The Startled Princess

By Bellaaa_

3.2M 65.7K 8.6K

[PRINCESS HOURS FAN FICTION] "So you're saying that my grandfather and Prince Seth's grandfather arranged our... More

♕ Chapter 1
♕ Chapter 2
♕ Chapter 3
♕ Chapter 4
♕ Chapter 5
♕ Chapter 6
♕ Chapter 7
♕ Chapter 8
♕ Chapter 9
♕ Chapter 10
♕ Chapter 11
♕ Chapter 12
♕ Chapter 13
♕ Chapter 14
♕ Chapter 15
♕ Chapter 16
♕ Chapter 17
♕ Chapter 18
♕ Chapter 19
♕ Chapter 20
♕ Chapter 21
♕ Chapter 22
♕ Chapter 24
♕ Chapter 25
♕ Chapter 26
♕ Chapter 27
♕ Chapter 28
♕ Chapter 29
♕ Chapter 30

♕ Chapter 23

87.5K 1.8K 194
By Bellaaa_

"Jessica, stop," Seth pulled his lips away from her when he realised that it wasn't right thing to do. "Just stop," he looked down. Jessica frowned. "What?" she gripped his coat. "I love you, Seth. I really do,"

"But I don't feel the same way," he admitted and the words were out smoothly - no doubt at all. "Jessica, we're history and we're friends.... Just friends,". Jessica shook her head and crossed her arms to her chest. "No. We're more than that. I can't accept it and I wont," she said firmly and her eyes was staring sharply on him. Seth silent himself as he didn't know how to convince her.

"It's that B!tch, isn't it ? You really like her, don't you? I don't know what kind of spell did she put on you and Alex," Jessica ranted as she lost her patience. "Answer me, Seth!" 

"Jessica!" Seth shouted and everyone was staring at him. He whispered, "Don't ever call her that. Even if I like her, it has nothing to do with you," 

"Nothing to do with me? She took you from me!" Jessica cried and hit his chest. "We were supposed to get married after college! You promised me, Seth! I would do anything to get you back. Anything!"

"Like I said, Jess. We're history and I'm sorry if I hurt you. Things changed and people changed," he explained. "And Rose had nothing to do with this so you shouldn't blame her,"

She shrugged and tears were trailling down her face. "I won't forgive her. She took something precious from me and I'll hate her forever for that," she warned and wiped off a tear. "I will do anything to get you back. Remember that, Seth," she gripped her striking red handbag to her shoulder and made her way from there, leaving Seth behind.

Seth watched as Jessica walked away and she was still crying. He felt guilty to her but he realised that it's for the best. Jessica is his first love but not the last. She turned herself to face him and stared on Seth with her red eyes that flashed with anger. She then continued to walk away from there and swore that she'll get him back. 

Seth's phone rang again and he took it out from his pocket with hope that Rose is the one who was calling him. But no, it was Mr Jameson again. This time, he answered it. "Hello," he picked up the phone in a lifeless tone. "Prince Seth, thank God. I've been trying to reach you for hours," Mr Jameson said in relieved. "The castle is hectic. Everyone is panicking,"

"My parents knew?" Seth asked. "Only the Queen. She refused to tell the King as she didn't want him to be worrying about this matter. When are you coming back, Sire?" Mr Jameson said. Seth silent himself, thinking, before he said, "Tonight," 

"Yes, Prince Seth," Mr Jameson said before he remembered that he promised Rose to inform her if Seth answered the phone. "Oh, yes. Princess Rose is searching for you. I'll pass the phone to her right away,"

"Don't," Seth protested. "I don't want to talk to her," he said firmly. Mr Jameson wrinkled his nose. "But Sire, why?" he asked, puzzled. "I just don't want to. And don't even tell her that I answered your call," Seth instructed. 

"But Sire, Princess Rose is-" before Mr Jameson could even finished his words, Seth already off the phone. He didn't have the chance to tell him that Rose was having a serious fever. He tried to call again but this time, Seth didn't answer it. He sighed and was worried about Rose's condition. She still refused to eat and kept saying Seth's name in her sleep. Luckily, Seth is going to be back tonight or he didn't know what would happen to the new princess. 


Seth arrived in Andorra by midnight. He walked into the castle building and then he saw Daphne and Alexa, infront of their bedrooms, sitting on the sofa. They were crying. "What are you guys doing?" he asked weirdly as he watched them crying. Alexa and Daphne stood up immediately and bowed down. 

"Princess Rose... she is..." Alexa sobbed and wimbled with her fingers. Seth motioned closer to them and his heart was pounding. Did something bad happened to her? "Rose? What happened? Where's she?" he asked, raising his voice.

"In her bedroom, Crown Prince. She's having a bad fever because of the rain and she didn't want to eat anything," Daphne answered his questions in a sad tone. Seth's eyes widened and he stormed towards her bedroom. He pushed the door open and he saw Madam Hartford, sitting on the bed next to Rose. She stood up and bowed down. "Prince Seth," she said.

Seth ignored her and rushed towards Rose. He sat next to her and touched her forehead. "What happened? Is she's okay?" Seth asked as he stroked her face. She was pale and she'd never looked this weak. "She's having a very serious fever. The doctor gave her the best medicine but it didn't work as she refused to eat anything," Madam Hartford informed.

Seth stared on the sick Rose and he felt terribly guilty to her. He should have listened to her and he shouldn't have left the castle. He stroked her face slowly. "I'm sorry," he drawled and closed his eyes, regretting everything. He took her hand and squeezed it and kept saying sorry to her. Madam Hartford left the room as she thought they needed some time to be alone. 

Rose finally opened her eyes slowly. "Seth..." she said weakly, almost inaudible. "Is that you?" she squeezed his hand. Seth moved closer to her and stroked her hair. "Yes, I'm here," he whispered. Rose tried to get up and Seth helped her. "I'm sorry," she said apologitecally. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't know that Alex would do that," she hugged him tightly, crying. 

"I forgive you," Seth wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "And I should have known that you wouldn't do that. I just couldn't think properly that night,"

"I didn't know Alex would do that to me. I never thought that he...." Rose trailed off. "Liked me. He told me that he wanted to show something so I followed him.... Then, it happened and you showed up," she explained everything. "I swear, Seth. I didn't mean it,"

Seth silent himself and nodded. "I trust you. And I'm sorry too. I shouldn't left you that night. Now, you're sick and it was because of me," he said, fully regret.

"Yeah. That's very mean," she joked and smiled weakly. Seth smiled and pulled her tightly to his chest. "They told me that you didn't want to eat? Why?" he asked, full of concern. "You shouldn't torture yourself like this,"

"I'm okay. I'm Rose Larston. The girl who never get sick," she lied and immersed her face onto his chest. Nothing could get better than this. Seth chuckled. "At last, you mentioned the right name. Rose Larston," he grinned proudly and shivered inside. "You want something to eat?" 

Rose shook her head. "I'm not hungry," she said. "I just want to sleep," 

"Okay. You need that too. You look like a zombie now," Seth said sarcastically before he tried to leave her to let her rest. "Stay," Rose stopped him and held his arm. Seth grinned. "Why? You still want to hug me? Told you that you were too attracted to me," he smirked.

Rose sulked. "I'm cold and you're guilty for leaving me. You need to pay back," she said. Seth laughed. "Yes, Princess, how can this monkey of yours pay back?" he winked. She gave him a melodic laugh that Seth was longing to hear. Rose lay back on the bed and winced a little to let him in. "Stay here but don't do something stupid," she warned.

"I can't promise," Seth said, smiling playfully. He lay on the bed and Rose winced closer to him. He wrapped his arm around her. "Night," he wished and he kissed the top of her head. Things couldn't get better than this.


Seth squinted his eyes slowly and beamed on the girl who was sleeping on top of him. Rose was still sleeping peacefully and it was the most beautiful sight he'd ever witnessed. He pulled his arm from her waist and touched her forehead. Her temperature decreased and he couldn't be more thankful. Seth brushed a hair out from her face and enjoyed the breathtaking sight of Rose sleeping. 

He beamed on her and was in awe. Her face is clean - no freckles or any pimples and she has a fair skin. Her cheeks were slightly pinkish which pretify her and she was smiling in her sleep. Her eyebrows is thin, brown coloured. Her lips was red and it looked very kissable. If Rose didn't warn him not to do anything stupid, he would have lost control. Her long dark brown hair was layered and she has a fringe. She's just too perfect. 

"Morning," he planted a kiss on her forehead before he got out from the bed. He moved the bed sheet to cover her body. Then, he went out from her bedroom and closed the door slowly as he didn't want to wake Rose up. 

"Morning, Prince Seth," Mr Jameson was already waiting for him outside. Seth startled and put his hand on his chest. "Mr Jameson, you surprise me," he sighed. Jameson bowed down and smiled. "I'm sorry, my Lord. I'm just glad that you're back to Andorra. Princess Rose missed you. She even called your name in her sleep,"

"Really?" Seth failed to hide his excitedness. He then shook his head and cleared his throat as he realised that he wasn't suppose to get excited. "I mean. Oh, really?" he changed his tone into a serious one. "Yes, Sire. She refused to eat and said that she wanted to wait for you," Mr Jameson assured.

"I'm going to get something for her to eat. She's a zombie," Seth put his hands on his waist and worried about Rose. Mr Jameson was taken aback. "No, I didn't mean that she's a zombie. I'm just saying that she look like a zombie. With the pale face and all," Seth explained. 

"I understand, Sire," Mr Jameson bowed down. "I'll have the kitchen to prepare some soup for the Crown Princess," . Seth nodded. "Good idea and put extra chicken in the soup as she loves it," he suggested. 

"Yes, Sire,"

After the soup was prepared, Seth went into her bedroom with a tray in his hands. "Good morning, simpleton," he said warmly and motioned towards the bed. Rose smiled happily as she saw Seth bringing her breakfast. She pulled herself into a sitting position as Seth placed the tray on the bedside table. 

He touched her forehead. "You're feeling any better?" he asked concernly. Rose nodded, assuring him. "I'm fine, Seth. You don't have to worry about me," she said and looked at her breakfast. No matter how happy she was, she still didn't have any appetite to eat. "I'm not eating," she said and frowned.

"Eat," Seth said firmly and ready to feed her. "You don't want to look like a zombie, do you?" he was trying his best to feed Rose. Rose shook her head. "I don't want," she refused and shut her mouth. Seth sighed and put the spoon back into the bowl. "Please..." he begged. "Or you want something else? Chocolate?"

Rose shook her head again. "Chocolate doesn't sound delicious to me now," she drawled. Seth gave in. "What do you want me to do? I'll do anything as long as you want to eat," he offered as he was so worried about her. Rose smiled and pretended like she was thinking something.

"You remember that you told me that you can cook? Why don't you show your cooking skills now that I'm sick?" Rose suggested excitedly. Seth's eyes widened and he was surprise by her request. "Cook? Me?" he startled. Rose nodded. "Yes, you cook something for me. You were in the boy scout, right?" she said, grinning.

Seth looked away. Damn, he didn't know how to cook and he'd never actually been in the kitchen except for the meals inspecting. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Rose," he started and turned his eyes to face her. "I do know how to cook and I'm good at it. But you need to eat something healthy and I don't know how to cook any healthy food," he gave an excuse.

"Or you only know how to boil the water?"

Seth faked a chuckle. "Seriously, I can cook. I just don't want you to eat something unhealthy. You'll get sicker,"

"Or you don't want me to get food poisoning?"

"Fine. I'll cook for you," Seth agreed. "Gosh, you're so stubborn, Buffalo," he put the soup back onto the bedside table. Rose giggled and pinched his nose. "Thank you, my beloved handsome monkey," she teased and made him smile.


Like Seth already guessed, Queen Carla was furious. He'd been called to meet her in the castle common room and Seth was howled for two hours. She was disspointed that Seth left the castle without telling anyone and kept telling him how childish was his action. Queen Carla also kept pushing him to tell her why'd he left the castle but Seth remained shut. He didn't want his mother to know what happened on that night. Rose could be in trouble.

While Seth was getting howled, Alex visited the castle but he stopped walking when he reached the front of her bedroom. He was afraid that Rose was still angry with him. He knocked on the door slowly with hope that she wouldn't be angry. Daphne opened the door and bowed down. "Prince Alexander," she greeted. 

"Is Rose inside?" he asked and looked at behind her. He could see Rose, sitting on the bed with Alexa next to her. She looked better. Daphne nodded and opened the door a little wider to let him in. Alex walked into her chamber and his heart was beating fast. He kept praying that she wouldn't chase him out or hate him.

"Hi, Rose," he drawled and he was holding a bunch of lilies in his hands. "How are you?" . Rose stared on him and she didn't know how to react. Should she be mad at him or just pretend like nothing had happened between them? 

"I'm fine," she replied shortly. "Thanks,"

Alex motioned closer to her and took a seat on the chair. "I was worried about you," he said truthfully and gave the lilies to her. "The girl in the flower shop told me that lilies is good for sick people," 

Rose took the bouquet from him and passed it to Alexa. "Thanks. But you shouldn't be worrying, I'm fine," she said. 

"I'm sorry. About what happened that night," Alex started. "I didn't mean it, Rose. I didn't know what got into me,"

Rose sighed. "You almost destroyed my marriage," she let out. Alex looked down. "I know and I'm really sorry. But I promise you that I won't let something like that to happen again," he promised with hope that she could forgive him. "I don't want to loose a great friend like you just because of one stupid action of mine, Rose,"

Rose silent herself for a second before she realised what he said was true. "Me neither," she said. "As long as something like that never happen again, I don't mind forgiving you," she said, looking into his eyes. Alex smiled. "I promise," he assured. "Thanks, Rose,"

Rose grinned before her bedroom door was opened again. Seth walked into her bedroom and he was surprise to see Alex. "Can't believe you dare to show your face, Alex," he said in an unfriendly tone. "I came to apologize, Seth," Alex said but he didn't dare to look at him.

"Seth, please. I don't want to see you guys fighting," Rose pleaded, looking at both of them. "Whatever happened, you two are still cousins,"

Seth realised that it wasn't the best move to confront Alex infront of Rose. He didn't want her to worry about them. "Let's talk outside," he said to Alex and opened the door. Alex nodded and stood up to his feet. He followed Seth from behind. Rose stared on them worriedly and kept wishing that they wouldn't fight because of her.

"I just want you to be clear," Seth said, crossing his arms to his chest. He turned himself to face his rival. "Rose's my wife and I have every rights on her. So, I don't think you should interfere in our life,"

Alex chuckled. "If she's really your wife, then you should stop hurting her. I care about her more than you do, Seth. I don't want her to cry because of you," he said firmly. 

"It's none of your problem," Seth ranted. "I know how to take care of her and I know what's the best for her. You should stop worrying about Rose because I can assure you that I'll do anything to make her happy," 

"Make her happy?" Alex said, sarcasms hitting each words. "She's stuck in the palace and she got sick because of you. She had to give up her dream to become a ballet dancer because of this marriage. You call that happiness?"

"I'll divorce her," Seth blurted. "She will still have the chance to fulfil her dream," his heart was clenching and it was painful to say that. But he wanted the best for her. Alex was shock. "What? You'll divorce her?" he asked, disbelieving on what he just heard.

"Yes," Seth assured. "That way she'll get her dream and she'll be free again," he told him why he made that decission. "That's the best I could think for her,"

Alex didn't say anything as he couldn't believe that Seth would do that. He never thought that Seth would divorce Rose just to make her happy. Even he wouldn't do that if he's in his place. "Good," he said eventually. "Rose deserve more than this,"

"I know," Seth said, almost inaudible and looked away.


Hi guys! Thanks for reading this!

Please click the vote button! xD and comment! I love reading everyone's comment !

Hey you're reading this,

And tbis is crazy,

but if you love the story,

do you want a sequel?  :) lol

RETH FOREVER! This chapter is dedicated to someone who started RETH or ROTH :) which ever you like :P  

#TeamAlex is decreasing though hahaha ROLEX 

Love, Bella :)

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