Lost Love (Robbie Kay/ Peter...

By panswendy

559K 11K 4.5K

Based of the TV series, Once Upon A Time. Melody, the daughter of Prince Eric and Ariel, has been kidnapped b... More

Lost Love (Robbie Kay/ Peter Pan)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Not an Update
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Not an update
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
More news
Chapter 44
All About You!
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
New Fanfiction Idea
Don't Hate Me
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
I Swear I Will Update Tomorrow
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
I'm Awful
Sorry Again
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
2 years later...

Chapter 40

5.4K 111 97
By panswendy

(Warning: Extreme Sappiness)
{Get your tissues girls}

I sat in the corner of the jail cell that I am now sharing with both Peter and Felix. I haven't said a word to either of them since the whole, kissing incident. How could I trust myself ever again? I thought my lowest point was when I was with Sebastian, but this is worse. Much worse.

I'm not saying that Felix is worse than Sebastian, because he isn't. Felix is Peter's best friend. They are practically brothers and I ruined that. I am a cold blooded monster. I need to be killed. I have to be or I will continue to destory everything that I have ever held dear.

There is just one question that keeps swarmming my congested mind. Why would Henry even bring the three of us here?

I have been wanting to see him and get answers from him ever since I got here, three days ago. Emma had stopped by a couple of times to give us the nessessities, water and food. She never speaks and hardly looks at us. When she does, Emma shoots me a glare of disappointment.

She acts like it was my fault that I needed up like this. She acts like I had the choice to fall in love with Peter or not. I'm surprised that my mother hasn't come around to lecture me. She probably doesn't even know I am here, let alone I am still alive.

I wonder how many people think that I'm dead. After all, I did in fact die. That feels like forever ago. This past year almost two have felt like centuries, and even a year of that was when I was dead.

"Mel?" Peter's raw voice cut through the silent room.

I looked up at him, not letting myself star into his emerald eyes. I kept my chapped mouth shut, still uncertain of what I would say.

"I love you. You do know that, right?" He sounded weak. it was an unfamilar tone of voice. Peter is always so sure of himself, so confident.

I nodded to respond to his question.

"All I am asking you is if you love me in return," His sad eyes were glazed over by a sheet of tears. I looked over in the opposite corner and saw a sleeping Felix.

"I do love you, Peter. I always have and always will. Always and Forever," I murmured.

He moved closer to me, so close that he wrapped a warm arm around my shivering body. Its the touch I have been yearning for. His touch, not Sebastian's nor Felix's. Peter's. My wonderful Peter Pan.

"Why did you kiss Felix?" He questioned and moved me onto his lap in a way that my legs were around his waist and I was staring at him.

"I couldn't let Rumple hurt you. It hurts me to see you hurt Peter. There isn't a worse fate for me than to sit idly as someone hurts you," I confess, to scared to move.

"Then why do you hurt me all of the time? Never once have I laid my lips on another while we are together. You have hurt me so much, and yet you are my morphin. You are the one that causes the most pain, but you are also the one that heals me the quickiest."

"I don't know what to say," I mumble.

"Don't say anything love. You might end up hurting me even more. I don't want to know your reasoning for kissing Felix, nor do I want to talk about it anymore. As long as you promise never to do it again. I can't let you slip through my fingers again. I know that you know what you did with Felix was wrong, so just don't do it again," Peter whispered in my ear as I laid my head on his chest.

"I love you Peter. How could you forgive me so easily?" I whimpered.

"Because, I can't imagine a world where I would regret your presense. I can't live in one where I wake up everyday and regret the moments that I have spent with you. I have never loved anything more than I could ever love you. I am in physical and emotional pain when I can't hold you like this my darling. I love everything that there is about you. I need you, more than I need oxygen," he spoke and planted a kiss on the top of my head.

In that moment, it was like we just met again, like we have never fought, or cried, or have lost. We were reborn, stronger than we were before. We have each other this time and nothing is going to be able to sever our relationship again.

"I love you my darling girl," Peter kissed my ear and nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck.

"And I love you, my immortal lover," I responed and kissed his neck slightly.

"I couldn't physically survive a world with out my darling," Peter Pan whispered in my ear while he pulled the hair away from my neck. "Every single inch of you is perfection. There isn't a flaw on your entire body. You are my lovely sun rising with hope and beauty. Melody, you shine even on the darkest of days. I wish I could show you how I feel. I want you to know that there isn't any possible way that I can't love you my mermaid princess," Peter purrs in my ear, causing delightful shivers to cascade down my spine.

"I love you too Peter. Where would I be without you. You have saved me from so much despair. My parents would probably beating me right now, but you save me. You are a saint Peter. No matter what anyone says, you, Peter Pan are my hero. I know this sounds really lame, especially after your whole monologue, but I do love you. I am in love eternally with an immortal boy," I spoke with my voice hitching at the end when Peter placed both of his hands on my waist.

There was so much lust laced in Peter's glaze. We can't do anything. We are in a jail cell with Felix. God, why can't we just be back in Neverland?

"There isn't a girl that has gone through all of my shit, except you. Melody, I will never leave you. Our hearts have an unbreakable bond. We have always been made for each other. Your pain is my pain, your happiness is my happiness."

Peter's lips trace along my neck and jaw line. I feel his 'little friend from down under' grow, although I'm sure he isn't so little. What am I saying? We are in a JAIL CELL!

"P-Peter, we c-can't. Not here," I murmur as I slid off of his lap and sit on the bed/bench.

Peter came over to me and was kneeling in between my legs. He nodded and grabbed something from his his back pocket.

"Our love is more than a silly tale from a story book. Mel, there is nothing more that I want to do than spend my entire life with you," Peter spoke, gaining confidence as my face heated up because of the blush that was freely crawling up my skin.

He finally pulled out a small black box. There was no time to time as Peter opened a box that contained a diamond ring.

"Peter," I gasped.

That is some piece of jewelry. It was absolutely breath taking! I can hardly think. This is all so fast, it was just three days ago when I kissed Felix.

"Before you say no, please just here me out. We have been through so much together! You were talking about having kids together. We are going to get married anyway. Why should be postpone the inevitable? I'm not saying were should get married right now, I just want people to know that we will. I want you to be my fiancé. Please agree to be Mrs. Melody Pan," Peter begs.

How could I resist this. How could I ever live without my dearest love?

"Yes, Peter," I nodded with tears of joy trickling out of the corner of my eyes.

"I love you Mel," He cheered as he slid the cold ring on my left ring finger.

"I love you too Peter," I exclaimed and I pulled him in a hug.

My outburst must have waken up Felix. He shuffled a little on the floor.

"What's going on?" he groaned with a raspy voice, rubbing his eyes slightly.

"Why don't you ask my new fiancé?" Peter smiled, squeezing my left hand. I looked up at him and smiled.

"FIANCÈ?" Felix spat. Well that woke him up.
I hope you enjoyed. Urg, I know Melody is a slut, bear with me her. She will get better considering she now has a fiancé.


Y'all are lucky. I should have been studying for my biology final tomorrow, but BIOLOGY MAKES ME WANT TO CRY!!!



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