Soul Exchange

By Creativefatal1ty

2.2K 96 10

Sequel to 'Hello Again, Prue' Paige and Glenn are finally together. More

Soul Exchange
Halliwell Manor- Upstairs Hallway 2:30AM
Halliwell Manor- Living Room 2:00 PM
Halliwell Manor- Living Room
Halliwell Manor Dining Room- Later That Evening
Halliwell Manor Living Room- Several Hours Later
Halliwell Manor Living Room- An Hour Later
Back At Halliwell Manor- Seconds Later
Seconds Later- The Alley Behind The Bay Mirror
Halliwell Manor Kitchen- An Hour Later
Halliwell Manor- Paige and Glenn's Bedroom- 3AM
Halliwell Manor- Paige's Bedroom - 2 weeks later- 2:30PM
Halliwell Manor- Two Days Later- 8:00 AM
Halliwell Manor Laundry Room - Two Hours Later
Halliwell Manor Dining Room- Several Hours Later
Halliwell Manor- Paige and Glenn's Bedroom- 4:30 AM
Meanwhile- Back At Halliwell Manor- Phoebe's Bedroom
Halliwell Manor Dining Room- Later That Afternoon
Seconds Later In The Dining Room
Back At Halliwell Manor- Paige And Glenn's Bedroom
Meanwhile Back At Halliwell Manor
Halliwell Manor- Paige's Bedroom- Early Morning
Halliwell Manor-Living Room -Evening- Later That Week
Halliwell Manor- Foyer- Several Nights Later
Halliwell Manor- Attic- A Short Time Later
Halliwell Manor- Foyer- A Few Hours Later
Halliwell Manor-Paige and Glenn's Bedroom- 7:45 PM- Two weeks later
Halliwell Manor Kitchen- Late That Morning
Halliwell Manor Foyer-December 19, 2003- the Night before Paige's Wedding
Halliwell Manor- December 20, 2003 -Early Morning- Phoebe's Bedroom
Halliwell Manor Conservatory- Moments Later
Halliwell Manor- Second Floor Landing- That Afternoon
Back In The Foyer- Moments Later
Halliwell Manor- Kitchen- The Following Week
Halliwell Manor- Living Room- The Following Afternoon

Halliwell Manor- Kitchen- The Next Afternoon

37 1 2
By Creativefatal1ty

         As Piper put the last dish into the drainer after rinsing it, she turned to her youngest sibling, saying. "Well, Missy Paige, I think while Garrett is taking his nap, I'm going to lie down for a little bit, myself." As she uttered the last word, Piper stifled a yawn. Paige glared at her as she yawned also, and then inquired worriedly, "Did you sleep okay last night?"

"Like the dead," Piper stated. "Matter of fact, Leo got up with Garrett this morning and gave him his breakfast and a bath so that I could sleep, and for once, I didn't have to plead with him. He insisted; do you believe that?"

"Some wives are so fortunate," Paige grumbled. "The dear sweet love of my life slept for most of the time we were on the plane, and then he got to sleep earlier than I did. I crawled into bed, and had to put Peyton in her crib, because she was on my side of the bed, and Glenn knows I expressly forbid that," she revealed with an angry expression on her face. "I got maybe half-an-hour of sleep before she woke up to be fed, and I know Glenn heard her cry, because he shoved at me. "

What a jerk!" Piper exclaimed as Paige paused to take a breath. "Revenge is sweet, sis," Paige replied with a devious grin. "I do not like that look, missy! What did you orb?" Piper demanded to know. "Totally innocent on the orbing, lady," Paige insisted as she held her hands up in a gesture of surrender. "I did, however, cream him pretty good with my pillow as I sat up."

"You did what?!" Piper shrieked as she giggled. "Yep," Paige acknowledged. "Emeril style; bam! Right in the kisser, and hard enough to wake his ass up."

"You are my sister," Piper answered. "I've creamed Leo on more than one occasion, myself."

"Creamed him with a pillow, socked him in the gut as you were getting out of bed... thank God the man's already dead, Piper, otherwise you'd have done him in by now."

"I was nice to him today," Piper informed her sister. "He let me sleep in, as I said, and I didn't wake up until 10:15. I felt like a hog sleeping that late. "

"Lucky!" Paige shouted. "Peyton woke up again at 8:00, demanding breakfast. This time, I made Glenn feed her, because the little stranger here was making my morning miserable," she finished as she rubbed her tummy.

"Where is my little niece, now?" Piper asked with an expression of sympathy. "Christmas shopping with her Daddy," Paige announced with a sad expression. "Well, why didn't you go with them?" Piper inquired.

"After what this little one pulled this morning, Glenn and I decided that it wouldn't be wise for me to venture too far from the Manor." Paige said softly. "Ahh, point well taken," Piper murmured. "I might just catch a nap, myself," Paige announced as she got up from the stool she had been sitting on. "Knock yourself out, sis... goodnight," Piper replied as she headed out of the kitchen's swinging door. "Sleep well," Paige answered as she entered the living room, intending to stretch out on one of the couches.


As she reached to the chair for a blanket, a book lying on the table beside it caught Paige's eye. The edges of the tome were yellowed with age, and Paige forgot her exhaustion as she sank into the chair and opened it. Inside, she found neat script that she immediately realized belonged to Patty. After selectively reading a few pages here and there, Paige settled on an entry that looked interesting

July 16, 1977

Dear Diary-

As the baby's birth approaches, she seems to be orbing me to Sam's side more and more, like she wants to see her parents together as much as possible. She may still be inside me, but I get the sense that this little one is going to be too smart for her own good. She seems to know what's going on, and I swear she senses that both Sam's and my hearts are breaking at the thought of giving her up.

I've found a church nearby to leave the baby at when she is born, and I pray that she is given to a family that will love her and cherish every moment that she's in their lives. I shouldn't even be thinking of names, because the one she's given won't come from me, but if I were to keep her, her name would be Penelope Melinda, for mom, who has helped me through so much.

**As she read this, Paige made a comical face of distaste, muttering quietly. "'Penelope'? Sheesh! Makes me think of 'Pepe Le Pew' and the kitty he was always chasing. Sorry, Grams, Mom, I love you both," she added as she briefly looked heavenward. Then she looked down again and continued to read. **

Sam will be here soon, and it's as if she knows he's on his way... My little princess has been restless for the past hour, flipping and kicking at me. Makes me sad knowing that I won't be able to raise her, as her energy level seems to match that of both Phoebe and Piper's. Maybe the three of them could wear one another out instead of exhausting Mom, Prue and me. More at another time, as Sam has just orbed in.


**Paige felt tears pricking behind her eyelids as she continued on to the next entry. **

August 1, 1977

Dear Diary-

As I write this, my contractions are steadily growing stronger, and I can't stop my tears from falling. I know that soon, I'm going to have to endure the hardest time in my life; giving up my baby to strangers, not knowing what will become of her. She's already showing signs of the famed 'Halliwell stubborn streak' that is discussed so much in the Book Of Shadows... Apparently, it started with Melinda Warren and spiraled down through the generations from there. Her sisters have been blessed (I say cursed, especially Prue) with it, and Mom and I have it, so I guess it shouldn't come as a big surprise...

** Paige giggled quietly to herself at this news about Prue as a child, and then gasped in horror, wondering what the future held in store for Peyton. **

My cervix is dilated to seven centimeters, and has stayed that way for ten hours, now. My water has yet to break, and Mom is getting worried. She keeps taking me to the bathroom every half an hour or so, in hopes that moving me will cause my water to break.

Victor has taken the girls for the night, and Mom is angry, but she says it's better than having them here to witness my screaming bloody murder when their baby sister decides she's finally ready to come (stubborn little half-Whitelighter! I thought that they were supposed to be pacifists, but this one's got a pretty powerful kick.... I fear her size already)

** Paige giggled again and then muttered aloud, "You wanna see stubborn, Mom? Try your little granddaughter when she decides it's playtime after her 2 AM feeding... now that's stubborn!" She looked to the table beside her and smiled at the photo there. She and Piper had had the photo taken of Garrett and Peyton in honor of their first Christmas. Both were seated on Santa's lap, screaming for all they were worth. "Yeah, they'll be begging us not to display that in a few years," she stated as she went back to reading. **

Speaking of stubborn Whitelighters, Sam is sleeping soundly beside me. How I would love to freeze him that way for eternity...he looks so peaceful. Then again, I'd just like to freeze him for spite, personal gain consequences or no. It's not fair that he gets to lie there and sleep while I'm in a world of hurt. Wow! Talk about hurt! Something's happening, now! Uh oh! My water just broke! Have to scream for Mom and wake Sam.


** "Aww, Mom!" Paige whimpered as she began to cry. After several minutes of hard crying, Paige was finally calm enough to read the next entry. **

August 3, 1977

Dear Diary-

Well, it has been twenty-four hours now since Sam and I dropped off our beautiful baby girl at Saint Michael's Church.

** "Michael...hmm," Paige said to herself. "Michael Belland... has a nice ring to it... Have to talk to Glenn about naming our first son Michael." She then looked down and addressed her unborn baby, asking. "What do you think, little one? Do you like the name Michael if you should happen to be a boy? Why am I even asking?" she continued. "You're not big enough to give me any sort of a reaction, anyhow." That said, she continued to read. **

We handed her over to a nun there by the name of Sister Agnes, who promised to find her a good home, and to make sure her adoptive parents knew to give her a 'P' name. She was born at 12:02AM, August 2nd, and she was 9 pounds, 15 ounces and 19 inches long. Beautiful little girl if I do say so, myself. Her eyes are hazel-blue like Prue's, but I don't think they'll remain that color. She has Sam's coloring... very pale skinned. If I talk about this much longer, I'll never be able to stop crying, so I'm going to close for now.



"I'm ho- Paige, honey, what's wrong?" Glenn inquired a short while later as he entered the foyer and looked into the living room to find his wife sobbing like her heart was breaking. As Paige was crying too hard to speak coherently, Glenn left Peyton sleeping in her infant seat on the floor and knelt before his wife, drawing her to his chest and stroking her back. "Is it the baby?" he asked. Paige simply shook her head 'no' into his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around him tightly and continued to cry.

"Baby, you must calm down, or you're going to make yourself sick," Glenn commanded gently. "I-I found my M-mom's d-diary," Paige stuttered brokenly moments later when she had regained some control over her emotions. "Sh-she didn't w-want to g-give me u-up, b-but she had n-no ch-choice."

"Ahh, babe, I'm sorry," Glenn murmured as he awkwardly stroked her hair and hugged her, not knowing what else to say. It had been so much easier for him to help her when her adoptive parents had been killed... he had known them. "I miss her so much!" Paige choked. "How can you miss someone you never really knew?" Glenn knew he could not answer that question, so he just continued to hold her, rocking her gently back and forth.

"Tired, Glenn... so tired," Paige groaned a short time later. "Come on... I'll help you to the couch so you can lie down, and then, after I lay Peyton down in her crib and clean up my mess, I'll carry you to bed," Glenn informed Paige as he pulled her into a standing position. "Okay..." Paige sighed as she closed her eyes and leaned heavily into Glenn's chest. Glenn kissed the top of her head and scooped her into his arms, carrying her over to the couch and covering her with a blanket before heading upstairs with their daughter.

Halliwell Manor- Living Room- A Few Hours Later

"Huh?!" Paige gasped as she sat up straight on the couch, trying to determine what had woken her.

"- Gotta start setting the damn alarm!" Piper ranted as she raced through the hallway on her way to the kitchen. "Either that or Leo has to start waking me to let me know he's taken our kid.... Now as for Garrett, that's an alarm clock right there."

"Whoa!" Paige moaned as she attempted to stand. "Come on, kiddo... give Momma a break?" she pleaded as she headed quickly down the hall herself.

Several Minutes Later In The Kitchen

"Well, good morning to you, too, sunshine," Piper said as Paige flopped down in a chair at the table with a loud groan, while holding her head. "Shoosh, you!" Paige snapped. "My head is pounding, and you're not helping."

"Migraine?" Piper inquired softly. "No, not exactly, at least I don't think so," Paige replied as she got to her feet. "Do you need any help?" she queried as she watched her older sister forming patties out of raw hamburger.

"Sure, I can use some help," Piper answered. "Can you get those Portabella mushrooms out of the refrigerator and start slicing them, so Phoebs has something to eat? You know she won't go near these with a ten-foot pole."

"Nope, she won't." Paige agreed. "Vegetarians..." she muttered as she went to the refrigerator. Piper stopped herself before commenting that it was the same as Paige's avoidance of alcohol, and instead, went back to making the hamburgers.

"By the way, sis," Paige said as she looked up from slicing the mushrooms. "What happened to the big ham dinner with the scalloped potatoes and the finest green bean casserole in town?"

"Well, for starters I didn't wake up in time to do so," Piper began as she washed her hands at the sink and then started the indoor grill. "Secondly, I wasn't prepared to have to call you home as quickly as I had to and make you that great return from honeymoon dinner, and 3rd, this is the best 30-minute meal I can come up with at the moment," she informed Paige softly. "30-Minute Meals with Peeper Ray...creating delicious and healthy meals from start to finish in 30 minutes or less from the kitchen of the famous Halliwell Manor." Paige said in the voice of a TV emcee. "Smart-ass! Although I like the sound of that...maybe I can get my own cooking show and do it here at the manor." Piper trailed off as she finished, as the look on Paige's face clearly stated impending doom for the whole idea.

"Yeah, and while they're filming a totally impressive chef, they'd watch demons go boom and potions being brewed all from the comforts of their home television set. Hell, if they're gonna do that, then they might as well make a show about us. I can hear it now: 'Meet three beautiful sisters known as the Charmed Ones- the most powerful good witches of all time- fight and vanquish the powers of evil.' Sounds like a hit series to be doesn't it?" Paige queried. "What about at the club?" Piper asked with an uncertain face. "I think it would be much safer than here at the ever demonic-trafficked manor that we are raising our children in." Paige responded quietly. "What else can I do for you, here?" she continued as she looked down at the now sliced mushrooms.

"Get the olive oil and balsamic vinegar out of the cupboard, pour some in a shallow pan, and marinate those for a few minutes in it. Phoebe will love it," Piper assured her. "I'll start a Caesar salad, and after you put the mushrooms in, I need you to slice the Swiss cheese, but not your finger like you did last time I made you use a knife to help me in the kitchen, got me?"

"Hey, is it my fault that I burped white light and scared myself half to death when I did so?" Paige asked somewhat defensively. "I guess not," Piper answered. "Scared me pretty badly the first time Garrett made me do that, too."

"Meh!" Paige uttered as she stuck her tounge out at Piper. "Keep it up, Half-breed..." Piper muttered. "My little niece or nephew in there will get you back for that if I don't."

"Don't plant ideas in their little head, Auntie Piper!" Paige admonished her sister as she covered her tummy. As she turned from the refrigerator with the cheese in her hands, Paige addressed her unborn child, saying, "Pretend you didn't hear that, little one...As far as you're concerned, Auntie Piper never spoke, coppice?"

"Like the kid even knows you're talking to it, yet, Missy Paige..." Piper stated as she rolled her eyes and made a face. "How would you know?" Paige shot back. Having no comeback for that one, Piper just shrugged her shoulders and went back to making the salad. 

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