Captain Styles *UNEDITED VERS...

By TheBlondeAdventurer

797K 25.4K 4.4K


Captain Styles (Harry Styles Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Guess Who's Back?
The Name Is...
It's Out!!!

Chapter 32

12.1K 429 86
By TheBlondeAdventurer

Isabella's POV:

Just as Jack's sword came down at my head, I grit my teeth together, thrusting my sword up in front of me, Jack's blade clashing once again with mine.

His eyes widen in shock as I kick him in the shins, making him stumble backwards. I get to my feet, a determined expression on my face as I held my sword in one hand, clenching my other fist angrily.

"If you think you can win a fight against me that easily, you're a bigger idiot than I thought." I spit, glaring at Jack as he regains his footing, a glare on his face. He begins to chuckle before giving me a creepy stare.

"If you were taken out that easily I would've been disappointed. It wouldn't have been much fun." He says and I huff. Jack straightens back up, shaking his leg slightly from where I kicked him before he lets out a relaxed sigh, pointing his sword at me again.

"Shall we continue then, Miss Bella?" he asks teasingly and I glare at him, gripping my sword tightly in my hand. This guy is really getting on my nerves now.

Jack lunges at me and I parry his blow, knocking his sword to the side and try to thrust my sword into his stomach, but he brings his other arm down and elbows my arm, making me wince and take it back.

I held my arm as Jack stares at me, a wicked grin on his face. "This is just so much fun, don't you think?" he says with a cackle before lunging at me again, but I drop down to my knees, making him fall over me, and I throw my hands up, catching Jack right in the stomach before flipping him over me, letting him roll on the ground.

Maybe those self defense classes Father always made me take did come in handy. Hmm.

"Wow, that was a pretty tricky move. How lovely." Jack says menacingly as he stands back up, facing me with a dark look. I was back on my feet again, holding my sword in front of me with one hand while my other hand was just clenched into a fist angrily.

"If you thought I was going to play nice with a dirty pirate, you're wrong." I snap and he just grins at me, looking me up and down. "I can see why Harry would keep you now." he says and I shake my head, confused at the change of topic.

"What does Harry have to do with any of this?" I ask and I see Jack's eyes light up with an idea, making him chuckle at me again. "Oh my, this is going to be great." Jack says and I begin to fear this plan of his, but I didn't know what to do.

"Shut up already!" I shout, charging him and swinging my blade at him, forcing him to pull up his sword to block me. He glares at me and I return it, tired of his games. "Face me like a man, stop thinking of another way out!" I shout at him and he laughs, bringing his foot up and nailing me in the stomach, sending me stumbling backwards.

I lose my footing and fall, but I manage to stay on my knees as I see Jack coming closer to me. "Face you like a man? Don't make me laugh. I could do this with my eyes closed and still kill you." Jack teases me and swings his sword around in a taunting manner.

"You see, I just wanted some entertainment for this raid. And I knew you were going to be perfect. It's rare that we see a woman on a ship, especially one like you." Jack continues on and my eyes widen. "Why do you choose me to fight? I'm not the best fighter." I say and Jack just shrugs his shoulders.

"It's entertaining to see a woman struggle worthlessly while she knows she's going to die. It's fun." he says and anger flows through me. I stand back up on my feet, glaring at Jack while he stares at me with a cocky grin.

"You're a bastard." I growl and he rolls his eyes. "Name calling won't get you anywhere, sweetheart. Try something a little more effective." he says and I begin to walk up to him, watching as he gets in a fighting stance.

Screw you, Jack. I'll make sure that you'll go down in flames.

I fake him out with my sword, making him clash weapons with me. Taking my chance, I bring my fist around and punch him as hard as I could right in the face. Jack falls backwards, hitting the rails as he held his face with a hiss.

"Think again, Jack." I spit before turning from him, running down the stairs and towards the cannon. He wants things to be interesting? Fine, so be it. Dodging everyone in my way, I finally get to the cannons, loading up another cannonball and getting the match.

Since everyone was on our ship, I didn't have to worry about killing anyone over on the Free Heart. I light the match and put it against the fuse, lighting that as well. I take a step back and turn towards Jack, seeing him giving me the dirtiest glare possible.

With a smirk, I taunted him with a wave, looking down to see the fuse end. The cannon shot off with a loud boom, making me hold my ears from the loudness of it. I watched with glee as the Free Heart exploded even more, the ship beginning to sink from the damage.

Jack shouted profanities at me and I smirked at him again, twirling the blade in my hand around tauntingly. I start making my way over to him again, fighting pirates as I went. I would slice their legs or knock them out, but I would never deliver a final blow.

Jack watched me with a glare as I disabled many of his pirates. I finally made it back up the stairs, giving Jack a satisfied grin. "You call that worthless struggling? I don't think so." I say to him and he narrows his eyes.

"You little-" he gets cut off whenever I let out a gasp, a sword coming around my neck and holding me in place, unable to move. My heart started to pound in my head as I turned my eyes slowly, seeing one of Jack's men holding me. Where did he come from?

"You shouldn't be badmouthing our Captain like that." the pirate growls and tightens his grip, making me wince in pain. Jack begins to snicker, facing me with an amused look. "Look at how the tables turn. It's only nice when you're the one winning, isn't it?" Jack asks and I give him a harsh glare.

"Bring her over here." Jack orders and the pirate nods his head, dragging me over to the ledge, where Jack was standing. "Why don't we throw her overboard? The only way she'd be able to escape you right now, was if she killed you. And I know that she won't do that. It's not in her character." Jack says teasingly and I feel my eyes widen.

I struggle against the pirate, but it does no good for me as I'm forced onto the ledge, the ocean just beneath me. My heart is pounding in my chest as fear builds up within me. I can't go down like this. Not after that fight I put up.

"Come on, little girl. Or are you too afraid to fight back now, since you know your situation?" Jack taunts me and I feel the pirate holding me begin to push me off the ship, but I push against him, still hanging on for dear life.

My feet were slowly slipping off of the edge and I knew that I had to make a decision quickly. Should I kill someone, or should I let myself be thrown overboard into the ocean?

The pirate was about to give me another shove when I brought my sword back, swinging my body around and bringing my sword down on the pirate. The blade sliced open his chest, blood coming out of it instantly.

My eyes widened in horror as I saw the blood in the air, then the pirate falling to the ground...dead. My body was shaking as I looked down at the dead pirate, not believing what I had done. "I killed someone..." I whisper, stunned beyond belief.

"Impressive, my dear. You killed someone." Jack says, coming up to me beside the railing. "How does it feel? To know that you've taken away someone's life." Jack says lowly and I feel a tear slip from my eye.

"I took his life away..." I mutter, my eyes still entranced at the bloody mess I had created. "He'll never get a second chance in life. He's gone now. You murdered him." Jack says in a taunting manner and I feel myself overwhelmed with grief and despair.

"It was the only way." I say, and Jack scoffs at me. "Didn't you think about stabbing his leg? It would've been just as easy. But no, you decided to murder him. You murdered a man whenever there was an alternative. That's just cruel." Jack says with a shake of his head and another tear falls from my eye.

"I didn't mean to." I whimper, and Jack holds out his blade before turning to me, pointing the blade at me. "I can end the pain you're feeling. No, that's not even a choice anymore. You've murdered one of my men so heartlessly, I will have to end your pathetic life." Jack snarls and I let out a gasp as he brings his sword up at me.

This was his plan the entire time! To make me helpless like this so he could easily take me out! I've fallen for it too.

My eyes widen as I see him come down at me, and I raise my sword, blocking his attack just in time. "Don't fight it anymore, Bella. You killed someone! You have to be punished." He growls and my eyes widen as I feel myself losing balance on the ledge.


Harry's scream made me turn my head sideways, seeing him run up the stairs with a horrified look on his face whenever he sees the position I'm in. He said he'd save me and I trust him.

"It's too late, Harry. She's dead now." Jack says and pushes off against me, making me take a step backwards. I lost my footing and slipped off of the ledge, now falling off of the ship. I shoved my sword upwards, it landing in the ship.

I hoped that it would stop my fall, and it did. The sword was stuck in the ship, and I was dangling at the end of it, looking down below me to see the ocean's waves lapping at the ship. Looking back up, I couldn't see anything, but I heard the clashing of blades.

"I can't hold on for too long." I say, noticing how the sword was inching out of the wood. The wind was blowing my hair to the side and I look back up, my eyes widening as I see Harry holding Jack against the railing.

"You bastard!" Harry shouted and punched Jack in the face. Jack instinctively held onto his face and Harry took that as his opportunity to stab him right in the stomach. Jack gasped in pain as Harry removed his sword, watching as Jack held his stomach.

"You're the one who's dead." Harry growls and picks him up by the neck, holding him over the edge of the ship. "And now, you will never terrorize anyone ever again. The only pirate people will fear is me." Harry growls before dropping him, letting him fall.

I gasp and move slightly, avoiding Jack as he fell past me, and watched as he plunged into the ocean. "Harry!" I call out, and I look up to see him staring down at me with wide eyes.

"Bella! Hold on, I'm going to get you!" Harry calls before leaving the railing. I let out a small shriek as the sword moves again, the blade not holding up as much as I wanted it to. Hurry Harry, please hurry.

The sound of footsteps made me look up again, my body swaying with the wind as I dangled halfway from the ocean. "Don't let go Bella!" Harry calls, tying the rope he had gotten to the railing, making sure it was nice and tight before tying the other end to himself.

"Hurry! This sword isn't going to hold up much longer!" I say fearfully as the swords slips again, the blade nearly out of the wood. Harry called out to someone, and soon enough Louis comes over as well, holding some of the rope.

Harry begins to lower himself down slowly, looking at me the entire time. "I'm coming Bella, don't worry. I've got you." he says calmly, probably trying to make sure I stay calm. I merely nod my head to him, watching as he gets closer to me.

Harry reaches out his hand, close enough to where I could grab it. "Grab on to me and I'll pull you up." he instructs and I nod my head, reaching my free hand up to him.

Right as I was grabbing hands with him, the sword completely fell out of the wood and I began to fall, a scream escaping my lips and I closed my eyes in fear.

I felt a hand tightly grip my arm and my eyes shot open, a gasp falling from my lips as I saw Harry holding me, a strained look on his face. He caught me. Tears come to my eyes as I stared up at him, watching as he slowly smiles at me.

"I told you, that I've got you. I wasn't going to lie to you, Bella." he says and pulls me up with his arm until he can get a better grip on me. I hold onto his waist and he pulls me closer to him, so that one arm was protectively around my waist and the other was holding on to the rope.

"Don't scare me like that." he mutters in my ear and I can't help but giggle. "It's not like I wanted to do it." I say and he gives me a small smile. "Louis! Pull us up already! I don't exactly like hanging off of my own ship!" Harry scolds and I hear Louis' laugh before we begin to be pulled up.

When we finally reach the top, Harry pulls both of us over the railing and we fall onto the deck. I undo the rope tied around Harry's waist, a small blush creeping onto my face as I noticed his stare. He really is like a knight in shining armor, isn't he? Showing up just at the time you need to be saved, and then he never lets you fall.

"Thank you, Harry." I whisper, now finished with the rope. Harry lifts my chin up with his finger and smiles at me. "I told you I would save you. I'll do it every single day if I need to." he murmurs before kissing my forehead, making me blush again.

"Capt'n, we won. We beat the Free Heart." Louis says and both Harry and I stand up, looking at the massacre of bodies on our ship. "We did win. We will celebrate tonight, but first, I want all of you to rid the bodies." Harry instructs and the crew salutes him before taking off, in a hurry to clean up the mess.

"You seem pretty shaken up. Come on." Harry says, taking my hand and leading me downstairs, to the oh so familiar place that we always go to. Harry opened up the door to his quarters, leading me inside before closing the door again. We go into the bedroom and he makes me sit on the bed, going over to the door and closing it.

"Are you alright?" he asks me, kneeling in front of me and staring up at me with caring and worried eyes. I give him a soft smile before I feel some tears gather in my eyes.

"I killed someone Harry. I killed them. Jack planned it too. He knew I would do it and he shoved it in my face." I cry, closing my eyes as the memory of the pirate flashed in my eyes, the sight of the blood pouring out of his body while he fell down to the ground dead.

That was going to be permanently engraved into my mind.

"Shh, Bella, it's alright." Harry whispers, wiping away tears from my face and cupping my cheeks, making me look at him. "It wasn't your fault. That pirate was the one who was threatening you, right?" he asks me and I nod my head confused.

"Then it wasn't murder. It was self-defense." he tells me and I frown at him. "I know it doesn't seem that way, but try to think of it like that. If you hadn't done it, you would've been killed." Harry says and I nod my head, a sigh escaping my lips.

"Come here." he says, sitting on the bed and pulling me onto his lap. "I'll make the bad memories leave your mind. I'm sorry that this journey hasn't been the best for you, you've got some serious scars from it." Harry says sadly and I shake my head, leaning my head against  his chest.

"But I've gained so much more experience and had more fun that I have in my entire life. You shouldn't be apologizing for that." I say and Harry wraps his arms around me.

"I'll make it up to you." he says and I lean back, tilting my head to the side in confusion. "And how would you do that?" I ask and he gives me a smirk.

"Let's celebrate."

Yay!! Long chapter haha. I really hope that you like this chapter, it took me a while to write it! What did you think of it as well? Please continue to Comment and Vote!!! :D

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