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How you met

Stranger Things

You guys met in first grade when you moved there. He lowkey had a crush on you for like three years straight but he'd never said it out loud

You were introduced by Mike in third grade. You instantly clicked and Mike was third wheelERED™

You met while riding bikes when he first moved, although you'd lived in Hawkins your whole life. You ran into him and busted his tire. He hated you ever since

You didn't meet, really. Like, obviously, you did eventually. But you only met when he accidently bumped into you in the hallway, thought you were pretty, and it was really awkward

At the arcade. She was playing Dig Dug and you, suprisingly, beat her score. She literally hated you since then


You met through Georgie, technically. You were on the streets and, Georgie being the friendly boyo he is, told you hi. You thought he was absolutely adorable and then you met Bill, whomst was trying to protecc his brother from strangers

You met through Eddie. In speaking of which, your Eddie's sister. So you met at a young age. Eddie was replaced with Richie like as soon as you met

You met at the pharmacy. You were getting some meds for your mother and you happened to meet Eddie there

You met at the Temple. Seems like an awkward introduction, but yes, you met at the synogouge (I can't spell it OkAy?) You didn't meet inside, you met outside, due to not being Jewish (if you are SoRrY pretend you aren't) He hates you because his dad and your dad are rivals

He was just a precious boi™ and thought you were pretty when he saw you walking down the street. He couldn't help but to stare and ask your name

You met at the library. Being a nice person, you helped him pick out a book to read because he needed one

At school. In the bathroom to be precise. You noticied she was smoking a cig and bummed one off of her

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