A Little Bit of Love (Garroth...

By jayde_hufflepuff

9.8K 123 49

Ok, Laurence and Garroth like YOU, the reader. They don't love each other! Just as friends! Ok, just wanted y... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
A/N (Please Read)
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty-One~
~Chapter Twenty-Two~
Chapter Twenty-Three
~Chapter Twenty-Four~
~Chapter Twenty-Five~
~Chapter Twenty-Six~
~Chapter Twenty-Seven~
~Chapter Twenty-Eight~
~Chapter Twenty-Nine~
~Chapter Thirty~
~Chapter Thirty~

~Chapter Two~

581 7 4
By jayde_hufflepuff

~First Class~


Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
H/C - Hair Color
E/C - Eye Color
H/L - Hair Length



Finally, I head to the side of everyone. The thing is, when I do so, someone whams into me, knocking me out.

End of Recap

I wake up in the nurses office. "Oh! Good you're awake!" The nurse yells. "I'll be right back!" She leaves the room.

When she comes back, she's with a boy. "Oh, thank goodness you're ok! I don't know what I would do if you weren't." My eyes come into focus, finally.

I look at the boy. He has blond hair, blue eyes, and a pretty nice smile. I smile back.

"It's fine, I should've watched where I was going." I tell him.
"Wow Y/N, you're such a klutz!" I mumble to myself.

"I wasn't the one who got knocked out, you were. It's my fault." He insists. I roll my eyes.

"You two should get to your classes." The nurse says, interrupting our little, polite fight. We nod and head out.

"So, I'm Garroth, what's your name?" He asks me, while we walk. I stop in my tracks. He turns to look at me, he looks confused.

"I don't know which homeroom I have! Or where it is!" I yell, worried. I hoped nobody else heard me, but everyone else in the hall, heard me loud, and clear.

"Here, let me see your schedule." I hand him my schedule and he examines it. His face brightens up. "We have the same homeroom! Common, I'll show you the way." I follow him to the homeroom.

Once we get to the homeroom, the teacher immediately talks to us about being late on the first day of school.

"I had to go to the nurses office, Garroth came, and showed me to my homeroom." I say, quickly, and getting louder.

"Ok, well take a seat. You may do whatever you would like for the rest of homeroom, until we head to the gym." The teacher explains.

I immediately take out my drawing notebook, and start drawing a person. A random person,that I don't know.

(Not my art, because I'm a crappy drawer.)

This is what it looked like when I was done. "Wow, you're really good at drawing." I look over to see Garroth peaking over my shoulder to see my drawing.

I blush immediately, and cover it up with my arms. "I-It's not that great. J-Just some of my most b-basic work." I say, obviously stuttering a lot.

He chuckles a bit, while I'm over here, with my face bright red. "Sorry, it's just, if you think that's basic, you are crazy." I look at the desk.

"I don't usually show people my art, so I'm not used to getting complements." I say quietly and very shyly.

"Ok class, we will be heading to the gym to help the freshmen with orientation. Head there now." He dismisses us, we leave the classroom and head to the gym.

I just follow everyone else, due to the fact that I don't know where it is. Once we get to the gym, there are a ton of club stands.

"Hey, so I gotta go. I'm in baseball, so I gotta go help run the stand. I'll see you around?" I nod my head. After that, I just stand there awkwardly.

Someone walks over to me. She has brown hair, and brown eyes. "Hi there, I'm Teony, are you a freshman?" I shake my head.

"No, I'm a sophomore, just new to this school." I inform her. She nods slowly. She chuckles a bit.

"Well, if you wanna join a club, feel free to sign up to it! They all accept new members as of now. Most don't later in the year." I nod my head, while she turns to walk away.

I look around a bit, until I see an art club. I walk over to it, to see what's it all about. I take a panflet and start reading.

It says, "We draw, paint, anything artsy you can imagine, we probably do in this group." I don't bother to read the rest. I'm already interested.

I walk up to the stand, and talk to them a bit. I then grab a pen, and when I'm about to sign my name, I hear a ball.


I hope you liked this chapter. This didn't come out as planned. I planned to have it come out at 7:00 PM, but I just couldn't wait until then to finish it. I'll give you my schedule for posting in the next chapter. Thanks for reading! ❤️


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