Alex X Lucy: Prototype X Elfe...

By vegito1308

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Two monsters who were scarred by the world and left to suffer in isolation, but what happens when you put one... More

Dead Inside
Finding a Key
The Queen
Social Struggle
The Silence
Land Ho
Settling for Something
Lead that leads
The suburban fight
More Problems
Super Soldiers
Sight Seeing
Relieving and Relishing
Notice of Contingency
The New Leaf
Battle of Limbs: Lucy
War of the past: Alex
Power Contrast
Tag Cross Blast
Duo Finisher
Not alone, ever again
Nyu is cute
I Remember
Fighting Blackwatch Hordes
End of Mission
Dana Mercer
Missing him
The Unforseeable future
Alex awakens! Our Sweet Home
The End is Just the Beginning


2K 33 27
By vegito1308

Lucy got out of there by making a centipede vector side run as she floated away to see Alex appearing in front of the SS and knock on his dome down to the earth itself

He had his hammerfists on.

The enemy was scorpioned to the floor that imploded into a cloud of smoke. Alex was pissed off to the point his eyes shined red like his jacket. The tribal sign behind him was lit up like a raging fire

"Stand UP PIECE OF-!"

He dashed above him and soared above the ground as he had grabbed the SS by the leg and dragged his ass to the concrete sidewalk at the end of the street

Letting go from him, Alex jumped to the front building to bounce from it and land to see the SS standing up to full height "Lets finish this mano-a-mano" he gestured, slamming his fists together that shook the area

The broken mask of the enemy was fully torn now and you could see the shell of hsi former vengeful weak self "Then let me end THIS!"

Quicker than Alex could tell, he got his face churned in by a giant fist that glowed in his blood. The monster rejoiced seeing the prototype swing like a tire to flip into the distance to crash like a rag doll face down.

Lucy got worried seeing Alex's face ruptured like a crushed melon, but held herself back seeing him stand up seconds later fixed to new. Some blood was visible tho

Not a word said as the SS who was chuckling at the right sock he got in to him was stopped from doing so as he felt his gut pummeled almost right through

A shockwave vertebrated through the echo of the destroyed block and without him noticing how he was lifted slightly from the ground to be then kicked away like a soda can.

The SS tumbled down and some of his gear began to fall off, mostly the arms area as the armor fell off in pieces. Almost slamming to a building, he gripped the street successfully to claw his way to a halt. This gave him a good grip and position to rocket off back to Alex, doing it like a pro and slamming to Alex in a full on spear tackle

Lucy without thinking, grabbed Alex with her vectors as she dashed over them. She was swift enough that the SS did not realize where they went before he carried over with his momentum

Stomping to a halt he looked around in a killer paranoid state "THINK YOU CAN HIDE!? IMMA FIND YOU BEEF FINGER AND TEAR YOU IN HALF!"

the duo were now on a roof as she looked down to the SS who began to wreck shit with cars, throwing them down below

"This guy is nuts... You sure you wanna beat him?" She said, looking back at Alex who was panting from the cracked ribcage

"I have to. This guy will heal or worse yet be improved if we let him live" Alex told her with a snap of his chest signaling his recovery

She frowned at that. That soldier thing down there was nuts

He fixed his jacket and summoned his blade "I gotta beat him" he said camly before he olympic jumped right above the SS. Gaining momentum on him Alex thought he could cut him in half but he was proven wrong as the soldier raised his arms to block the blade. The force of it made him kneel and tense up at the still persistant Alex Mercer who wanted to cut through him.

"Give up!" The prototype snarled and made the SS fold a bit back from his strength

"IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!?" The enemy roared and with a slight push counter, he moved the blade out the way and gut punched Alex away. This time Alex did not let himself slam to another building by spinning his blade counter clockwise from the way he was tumbling and began to spin like a wheel

Successfully he canceled the force he was barreled in and started to come in hot to cut the SS, who was more than ready to tackle back. The idiot did not realize that he left his face open, too cocky to realize the move Alex was making. The two got close to smash right to each other until Alex spun horizontally while having his right arm disengage the blade back to normal and had it cocked back. Dodging the left arm tackle of the enemy by swinging to the left side, the SS realized his mistake too late and felt the right hammerfist punch that almost snapped his neck

The veins in him popped and a couple teeth flew out as it was signaled with a god awful bone breaking sound. He spun backwards and slammed down to then be jumped by Alex into a fury of fists

He began to punch the living hell out of him as blood pooled and sparked off him. That lasted so long before he retaliated and attacked too

He shoved him away in the air and jumped to snatch him from his air time, slam Alex down to the concrete face first, then finish with a double stomp to Alex's head to the concrete even further into it

"Give up monster! Die at my hand peacefully-plargh!" He felt the foot he had on him slip and the other being dragged by a hand. Mercilessly he was dragged across the ground that did hurt him massively

Alex had gained back his footing and ended the drag hold by pulling him off the ground to swing-slam that made him bounce from the force to look up at the apex predator of blacklight

Alex summoned his claws to attack as the SS slammed his hands to the sides of his head and reversed jumped to his feet now holding guard

Both stared off momentarily then began to slam to each other. He scratched on him as best he could, guiding the giant fists away from him that anger the SS who started stressing

"Stop jumping around FLESH BEAN!" he roared and slammed the ground to shake his scratching claws away. Alex evaded the shockwave and regained footing on a nearby building's roof

Alex smiled seeing him jump after him "I can dodge in the air-!" He bragged and demonstrated as he dashed right at him. The SS realized its poor mistake as Alex dove right in with a fish sword stance thanks to the blade he summoned. The two met in the center and a quick boom was made only to end in a nasty cutting meat sound

The blade of Alex impaled right on his chest. The soldier coughed blood on Alex as the other's skin absorbed it "You can't idiot"

With a grunt, Alex pulled the blade off him and spun clockwise to scratch the SS away to the ground to bleed on the ground. His veins began to dim in neon color and even Lucy could tell this fiend was at an end.

Alex spun like a disc the opposite way and gained the ground with a good distance to the SS current mercy dying state

'The Last Mile' Alex thought while sighing. This was the end of this guy and he was going to let him think of his life decisions.

Taking normal steps, he watched the SS trying to stand up but every attempt ended up in him slamming back to his knees to bleed on the concrete. He was done.

"...sssskkkk... My body... WON'T-CAN'T MOVE!" He yelled in anger at his helplessness. He turned to face Alex as he got there waiting with his hammerfists out that smoked out red smoke as if his own body could not wait to eat this monster

"You done soldier? Give up and face me. I let you hit me and try to give it a shot to kill me-" he told him. The soldier shot out one of his fists and it hit right to one of Alex's fist. The block was counter immediately with spikes that skewered his own to a bloody hooked piece of flesh.

The SS had no more energy to even scream at the pain, slowly watching as Alex's hammerfist seemed to melt and tear his last hope of survival. His left arm hung to his side as blood pooled.

"-and like many, you have failed. Now... Die."

The SS looked up to him and grunted "Its not over yet... Freak... This is just the beginning!" He roared and splattered blood to Alex

The protoype's eyes lit up crimson red "No...but for you-"

Alex head-butted the Super Soldier, forcing him to almost lose consciousness but with a hold of his neck the SS came back to see Alex one last time.

"-It's over! GRHAAAAAAAA!!!"

Alex went merciless as he began to pummel the SS to death literally, his spikes tearing and consuming the soldier into bits each time he hit him at full force

"-AAAAAAAA-HRRAAAAAAAA!!! FUCK YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU ARE!!!! HAAAAAA!!" Alex roared as the SS was becoming nothing more than a corpse. His eyes had become fully enraged with a tint of red lighting around the edges and veins clearly visible in them. Getting a final two hit combo to the neck, he dislodged the head of his enemy and it was clearly broken but perfect for his motive.

He charged his right hammerfist back into a curl to ultimately upper cut his head, making a messy violent decapitation visible to the only one alive there


Alex's body reacted to the violence and tendrils sprung out of him to devour the remaining body of the SS to his body like it was sinking into him. The power up he got was vast as his blood boiled inside his system like a drug, bursting out a cough of blood accompanied by an ancient bloody roar. A roar he had done since he faced... The Supreme Hunter

Alex did not realize that he looked monstrous and dangerous to the one person he began to like. Lucy.

The diclonius stared at him in disbelief. That man was calm and collected all the way since she met him but here? He was a whole another thing 'Wow...Note: to not make him mad' she warned herself.

Alex made sense of her the moment he gained back reasoning '*Shiver* What did that guy have!? It felt like I was eating blacklight mass... Oh no! She saw me eat HIM!?' he snapped out of his thoughts as he looked wary to Lucy's steps. He did not want to hear or feel her disgust against him

Something about all this made him want to shove his head on the ground. Sure, she was no angel but he was worse.

Alex kept his distance as she got in right in front of him to either tell him of... Or...

"I'm sorry... You had to see-well-that-" Alex apologized motioning his eyes aside to evade her look. He thought she was mad or disgusted by how he ate the enemy. If he had been staring at her all the way, he would have seen that Lucy actually did not care one bit of what he was or does

One of her vectors tore through one of the leftover bodies layed on the rubble and tore a heart from a bloodied corpse. She waited nothing for his apology and held his hands in hers.

She had blood. He had blood.

"Alex. Stop stuttering and look at me idiot." She sighed and smirked at how dumb he was being. Did he really think she would hate him for something so small?

The vector of hers retracted back and just at the moment she opened his palms slowly did the heart was settled on. Alex gave a confused glance and was shut up from seeing the heart laying ther in his hands

"But Lucy-!? Don't I- you know- I mean don't you hate me for being this vein work? Like I LITERALLY drink people! How can you-!?"

He slapped his cheek with another vector as he gained back patience "Sorry"

Lucy stuck her tongue out at this stupid debacle "Alex." She brought a hand up to him as he held on to the heart in his hands like a cup. Lightly she shot an arm up to pinch his ear and brought it to her height to get the message through to his eardrum directly "I LITERALLY TEAR PEOPLE APART!! WHAT PART OF CRAZY PSYCOPATH DICLONIUS DON'T YOU GET DUMBASS!!!"

"AARRH" Alex side brushed to avoid any more damage to his ear drum. He looked back at her and kinda smiled seeing how ignorant he was "So you cool with... Me slurping on things?" he asked in a weird shrug

The diclonius gave a nod and came close to catch his cupped hands "Yeah. I mean that's how you eat no? Then go ahead! Just don't- get those things near me... Kinda creepy for now" she told the truth, feeling the skin fibers moving in her hands

He nodded and let her cover her hands on the heart.

Both of them looked at each other and giggled at the day they were having. It was a blast like 0 to 100 in no time.

It was fun and challenging at the same time. She wanted to be with him and he wanted to be alongside her. A not so good duo but it could hold

A good team of superhumans who were about to kickass


Awww isn't that you get the point


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