A Twist In Time - A Harry Pot...

Autorstwa coco1522ox

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Teddy, Victoire, James, Albus, Lily, Rose and Hugo are sent back in time! I know there's loads of these stor... Więcej



3.7K 63 20
Autorstwa coco1522ox

Chapter Three - This is crazy!

"Okay, we're listening." Teddy nodded.

"It's not going to be easy getting you guys back, but I promise we will find a way! In the mean time do everything you are told to do, don't leave the house and for the love of Merlin, do NOT let James pull any pranks!" Harry warned.

"Don't worry Uncle Harry, I'll keep an eye on him." Teddy confirmed.

"Daddy!" Lily cried.

"Hey Lil, I promise I'll see you soon!" Harry smiled softly.

"Is Aunt Ginny gonna be okay?" Teddy asked.

"She'll be fine, she's just worried. You guys are in a very dangerous time period so look out for each other and stay together no matter what." Harry warned. "And guys, remember, don't spill any secrets! We don't want to risk changing the future."

Teddy nodded and soon the mirror was blank again. Teddy stuffed the mirror back in his pocket and turned to face everyone else in the room. He was confident that his Godfather would get them home safely, he just didn't know how long it would take.

"So what happens now? We just stay here until Dad brings us home?" Albus asked.

"That's all we can do Al, Uncle Harry said to stay here and stay together, remember the most evil wizard of all time is at large now and we don't want to draw attention to ourselves." Teddy explained.

"Can't we just tell Dad how to kill him and get it over with? We know what happens!" James groaned.

Harry's head snapped up from the spot on the table to James as he heard this.

"Wait, I kill him? How?!" Harry asked.

"Way to go moron." Rose rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, we can't risk changing the future. James shouldn't have even said that." Teddy glared at James.

"He would have figured it out soon anyway." James argued.

"Does any more of us have kids in your time?" George suddenly asked, quickly changing the subject.

"Yes! There's so many Weasley's, we pretty much fill up the quidditch team!" James beamed.

"Wicked." The Weasley twins said together.

"So we know about Uncle Bill's other kids. Uncle Charlie doesn't have any, well, unless you count his dragons. Uncle Percy has Molly and Lucy." James began listing off his cousins. Before he could finish, he was interrupted.

"Percy?" Molly gasped.

"Oh right, I forgot he was still a prat in this time." James rolled his eyes and ignored the glare he received from Teddy. "Yeah, Uncle Percy comes back after realising he made a mistake believing the Ministry over his own family."

"I hope he apologised to Harry!" Ron scoffed.

"It takes him a while but he eventually does. I don't think he does it until Mum and Dads engagement party though, if I remember correctly." Albus replied.

Harry felt his cheeks heat up at the reminder of being married to the youngest Weasley. He couldn't believe he married Ginny and had three children. He'd always wanted a family for as long as he could remember, and the thought of having his own stirred something in him. He didn't even realise he was smiling until Ron nudged his arm.

"What are you grinning about?" Ron teased.

"Just happy that Percy finally comes to his senses is all." Harry lied. He quickly turned away to avoid anymore questions. However, he noticed the slightly disappointed look on Ginny's face before his eyes found his spot on the table.

"Arthur, did you hear that? Percy comes home! And he names one of his daughters after me!" Molly beamed as Arthur smiled and put an arm around her shoulders.

"Where were we? Ah right! Uncle George has two kids, Fred and Roxanne, and obviously you know about Uncle Ron and Mum." James beamed.

"Hey! What about me?" Fred asked. All the kids from the future cast a quick glance at each other.

"You didn't want to settle down, you decided to focus more on the business." Teddy added quickly.

Fred seemed to ponder the thought for a minute and then shrugged in a satisfied manner. Teddy let out a breath of relief as the conversation moved on.

"This is crazy!" Ron shook his head.

"So what's life like in your time, then?" Hermione asked, ignoring him.

"It's great! No evil wizards trying to destroy us, endless sleepovers and pranks! Dad is the head of the Auror department and Mum used to play for the Holyhead Harpies until James was born, then she had to stop." Albus explained.

"I play for the Harpies?" Ginny asked. Her face beamed.

Albus nodded his head. "Mhm, now you sometimes write articles about their games but you haven't played a match since James was 9 months old."

"Sorry for ruining your career with my presence." James joked. Ginny just smiled nervously, still in complete shock that she has three children with the boy she had loved since she was a young girl.

"Alright, there will be plenty of time for stories in the morning! It's time for bed." Molly declared causing all the children, present and future, to groan.

"Um, where do we sleep, Grandma?" Lily asked softly.

Molly smiled warmly at the small child, still amazed at being called a grandma and patted her shoulder. "You, Rose, and Vicky can sleep with Hermione and Ginny. And Teddy, James, Albus and Hugo can sleep with Harry and Ron."

Everyone stood to leave and headed up the stairs to find their bedrooms.

*In the future*

"Gin, I said I'm sorry, what more can I do?" Harry sighed as he sat on the edge of their bed while Ginny busied herself around the room, ignoring him.

"Gin?... Ginny?... Ginevra!" Harry yelled becoming inpatient.

"What?" She yelled.

"Will you please stop giving me the silent treatment and just talk to me?" Harry pleaded. He knew he had upset his wife during their earlier argument but he hadn't expected her to be this angry.

"What do you want me to say Harry? Our children are stuck in the past, we don't know how to get them back or if we even will!" Ginny stood with her hand on her hip, waving her other hand around. Harry stood from the bed and walked over to her, his hands rested on her waist.

"The day we got married, can you remember what you said to me?" Harry asked.

"What does this have to do with our children?" Ginny sighed, her tone laced with annoyance.

"You said to me, that no matter what, you would love me, you would support me, and you would trust me." Harry reminded her. "If you really meant it, trust me when I say I will not stop until our children, and the others, are at home, safe, with us."

This seemed to calm her down as her shoulders slumped and she rested her head on his shoulder briefly. He pulled her into a hug and rested his chin on the top of her head.

"Of course I meant it." She said softly. "And I still do. I'm just so worried about them. What if Voldemort finds out about them?"

"As long as they stay at Grimmauld Place, he won't find them." Harry reassured her.

"Sometimes I don't know what I did to deserve you. How do you put up with me?" Ginny chuckled.

"Honestly? I don't know, but if I try to leave you now, your brothers would have my head on a stick before I could pack a bag." Harry said with a mock seriousness.

Ginny rolled her eyes and swatted at his chest. She let out a small chuckle and put her arms around his neck.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." He pecked her lips with his. "Now stop arguing with me, and get into bed. I want to get to the Ministry early tomorrow and have a chat with Kingsley." He gently pushed her towards the bed.

She let out another chuckle and turned away from him to walk to her side of the bed. They climbed in and Ginny's head automatically rested on his chest as his arm wrapped around her body. As they laid in silence Harry almost instantly heard the heavy, even breathing of his wife and knew that Ginny had fallen asleep. And, though he was tired, he was certain he wouldn't be able to sleep properly until he found a way to get his children, godson, nieces and nephew home safely.

*In the past*

"Do you think we'll ever get home?" Al asked quietly as he laid staring at the ceiling. 

He, James, Teddy, and Hugo were sleeping on camping beds in Ron and Harry's shared room. Hugo, much like his father, was snoring softly as Teddy, Albus, and James spoke amongst themselves. They assumed Harry was also asleep since he'd hardly moved since they climbed into bed.

"Of course we will, Dad will figure it out, he's the best of the best Al." James told his brother, although he had to admit, he too was starting to worry they'd never get home.

"James is right, Al." Teddy added. "He won't stop until he gets you home, I just know it."

"I hope so. It's so weird seeing Dad at this age, he's so different in our time." Al chuckled.

"I know, hard to believe that it's the same man who took out the Dark Lord and saved millions of people." James agreed.

"Don't forget, he's only fifteen here." Teddy said. 

"It's still weird." James shook his head. "He's just so awkward." 

"Wouldn't you be if your children from the future crashed into your life unexpectedly?" Albus scoffed. 

"Alright, we can talk about this tomorrow." Teddy said. "You boys better get to sleep before Grandma comes up." 

"Good point." James nodded. 

Molly Weasley was strict in any time zone. Past or future, James knew better than to disobey his grandmother. So, the three of them laid down and settled into their beds to go to sleep. However, a few minutes later, Albus broke the silence. 

"I hope Lily is okay. She's never gone this long without seeing Mum or Dad." 

"She'll be fine, Al." Teddy assured him. "I know it's hard for her, but she's got Vicky and Rose with her." 


In the girls room, Rose, Ginny and Hermione slept peacefully while Lily sat on the edge of her bed, crying. She looked out the window at the black night sky and held on to her necklace. The necklace was given to Lily on her 4th birthday by her parents. Harry had said it belonged to her Grandma Lily, who she was named after. Lily had never taken it off since.

"I miss you guys, I hope you find us soon." She whispered to the stars.

"Lily?" Vicky whispered. "What're you doing?"

"Talking to my Mum and Dad, I can't sleep." Lily sighed. "I don't like this place."

Vicky crept over to Lily's bed and pulled her into her lap. Lily curled into her cousin, tucking her head under Vicky's chin. "I know, sweetie. But it's going to be okay, I promise. Your daddy will be doing everything he can to get you home." 

Hermione woke to the noise of whispers and beds creaking. Her first reaction was to grab her wand until she realised where she was.

"Are you two alright?" She asked when she noticed the two girls sat side by side on Lily's camp bed.

"Yeah, Lils is just a bit homesick is all." Vicky smiled.

"I may not know much about your world but I do know Harry and I can bet you my wand, he will not give up looking for a way to take you guys home." Hermione smiled softly at Lily.

"See." Vicky smiled down at Lily. "Don't worry, Lils. We'll be home soon." 

Lily knew her cousin and the young version of her Aunt were right. Her daddy didn't give up, especially when it came to his children and nieces and nephews. He would find them, and he would bring them home. She nodded her head and allowed Vicky to tuck her back into bed. 

"Night, Vicky." Lily whispered. 

"Goodnight, sweetie." Vicky said softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead. 

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