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Dating Stanley Uris would include

-Loving him no matter what religion he has
-Loads of PDA
-Innocent bean in the streets, pervy Jew in the sheets😉 (aged up for that ObViOuSlY)
-Always holding hands
-Helping him with homework all the time because he never seems to get it
-"Y/nnnnnn... please help meeee! It doesn't make sense!"
-"It's really simple, Stan! How do you not get it?"
-"You're super smart and I'm dumb?"
-"Shut up, don't say that. Now where are you...?"
-He's really insecure, so you try your best to make him feel good about himself
-At his barmitzfah (idk how to spell that and autocorrect is no help) you kissed a LoT. You wanted his first day being older the best day
-Going to the synogauge with him sometimes, just to see what it's like
-"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Y/n L/n."
-"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Stanley Uris."

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