About Me!

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Nobody asked for this but I guess I'll do it anyways. Here's 15 facts about me

1) My name is Olivia

2) I'm v smol don't hurt me 😊

3) I'm a bisexual bean™ wHOO

4) But I'm also a b*tch so don't mess with me

5) I mostly protecc, but I can attacc with roasts (basicbitchfxnn knows this for a fact)

6) I don't ship Mileven. Gag me with a spork thanks

7) I ship Byler and Lumax/Mucas and those are my main ones

008) I'm a Will stan. Everyones always about Mike and El and Dustin while I'm over here stanning the best bean. I'll always be a Will stannnn

9) I'm 13 years old

10) I'm a Phangirl

011) Going along with the Phangirl thing, I'm a Dangirl. Which means I favor Dan over Phil. Butttttt I still love Philly

12) I love the Anne with an E series. I'M SO PUMPED FOR SEASON TWOOO

13) Aymeric Jett Montaz (who plays Jerry on AWAE) noticed me before. I died

14) Finn is my bae and Noah is my husband

15) Take my bae and husband away I will puncture your face thanks☺

[ ✔ ] cry baby 〰 st and it pref.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz