Underfell Sans X Fem!Reader

By Marie_Doodles

1.1K 43 26

Y/n Is just a normal woman in a normal world, where she has to live the same day over and over. One day, she... More

Chapter 1: What's happening?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Authors Note

Chapter 4

128 6 3
By Marie_Doodles

(Edit: Okay.... I see that this chapter has no words, but that's mainly because I typed it at school, and the computer was being weird. I'm going to update it here. Don't worry though! I've not changed anything with the chapter itself! I hope you enjoy this better than a blank page -_-')

I slowly awoke, expecting to be in my bed back at home like normal, but I was still in Toriel's house with Flowey softly snoring on the bedside table. I sit up in the bed quietly groaning from my injured foot, causing Flowey to stir in the pot. "*soft groan* what's wrong (Y/n)?" I look over at him seeing him groggily looking at me. "Nothing Flowey. I just woke up." I look at the ground to see a slice of pie on a plate, in the middle of the room. It looks burnt. I stand up and bend down to grab it. It goes immediately into my inventory, just like the spider doughnut. I check it. 'Butterscotch cinnamon pie.' hmm doesn't seem too bad. 'The crust is made with monster dust rather than flour' Well then, I guess I'm NOT eating that. "So, Flowey, what are you thinking we should do?" He thinks for a moment. "*thoughtful hmm* I guess we could sneak out. That's what me and Frisk did last time. She met us with Asgore at the end. She goes through positive thoughts herself, knowing that you're safe at the end of your journey. She should be fine." I look around for a piece of paper and something to write with. I find some paper, and crayons. I decided to write a note.

"Dear, Toriel. I'm very sorry for leaving, but I must go. I want you to know I'm very thankful for what you did for me. I know you aren't exactly the best person to trust, but you had been so kind I couldn't help but to trust you. You treated me more kindly than most humans would, if they just met the other in the first day. I'm thanking you for your kindness. Please forgive me for leaving so suddenly, but I need to leave. There are blood relatives for me to go back to, who probably miss me. I'm sorry and thank you. Signed, (Y/n)."

I left the note on the pillow of the bed, after I had written it. I then had grabbed Flowey and my belongings, and then stalked out of my room. I heard Toriel snoring in the other bedroom, and quickly tip-toed, being weary of the creaking floor boards. "Over there!" Flowey had whispered pointing at a staircase going down. I went that direction, and carefully skipped the creaky steps all the way down. As I approached the hallway, Flowey seemed more confident in our escape and whispered for me to run, but I refused commenting about it making more noise than walking would. After trekking the seemingly endless hall, we reached a door. I reached for the door when we heard a knock from the other side. "Knock knock." I froze. Was that, Sans? Silence. "Ya there kid?" I stayed silent not knowing what to say. "Tori?" I gulp down my fear and respond. "Who's there?" More silence. Eventually he says full of hope "Code word?" I quickly responded "yawm altakrar/karar alyawm ((whichever one you wanna say))" There's then another moment of silence as he says, almost in a question "(Y/n)?" I smile slightly "Yes!" I said in a louder whisper. "Open the door." I hear him in almost an order, so I open it revealing myself. He looks absolutely shocked and his eye-sockets seem to start to tear up. He shakes his head and replaces it with an angered expression. "What are you doing here? It's not safe." I had let the door slip through my fingers, leaving myself stuck in the next area. 'That's just fucking great...' I sigh and reply "I didn't know what to do. My instincts kicked in, and I grabbed Frisk throwing them to safety." He looks at me with a slightly softer expression, and smiles? He quickly then says "That means you have the power to control the resets!" he hesitates before asking Flowey, "What soul trait does she have?" Flowey then pauses and looks at me, I had nodded at him. "She has two traits. Integrity being her core trait ((Sorry if you aren't, this is just for plot holes)). She has the power to load saves, but they seem to be farther apart." Sans just stares at him for a moment, and then his expression changes to one of fear. He looks at me with a face I'd never seen before. His eyes were not the same white pupils I had seen before. His left eye was glowing a bright crimson red, while the other was left vacant and darkened. He had been speaking it seems, but I wasn't paying attention. "Uhh. Sorry, I wasn't paying attention" I mentally facepalm at the realization that my voice was shaking. Sans and Flowey both look at me with a look of concern. Well, I think Sans was looking at me with concern. "Uuhhh, Sans asked if you would want his help...Are you feeling alright (Y/n)?" I stare at Flowey and then to Sans, and then I realize that they ARE looking at me with the same expression. I just nod and reply, "Yes, it'd probably be for the best since I don't know my way around." Flowey looks unhappy, while Sans seems to look annoyed, but still willing to help. Sans sighs and looks at me with the same glowing red eye. "Well, kid. You ready to go? My bro won't be easy to get past, but maybe you could do something about that." I nod and look at Flowey and smile at him, reassuring him, and then looking back at Sans. "Alright. I'm ready when you are." Sans nods, and looks at Flowey then stating "Alright. Weed, ya gonna watch her when I'm unavailable? I'm gonna have to distract a lot of monsters ya know?" Flowey nods, somewhat glaring at him for the name used. "Alright. Follow me. I'm gonna show you how to get through here 'aight?" I nod to Sans and follow him when he starts to walk. Flowey starts whispering to me "Are you kidding me? You barely know the guy, and you're trusting him! You met him ONCE for only a few hours!" I smirk and reply, "Well, I knew you for less time, we almost never talked, and you were with frisk introducing the monsters to the rest of the world." Flowey tenses, and then looks off to the side pouting slightly. I chuckle a bit at his reaction and continue onward to a bridge. There's bars that are close together, and we won't be able to pass through. "Here. Let me get you over the barricade." Sans had said turning my soul blue, and floating me over the gate-like wall. I had faced forward, and once I had looked back to see what he'd do, he was gone. I turned around to have him standing a few feet ahead of me! "C'mon, we need to get moving." I nod, slightly confused on how he got ahead of me, but decided not to question it. A few feet ahead of where we were, there's a sentry station of some kind, and it looks a little empty, and the roof is in need of being cleared of snow. I hear Sans quickly say, "get behind that rock, now!" I quickly ran over and ducked behind the rock. As I did, I heard quick and heavy foot falls on the snow where we were heading, and a loud very familiar voice. "SANS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE JUST SITTING AROUND! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ON PATROL!" I hear Papyrus's voice shout at Sans, like he had done before, but it sounded more violent than usual. "Heh, 'ya know. Just chilling." He made a pun. "SANS, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU REALLY DOING? YOU ONLY MAKE PUNS WHEN YOU'RE NERVOUS." I start to panic a bit, and so does Flowey. I try to calm him down, but he still whimpers. I look off to the side praying that Papyrus didn't just hear that. "Sans." Papyrus says darkly, "What was that?" "Uhh, n-nothin' boss! It was nothin'. What did you hear?" I heard Sans's voice in a shaky reply. I hold my breath as I hear silence. Next there are footsteps coming toward the rock Flowey and I are behind. I hold my finger up to Flowey's mouth and scoot closer to the rock as silently as I possibly could. I then hear the footsteps stop abruptly, and very close. "Is that-?" I look up to see Papyrus staring straight at us. His head whips around toward Sans and shouts, "SANS! COME OVER HERE!" I tense at his sudden yelling, but manage to hold my composure. "Y-yeah boss?" Sans says, sounding somewhat nervous. "This is a human right?" Papyrus says quietly. "Uhh, yeah?" Papyrus then looks confused. "Why is she not attacking me as if her life depends on it?" Sans then looks at me and then back at his taller, but younger, brother with a blank, and confused look on his face. "Sans... Was ASGORE lying?" He says, as if there's a bitter taste in his mouth. I slowly stand, slightly backing up, but not running either. "Uhhm..." I had spoken up, but immediately regretted it. They both looked at me at the same time, Papyrus with an aggressive look, and Sans with one that basically stated, 'Fuck-'.

I took a step back, and Papyrus smirked, "So, it's a weak human...This could be fun..." he said darkly. He reached down to grab me by the arm, but Flowey bit his gloved finger. Papyrus recoiled his hand confused and irritated with my companion. Papyrus made a hand motion with his right eye flashing for a second, and just after, feeling suddenly heavy, and then dropping to the ground with a soft thud. I laid on the ground having landed on my stomach trying to regulate my breathing, as I had been winded. I look back up at Papyrus who is now smiling evilly for sure now. He then brings my soul up to him, and looks at it, and froze. "T-two traits?" He drops me quickly, and takes a few steps backwards. Sans then looks at my soul and froze, turning his face towards Flowey. "You said she had two traits, but I didn't think she'd have determi-fucking-nation." Flowey smiles sheepishly, and nervously chuckles. "O-oops, d-did I for-forget to say that?" I look at all of them confused and flatly ask, "What's so important about determination?" Then all of them go silent and stare at me like deer in headlights. I slightly shift my weight to the right and look at the ground. "Determination is what gave Frisk the power to reset, and start the day over." Flowey had whispered to me. I froze then as well. Papyrus then smiles and drops the facade, "you know, I was hoping for the day Frisk wouldn't come back." We all stare at him shocked. Sans then speaks up, "Y-you knew about them boss? The resets? Everyone being killed?" Papyrus looks down to his brother and quickly responds, "Yes... I already know that when I find your jacket in the snow covered in dust, I'm going to fight them again. I know about them Sans." Sans starts to tear up, but then shakes his head and wipes his face. "A-are you going to help me get through here?" I sheepishly look up at papyrus. He nods down to me and turns around. "We'll need you to get as far in here as you can. We don't know if frisk will follow, and overwrite your saves with their determination." I look at him and ask, "Was determination their core trait?" Both Sans and Papyrus look at me, and nod almost grimly. "We need to get moving sweetheart." Sans urged me onward. With the use of the pet name, to my displeasure, I blushed a soft pink and nodded. As we walked toward a town, they had explained, Snowdin I started thinking to myself in a grave manner. 'What if I don't make it?

Will they care?

Will I die here, and not be able to help them?

What will I do if I make it?

But most importantly...

why am I feeling this way?'

(A/n: Uhhhhhg.... I hate the computers my school works with.... uhh. I hope this works! again, I'm sorry for updating with a blank chapter... I'm going to fix 5 as well. don't worry!

Welp- Hoped this worked!

See ya in the next update~


word count: 2,041)

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