Against All Odds (a Troyler f...

By JustProcrastinating

55.8K 2.8K 415

Tyler and Troye meet by chance in a cafe and it's love at first sight. Everything is looking up with cute nic... More

Against All Odds (a Troyler fan fiction)
Chapter 1: Cafe Meeting
Chapter 2: Confessions
Chapter 3: Taco Bell
Chapter 4: Lena and Cayla
Chapter 5: Texting
Chapter 6: The Plan
Chapter 7: "No."
Chapter 8: Tears and Love
Chapter 9: Cute Couple
Chapter 10: Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Chapter 11: Kissing
Chapter 12: "Bitch"
Chapter 14: Big News
Chapter 15: Cheating?
Chapter 16: Planning
Chapter 17: Taco Bell in an Hour
Chapter 18: Car crash
Chapter 19: Phone Calls
Chapter 20: "All My Fault"
Chapter 21: I Never Left
Chapter 22: Pulling the Plug
Chapter 23: Alive
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: Talking
Chapter 26: Goodbye
Chapter 27
Chapter 28: Drunk Texts
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Clubbing
Chapter 31: Missing You
Chapter 32: Teasing
Chapter 33: Bedtime
Chapter 34: Picnic
Authors Note (Important Please Read!!)
Chapter 35: Rings
Chapter 36: Yes

Chapter 13: Suprises

1.3K 64 3
By JustProcrastinating

A/N so there's a bit if a time jump here so we can get to the good parts and because I don't want to write 3 months worth of fluff. Honestly, I find to much fluff boring anyways.

Ok. Here's the chapter:

Tyler's POV

The last few months with Troye had been bliss. We laughed until we cried, shared multiple kisses, and came out to my YouTube audience during playlist earning the ship name 'Troyler'. I remember I was so scared they wouldn't accept us, but, luckily, I have the most supportive audience in the world.

The last few days though, I haven't seen much of Troye. He tells me he's been working on something big and is keeping it a surprise, but I'm not sure if I 100% believe him. I trust him, of course, but there's just one little voice in the back of my mind that doesn't. That little voice keeps whispering 'he doesn't love you anymore. He's cheating.' and lately, that whisper just keeps getting louder.

I pulled out my laptop and got on the magical world of Tumblr. I scrolled through my feed, reblogging some things here and there. Tumblr always has a way of taking my mind off things.

I looked up from the screen to see darkness around me. Guess I was on there longer than I planned.

I put my laptop down and was about to go to bed when my phone started to ring.

I walked over to it and saw Troye's name on the screen. I smiled. I hadn't talked to him all yesterday or today so I was desperate to hear his voice.

"Hello, boyfriend." I answered

"Hello, girlfriend." He responded. I loved the fact calling each other boyfriend/girlfriend had become our thing.

"What's up?"

"Well, I've just been thinking, I've been so busy I haven't gotten to spend time with you, so I thought I should finally tell you what the surprise is."

"And what is it?"

"You can find out tomorrow night. My place, 6:00."

"How do you know I'm not busy?"

"If you are, cancel your other plans."

"Little bossy aren't we?"

"Do you wanna know the surprise or not?"

"Fine. I'll be there."

"Good, girlfriend."

"Bye, boyfriend."

"Bye, girlfriend."

"Oh and I don't have any other plans."

"Bitch." he ended the phone call and I laughed to myself. I can be kind of snitch sometimes, but I like messing with Troye.

I went and climbed into bed. I snuggled beneath the covers, emptiness beside me.

I miss the nights with Troye. Ever since he started planning the 'surprise' we seldom got time together. What can I say, I miss him.

Eventually I fell asleep, but it was far from peaceful.



Does this count as a cliffhanger? I guess it sort of does.

Sorry there wasn't an authors note on the last chapter, I just didn't have anything to talk about.

And can we just talk about TFIOS livestream? Like, seriously, I fangirled the whole way through and when Ed Sheeran hugged Tyler... I can't even.

And guys, I'm terrible at checking views and I literally just realized this is past 300. Thank you guys so much <3. It means so much to see this rising so quickly.

That's it for now, Vote and Comment!

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