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A/N: I had to

Dating Maxine (Max) Mayfield would include

-Going to pride parades (modern day)
-Not a lot of PDA cause ya know
-But muchmuchmuch love whenever you're alone
-Gay lovers are the best lovers, so they say😉😉
-Her telling you she loves you 25/8
-Whenever guys flirt when you, she'll call them out
-"Hey, she's GAY."
-"Just saying! I speak the truth."
-Smirks afterwards because she feels proud of herself
-You're a blushing mess and you apologize to the guy 3729482992 times
-When a girl flirts with you, she'll get really jealous
-Pulls on your arm
-"Babyyyyy~... can we go please?"
-"Max, I'm talking."
-You always give in when she pouts, so you tell the girl goodbye and leave
-Max is a great persuader, trust me

[ ✔ ] cry baby 〰 st and it pref.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora