48 Hours | JB

By rauhlgarden

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What would happen if you got stuck in an elevator with Justin Bieber for 48 hours? // (C) Rauhlgarden Wattpad... More



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By rauhlgarden

Chapter 27

When the plane landed, I was the first person to get out. I had pushed anyone who came in my way out of my sight to make sure that I was the first person to exit the flight, knowing that I really had no time to waste.

I had to go through some security once I came out too but it went really quickly and since I didn't have a bag (literally only struck me on the plane that I was travelling without any baggage), it didn't take me long before I was running vividly around the airport trying to figure out where Justin's plane had landed.

I started to gaze out the windows searching for the same aeroplane that I had seen before but wherever I looked, I couldn't see it.

"Damn it," I mumbled quietly to myself.

The adrenaline in my body made sure I couldn't stop moving, I was constantly going somewhere but once my eyes were set on a pair of people with cameras, I knew that I was walking in the correct direction. He was still here. I ran up to the people, grabbing the first person's jacket to turn him around and was face to face with a paparazzi who immediately recognised me.


I tried to ignore the fact that within less than a second, all the paparazzi's were staring at me. My breathing became a little harder to keep up with when I recognised them to bring their cameras up instantly at the sight of me. My eyes wanted to roll themselves but I didn't have that kinda time.

"Where's Justin?" I asked with an annoyed expression on my face. They all began to ask me questions, putting their cameras close up in my face which made it hard for me to see anything. Only one of the paparazzi seemed to have a brain and pointed in a direction that my eyes followed sternly, seeing the familiar figure step into a car, "Fuck," I commented as I realised that they were about to leave with the car.

My chase continued.

I quickly pushed one of the men away harshly by using the force of my hands, making him stumble and almost fall over. They all called after me, yelled my name over and over with a bunch of questions in between. They were asking about Justin, about me being here and about Justin's abrupt change of mind. They had just seen him leave to Seattle and now he was suddenly back.

The car he had stepped into began to move but they were moving slowly due to all the people standing around it, screaming to the car. I could even see a few people banging their fists onto it. It made me gasp but I couldn't focus on that, all that I was concentrating on was the fact that my breathing was getting out of control and I only had a few metres left before I had reached the car.

The same second that I reached out my hand to knock on the window, it began to move faster.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I cursed under my breath as I tried to run a little quicker and successfully reached the front of the car.

I ran until I stopped, right in front of the car, seeing the driver's surprised eyes and before I knew it, I felt a huge bump throw me down on the ground with an extreme force. The car stopped and I realised I was laying half underneath it.

"Oh my God," I mumbled to myself, feeling a pain shoot through my body as I tried to move. Both my legs seemed to not function normally and I could hear the gasps surrounding us, the screaming had suddenly stopped and people were whispering my name. This must look so bad, I thought quietly to myself. Justin's team had just hit me with their car.

Nobody knew the news about us being broken up so I could only assume tomorrow's headlines were going to be interesting. Justin Bieber hits his girlfriend with a car. I cursed myself for allowing that to happen and prayed that it wouldn't affect the way he was going to take my apology.

"Sierra?" I finally heard his voice and I expected people to yell again, crave his attention more than I was (and to remind you, I was still laying on the ground, half underneath the damn car), "What are you doing?"

He reached out his hand for me to take and I did immediately, seeing the phones out and directed to the scene. I felt a little embarrassed, knowing that I had probably caused the biggest scene of Justin's love life yet. He seemed utterly confused but if I looked closely into his eyes, he almost looked a little relieved.

"Did you get hurt?" He asked with such worry that made me think that maybe it wasn't over between us. Maybe he was regretting the breakup too. I nodded slightly as I felt my legs giving in a little when I tried to take a step forward. Justin was quick to catch me, allowing me to steady myself on him as he asked for people to move aside so we could get back into the car.

Once fully inside and safe, he shut the door and turned to look at me confused, once again asking what the hell I was doing. He didn't seem mad but he did seem surprised. I didn't blame him, I think with this entire spontaneous trip and the chase I've been doing; I was even surprised with myself. I had never put that much effort into getting a guy's attention.

Jesus, a car just hit me.

"What are you doing here?" He held my hands tightly in his, squeezing a little to make sure I knew he wasn't mad. His eyes were so soft that I couldn't help but to fall in love all over again.

This time, I was just going to say the words my heart really wanted so I didn't even try to stop myself when the words slipped out, "Is the offer to move in with you, still on?"

Justin's lips burst into a smile and I felt a huge relief wash over me. Quickly, he brought me into a hug and whispered sweet things into my ear that he only ever did when he really was into something. Which meant that he was into the idea of me moving here.

"What made you change your mind?"

"I realised I've been the biggest bitch to you and I really want to change that," I bit my lip and he nodded, probably realising that he took me back way too fast. I didn't even get to explain myself which only meant that he was too forgiving towards me but I also knew that I shouldn't complain, I really wasn't going to point that out to him, I appreciated him being so forgiving with me. What was I even thinking breaking up with him? How was I going to be able to take care of myself without him in my world? "I promise you, I will start listening more to you and your feelings. I don't wanna be as controlling as I've been and I don't want this to end."

"I'm glad you feel that way," He brought up my hand to his lips and kissed it tenderly. Showing me that I wasn't the only one who had regretted the decision of breaking up, "I'm really willing to try."

"Thank you," I whispered, "Thank you so much."

We stayed cuddled up in each other's arms throughout the entire ride home to his place. It was a relief to be back in Los Angeles and I had forgotten how nice it actually was. My brain had automatically pushed any thoughts of California out, only to assure myself that I wouldn't fall for the place, but being here made me realise that I wouldn't have any problems moving to Justin's.

When we stepped out of the car, Justin helped me to get to the front door by holding me tightly to make sure I didn't fall over. He repeatedly questioned if I really were okay or if he should drive me to the hospital. I could feel the pain shoot through my leg but I told him I was fine and that we could carry on with our day, it was probably nothing serious. The car didn't hit me that hard.

The second I stepped into his house, I felt a feeling of home. I don't think it was because of the house or the location itself but I was certain that it had something to do with Justin and I stepping inside a house together.

Now that I had finally figured everything out, that was going to be my future. I was going to live in a sunny place in a house and build a family with the man I loved. What could possibly go wrong with that?

"We should go house hunting," Justin suggested but then hesitated, "I mean if you're really serious about moving here."

"I am," I assured him that this time, I was not going to change my mind again. I had never been so sure about something in my entire life and I was so happy that the realisation happened to me quickly before it would've been too late, "We're moving house?"

He helped me get into the living room and sat me down on his couch. He had a huge dark grey couch that was filled with black and white pillows, lighting up the dark material that made it feel like you could melt into it. Sitting down beside me, he sighed loudly, "Don't you wanna create memories in a new house together? From scratch?"

The idea had not crossed my mind earlier but once he said it out loud, it sounded perfect. Having a new house that was ready to be filled with memories was probably the best idea for us to have a fresh start in the relationship too. Thinking about it, we did have some bad memories around this place. Some flashbacks of our fight from that night where I left, flushed through my brain and I nodded again, knowing that the best thing we could do was to get a new place.

"I love that idea," I said, climbing on top of him carefully, making sure not to hurt my leg further in the process. He smiled while looking up at me, the true happiness obvious in his eyes, "I'm so thankful to be here," I whispered, "I didn't think you'd take me back."

"I thought you knew by now how whipped I am over you," Justin laughed a little as if it was supposed to be a joke but I knew the seriousness behind his sentence too. He had done everything in his powers to keep me happy, he had gone out of his ways so many times to satisfy me and I had barely done anything in return. Now, it was my time to do anything for him.

I was giving up my life in Seattle to be here but I didn't feel like I had a lot to lose, I had so much more to gain here.

I leaned in to kiss him, feeling his soft lips against mine. His hand went around my neck, pushing down my head against him to make sure I didn't stop. I felt myself moan into his mouth, pretty obvious that I was getting heated by the make-out session.

I could feel his fingers in my hair, massaging my sculpt which only had me needing more. I think he noticed how turned on I was getting because I was beginning to grind slowly on his lap, pushing myself on his crotch. He cursed underneath his breath, broke the kiss only for a second to catch his breath.

Things were getting too heated and I knew that with my leg, it was going to be difficult. Which I was proven right because within a few seconds, the same second he tried to move us to another position, I felt the pain once again and I groaned quietly.

"Fuck, that hurts."

Justin froze, "Shit, I hurt you?"

"It's okay," I promised, pressing a kiss against his forehead to assure him that I was fine. I really wasn't but I didn't want him to worry and it was unnecessary to make him upset over nothing. It was probably not a very bad injury and I was certain that it would heal by itself eventually, "It'll be fine, don't worry."

"Can I do something for you?" He grabbed my hands again, helping me to lay down in the couch properly. I lifted my feet, resting it on his shoulder when he sat down in front of me. Suddenly, he began to laugh and I couldn't help but narrow my eyes at him which made him understand that I couldn't catch onto the fun, "It looks funny, I just like the position."

My cheeks flushed when I realised what he meant and I hadn't thought about the position before he mentioned it. Looking at my legs, I saw how both my legs were resting on each of his shoulders, making him sit right in between my legs with a smug smile on his face. If I was naked now, I would make him do all kinds of things to me right now.

I couldn't help myself, "Eat my pussy, Justin."

"Woah, damn, Sierra," Justin's eyes turned darker and his smile turned into a smirk. I could tell by the look on his face that he was amused with my language, "I've never heard you talk that dirty before."

Once again, I could feel the slightly red colour peek through on my cheeks. I barely got the chance to react before Justin was already ripping off my pants, making sure to be careful yet rough at the same time. I laughed when he lifted my legs carefully and then brutally tore off the rest of them once he had passed the injured parts.

We struggled to get back to position with my legs leaning on his shoulders but once we finally get it, all the laughing stopped and his tongue proceeded to my clit within a second. I gasped, feeling the hot sensation of his tongue hit my exposed pussy. My back arched by itself immediately, the feeling almost too slippery yet rough and textured.

Moanings slipped out of my mouth, the feeling of an orgasmed stuck in my throat appeared and I knew that the lump was the beginning of an amazing ending. An electric shock stuck throughout my entire body, sliding down my throat, continuing to my stomach, all the way down to my hips and the lips Justin were currently licking. He made me feel a luxury that was just so delicate it was indescribable. It was like he had awoken every nerve in my body, nerves I didn't even know existed until now.

Once again, I moaned out his name loudly, quite glad that his closest neighbours were a bit further away.

His licking continued until his tongue began to travel north, kissing his way up to my belly button. I was biting my lip, staring down at him and finally meeting his intense gaze. Only by looking into his eyes I could tell I was going to have an amazing orgasm tonight, it was almost like the powerful look he gave me could bring me over the edge itself. I didn't need his touch for that to happen, he had powers like that.

"You're not done," I commented, feeling a rush of adrenaline shoot through my body and not feeling completely satisfied with his work just yet. I wasn't going to allow him to stop until I was fully satisfied, "Continue until I tell you to stop."

"Feisty," He chuckled but listened to what I was saying and returned to work.

I couldn't help but let out a loud moan the same second that his hot tongue came in direct contact with my clit again. It was really like sitting down in a hot jacuzzi on a cold winter day, the warmth of the water hitting places unexpectedly. My entire body was moving in rhythm with his tongue, trying to arch myself closer to him to give him a better access even though I knew he already had the best he could provide himself with.

My high began to rise and I knew that I was close to finishing, taking a harsh grip on his hair which made him wince into my skin, only sending more lovely vibrates. It made me tug on it, trying to make him continue to groan.

"I'm not gonna last," I mumbled, pushing his head down as if that would help him to access me further. It didn't really help but it still gave me a place to try and calm all my nerves down, it was comforting to be able to hold onto something. My hands instantly tightened the grip once I felt the rush hit me, "Shit, Justin, I'm cumming."

He continued to lick, probably catching whatever juices were flowing out of me. This time, I tried to move away, feeling the sudden sensitive skin being touched roughly by him. He noticed my struggling and stopped licking, removing himself from his position as he climbed more on top of me until he was met with my lips.

Leaning down to kiss me, I could taste myself on his lips which I knew only turned him on more. I licked his lips for entrance which I didn't have to wait long for until I had, his tongue being pushed into my mouth to make sure I could taste every little drop of me.

"You're so fucking sexy," He mumbled into my mouth, over and over as I tried to focus on the feeling of us. I knew that moments like these were exactly what I had missed out on due to all of those stupid selfish decisions that I had made the past few months. Why would I ever want to let go of this? "I fucking love you."

"I love you too," I said back, a wide smile forming on my lips which I knew was the number one proof that I had to fight my way to never allow this to end. We had to stay like this, I had to make sure nothing changed between us. This was all just absolutely perfect, "Shit that was really intense, thank you."

He chuckled slightly as something seemed to be remembered in his mind, his left eye sending me a wink, "See it as an apology, for almost running you over with my car."



I HAVE A question to y'all: where are you from & how old are you????

ALSO, another Q: have you read any of my stories before?? Which one(s)?

I'm super curious fjdjdjdjdk


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