Epilogue 2

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10th march 2023....
The following day..

She entered their room and saw them playing, they were already up.she smiled and cleared her throat muttering small "salamialsikum" so they could acknowledge her presence.

she smiled and cleared her throat muttering small "salamialsikum" so they could acknowledge her presence

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Momma...they all shouted and hugged her.
Good morning...they added.

Morning my pumpkins....she smiled and placed a kiss on their forehead.
How was your night? Hope you all performed your subh prayer? She asked giving them a pointed look.

Uhmmm...momma...ummm we forgot.answered Afrah.
Amatullah gasped holding her chest dramatically.
How could you? Subhanallah....she asked.

Oya, I don't want to see you guys here, go and pray,brush your teeth and take your bath before 10:00 if not you're going to Anty zuby and anty reena's wedding today....she snapped at them.

No momma please, we are sorry, we want to go...they pouted.
Ok, go and do what I asked you to do right now....she quickly answered.

Ok...they answered and ran into the toilet.
Be careful....she shouted and they shouted "ok momma" back.
She smiled and walked back to deedat's room.

Are the children ready? Deedat who was standing in front of the mirror asked wearing his babban riga...
Not yet, but they'll be out by 10:00 i trust my children...she smiled and hugged him from the back.

She was wearing a sky blue Ankara with touches of yellow flowers on it. She applied a light makeup looking breathtaking as always.

The kamu is going to start by 12:00pm to 3:pm while the dinner is by 4:00pm to 9:00pm

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The kamu is going to start by 12:00pm to 3:pm while the dinner is by 4:00pm to 9:00pm.
Then tomorrow morning is the nikkah and after that the men will do their reception while the females will do the Walida at home. Then after asr prayer by 4:00pm, they brides will be taken to their respective matrimonial houses.

You look so breathtaking...deedat whispered to her.he turned to look at her and she smiled shyly.

After about 6 years of marriage you're still acting shyly...he laughed throwing his head back and she hit his chest lightly.

My love ❤️ (Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt