Dunei - A Murtagh Love Story...

By DrottningFethr

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After travelling together, the bond between Lorena and Murtagh become dunei. They've managed to earn the trus... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - Merry Christmas
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 09

639 21 11
By DrottningFethr

A shrill cry broke through the room waking the pair up. Lorena propped herself up on an elbow and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Looking at the fireplace she could tell they had only been asleep for a few hours, the flames still burnt bright, and she remained warm despite the absence of clothing. She turned back to ask Murtagh what was wrong and realised he was missing. She began to get to her feet before she noticed Murtagh walk out of the children's room, Selena tucked under his arm.

"The thrills of parenthood," he complained as he rubbed his eye with the back of one hand.

"Is she alright?"

"Yes, just hungry." Murtagh made his way back over to the fire and sat beside Lorena.

"Did you want me to get her something to eat?" Lorena looked at him confused.

"Of course," Murtagh handed the baby over, then chuckled when he saw her face, "she's still on the milk."

"Oh," she then realised what he said, "Oh! I don't really know how-"

"I'll help you." Murtagh repositioned the baby in her arms and help the baby latch on. "See, easy."

Lorena grinned when she noticed Selena staring up at her, eyes large and cheeks ruddy. She cupped the babies face, then kissed her lightly atop the head. She noticed Murtagh watching on silently with a tender smile. "Tell me about the children."

"Well, Tornac is five. I've started teaching him sword fighting but he prefers to listen to your stories. Jordane is close to three, he's got an interest for animals. You'll often find him outside watching insects or lizards, and he loves inspecting the game we bring in after a hunt, I'm not sure he understand what death is yet. And Selena is about eleven months old, she's teething so lately she's been pretty cranky, she's got about five or six teeth so far. As you saw yesterday all three laugh a lot, they're all generally happy kids, all healthy. There's not much to complain about."

"They're all gorgeous, I've fallen in love already." Lorena giggled when she looked back down at Selena, who yawned.

"I think she's done now. Do you know how to burp her?"

"Burp her? Why on earth would I want her to burp?"

"They get a sick stomach if they don't. Here," Murtagh repositioned the baby so her chin rested on Lorena's shoulder, "now just gently rub her back until she burps a couple times. Hopefully she won't vomit."

Lorena paused her rubbing to stare at him, "Did you say vomit?"

Murtagh burst into laughter, then covered his mouth and looked over at the boy's door. When they heard no sound he chuckled again, "I've seen you bury your sword into an Urgal's skull, blood sprayed all over your face, and you didn't even blink an eye. Then you are told you might get vomited on and you look horrified."

"That's completely different!" Lorena hissed, then began rubbing Selena's back again, "Blood's a normal thing to see, who doesn't grow up gutting and skinning animals. Vomit on the other hand is just repulsive, the sight, the feel, the smell." Her body trembled with repulsion causing Murtagh to laugh again.

"Well baby vomit is different to an adults, Selena is still on milk so her vomit actually smells rather sweet, so does her waste."

Lorena's nose scrunched in distaste, "You sniff her waste?"

"When you change her cloth-and you'll get the chance to sometime soon-you'll smell it whether you want to or not."

Just then Selena let out a particularly loud burp, and Lorena felt the odd sensation of liquid dripping down her bare back. "She vomited!"

Murtagh shuffled behind her to have a look, "Just a bit of dribble, nothing to worry about. I think she's done now, I'll take her back to bed."

Lorena kissed the baby before handing her over, and watched Murtagh snuggled her as he walked back into the children's room. Lorena returned her attention to the warm liquid crawling down her back, she reached behind her and wiped at it with a finger. After an inspection she had to resist the urge to heave. Her finger was covered in a sweet smelling, milky liquid.

"Murtagh, you liar!" she hissed as he walked back into the room, "She vomited on me!"

* * *

When she woke the next morning their bedroom was filled with bright morning light. She squeezed her eyes shut and snuggled back into Murtagh's chest. After putting Selena to bed the night before Murtagh had suggested moving into their own bedroom in case the children woke up before them the next morning. Lorena had happily agreed with the idea, collected their clothing then jumped into the bed and cuddled.

"I think the boys are up." Murtagh whispered. Lorena strained her ears and could hear the sounds of cupboards opening and closing.

"It sounds like they're hungry. We should get breakfast on."

"Sounds good," Murtagh kissed her before getting up and dressed, "I'll take care of us and the boys, while you feed Selena."

Lorena got up and pulled some clothing out of the wardrobe, when dressed she made her way into the main room. The boys sat at the table eating apples, while Murtagh rummaged through the cupboards. She made her way into the children's room and picked up Selena, who squealed with delight when she saw her. By the time she came back out into the main room there was a lump of cheese on the table, and Murtagh knelt next to the fire.

"You can feed her at the table, the boys won't mind." Murtagh called out before beginning to cook.

Lorena kissed both boys a good morning, then slumped into a chair and fed Selena. By the time she started burping the baby Jordane had finished his apple, and Tornac let out a startled shout. Both Murtagh and Lorena were on their feet and on their way over to his side when he pulled something small and white out of his apple. He turned to Murtagh and held the object up.

Murtagh plucked the item from between his fingers and examined it. He grinned and placed it on the table before ruffling Tornac's hair. "Congratulations, my boy. You've lost your first tooth."

The child smiled uncertainly and Lorena noticed the missing front tooth.

"Look at that!" She exclaimed holding his jaw with one hand, "That's a handsome smile."

"I'll put it on the fireplace, and tomorrow morning there might be a surprise there for you." Murtagh placed the tooth on the mantel before he went back to cooking. Lorena sat in the chair next to Tornac and went back to burping Selena. Tornac turned to his little brother and grinned, Jordane stuck his tongue out and Tornac responded by poking his tongue through the gap.

After hearing a good burp Lorena patted Selena on the bum, and heard an odd squelching noise. She noticed a sweet smell, then peered down her cloth to see a creamy mess. "Murtagh, she needs a change. Where are the cloths?"

"Here, I'll take her." Murtagh placed a plate full of fried strips of meat on the table and took Selena, "I don't know how well you'd be able to change one right now after how you reacted to a little bit of vomit last night."

"It wasn't just a little bit!" Lorena glared at him as he left the room, she then picked up the knife in the middle of the table and carved the cheese into bit size pieces.

When Murtagh rejoined them they ate breakfast, and talked about insects. Jordane was quite pleased to inform them that he had found a new type of ant outside the other day, and its nest. Lorena wrapped a strip of meat around some cheese, the meat was greasy but juicy, and a vast improvement on what they had received from the gaolers.

When the meal was finished Lorena collected the plates and washed them in the bucket of clean water kept next to the cupboards. Murtagh took Tornac outside with him, and Jordane rushed out after them.

Lorena picked up Selena and balanced her on her hip before walking outside. Out the front of the house Murtagh and Tornac stood facing each other with wooden swords. Jordane was lying in the grass examining something on the ground. Lorena sat in a chair in the shade with Selena bouncing on her knee while she watched the boys spare. Murtagh swung his sword slowly towards Tornac's side, who struggled to block in time. Murtagh then swung his sword down towards his head, Tornac stood confused before he saw the blow and attempted to block. He wasn't able to lift the sword to arm level before Murtagh tapped him atop the head.

She watched them spar for a while, Murtagh giving Tornac corrections on how to hold his sword and how to block properly. She noticed Tornac grow increasingly agitated ever time he was taped by his father's sword, and eventually his face was flushed red.

"Let's take a break," Murtagh lowered his sword to his side, "Go get a drink."

Tornac gently placed his weapon on the ground before running over to the river. When he came back his face shone from the sunlight reflecting on the water droplets. Lorena noticed a spare sword lying in the grass and picked it up.

"Murtagh, did you want to show Tornac what it looks like when you become experienced?" Murtagh grinned and motioned her over. Lorena placed Selena on the grass and moved in front of Murtagh. She gripped the practice sword with two hands and nodded she was ready.

Murtagh lunged forward driving the wooden tip toward her abdomen. She blocked then counterattacked, swinging the sword towards his ribs. His sword met hers before it could land and she had to leap back to avoid a strike to the shoulder. She quickly shuffled to his side swung the sword at his thigh, then grinned when she felt it land. Lorena looked at his face, prepared to gloat. Instead she yelped when his sword smacked her across the back of the knee, sending her stumbling forward. Just as she recovered he was upon her, swinging ferociously at her trying to land a blow. She ungracefully blocked each strike just in time, but feared she was slowing.

The smirk on Murtagh's face informed her that he also noticed. She smirked back and kicked out as she blocked, her foot hitting the flesh of his stomach. Surprised he fell back, and clutched himself, then Lorena was upon him. She clipped his hip with the sword and was ready to swing again when he grabbed the wooden blade and gave a heave. She lost her footing and instead crashed into him, and they both fell to the ground.

At first she was on top of him, but he rolled quickly and attempted to pin her down. She bucked her hips, dislodging him and attempted to scramble to her feet. Just as she began to rise he kicked her legs out from under her, causing her to hit the ground hard. She rolled sideways to get back to her feet, but Murtagh intercepted her. He jumped on top of her and pinned her arms above her head, she twisted her legs trying to get them free of his but to no avail. Desperate she threw her left hip up, trying to throw him off, and in response he dropped his entire body weight on her.

She cried out at the pressure and squirmed. They lay there for a few minutes Lorena bucking, wriggling, and squirming but with no effect. She was pinned. "Damn it!"

"I thought this was supposed to be a friendly sword spare." Murtagh looked down at her, bemused.

"It was."

"You kicked me!"

"Yeah... well... you grabbed my sword." Lorena squirmed again. "Will you get off me? Teach your son how to fight."

Murtagh chuckled as he got up, then he offered a hand which Lorena took. Once up she rubbed the back of her knee and felt a welt beginning to form. "That'll teach you to think you can best me."

"We'll spare again later, then we'll see who comes out on top." Lorena smiled as she passed Tornac. "I tired him for you, go get him."

* * *

Lorena spent her day dividing her time between the three children. She examined ants with Jordane, told childhood stories to Tornac, and teased Selena by poking and tickling her. Late in the afternoon she cuddled on the grass with Murtagh. She pressed her face against his chest and listened to the steady beating of his heart.

"Here." Murtagh whispered, Lorena lifted herself up to see him holding a white flower. She took the ten petal flower and sniffed it. When she looked back at it she was surprised to see that it was now made up of four larger petals.

"Did you see that!" Lorena exclaimed as she sat up. She blinked once and suddenly the flower had ten petals again. Murtagh reached out and took the blossom off of her and examined it.

"It looks like a flower."

"The petals changed, it changed from ten to four, then back to ten. Did you see it?"

"I think you've had a little too much excitement for one day. You must be seeing things." Murtagh handed the flower back which Lorena eyed suspiciously. "Come here!"

The flower fell from her hands when Murtagh pulled her towards him and kissed her. She pushed herself away and reached back for it but he pulled her back to him. Lorena giggled at his eagerness but her mind kept returning back to the petals, and what it might mean. She wrapped an arm around his neck, deepening the kiss, and felt around for it with her other hand.

Murtagh's hand intercepted hers and he interwove his fingers with her own, causing Lorena to give up on her search for the flower and instead return her concentration to him. They kissed and cuddled in the grass and wildflowers like smitten teenagers until the boys found them and insisted on jumping on top of them, resulting in an all out wrestle.

Lorena trapped Jordane against her chest and tickled him mercilessly. His hair brushed her chin, then she noticed it was more brown than the day before. She stopped and examined his hair and discovered no trace of red. Murtagh asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's probably just my imagination." Lorena tried to assure herself, but she had a bad feeling that something was terribly wrong.

Murtagh cupped her face and looked into her eyes, she noticed his eyes were older, wiser. "Something is wrong. Have you forgotten again?"

"No, I still remember yesterday. But I," she looked at the boys, whom had lost interested in their parents and now wrestled each other, "think that this might not be real. I think Galbatorix might be messing with my mind. The number of petals on that flower changed, Jordane doesn't have red in his hair anymore, and you," Lorena peered closely at his neck, "don't have a scar on your neck anymore. You had a thin scar right there from where the Twins cut you in Farthen Dûr."

Murtagh rubbed his neck, "Scars can heal, and Jordane's hair varies in shade every day. Tomorrow it might be brown or almost as bright as yours, when in the sun. That's the beauty about auburn hair."

"No, you're thinking about hazel eyes, the colours can change daily," Lorena shook her head. "And what about the flower?"

"You had to imagine it, flowers don't just change petal count. This happens whenever you have one of your attacks, you will realise that when you finally remember. Here," Murtagh grasped hold of her hands, "let me show you."

"How can you-" Lorena cut short when she felt a presence push against her mind, with a cry she reinforced her barriers and pulled herself away from Murtagh. He gazed up at her with a look of hurt.

"It is a trick! This isn't real!" Lorena shouted, then snarled, "Galbatorix wants to get into our minds so he's sending me pretty illusions to get me to open up."

"Mother?" Lorena jumped when Tornac grabbed hold of her hand, his voice trembled. Next to him Jordane began to cry. "Mother, I'm scared."

Lorena fought the urge to reassure the children and instead pried her hand from the surprisingly strong grip of her five year old. Tornac burst into tears and cuddled himself, looking utterly miserable. Her own tears wet her cheeks, and when she looked back to Murtagh he stood with his hands up as if surrendering.

"Lorena, it's okay. This has happened before, everything will be okay, I promise. At least let me tell you, I don't need to show you right now. We escaped, we escaped Galbatorix when the Varden defeated him. There's nothing to be afraid of, no one is going to hurt you."

Murtagh reached out for her but she pulled her hand away as if his touch burnt. "No. I'm not going to fall for it. It doesn't make sense, I would remember! You're Galbatorix, you're the king! I'm not going to give you what you want, you can keep me here for as long as you like but I will never give you what you want. This is just a trick, a beautiful one, but still a trick no less."

"We could have been happy," tears seeped down from the corners of his eyes, then suddenly the air in front of her twisted.

* * *

She hit the ground hard. Sharp rocks jutted into the flesh on her knees, and cut her palms. In the darkness she stumbled to find her footing, and slowly turned, looking for something, anything. In the distance she saw a dull red light, and started toward it. As she got closer she could see a lone figure standing tall and looking down at dark lumps on the ground.

When closer she noticed the lumps to be small bodies, the ground covered in crimson blood. She looked at the figure standing over the forms, assuming it to be the killer until she recognised him as Murtagh. She approached carefully. As she stepped behind him Murtagh turned, and swung a steel covered hand which collided harshly with her cheek. Lorena hit the ground hard, her vision exploded with bright lights and her face and head throbbed from the impact. She touched her cheek, and her hand came away bloodied.

"Why did you do this?" Murtagh's voiced dripped with venom. He stepped back and Lorena looked at the corpses, and realised with horror that they were her children.

"No!" she screamed and tried to move to them, their eyes stared blankly into the sky and they laid unnaturally still. As she moved forward a hand reached down and gripped her hair firmly, she was dragged across the ground to them, the rocks ripping skin from her face, arms, and stomach.

"Why did you do this?" Murtagh yelled again and he shoved her face at Tornac's, she stared into his lifeless grey eyes.

"What happened, Murtagh? What happened!" she screamed as she tried to pull herself away, but his grip was far too strong for her. She reached out to touch her sons face when Murtagh-still with a firm grip of her hair-threw her away from him. Before she could move she was flipped onto her back and Murtagh was upon her. Lorena pushed her hands against his armour covered chest but he was too strong, he pinned her down before producing a dagger from his belt. Lorena looked on in revulsion as the blade gleamed before her eyes.

"You killed our children." Murtagh snarled, then pressed the tip of the blade against her throat. "They died because of you!" Lorena tried to scream at him, tell him that she didn't know what happened but the blade has already broken the skin. It pushed through the first layers and slowly deeper into her throat. She gasped for air but the pressure was too much, next thing she knew her mouth filled with blood. She watched Murtagh's face contort in a snarl as her visioned blackened.

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