The Night That Changed My Lif...

By carhnival

212K 1.1K 290

"If you get rid off me, what do I have left to love? You or your spirit that lives in my heart, forever." More

Wrong Decision..
Telling Him
Pain Is Demanded To Be Felt
Back To School
Janitor's Closet
Best Friend
Back Together
Someone New
Back Together
New Home
Saved A Life
No More
I'm Sorry
New Heart
Best Mistake
Q & A
Motel 66


4.2K 23 3
By carhnival

The door, it was banging. "OPEN UP YOU WHORE" Pandora yells as she bangs on the door again and again. I started to tear up, I layed my back against the wall and slid down, I was on the floor, blood was everywhere, In my hands and face. "FUCK OFF" I yelled and cried at the same time. "Babe whats going on?" I heard faintly in the background. "Looks like your knight is here" Pandora says as she leaves the entrance of the bathroom that I was in alone. "Why Tash?" I covered my eyes and face with both of my hands and buried them in my legs, the tears are streaming down, dropping onto my legs. My messy dyed purple hair was in my face. "POLICE OPEN UP!" I quickly lifted up my head and got up, I opened the door to see a African female policeman pointing a gun at me. I held up my hands and acted innocent. "Are you Pandora Floyd?" She asked as she lowers her gun. "No, Pandora w-was here just a minute ago, then I heard m-m-my boyfriend in the background, do you have any idea where they went?" "Follow me sweetheart" She held my hand out of the bathroom and sat me down at the diner table. "So, tell me everything that happened, take your time" The policewoman said. "I w-was downstairs eating my breakfast then I heard a moan near the couch, I didn't know who it was so I grabbed a knife to go and cheak it out. Then I found out that it was my best friends twin sister. My best friend, s-she suicided at the biggining of school week." I stopped and took a sip from a glass of water infront of me. "How did this start?" "Well, I kinda found them doing something together this morning and I got mad. She was all over my boyfriend, Nash. I went ontop of her and slapped her. I also broke her nose. She laid there not moving. And then, I come back downstairs and get a kick in the back and slammed my forehead into the edge of a cabinet. Then she dragged me acorss the floor. I threw a stool at her and locked myself in the bathroom." The policewoman looked sory for me, she had a shocked and satisfied face. "Thank You" She stands up and starts walking out of the house "WAIT!" I yelled out. She stopped and looked at me. "Yes?" I walked closer to her and stood right infront of her. "Where are they now?". "They are at the police dipartment, getting questions answered. Don't worry, you can visit them tomorrow." "Thank You, so much." I sniffed and walked back into the kitchen and poloped myself down at a chair. I put my forehead on the edge of the table and just think. I think about all the things in the past, I think about all the things iv couldv done to stop Jess from suicide, I think about the things. EVERYTHING!


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