Halliwell Manor- Kitchen- The Next Afternoon

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         As Piper put the last dish into the drainer after rinsing it, she turned to her youngest sibling, saying. "Well, Missy Paige, I think while Garrett is taking his nap, I'm going to lie down for a little bit, myself." As she uttered the last word, Piper stifled a yawn. Paige glared at her as she yawned also, and then inquired worriedly, "Did you sleep okay last night?"

"Like the dead," Piper stated. "Matter of fact, Leo got up with Garrett this morning and gave him his breakfast and a bath so that I could sleep, and for once, I didn't have to plead with him. He insisted; do you believe that?"

"Some wives are so fortunate," Paige grumbled. "The dear sweet love of my life slept for most of the time we were on the plane, and then he got to sleep earlier than I did. I crawled into bed, and had to put Peyton in her crib, because she was on my side of the bed, and Glenn knows I expressly forbid that," she revealed with an angry expression on her face. "I got maybe half-an-hour of sleep before she woke up to be fed, and I know Glenn heard her cry, because he shoved at me. "

What a jerk!" Piper exclaimed as Paige paused to take a breath. "Revenge is sweet, sis," Paige replied with a devious grin. "I do not like that look, missy! What did you orb?" Piper demanded to know. "Totally innocent on the orbing, lady," Paige insisted as she held her hands up in a gesture of surrender. "I did, however, cream him pretty good with my pillow as I sat up."

"You did what?!" Piper shrieked as she giggled. "Yep," Paige acknowledged. "Emeril style; bam! Right in the kisser, and hard enough to wake his ass up."

"You are my sister," Piper answered. "I've creamed Leo on more than one occasion, myself."

"Creamed him with a pillow, socked him in the gut as you were getting out of bed... thank God the man's already dead, Piper, otherwise you'd have done him in by now."

"I was nice to him today," Piper informed her sister. "He let me sleep in, as I said, and I didn't wake up until 10:15. I felt like a hog sleeping that late. "

"Lucky!" Paige shouted. "Peyton woke up again at 8:00, demanding breakfast. This time, I made Glenn feed her, because the little stranger here was making my morning miserable," she finished as she rubbed her tummy.

"Where is my little niece, now?" Piper asked with an expression of sympathy. "Christmas shopping with her Daddy," Paige announced with a sad expression. "Well, why didn't you go with them?" Piper inquired.

"After what this little one pulled this morning, Glenn and I decided that it wouldn't be wise for me to venture too far from the Manor." Paige said softly. "Ahh, point well taken," Piper murmured. "I might just catch a nap, myself," Paige announced as she got up from the stool she had been sitting on. "Knock yourself out, sis... goodnight," Piper replied as she headed out of the kitchen's swinging door. "Sleep well," Paige answered as she entered the living room, intending to stretch out on one of the couches.


As she reached to the chair for a blanket, a book lying on the table beside it caught Paige's eye. The edges of the tome were yellowed with age, and Paige forgot her exhaustion as she sank into the chair and opened it. Inside, she found neat script that she immediately realized belonged to Patty. After selectively reading a few pages here and there, Paige settled on an entry that looked interesting

July 16, 1977

Dear Diary-

As the baby's birth approaches, she seems to be orbing me to Sam's side more and more, like she wants to see her parents together as much as possible. She may still be inside me, but I get the sense that this little one is going to be too smart for her own good. She seems to know what's going on, and I swear she senses that both Sam's and my hearts are breaking at the thought of giving her up.

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