The Hunger Games Kids

By BaronDiamond22

444 44 1

What if the Hunger Games only reaped 12-year-old kids? Would things be any different? Find out. Meet Alec, a... More

The Hunger Games Kids
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Author's note
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Author's Note

Chapter 8

36 4 1
By BaronDiamond22

I got a 9.

I got a 9.

I got a 9.

That's what's spinning in my mind as my face was glued to the screen. Effie, Katniss, and my Prep team went clapping and cheering when they heard my score while Caesar Flickerman was preparing to say Kirsten's score. I was expecting it to be higher. If I die in the arena, I would like Kirsten to win.

"Excellent score, Alec!" Katniss says.

"And finally, Kirsten Tomlinson..." All eyes were glued to the screen.

"... With the score of ..." Here we go. Get a higher score than me! I plead.

"8" I was depressed, but mad at the gamemakers for giving her such a low score. Okay. Maybe her score isn't that low. But she would have got a higher score than me. I mean, have you seen her knife throwing skills? I wanna shoot an arrow on their face and threaten them to change Kirsten's score into a higher one.

We needed to get a high score. It will give us the advantage of scaring the other tributes. And when they get scared, they would wish we killed them earlier in the games. Great. I'm thinking like a career tribute now. Killing? Scaring? Intimidating? I sound merciless. But I couldn't care less about my actions, as long as I survive the game.

The sound of the screen turning off brought me back to reality. Little did I know that they are preparing for bed. Tomorrow would be the interviews. My ice suit back at the tribute parade has caught the attention of many. And I have the feeling that Cinna would like me to wear something related to ice again.

The interviewer, Caesar Flickerman loves to give nicknames to the tributes. Katniss told me that they nicknamed her "The Girl on Fire". It makes me think what she did to get a nickname like that. Was it because of her fiery personality?, stunning appearance? All this thinking has occupied my mind.

I get up to my room, and the coldness hitting my face. It has always been cold here. The cold doesn't bother me. It was like the cold never bothers me because I already am cold, and cruel. Once I got to my bed, I locked the door to prevent anyone from entering, it was like I take my privacy and personal space too serious.

I wonder what would be the arena. If it was an island, drinking water would be a problem. If it was a desert, water would also be a problem. An abandoned city, food would be a problem. You won't have a place to hide if the arena is a grassland. If it was a jungle, many creatures will harm you. I never got a chance to think of another one as I fell in a deep sleep, hoping to get this game over with.


"This is what you'll wear for tonight" Cinna says, walking me to a mannequin wearing a black tuxedo with blue hints and a cyan vest. Looking pale would definitely look good with this outfit. I remember that I was 12 years old. It would look mature of me to wear something like this. But whatever I wear, I would. For the sake of sponsors.

"Looks simple" was all I said without even thinking. I didn't know what he would think of me. Ungrateful?

"That's what I want them to think of your outfit!" He answers with a look of belief. His designs are wonderful, especially the dresses he makes for girls. The only thing was he doesn't look amazed by his creations. I know the face he is making, the face when you got what you want but it's not complete. "Right now, you should practice on how to talk formal!"


"Alec I don't know what to say!" Kirsten exclaims at my face. She is so nervous for tonight even though the interviews doesn't start in 2 hours. What was she supposed to be worried about? I'm the one who doesn't know how to speak formal! But right now, i'm practicing it.

"Just be yourself and everyone would like you!" I blurt on her face. She backed down a little from me.

"It's not that Alec ... " she looks tensed while i'm confused right now. She has nothing to worry about but she has. What was with her? "... I'm not used to being center of attention."

I burst out laughing which made her have a confused look. She has stage fright! I never knew that. Right now, we are at her room practicing at the way we speak. Katniss said in the interviews, you had to look fragile. She said it was the perfect combination to top up with my high score in private session so I could confuse the other tributes if i'm either weak or strong. And I have to be brave.

"You have stage fright ... then why don't you ignore the people watching, act like no one is there and concentrate at only the interviewer!" I gave her my opinion and I managed to stop laughing. Her face lightened up, like the sun rising but fast. And a mischievous grin was splattered on her face. I just gave her hope.

"You're right. Maybe that's it." She says. And went to the shower while I head out of her room.


District 1 - Axell went with charming to get the viewers' attention. And I have to say, he managed to catch the heart of the ladies with his golden tuxedo. Glitter came in sexy to please the viewers with a silver dress that covers up only inches from her hips. She tried hard but it really doesn't work on her.

District 2 - Brent came in all fierce and ferocious with a black suit and tie. He acted like he doesn't need the people's sponsors. Clover who was wearing a red velvet dress, has managed to be kind and polite.

District 3 - Gelo was trying to act like Axell. But he failed in charming the female viewers. I don't care about his district partner. He was wearing a black suit with designs of lightning.

District 4 - Audney wears an aqua blue suit with hints of a color of sea green. He looks noticeable.

District 5 - Emmet wears a scarlet red colored suit. Before he could go, he managed to dance like a comedian which makes people laugh. Aaliyah comes in with a crimson red dress and managed to attract a few boys.

District 6 - I don't really care about them.

District 7 - Penelope stunned a lot of male viewers with her carnation pink dress and kind and polite personality.

District 8 - Taylor managed to appear sexier and more flirty than Glitter with her slutty outfit. Skank.

District 9 - A bunch of losers.

District 10 - Liam went charming as Axell.

District 11 - Gitrie was wearing a red and blue suit and tried to charm the viewers. Epic FAIL. Toni appeared glooming with a white dress which makes Caesar asks her why her skin is fair even though she lives in District 11.

Toni's interview is about to end and Kirsten's hand became sweating. She's nervous, I know it. And her legs are visibly shaking. I wanted to tell her to calm down but it won't work. It might be her first time to be broadcasted and be seen by a lot of people. Don't get nervous, Kirsten, a lot of people are gonna be watching this. We can't afford to make you look like a mess. I touch her hand and it appears to be sweating and shaking. Makes me wanna be there for her when she is being interviewed.

"You need to enjoy this moment, Kirsten!" I tell her and her eyes shot up looking at me. "You only get to be interviewed once. Don't let your fear shut you down!"

She kept silent and her face became more evil. Like she is preparing to conquer her fear. I kept my face up to prepare myself. I couldn't afford to loose this part. I am gonna finish this crap. Toni came emerging from the stage. She's done with her interview. Kirsten's turn. I'm betting on you, and so is Katniss and Cinna.

"Everyone please give a round of applause for District 12, Kirsten Tomlinson!" Caesar announces and the crowd went clapping and cheering. Like a lion that just woke up. Kirsten walks up the stage, emerging from the shadows and her dress shining with the lights.

"Good evening, Mr. Flickerman!" Kirsten says and a flash of smile built up from her face.

"Good evening too, Kirsten!" Caesar answers. "You made a stunning appearance at the tribute parade, would you mind telling us about it?"

"I thought of you thinking of me as a copycat since my mentor, Katniss, also went flaming in her tribute parade!" She tell us.

Caesar answers by "You wearing a blazing costume made us think if you are somehow related to Ms. Everdeen. You girls look like a family in fire!"

Cinna calls me up and my eyes went to him. I slowly walk to him as he hands me a ring. It has a blue button on top. Accessories like these are only for girls. What did Cinna want me to look like?

"What's this?" I question him.

"It's a surprise!" Cinna said as he walked away from me. I started to wonder why he would give me a mysterious ring. He stopped on his track and faced me one last time. "Press it at the end!"

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