The Odd Mind Of Tesla

By sabri_willow

289 59 59

18 year old Tesla Monroe Everly always had a knack for getting into embarrassing situations despite her outmo... More

1.Crappy perspective of the world
3.Life of an Oatmeal
4.May the odds be ever in 'my' favor
5.Americano accent
6.That ain't no american accent!
7. Flash back 1 : the chemistry
8. Irresistible feelings...
9. An old me with dried up feelings.
10. Forgetting her part-1

2.Dumpling: cause of the 'almost' execution

37 7 1
By sabri_willow

I got ready for school wearing a gray Nike half-long sweat pant, white sneakers with a black T-shirt that said 'SARCASM' in front and 'LIVES IN ME' on the back.
I tied my black raven hair into a pony tail, applied a bit of foundation, brows on pluck but trying to make it look natural and a nude reddish color lipstick.

It was not much of a fashionista look but I was trying to pull off the I'm-tough-but-cool-,fun-but-serious-kinda look and I was working it~

I came down from the stairs had my breakfast, kissed my mom and dad goodbye and went to my college.

It had already been 3 months since my college had started but I was still having a hard time adjusting to the environment.

For the first 16 years of my life, I completed my high school in India (I kinda went to school early). In India, things were really different, the system were much stricker actually, you couldn't choose the subjects until you were an 11th grader, no prom and definitely no late curfew. I was a study bug there, but I wasn't the best, it was more like I was the last horse to finish the race.

As I reached my college,I was about to enter the main door when I saw .......Sam Arkin....*cue background music* ahhhhhhh~🎼 the heart-throb of the college who was beyond being handsome, had a perfect jaw-line and was filthy rich. He wore an Adidas V-neck camouflage T-shirt, black sneakers and jeans plus he was a blonde......
And I was embarrassed to see him...why you ask?

2 Months Ago
As I was on my way to college I spotted a group of people gathered and I was curious to know what was going on. Everyone was packed together so tightly but due to my small size body I was able to sneak in and one tall guy even gave a way for me, he must have thought I was a child as he kept his huge hand on my head, led me the way and even patted my head once I reached there ,I couldn't see who he was as he had went back before I could even turn and see him.

So back to the incident,
Once I reached there I saw Sam Arkin and a group of his friends advertising on the importance of cycling (Damn, he was hot!)

"Cycling is not only beneficial for health but you're also preventing pollution, isn't that great?"

Everything is great when he says it.....

"We are going to publish pamphlets and posters for this, so does anyone wants to be on it?"

A number of girls and some guys raised there hands, Sam kept on scanning the crowd. The more time he took the more the people started to jump and acted like savages like they were gonna get meat for free.

"How bout you, Tesla?"he pointed at me.


My nervous and mute personality came and settled in.
" don't...think...-" he didn't let me finish, instead he grabbed my hand and led me to the the cycle. The cycle was of the latest model.

He handed me the helmet and said

"You just have to ride from here to there" pointing at the directions

It's okay...I can ride a biggie! Damn it, It was a biggie I was about to cycle in front of a demi-god and gosh! he was about to see a chihuahua paddling *cue imaginary emotional tears*

I got on the cycle it was a little bit big for me but I could manage it. few pictures were taken by the photographer.

Then I started to paddle, I was bit shaky at first but few seconds later I got a handle of it. I was doing great until.........It Happened.........

"You're doing great Tes!" He shouted

I got nervous, in fact I got so nervous that I don't know why but I started to padle faster..... Faster.....and faster.....
And then, the worst happened.

I hit a speed bump, lost my balance and fell into the mud. Yup, that happened. I wanted the earth to swallow me up or turn me into the mud that I fell on. The only thing I was glad for was that no one saw me, I was far away from the crowd but I heard someone running towards me.

I got up as fast as I could and ran behind a building like a freaking cheetah before Sam could see me. By the time he came, I was gone. And I was so stupid the least I could do was pick up the bike from the mud but I didn't, I didn't think of it before I ran like a Mercedes.

I hid behind the building. He was searching for me, he even called me out a few times but I didn't respond. I saw him pick up the bicycle from the mud (so embarrassing) , he cleaned it up with the hose from a old lady who was watering her garden nearby and I watched him ride away.

The rest on the way back I ran, hid and tip- toed like a ninja till I reached home to hit the shower.

The moment I saw Sam I hid behind the door before he could see me.
I waited for him to go away with his friends.

Classes had started and as usual maths was fun (sarcasm), bio murdered me and in physics my brain flew out of the window.

Finally, in fourth period was english and our assignment was to write a story based on medieval times and ofcourse, everyone was bored of the idea so a majority of them copied the same plot. The same old story, where the soldier falls in love with the princess blah, blah, the fight blah, blah blah the end.

"You guys have no creativity, do you?....-" the teacher kept on blabbering after she had seen our papers.
"You need to add some spice in your life, you need to be wholesome...." She kept on going on and on...

Spice in your life? I asked myself, do I have any spice in my life? Or even salt?!

The classes got over, as I kept on walking out I still kept on questioning myself , what am I?
Then I realized I never did the things I was not allowed of, I never broke any rules nor was I a wild one.

I was raised in a grounded way, it was not bad at all. Infact, it was good you know? More family time!
To be honest life was pretty good, until I hit puberty and insecurities came flushing in.

Suddenly, Beatrice Amherst bumped into me as she was walking out. Beatrice had a wild personality, always partying and the face of every crime in school but still boys came flocking in. She was tall, blonde and was pretty fierce.

"Sorry about that" she apologized as she ran towards the office.

I started to imagine as to what type of food would suit her personality...

"Spicy chicken tandoori!"

Yup that suits her perfectly. I was not hungry, but the thought of food made my mouth water.

Then, I saw the student council president ; he was quite reserved but outspoken sometimes.
So he was...a...."Lasagna!" I exclaimed

"Where's the lasagna?" I hear a voice.

I panicked.

"Oh, Amber it's you" I let out a sigh.

Amber was my buddy, a red hair, a few inches taller than me. Her appearance and personality never matched at all.
She looked tough and gritty even from the way she dressed but she was not, she was actually very shy and was an introvert. It took me a month, for her to open up to me and be free to speak her mind.

"What lasagna?" She repeated

"Nothing...I'm just giving people food identity based on their characteristics."

"Seriously?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Join me if you want"

"Sure, I'm bored anyways"

So, on the way to cafeteria we started comparing people with food:
Burgers, fries, tacos, Mac and cheese, tacos again.....

"That guy looks like a dumpling!! hah!" Amber shouted, pointing at a huge senior, and he saw us. Shit!

"Amber!!!" I glared at her, putting down her hand down.

"What did you say to me?" The senior started to boil.

"Uh-oh..." said Amber sensing the danger.

He started to walk towards us, taking huge steps and the ground trembling with it.

I had to think fast....

"Um...You s-see what m-my f-fr-friend meant was that, y-you look l-l-like someone who!" That should do it...

"What?" He was obviously confused.

"Yeah! I was thinking to give you some dumplings" Amber added.

The senior raised his huge hybrid caterpillar sized eyebrow.

He came towards us again like the grim reaper.

Amber and I were scared, we started holding each other like it was the last time we were gonna be like this and our legs started to tremble like Shaggy and Scooby....

"Look what you got us into!" I whispered angrily.

"You're the one who suggested this weird game and besides, I was just playin-"

"Shut up, shut up!!! He's coming..." I interrupted.

THAMP. THAMP. THAMP! he came. It felt like we were about to be executed. The closer he came, the further we went back until we were connered at the wall.

As he came close, we were under his huge dark shadow. His 6'5 body made us feel like we were hobbits around him

"This is not how I imagined my death" said Amber who was about to faint, but I caught her wobbly body.

"I couldn't tell my parents how much I loved them this morning..." I said this to Amber before she started to pray catching her rosary.

"So,.." huge senior was about to announce our death...

"It was an honour knowing you Amber."

"Believe me Tesla, I will-..."

"What are you guys murmuring about?" He interuppted our farewell.

We didn't say anything, our facial expressions; shrieked in horror-look, had done the explanation.

A second later, he spoke in a cool and calm collected voice,

"So at what time you will be bringing the dumplings tomorrow?"


10 mins later
After staying in pause for 5mins and the other 5mins recollecting the whole scenario that just happened, we found out that he had a soft spot for dumplings...

Hey guys!!! Hope you liked chapter 2, if you found it amusing please do share and don't forget to vote....
sabri willow over and out!!!

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