Chapter 25

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I'm so sorry, I've not been able to update lately, I've been busy with my studies, I'm studying for my mock examination, please I want you guys to include me in your duas, allah sa muyi passing jamb tho they've chopped our 36million, an qalawa snake sharri🙄 thank you so much for your support...I love you all...keep voting❤️❤️❤️

After 10days.....

Everything is going smoothly,the police arrested Alhaji Yusuf, Dr namadi and deedat's secretary mr peter. They've got to know that alhaji Yusuf assigned mr peter to put drugs inside deedat's coffee, and drug caused all the joint pains and bleeding that Deedat was going through. They were sued and their lawyer couldn't do anything about  it so at the end of the day, alhaji yousuf was sentenced to jail for 5years not before he whispered "it isn't over" to deedat. while mr peter and Dr namadi for 3years.

Life is back to normal,deedat and Amatullah couldn't hide the smile on their faces each and every blessed day. Amatullah is now 1month 3weeks pregnant and their love keeps growing everyday.

Good morning love...deedat said standing up from the bed.
Morning hun....she said and hugged him from the back.

He turned and face her giving her a light kiss on her both cheeks. She smiled and kissed him lightly on his lips.

I'm going to the office by 10:00am and this is already 9:15am, I have to get ready now..he blurted out wrapping his hands around her neck.

She pouted and he quickly kissed her lips making her to smile.
But promise me you'll be back early...she said wrapping her small arms around his waist.

Yes, insha allah..he said with a smile, he kissed her again on her lips before walking towards the toilet.

Ohhh, right, so he won't even say happy birthday to me, well well well, that's fine...she thought to herself nibbling on her lower lip to stop herself from crying.

Amma...he called out holding the door jamb.

Uhmmm...she answered raising her brows perfectly hoping that he'll tell her happy birthday.

Nothing...he said smiling widely.
I just love you ne kawai...he added with a cheeky smile before dashing into the toilet.

She stood immobile with a wide grin on her face tho it isn't what she was expecting. She giggled and face palmed her face like a kid before flopping down on her bed.

I've been calling you since, You promised me to come back early today, why are you still not home, don't you know I'm missing you, I'm bored for god sake, the Tv is annoying me, there's no body to talk to, even the baby too is not kicking today, do you want me to die out of boredom.... Amatullah yelled followed by a sob immediately when deedat picked the call.

She has been calling deedat but he refused to pick her call, he didn't wish her happy birthday, nobody did not even her Mamy or reena or ya jamal. They are always the first persons to wish her happy birthday, but here she is, on her 22nd birthday, nobody did, not even her dearest husband.

Calm down love,calm down...he whispered to her.
Just give me 5.....

Don't you ever come back home again...she yelled before he could finish talking.she ended the call and face palmed herself crying her eyes out, just then, she heard her phone ringing.

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