Halliwell Manor- Two Days Later- 8:00 AM

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         Phoebe was awakened from a deep sleep by the sounds of a heated argument coming from down the hall.

"...Dammit, Paige!" she heard Glenn yelling. "Why won't you accept the fact that I have a valid point?!"

"We've been over this before!" came Paige's returning shout. "She's not your daughter until the adoption is finalized a few hours from now! Just keep pushing me, buddy! I will call the whole thing off!" Paige threatened.

"If you're gonna be that way about it!" came Glenn's retort. "Then I'm concerned because of the fact that your daughter just froze the wall again, and I think it's a strong argument in favor of binding her powers until she can control them!"

"Yeah?! Well she only froze the wall because she was trying to ice a demon, and Piper blew it to bits first! She has damn good control over her powers for being only four months old, Glenn!"

"I just-" Glenn stammered. "I still have trouble getting my head around the fact that she has the ability to do that. You, too, with your orbing and healing and all the other little things you can do." Glenn admitted in a quieter voice. "It's just not natural."

"So you're calling my daughter and I freaks?!" Paige wigged out. "Dave basically said that about us, too! Of all people, I had hoped you would be a little more understanding! Thanks a lot!" with that, Paige orbed out angrily with Peyton in her arms.

"Noog!" Glenn shouted frustratedly. "You orb your half-and-half butt back here right now! I wasn't finished! Let me explain myself, please?" he begged. "Half-and-half butt?!" he muttered incredulously to himself. "Good Lord! I've been hanging around Piper entirely too much! I guess I should use the 'Stretch The Imagination' spell to my advantage and try to thaw Peyton's little ice-orb creation, here," he said as he approached the wall and held his hands out. "Please let me correct Peyton's little 'oops,' " he murmured softly. Seconds later, he jumped as he heard someone knocking at the door. "Yes?" he asked. Suddenly, the door opened, admitting Phoebe into the room. "You're not gonna get her back by referring to her as 'Noog', Glenn." Phoebe stated in a husky voice as she smoothed her sleep-tousled hair. "You know, probably better than any of us, that Paige is stubborn. Piss her off more when she's already angry, and she's bound to stay wherever she orbed herself to."

"We have to be in the courtroom at ten o'clock." Glenn stated in a panicked tone as he nervously adjusted his tie. "I promise you we'll have her back in time," Phoebe vowed. "How?" Glenn inquired as he sank to the bed and looked up at Phoebe with tears glistening in his blue-gray eyes. "Honey, it's going to be okay...trust me," Phoebe assured him. "I'm going to go and get Piper, and then we'll look for her. We'll also call Leo to see if he can sense them."

"Do you need my help?" Glenn offered. "I can keep an eye out for Garrett so that Piper can concentrate." As Phoebe opened her mouth to refuse him, she closed it again almost immediately upon realizing that Glenn had a good point. "Sure, sweetie. Come on." Phoebe commanded as she left the room.

Meanwhile- The Shadow Realm

Paige looked around, confused for a moment until she realized where she was. "Mom?" she called. Paige smiled with relief as stars of spiritual light began to dazzle before her. Her smile grew wider as Patty materialized from them. "Mom," Paige whispered. "Sweetheart, what is it?" Patty queried worriedly. "Why didn't you use the summoning spell and have me meet you at the Manor? Paige, you have to realize how dangerous this plane is," Patty scolded gently. "I wanted to talk to you alone, without Phoebe and Piper overhearing," Paige explained. "This was the only other place I've ever seen you, so I thought I'd take a chance."

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