arm which was his way of dealing with this. To be honest I don't blame him if he's got nothing. I've got nothing. I don't know how you handle things like this and I don't think he does either.

"Are you ok?" Macy asked after a minute. I looked at her and frowned. Am I ok? Quite frankly, I don't know. I don't really feel upset. I don't really feel any emotion, I just feel numb. I just feel confused about what I'm going to do.

"Yes. Actually, I am fine" I gave them a smile and grabbed a chip from Luke's plate and popped it in my mouth. He turned to me with a frown, lifted his plate up, pulling it to his chest and moved over a seat all the while frowning at me. I raised an eyebrow at him as he continued to cradle his half eaten plate of fish and chips like it was worth a fortune.

"Mine. Not yours. Mine. I used my money to pay for it therefore it is my plate of fish and chips" he declared. He used his hands to exaggerate it even more. Every time he said mine he pointed to himself with both hands then pointed to me then to the plate of food. Let's just say that Luke is very protective of his food, it's weird but funny at the same time.

"Evie, have you heard about Iona?" Nicole turned to me. She was squirming about on her seat as if she was going to burst if she didn't start talking. I shook my head and leaned forward and placed my hand under my chin and used my other hand to make a circular motion that everyone knows means continue. She smiled and took a sip of her juice before firing into the gossip. "Well apparently at Iona's eighteenth a few weeks ago she cheated on Tony with James. They went up to her room during the night and had sex before going separate ways" she took a deep breath which we thought was her finished her story.

"So has Tony broken up with her?" Macy asked. She leaned forward to listen in better. A small smirk playing on her lips. She's got to be enjoying this.

"I'm not finished yet" Nicole whined. We held up our hands in surrender and zipped our mouths. "Ok, well yesterday she found out that she's pregnant. The only thing is that the dates coincide with her party or whatever you call it. Turns out she slept with Tony later that night as well. She has no clue who the father is and neither guy will talk to her" she took a deep breath "now I'm finished" she leaned in and took a drink before scanning our faces.

Just like that all my problems are gone and in place is gossip that Nicole heard about. That's one of the reasons I love these guys, instead of getting me to talk about it, which they know I don't like doing, they just take my mind off it with something else. Nicole always makes it easily since she's on the dance team and has a new bit of gossip every time I see her, which is a lot.

"She's a whore" Luke said making us giggle and agree.

Iona is basically the Queen Bee of the school or as we put it the head bitch. Seriously though, she goes about bullying all the nerds to do her homework and get her the answers to the tests. She used to do that to Macy before we found out and I punched her. To be honest the sprained wrist and two day suspension was worth it. She had to walk about with a swollen purple broken nose for over a month and I got her to leave Macy alone. Double win. I don't think I've ever seen her do anything herself. She has half the school both falling at her feet and willing to do anything for her or the other half who hide away from her. If she comes down the corridor they hide in the nearest classroom. Once I saw a boy climb into a locker and shut it. Safe to say he needed the fire brigade to come and break the lock.

After lunch we went to our classes. The last hour and forty minutes dragged in. Every chance I got when the teachers backs were turned I would check my phone incase Christie text me. I text her half way through seventh period, she said everything was fine and not to worry, but I still had a bad feeling.

"Evie, ¿cuál es la respuesta a la número trece?" Mr Martin, my Spanish teacher asked me. I snapped out of my thoughts and focused on the small round bald man who seems to have a permanent scowl plastered on his face. He was glaring at me as he stood holding an open textbook in one hand and a blue whiteboard pen in the other.

Número trece? Em, oh right that's number thirteen. I grabbed my book and scanned the page for thirteen. When I saw it my mind went blank. Em well let's see, it's a true or false question which means it's fifty/fifty. Let's try false. What's false again in Spanish? Verdad is true, so mentira must be false. I looked up to him and leaned back in my seat. "Mentira" I said with confidence even though I had no speck of confidence it was right.

He mumbled a few things under his breath in Spanish and nodded his head. "Correcto, pero preste atención la próxima vez" he said as his scowl towards me deepened. Ok, I know that means 'correct, but pay attention next time'. Hey old man at least I got it right. I hate him, he hates me. I hate this subject. I'm not good at this subject, why should I try? Oh that's right, because apparently I need it for every possible job out there, which I know is a load of bullshit.

The rest of the period I spend day dreaming and glancing up at the clock every minute until the bell rang. I immediately jumped out my seat, grabbing my back I ran out the class, down the stairs and out the building towards my car. I then sped home hoping there was no police in the area.

After tucking Isabella and Aaron into bed I went downstairs and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and the first thing that came on was the news. A woman with brown hair tied in a tight bun and wearing a grey suit sat at a desk and read out "this morning there was a tragic car accident on King Street. There were only four casualties, but unfortunately two of which were killed: Sharon and Ian Hale. We do not know the cause of the deaths exactly, their family have still to disclose this information-" I turned the TV off after that.

Their family have still to disclose that information, who do they think they are? Why should I tell them about this? It has nothing to do with anyone but me, Jay, Izzy, Aaron and Christie and Rob. Robs Christies husband.

I stood up and walked through to dad's study. I opened the door and walked in. The room that was once full with laughter and chatter was silent. It felt strange, not normal. As if I had walked into a different dimension. It will never be the same in here. I stood still and closed my eyes, imagining dad sitting at his desk doing paper work while I sat on the couch against the wall and drew him. I would sit for hours talking his ears off while I drew and he worked. He would always smile at me and listen intently; never would he yell or snap at me for interrupting his work. He got used to it since I had done that from a young age, he could concentrate on his work and on my stories and still smile. I loved my dad for that. I was a daddy's girl, as you may have guessed. The place smelled of him, it was relaxing and comfortable. At least when I missed my dad I could come in here.

I walked over to his desk and ran my hand across his leather chair and then the varnished wooden desk. I felt a knot in my throat forming, clearing my throat I moved from the desk and over to where I kept my sketch pad and pencils. As I walked past the desk I knocked over a stack of envelopes. Kneeling down I gathered them together. One of them caught my eye and I picked it up.

It was opened at the top; I took it out and unfolded the paper. Oh shit I never thought of that. Fuck fuck fuck. It was a gas and electricity bill for £116. How could I forget about bills? Fuck I'm screwed.

I gathered the envelope and dumped them on dad's desk before grabbing a notepad and pen. Right how much do I need to make to keep us afloat? I sat down on his comfy leather computer chair and opened the notepad. I'm so glad I take after dad in maths now. He was an accountant.

Gas and electricity - £116/monthly

Mortgage - Takes twenty five years to pay, being paying for ten. House costs £599,950 and we've paid off £240,000, which leaves £355,950. So that's £1977.50/monthly for fifteen years.

Council tax - £460/monthly

Groceries - £200/weekly so £800/monthly

My car - Cars costs £29600. Had for five months which takes off £6166.66 leaving £23433.33 and making it £1233.33/ monthly

Petrol - £200/weekly so £800/monthly

Water - £30/monthly

Total monthly = £5,416.83 let's round that to £5,500.

Road tax - £180/annual

Car insurance - £950/annual

Total yearly = £67,130

Is that everything? I stared back at it and ran through it again. That looks like it. How the hell am I supposed to come up with over five grand a month? I need to find a job as of tomorrow. What could I do? That's when it hit me. I quickly took my phone out my pocket and dialled Christie.

"Hey sweetie. Is everything alright?" She asked worriedly. You could hear the tiredness in her voice. Did I wake her? I glanced at the clock in dad's study and noticed it was after two in the morning. Shit! Where did the time go?

"I'm sorry for wakening you. I'll call back in the morning" I apologised and went to hang up.

"No, it's okay honey. What's wrong?" she asked again. I took a deep breath.

"Can you speak to Rob about me getting a job at his work? I figured out how much money we need to make and dads savings will only cover us for three months" I rambled worriedly. Dad had just over fifteen thousand saved up. He had just recently started saving.

"Of course. Ill speak to him in the morning and get back to you. Is that all you need?" she sounded relieved. She was probably worried I had broken down or something.

"Yeah, that's all. Thanks Aunt Christie" I hung up and leaned back in dad's chair, relishing in his familiar scent. I rubbed my face with both hands and heaved a long sigh. This is going to be hard. I need to find a well-paid job. Luckily, Rob owns a company and will be more than willing to get me a job. He's got enough money to lend us but I won't take it. Something about me being stubborn, independent and keeping my pride, is stopping me.

"Will everyone just fucking stop giving me sympathetic looks? It's getting on my fucking nerves" I snapped. I was walking down the corridor in school. Macy and Nicole were on either side of me. All morning since I stepped out my car people had been staring at me as if waiting for me to snap and breakdown. They must of all saw the news this morning or last night.

I've had a few people come up to me and say they're sorry and they're there for me if I need them. To be perfectly honest these people bothered me the most, why? Well, its quiet simple really, I've never said a word to them before today, so why would I want to cry about losing my parents to them? I've also had people try to make a conversation with me but because they're trying to watch what they say they end up stuttering and making up the weirdest things to say, then freak out, make up an unbelievably bad excuse to leave and hurry away. It's actually amusing to watch it at times.

"They are just trying not to upset you, but they don't know how to act" Macy defended them.

We came to our table and sat down. Luke was already there and scoffing down a chicken burger. I dropped my bad on the floor and slumped onto the chair. I rubbed my temple were I felt a headache coming on and let out a long sigh before resting my head on Luke's shoulder. It's been a long and stressful night and day.

"I'm sorry" I closed my eyes and continued to rub my temple to ease off the tension. I just felt tense and knackered at the same time. I had no sleep last night. After working out the bills I was heading up to bed when Isabella woke up crying for mum. After spending an hour trying to calm her down, which did not work, she eventually fell asleep on my lap from all the crying. Then Aaron woke up crying and it took hours to get him to settle again. After he settled he would wake back up a few minutes later. Jay also cried all night and a few times he wore himself out and fell asleep only to wake up screaming, crying and drenched in sweat from a nightmare.

For six hours straight I was running back and forth dealing with crying and screaming children. The only reason I'm still able to function is from about a million cans of Red Bull, Monster and Dr Pepper. I had barely any time to shower this morning. My hair was still wet when I arrived to school late. My hair was scooped back into a messy bun, I wore a pair of my comfy black skinny jeans with a concert t-shirt and a grey hoodie on top that I just shoved on. No point in trying to look presentable when I wasn't in the mood and no matter how much make-up or clothes I put on I still looked a mess. I had no make-up on, I normally don't wear any or only a little, but today would have been the day I put loads on if I had time. To say the least, I looked a complete and total mess.

"What for?" Nicole frowned and tilted her head to the side slightly. Macy took a sip of her water before putting it down and facing me with a frown as well. Luke nudged me with his shoulder.

"For everything. I've been grouchy all day and I've been taking it out on you all" I sighed and rubbed my head and looking at them. Their faces had morphed form confusion to the same sympathetic looks that everyone had been giving me. Nicole sniffed and dabbed her eye with her finger trying not to smudge her mascara. Oh great she's going to cry. She better not cry, I can't deal with one more person crying near me. Nicole is the most emotional person I know. She cries at practically everything.

Macy and Nicole got up and all three of them encased me in a hug. I chuckled and swatted them away with my hands as they crushed my bones.

"You don't every need to be sorry for being grouchy. We can tell that you are stressed out your nut. Don't apologise, we can deal with a few insults and you snapping at us" Macy said and gave me a small smile that caused a knot in my throat and my eyes to sting. I blinked quickly and shook my head. I am not going to cry. I will not cry. I cleared my throat and gave a smile back.

"Thank you. You know I don't mean it, right?" I whispered and played with the hem of my hoodie. Luke put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up. His brown eyes looked intensely into my green ones. He put his arms around my shoulders and pulled me to him. I rested my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso; closing my eyes I inhaled his scent that always brought comfort to me. He pressed his lips to my forehead them rested his chin on top of mine.

Luke isn't one for words per say. He doesn't really know how to comfort someone in my situation so he will do what he can through physical touch such as hugs. He gives the best hugs I know.

"We know you don't mean it" Luke whispered softly sending shivers down my back from his voice. I clung tighter to him and closed my eyes. My heart was racing and I felt like I was going to cry. I will not cry. I fought back the tears that were threatening to escape. I felt Luke mouth something against my neck. He had moved his head to the crook of my neck by now. I'm guessing he was talking to Macy and Nicole.

We sat like that, in each other's arms and in silence for a good ten minutes before I pulled away when I felt like I had enough courage to not cry. I love these three people with all my heart. They will be here for me and help me through this. They will be my rock.


This is my first book and I would appreciate it greatly if you continue to read. I still need to go back and edit it. Can you please vote or comment so that i know if anyone is reading it and enjoying it. If so i will continue to update daily. I am sorry for the sad beginning but the next chapter is better and more happy, I promise.

Thanks for reading

Sammy x

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