My love ❤️ (Completed)

By Aseeyaaleeyu

69.9K 8.1K 239

Deedat placed a wet kiss on her forehead and smiled helplessly at her. Amatullah even if I die take care of y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
New book

Chapter 22

1.5K 205 3
By Aseeyaaleeyu

Amma na, here's the naman sallah and the coffe...deedat said placing the tray on the side drawer.
She hissed and continued to rub her body with cream.her face was red so as her eyes due to the hours she spent inside the toilet crying.

Amma, yau kuma? Are you angry at me? Deedat ne fa, you hubby... deedat said squatting in front of her.

She hissed again rubbing her legs with the cream without looking at him.
Amma please talk to me...he said stoking her cheeks gently.

Stop touching me deedat, are you trying my patience, just stop that, you're just making it worse,am I your....

She started yelling at him but he suddenly shut her up with a kiss before she could finish talking.

Her heart melted due to the taste of his lips and how she's feeling. She knew she couldn't get angry with him for a long time but he needs to learn his lesson, he can't just be laughing at her like a mad person for no reason.

She jerked away from him and hit him on his hard chest. "Go away" she said almost like a whisper but loud enough for him to hear. She hissed again and walked to her closet and he lets out a light chuckle.

Na wa wo with pregnant women fa... he murmured and laughed slightly.

"Are you laughing again" she shouted out from the closet.

"No I'm just practicing how to cough" he shouted back laughing at himself.

As salamialsikum....amatullah and deedat greeted walking towards mama.

Waalaikumussalam... amatullah sannu da zuwa.. mama said hugging amatullah.

Ina wuni mama...amatullah greeted.
Lfy lau amatullah, how are you feeling now ? Deedat said you weren't feeling well yesterday... mama said

Alhamdulillah mama, I'm feeling better now... she replied with a sly smile.

But your face looks pale, and your eyes are red, have you been crying? Mama asked touching Amatullah's red puffy face.

Amatullah looked at deedat and he smiled at her then looked back to mama.
Mama he has been laughing at me since morning and I didn't do anything..amatullah said already crying.'s ok my dear don't cry...mama hugged her glaring at deedat.

Kai wallahi wallahi in ka kara sata kuka se naci uban ka. Bana San hauka, is she some sort of mad person that you'll be laughing at her for no reason? Don't you know it's annoying? Mama snapped at deedat looking at him straight in eyes.

Sorry mama, you didn't know what happened, wallahi it's for a reason..deedat said laughing again.

Mama kin gani koh...amatullah started crying again.

Kai wallahi zan ci ubanka, dani kake wasa...mama said standing up from the chair.

Bana San hauka fa...Mama yelled hitting deedat with her slippers.he started running towards the front door still laughing and mama followed him still hitting him making amatullah laugh at them.
Deedat, abba and alhaji sabo were sitting inside the doctor's office waiting for the result. The doctor told them that it would be out in 30minutes time.

Deedat didn't bother knowing what the result will be, he already knows that he has blood cancer and nothing can change it, while abba and alhaji sabo have a glimpse of hope.

Few minutes later, the doctor walked into the office with a file on his hand, he sat down on his chair, cleared his throat before speaking.

Deedat, when did you start feeling the joint pain, lost of appetite and bleeding? The doctor asked looking straight into his eyes.

You mean I should tell you the activities I did on that day? He asked not understanding the question.

Yes, tell me...the doctor answered curtly.

I woke up late that day, it was around 11:45 and I supposed to be in the office at that time because I was having a meeting by 12:00am, so I took my bath, dressed quickly and rushed to my car, mama was even begging me to eat but I refused and promised her that I'll eat immediately after the meeting. We finished the meeting at about 1:30pm, I called my secretary for a coffee because I promised mama that I'll eat. About 1 hour later, I started feeling dizzy and headache so I thought I needed to rest but I couldn't drive my car so I called amatullah to come pick me up. Amatullah being herself stopped at a pharmacy and bought paracetamol and a pain killers for me before taking me home. That's how it all started, from that day, I wasn't myself, severe headache, lost of appetite, joint pain and what not, but all that while I didn't talk to anyone about it, not even amatullah, Amatullah got to know about it later on, that was the day I started bleeding..... deedat explained all this while the doctor, alhsji sabo and Abba were looking at him.

If I'm not mistaken I heard you say your secretary gave you a coffee ? The doctor asked.

Yes...deedat answered curtly.

And you took it? He asked again

Yes...deedat answered

Did you eat anything again apart from the coffee? The doctor Asked slowly examining his eyes.

I didn't eat anything again on that day, it was only the drugs amatullah bought me....deedat answered

Uhmmm..alhaji bulama,the result has shown that he took some pills that made him to start feeling that headache, joint pain and bleeding. So I guess it was inside that coffee or the pills that amatullah gave him.

Are you sure the pills were paracetamol and pain killers? The doctor directed the question to deedat.

Deedat let out a small laugh before answering...I'm very sure doctor, how can amatullah hurt me? She can't even think of that in her wildest dreams...deedat answered.

So I think it's inside the coffee...the doctor said.

So what are you trying to say doctor? Abba asked yearning to hear the answer.

Deedat doesn't have leukemia at all.... the doctor said with a smile playing at the conner of his lips.

What!!! They all shouted their eyes almost popping out.

Those signs were only caused by the drugs he took but it also has a side effect...the doctor added.

Alhamdulillah....they all whispered to themselves.
What's the side effect? Alhaji sabo asked.

Don't worry it's only typhoid but it's chronic...the doctor answered.

Thank you very much doctor, we'll come back for the issue of the typhoid tomorrow insha allah, we have to leave now...Abba said shaking the doctor's hand.

You're welcome..till we meet again..the doctor said with a smile.

Doctor namadi I'm on my way....Abba said through gritted teeth walking out of the hospital.

We are on our way...alhaji tapped his shoulder lightly smiling at him.
We'll find out who's behind it and his reasons for doing this terrible thing..he added.

Insha allah....Abba whispered but loud enough for them to hear.

The only thought that was on deedat's mind was amatullah. He doesn't have blood cancer, he'll leave for long with his amatullah in his arms insha allah, he has no worries by now, he'll leave a happy life with his amma as he wished for,finally he's now himself.... he thought as a tear made it way down to his cheeks with a smile on his face.

This is a new life MY LOVE........he said to himself.

The end....

Joking joking joking 😂😂😂😂 this is not the end of za book wooo, what about the munafiki behind this case, Ái we won't spare him...finally💃💃💃💃💃 deedat bashida blood cancer 💃💃💃who's happy??? Nide I'm happy 😒💃💃💃💃

Till we meet again in za next chafta 💃💃💃💃
Happy Valentine's Day for those who are celebrating it💃💃💃💃

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