Chapter 4

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10th August 2017

3 months to her graduation and 4 months to her wedding day.the wedding fhatiha is on the 10th of December while the graduation ceremony is on the 10th of November..

She sighted and flopped on her bed burying her face with her hands,I can't believe my dreams nearly come true,I'm getting married to the love of my life..she thought to herself and tears of joy rolled down to her cheek which she quickly wiped it.

She grabbed her iPhone X(Deedat gave it to her on her 20th birthday that was on the 10th of February 2016) from her side drawer and dialed deedat's number(yes she knows it off head) and he picked up on the second ring..

Hello deedat...she called almost like a whisper.
Yes love, good morning..he greeted.
His voice sounds deep and down,it's unlike him..she thought to herself and she couldn't help but ask..

What's wrong baby? You sound not well..she asked really worried.

No sweetheart don't worry, I'm just feeling dizzy and weak, and I kind of lost my appetite, it's just fever I think..he concluded and sighed..

She I'm on my way,I think we should go to the hospital,I don't have to take my bath I'll just change into something else you'll see me in 20minutes insha allah..she blurted out panicking.

Noooooo amma, stay at home, I'm feeling good now I think it's just stress so I'm not going to work today, don't worry I'll be fine..he tried to convince her.

But dee....

Don't worry I'll be fine, I promise..he interrupted her.

Ok...she whispered and sigh, but deep down she wasn't feeling well, she wants to see her dee and at least see a doctor but he's too stubborn,GOD.....

He chuckled..Hey! I'm fine, in fact I'm even finer than you...he said trying to calm her down.

She laughed...have you eaten? She asked him
No..he answered
Why?she asked clearly annoyed
I don't feel like eating anything, I told you earlier, loss of appetite..he replied calmly.

She sighed...please dee, try and eat something please,for me..she told him,she was already on the verge of tears.

Calm down baby,I'll eat, I promise you..he quickly replied.
You sure?she asked
Yes i will.he replied
You should please, and sleep immediately you finish eating,don't go out please..she insisted.
Insha allah...I love you
I love you too..she smiled and hung up.

Still,she wasn't ok with the fact that she wasn't close to deedat, she had to call his sister zuby (she's studying medicine in baze university and she's in level 2).

Gladly,she picked up the call on the third ring...
Zuby love..amatullah called out.
To what do I owe this call?she asked from the other end.

Amatullah it a crime to call my sister, my sister-in law to be precise..I said wiggling my brows though she couldn't see me.

That's so you..she chuckled

Uhmm are you at home? She asked hoping to hear a yes.

Yes I'm at home, but I'll be leaving to school soon,are you coming? She asked excitedly

The beautiful sister-in law ever, my one and only zuby, I can't imagine my life without you,the girl of every man's dream, ta Imam bada kanki a sare (Imam is her boyfriend)...

Now will you stop flattering me, I know what you are up to, you want me to do something to your dear deedat right? She asked and Amatullah couldn't help but smile, this girl surely knows me ... amatullah thought to myself.

My love ❤️ (Completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu