Halliwell Manor- December 20, 2003 -Early Morning- Phoebe's Bedroom

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         Paige awoke the morning of her wedding and reached out to Glenn beside her. Her half closed eyes flew open in shock as her fingers tangled in a mass of long hair. "WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" she shrieked as she sat straight up in bed. "Paige! What is it? What's wrong?!" Phoebe gasped huskily as she came to consciousness.

"What am I doing in here?" Paige inquired. "And where's Glenn?" she added in a whimper. "Those are both good questions." Phoebe replied. "First off, don't panic, honey. Glenn is at a hotel, as he's not supposed to see you before the wedding. Second of all, I seem to recall your falling asleep when I was talking to you last night, in your room," Phoebe noted. "All I can figure is this; I kept Peyton in here with me last night so you could get some rest. You must have heard her cry when she woke up for her 2AM feeding. I know I gave her a bottle, though, because I remember carrying her downstairs to the kitchen to warm her bottle, and then I sat with her in the sunroom while she drank it."

"I could swear I got up to feed her," Paige insisted. "I must have woken up, came in here, and fell back to sleep... I had the strangest dream last night," she continued. "I had a dream that The Elders pulled me Up There and restored my powers as a wedding gift, along with giving me my inherited telekinesis, like Grams and Prue had."

"Why don't you try it out and see?" Phoebe suggested. "Which one?" Paige queried. "Well, you know you can do the regular telekinesis." Phoebe reminded her sibling. "Try to tele-orb something, but not your daughter... took me forever to get her to sleep after she ate, thank you very much."

Paige giggled and said." Okay, let me start small, again, then." She focused her attention on Phoebe's vanity table and said, "Brush." Seconds later, the brush dissolved into orbs and reappeared in Paige's hand on the bed. "Okay, wise-ass...put it back, now." Phoebe commanded as Paige gave her a self-satisfied grin. As Paige was in the process of levitating the brush back to the vanity table, Phoebe gasped as her baby kicked within her. In doing so, she broke Paige's concentration, causing her to drop the brush on the floor.

"Now look what you made me do!" Paige snapped crossly. "I have half a mind to pick it up and telekinetically smack you with it!"

"You wouldn't dare." Phoebe stated, staring Paige down with 'the look.'

"Try me." Paige retorted coolly, returning said look back at her big sister. "Well, I guess that explains how I ended up in your bed, then." Paige said, changing the subject. "When The Elders orbed me back down here, my last conscious thoughts were of Peyton and a warm bed. Look where I ended up...a warm bed, beside my little angel." Phoebe shrugged in response and giggled softly.

"Well, today's the big day, Paige!" Phoebe announced brightly. "Ugh! Don't remind me. Paige groaned as she looked fearfully in her older sister's direction. "Oh, honey. Don't be scared." Phoebe stated as she slung a comforting arm around Paige's shoulders. "Piper and I have both been through this already, so we can help you, and hey!" she exclaimed, causing Paige to jump. "At least you know your dress fits properly, and neither Piper nor I are planning on taking off on you like Prue did when Piper got married. "

"Yeah, my dress fits, but I still haven't lost all of the weight I gained with miss porky Peyton, there." Paige grumbled as she nodded her head in the direction of her daughter's playpen. "And I'm not gonna any time soon with the new little one on the way, here," she added as she rubbed her tummy. "Honey, you look fine." Phoebe insisted. "And besides, Peyton was eleven pounds at birth...she's not porky, sweetie; she's healthy. Also, Ava said that Peyton is in the normal weight range for a baby her age, so don't keep calling her fat... she's gonna get a complex."

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