[ ✔ ] cry baby 〰 st and it pr...

By kagxru

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" fall in love with you baby " • st/it fanfic i wrote eons ago that got way too much attention More

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886 12 8
By kagxru

How they end up asking you to be their girlfriend

Stranger Things

-Okay it was vv cute. Like who knew frogface could be this cute and romantic. You guys were in Mike's backyard on your third date, sprawled out on a blanket while you were stargazing. It was a Friday so you had planned on staying up late. It hit midnight, and your mother was probably getting worried. You got up and told Mike you had to leave, but he grabbed your hand and stopped you
-"No, don't go yet! I just need to... I'll get it over with. Y/n, I really like you. A lot. And these past few weeks have been really great. So... so do you want to be my girlfriend?"
-"... what?"
-"O-oh... if you don't want to-"
-"I do! Oh God, do I ever."
-You stayed a little while longer and kissed him before you left

-Oh boy, this guy right here, what a romantic. He had you wrapped around his little finger since the first date, no, since you first met. On your guys' seventh date, he told you that that specific date was really important. You didn't know why, but you went along with it. That date was to the park on a picnic. You took a bite of your sandwich, biting into a ring. A promise ring
-Highkey like that one Little Rascals moment when Alfalfa gave Darla the promise ring
-"Oh, Will, I-"
-"Y/n, I like you a lot. I bought you this promise ring to show you how much I do like you. Once you put this on, we'll always be together. So, Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"
-You cried... a lot. Like, a LOT

-It was super casual. You guys were on a fourth date to the movies and he leaned forward and just asked
-"Hey, Y/n. I know this is a movie, but do you want to be my girlfriend?"
-"Yeah, duh. Shh! This is the good part!"
-The night ended with a small kiss on the lips
-Like 50 'wows' after you kissed

-Yours was more formal. It surprisingly was your second date, dinner at his house with his parents and Erica. His mom and dad helped him plan his while Erica sat back and gagged
-"Y/n... can I ask you something?"
-"In front of your parents?-"
"Yep. I, uh... really like you. A lot. And I wanted to know if you'd like to uh... be my girlfriend?"
-"Of course, Sinclair!"
-Later that night, you kissed in front of Erica, and she screamed the "Lucas and Y/n sittin' in a tree" song
-Lucas yelled at her and told her to get out
-Not in his lo🅱🅱y

-The poor thing was scared to death. So, it wasn't her that asked, it was you
-"Maxi, so I was thinking, maybe it would be cool if we were, you know, girlfriends?"
-"Wha-what? Y/n, I-"
-"What do you say?"


-Poor stuttering bean, he was terrified. Like he stuttered worse than he ever has. It was terrible. When he asked, it was on your ninth date to the aquarium (yes, he wanted to take you to see fish. He thought it was cool)
-"I-I, Y-Y/n... do you w-wan-want to be-be my girl-girl-girlfriend?"
-"Bill! Yes!"
-Cute kiss in the middle of the aquarium
-You we're applauded at the end of your kiss
-Bill zoomed faster than Sonic
-GoTtA gO fAsT
-He was embarrassed™ and just wanted to l e a v e

-You thought that THE Richie Tozier would be romantic? Wrong. In fact, you were in his b e d r o o m when he asked you. It wasn't a date, but you'd had six before that
-"Wanna be my girlfriend, Y/l/n?"
-"Duh, Tozier."
-He grabbed your a*s and you screamed... he thought it was funny
-But more makeouts™

-Its not easy being wheezy. When Eddie asked you, it was super cute, but his inhaler was gone at the moment. So yeah, he was wheezy™
-"I *wheeze* really need to hurry and get this over with. *Wheeze* will you be my *wheeeeeze* girlfriend, Y *wheeze* n?"
-"Yesssss of course, Wheezy!"
-"Don't call me that! *pouto*"
-"Sorry, Eds. By the way, I had an extra inhaler."
-"Wha-what!? Gimme it! Don't call me Eds!"

-What a frickin' c u t i e. Who knew that this boyo could be so adorable to someone he used to actually hate. You guys were on your tenth date at the quarry since no one was there. You hated swimming, but he made you. Whenever you jumped in, he dunked you underwater and you thought you we're gonna die. Stan thought you looked absolutely adorable when you we're pouting and when your hair was like a wet dog. He thought you looked cute in your bathing suit, even though you thought you looked fat and gross. He couldn't help but to kiss you, it was a natural instinct to him. You were shocked and kept your hands at your sides
-"I-I'm sorry, Y/n... I couldn't help it."
-You just kissed him again
-"So, Uris... what does this make us now?"
-"I'd like to call you my girlfriend..."
-"And I'd like to call you my boyfriend. It's settled then."
-More kisses throughout the day™

-W o w this boy is the cutest thing ever. You were on your fifth date. You didn't go anywhere but his farm. He asked when you guys were playing with the sheep
-"Oh my God this sheep is so adorable-"
-"Not as adorable as you."
-"Oh, shut up, you."
-"I'm being serious! I'd love to call you my girlfriend."
-"Then I'm all yours, Hanlon."

-He asked at the library, shocker. You guys weren't on a date, he just thought it was the right time
-"Y/n. I really like you, do you want to be my girlfriend?"
-"Aw, Benny boo! Of course!"
-You guys kissed behind a bookshelf and got yelled at by the old librarian lady

-She wasn't even scared. It was so casual and happened so fast. You were on your eighth date at a small diner, wanting to get away from Bev's dad since he didn't approve... at all. He's an a*shole anyways
-"Wanna be my girlfriend, Y/n?"

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