Hopeless Love

By catfacekathryn

175 45 20

A Hopeless Love From Two Different Races A Sphinx and a Mermaid Brought Together By Love and by Hatred Good... More

1-How I got There
2-He Finds Me
3-I Totally Got Their Names Wrong
4-Super Crazy Council Meeting
5-Settling into Camp
6-I Really Like Scavenging
7-I Make it Rain
8-Suprise Visitor
9-Reunited at Last
10-Ari is a Juggernaut
11-I Meet Ari's Girlfriend
12-Awesome Event in a Murderous Tent
13-Really Pretty Origin Story
16- Married
17-A Shift in Things
18-Death of a Mother
19-A New Alpha
20-More Reunions
21-Another Council Meeting
22-Marriage Makes Mom Happy
23-Kids Make Me Happy
24-Death Makes No One Happy


10 2 2
By catfacekathryn

I woke up in tears. The flap of my tent opened and I squinted my eyes against the sunlight in my eyes. I felt arms around me and I remembered the little girl hugging me in my dream. I cried more and clutched tightly to the person hugging me.

When I calmed down, I felt a kiss on my cheek. Do you want to talk, Sebastian asked. I shook my head. I gave him one more squeeze and sat back. I wiped my eyes and nose and decided I needed a bath. I sent a smile towards Sebastian and excused myself to bathe.

I relaxed in the water, the tension I gathered overnight slowly draining away. I looked to the sky and froze. Something was flying through the sky. I shifted and ran over to the tree, quickly changing again to dry off and throw my clothes on. I threw my dirty clothes into my tent and sent a warning to Sebastian. I had never really had good experiences with flying things.

I ran to where it looked like they would land and waited. I was joined after a few moments by Sebastian. I had sent a private message to Sebastian over the pack bond so only he heard it.

The object got closer and closer. I could make out that it was a hippogriff, the preferred mounts of centaurs. It was ridden by someone who looked very fat at first, but I later realized they were carrying someone else.

They landed and the rider slid off the bird-horse. A griffin landed near the first flyer, snorting and stamping with concern.

"Set her down," Sebastian ordered the boy. He was carrying a young sphinx girl.

"Will she be okay Sebastian," I asked. I had never really met another sphinx before and I didn't want her to die.

"Yes Jet, she'll be fine. It is not too late," Sebastian answered.

I looked at the boy and whispered, "I am Jet." He nodded and told me his name was Colla. I smiled and shook his hand. I was worried, and it showed in the lashing of my tail.

Sebastian took out his lute and started playing a song that made me feel like running away. I watched, fascinated, as the blood ran off of the sphinx's hands. The song changed and her red, blistered hands started to heal, skin regrowing and new ligaments being formed. Her face calmed and she opened her eyes, looking around for the boy who had carried her. She smiled toothily when she saw him. She sat up and hugged him.

"Thank you for saving my hands Colla. They are very important to me. I would not be able to defend myself without them," the sphinx said to him. He just nodded. She thanked Sebastian as well. He nodded and smiled. We led them into the camp, introducing them to Moriah, although I accidentally called her Willow again. She invited them to stay for a few days to recover, and they accepted.

We led them to some tents they could stay in while they were here and I studied them. The boy was tall, as all centaurs are, and he had liquid black hair and bloodstone eyes. He was a god, or maybe he was just falsely marked with the Shimmer. He seemed protective of the sphinx girl, and the bow he carried looked dangerous.

I turned my attention to the sphinx. She was taller than me, about 4'11", although everyone was taller than me. Except children...most children. But they would all end up taller than me. She had liquid mercury hair and silver eyes. Her long tail wavered in the wind. She was very calm around the centaur. She had silver daggers lashed all over her body, and I wondered how the boy had not harmed himself carrying her. They seemed safe enough for now.

"Hello. I am Ley," the sphinx said. She extended her hand and I grabbed it, giving her a handshake.

"I am Jet. You are very pretty," I told her. She smiled and thanked me. "Can you tell riddles and give rewards? I have always wanted to be able to do that," I said. I had heard somewhere that sphinx gods could do that. She nodded and smiled broadly.

"How did you come to this place? It does not seem like your original home," she asked.

"Oh that's...a long story. I have been here for...a week, maybe longer. I haven't been keeping track. Before that I was wandering for a long time. Since I was five years old. I prefer not to talk about it too much," I said.

She nodded. "It is okay. I understand. I was never liked in my own town, or really anywhere else I went. I killed for a living before I met Colla. He is going to be something great. I can feel it," she said. Jer silver eyes flashed with happiness as she looked his way. He waved his hand, summoning her to him. She smiled. "I have to go, but it was nice talking to you. I have never met someone as short as you. I would stay close to that mermaid of yours. He is special too," she said before waving and jogging over to Colla. I smiled and waved back.

They didn't stay long, and when they left they took the new fish in the river pool and her kraken with them. We all waved them good bye and good luck. I wondered what would happen to them as I leaned against Sebastian. They certainly seemed like they were going to do something big and important. I wondered what Ley meant by saying Sebastian was special too.


Hey guys! Sorry this is late, I had a scholar bowl meeting yesterday and didn't get back until nine at night. Also this story has officially reached more parts than Shimmer! Hope you liked it! Love you all! Keep swimming and see you back here next week my beautiful land sharks! 0)

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