By antagonize

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒. I lost every single one of my memories. In the last one thousand years... More



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By antagonize


Selene Lockwood exhaled a hearty puff of smoke as she was mid way another cancer stick. In just two hours, she would be on yet another flight, back to her hometown of Mystic Falls. After a few months in a much needed stress reliever trip to Louisiana, in which she spent the whole time locked away, playing uno with distant cousins, Selene was ready to return home. In actuality, she wished she could stay in the Big Easy, but with an urgent SOS text from Caroline Forbes, Selene knew Mystic Falls needed her. But what she didn't understand was why?

In the past few months, Selene Lockwood's view of the world turned from black and white to full blown color. No more was the little girl who believed in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus, now she was a raging werewolf fearful of looking at a vampire the wrong way and having to engage in even more predatory behavior.

Looking back on it, everything made sense. The anonymous animal attacks in the woods, the arrival of two equally hot Salvatore brothers, and even the reoccurring nightmares Selene found herself having of a brown haired beauty, who could be classified as the devil in disguise. Everything made sense, and now, she just wondered why she hadn't realized it sooner.

In one quick second, Selene was released from her thoughts when she felt a burning ash land on her thigh. With a sigh, Selene realized the time and grateful for her wealthy parents, boarded her first class flight. Home sweet Home.


"Oh my God! Selene Lockwood! Look at your hair, did it get darker?" Came the shrill voice of Mystic Falls' very own, Caroline Forbes.

Selene couldn't help but giggle, seeing as the whole airport stopped to look at the blonde beauty, and her pink, sparkly Welcome Home, Babe! sign. And next to Caroline stood Tyler Lockwood, who received a big, brotherly hug. It was a relief to see two familiar faces, and it was an even bigger relief for it to be her very own best-friend and older brother. However, they weren't the ones Selene was most excited for.

Standing quite a distance away, stood one of the earlier mentioned hot Salvatore brothers. There, Saint Stefan was, in all of his glory with no Elena in sight. "Steffy!" Selene cried, running over and engulfing her friend in a bear hug. "I missed you, buddy."

Selene could feel her heartbeat start to pick up, and she could clearly see the clench of Stefan's veiny hands. He let out a happy sigh, and whole heartedly hugged his friend back. "I missed you too, Sel. I missed you too."

Standing behind Selene was Caroline Forbes and the clearing of her obnoxious throat. Pulling a flushed Lockwood away from Stefan Salvatore, she let her shrill voice be heard once again. "Come on you two lovebirds, Elena and Bonnie are waiting at the Grill. And they have some serious explaining to do."

Selene shut her eyes and allowed an irritated laugh to escape her lips. More fucking drama?


"So let me get this straight; The day I left, Katherine was telling the truth? There really is an evil vampire obsessed with you, Elena? Klaus really does exist? A-And Jenna? I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch."

Elena shook her head in agreement with Selene's question. "Mhm, Sel. And it isn't just him. There's a whole family of them, they call themselves The Originals. Klaus, he completed the sacrifice, he's a true hybrid now. Selene, there's no stopping him."

Selene allowed Elena's words to sink in. She really missed a lot. Jenna died for God's sake, and she wasn't even there to console Jeremy. Looking at her two close friends, Selena asked yet another question. "So, what do we do now?"

This time, it was Bonnie's turn to talk. "That's just it, Sel. We don't do anything. There is nothing to do. He's infiltrated our lives, he even has Stefan under his spell."

At the mention of her best-friends name, Selene froze. "B-But I just saw Stefan. He was there, he picked me up from the airport."

"Wait!" Elena interrupted, gaining a few glances from the neighboring townspeople. "Stefan came to pick you up? With Tyler and Caroline? That's impossible, he's on the outs with everybody."

At this point, and in regards to her previous mention supernatural curse, Selene was growing more and more agitated. "He was there, Elena, I just said that." She seethed, for no apparent reason. "Now, can I go? I need to find Jeremy, or really just anybody else."

Before Selene had the opportunity to get up, Bonnie latched on to her hand. "There's more. This time, it's about you." She said, sneaking a glance in Elena's direction, preparing how exactly she was to say her next sentence.

"Listen, Selene, I don't know how to say this but Klaus, he knows you." Bonnie started explaining, trying to talk as slow as possible, not wanting to repeat any of this repulsive information. All she got in return was a scrunch in Selene Lockwood's eyebrows.

"You know that picture you made Stefan hang on the fridge? Well, Rebekah saw it one day and she flipped out. She even told Klaus. They just kept going on and on about a dead girl, about you. Those psychotic siblings know you."

Selene didn't allow Bonnie Bennett to finish her explanation. She immediately rose from the uncomfortable chair, leaving it to make a scrapping sound against the floor, and ran to the bathroom. In one quick second, Selene Lockwood was staring at the contents of last nights dinner, and she was completely sick to her stomach

"I should have stayed my ass in New Orleans." She thought, now having the quietness of the Mystic Grill bathroom to fill her mind with thoughts.


With a heavy heart, and a very empty stomach, Selene Lockwood made her way to an empty clearing in the woods, but stopped in her tracks upon the unsettling sight of her brother and Jeremy Gilbert.

"Ty! How about you give me and Jer a moment? Please!" She called out to her older brother, scaring the human one out of the two.

Tyler looked taken aback, but all in a humorous way. "Ouch, Sel. Haven't you missed your big bro?"

Selene boringly picked at her fresh manicure. "Not at all." She drawled on, with an evil glint in her eyes. With a long laugh, Tyler retreated back to his car, leaving Selene Lockwood and Jeremy Gilbert all alone.

Without as so much a glance in his old friend's direction, Jeremy continued shooting cans with his crossbow. That is until Selene literally placed herself right in front of a can, and as Jeremy let go of the trigger, she almost got hit.

"What the fuck, Lockwood? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" The littlest Gilbert fumed, pacing in a circle far, far away from Selene.

Inching closer to Jeremy, Selene once again tried riling the boy up. "You know that would never kill me, Gilbert. Although it is nice that I finally have your attention."

"You left, okay? What do you want me to say? That I missed you? Of course I did. But you didn't even tell me you were leaving. I found out through Damon." An emotional Gilbert exclaimed, finally looking at the teenage girl.

Selene wasn't very good with emotions, especially when they didn't belong to her. She tried, she really did. But in all actuality, she could always try harder. Allowing a shaky breath to escape her lips, Selene decided to do what she always did best, escape the situation with humor.

"But now I'm back, Jer. So, quit being a dick and come give me a hug!"

With a reluctant shake of the head, Jeremy slowly walked over to Selene, and right past her. In that moment, all was wrong in the world. Two old friends were growing farther apart, which would soon come to be the easiest problem to solve in the events that were yet to come.


Further increasing her chance of lung cancer, Selene was close to finishing her eleventh cigarette of the day, just as she approached the Salvatore Boarding House, debating if Damon was really worth the hello.

Deciding on being especially kind, Selene made her way up the stairs and through the very unlocked doors. "Damon! Your least favorite werewolf has returned!" When she didn't receive an answer, Selene ventured further into the house, knowing fully well that Damon was able to hear her from a mile away.

Everything after that happened so fast. Selene heard him before she physically saw him, and in on quick movement, a pair of firm hands roughly slammed her into a corner wall. However, the assaulter didn't press hard enough, intentionally trying to not harm the victim.

Before Selene had any time to react, she made the mistake of looking directly into the criminal's eyes. Mesmerized would be an understatement. "Adelina." he uttered, completely loosening his tight grip.

Reaching to comfort her neck, Selene took a step back, "I'm Selene. Selene Lockwood."

Her response was weak and unnecessary. Why did she care to tell the man who just choked her, her entire name? But more importantly, why did he not look the least bit convinced?

At this point, Damon emerged from his hiding spot. Narrowing his eyes, he furthered wounded Selene, but this time with his words. "I knew I was right about you. I told Stefan to never trust a dog."

Without much thought, Selene lunged toward Damon, ready to do very little damage seeing as it wasn't a full moon and she wasn't angry enough. But it was worth a shot, to her at least. However, she barely made it two feet before she was pulled into the chest of a certain mesmerizing individual.

"Easy there, Lina." He whispered, humor evident in his voice. The humor didn't last for long, especially with Damon Salvatore never knowing when to close his mouth.

"Let me guess, you two know each other? Oh, better yet, you're another Doppelgänger? That's just perfect!" He seethed, now fully prepared to pick a fight with the blonde gentleman and someone he would consider an acquaintance.

However, Niklaus was stronger, he was faster, and in one swift movement, he rushed towards Damon, throwing him across the room and with the snap of the neck, he was out like a light.

"Insufferable idiot" He muttered, dusting his hands off. Quickly turning toward Selene, he made a demand that did not quite sit well with the girl.

"You are coming with me. Let's go, Lina."

"No!" She persisted, crossing her arms in the fashion of a child.

"So help me, I will drag you out of this house and let the whole town hear your incessant screams." The mystery man retaliated, moving closer to his prey.

"Do it!" Selene challenged, which looking back on it, was one hell of a mistake.

Not wasting any time, Niklaus Mikaelson latched onto Selene Lockwood, threw her over his shoulder, and ran away into the night. With her shrieks echoing through the town, the wind was becoming too much to handle, and Selene found herself slipping into a fearful slumber. When her eyes decided to close for the last time that night, the Lockwood Werewolf felt a sudden shift in her soul. If there was a word to describe it, she would never be able to guess it.

The mystery man now holding her, identified as Niklaus Mikaelson broke something inside of Selene Lockwood. She didn't know who he was but he knew her quite well and something inside of her was longing to find out. Her slumber made itself clear that it would take a long while for her to fully wake up.


Yikes I am so sorry for this long and boring chapter. Which, might I add, is completely different from the last "chapter two"

Thank you for reading and i'm open to all feedback, i hope you enjoyed!

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