Soul Exchange

By Creativefatal1ty

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Sequel to 'Hello Again, Prue' Paige and Glenn are finally together. More

Soul Exchange
Halliwell Manor- Upstairs Hallway 2:30AM
Halliwell Manor- Living Room 2:00 PM
Halliwell Manor- Living Room
Halliwell Manor Dining Room- Later That Evening
Halliwell Manor Living Room- Several Hours Later
Halliwell Manor Living Room- An Hour Later
Back At Halliwell Manor- Seconds Later
Seconds Later- The Alley Behind The Bay Mirror
Halliwell Manor Kitchen- An Hour Later
Halliwell Manor- Paige and Glenn's Bedroom- 3AM
Halliwell Manor- Paige's Bedroom - 2 weeks later- 2:30PM
Halliwell Manor- Two Days Later- 8:00 AM
Halliwell Manor Laundry Room - Two Hours Later
Halliwell Manor Dining Room- Several Hours Later
Halliwell Manor- Paige and Glenn's Bedroom- 4:30 AM
Meanwhile- Back At Halliwell Manor- Phoebe's Bedroom
Halliwell Manor Dining Room- Later That Afternoon
Seconds Later In The Dining Room
Back At Halliwell Manor- Paige And Glenn's Bedroom
Meanwhile Back At Halliwell Manor
Halliwell Manor- Paige's Bedroom- Early Morning
Halliwell Manor-Living Room -Evening- Later That Week
Halliwell Manor- Foyer- Several Nights Later
Halliwell Manor- Attic- A Short Time Later
Halliwell Manor- Foyer- A Few Hours Later
Halliwell Manor-Paige and Glenn's Bedroom- 7:45 PM- Two weeks later
Halliwell Manor Kitchen- Late That Morning
Halliwell Manor- December 20, 2003 -Early Morning- Phoebe's Bedroom
Halliwell Manor Conservatory- Moments Later
Halliwell Manor- Second Floor Landing- That Afternoon
Back In The Foyer- Moments Later
Halliwell Manor- Kitchen- The Following Week
Halliwell Manor- Kitchen- The Next Afternoon
Halliwell Manor- Living Room- The Following Afternoon

Halliwell Manor Foyer-December 19, 2003- the Night before Paige's Wedding

37 2 0
By Creativefatal1ty

         "Come on, honey...let's see who's at the door." Paige said to Peyton as they descended the staircase. "Sa- I mean Daddy!" Paige exclaimed happily. "You made it!" she added as she gave him an awkward hug.

"Of course I made it, baby...I told you I'd be here barring any charges that needed me." Sam reminded his daughter as he returned the hug. 'How am I going to tell him I thought he'd flake on me and I called Victor for backup? Especially considering how Victor hates Sam with a passion?' Paige thought to herself, trying not to give her emotions away in her facial expression. 'Oh well...Victor's in the conservatory, and I can't ask him to leave without a lot of questions being asked, so I guess I'll just shut up and we'll see what happens.'

"How are my girls?" Sam inquired, snapping Paige back from her thoughts. "Oh! Hanging in there." Paige answered quickly. "Peyton is starting to cut her first teeth, so she's crabby sometimes, but she's a good baby for the most part."

"Can I hold her?" Sam asked, gesturing to his granddaughter, who was resting in the baby sling Paige wore. "What is that thing you've got her in?" he continued with a curious expression. "Looks like a baby hammock or something."

"That would be precisely what it is," Paige informed her father. "Glenn's mom made it."

"Very ingenious," Sam stated. "She should market those."

"Actually, I think she might," Paige answered. "Peyton, this is your Grandpa Sam." Paige informed her tiny daughter as she lifted her out of the sling. In response, Peyton's bottom lip began to thrust out in an angry pout as her small head turned and she focused her hazel-blue gaze on Sam.

The instant Peyton was taken into Sam's embrace, she let out a loud wail of protest. "Now honey, don't be like that." Paige scolded gently. "Momma's right here, princess...I'm not going anywhere."

"She hates me, doesn't she?" Sam queried softly.

"She doesn't know you, Daddy." Paige informed him quietly. "She's too little to remember that she's seen you before... If it's any consolation, though, she screams lately whenever Phoebe holds her. Then again, that might be due to the fact that Phoebe's nearly eight months pregnant and I swear her baby's jealous. If she holds Peyton, or Piper and Leo's little boy Garrett, her baby kicks until she puts them down. I hope my second one doesn't behave like that," she added.

"Are you planning on having another baby?" Sam inquired with an inquisitive expression. "I'm not just planning on it." Paige answered with a smile. "I'm about nine weeks pregnant right now."

"Really?" Sam breathed, happiness evident in his tone. "Are you okay with this?" he continued as he studied his daughter's face intently. "Well, he or she obviously wasn't planned on this soon, but I'm fine with it." Paige informed Sam. "Glenn, of course, is the father."

"And how is he handling it?" Sam asked.

"Oh, he's been wonderful." Paige announced. "He works a full time job at a sporting goods store, with lots of overtime, but when he comes home, he'll take Peyton and play with her if she's still awake and I'm tired. Lately, he's been getting up with her in the middle of the night and giving her a bottle I've made so that I can sleep."

"Patty and I missed out on so much of your life with the choice we were forced to make..." Sam began, before Paige cut him off, saying. "You did what you had to do to protect me, and I'm grateful for let's go and join the rest of the family, shall we?" she suggested as she took his elbow and steered him in the direction of the conservatory.

Halliwell Manor Conservatory- Moments Later

"Sam Wilder, I'd like you to meet Chris and Diana Belland, Glenn's parents." Paige said as she led him to them. "'Mom', 'Dad', this is my biological father, Sam."

"Pleased to meet you." Sam announced as he held out his right hand to them. "Likewise." Glenn's father stated as he got to his feet and took Sam's hand, shaking it. "Victor, nice to see you again." Sam stated as he spotted Patty's ex-husband seated on the wicker loveseat beside Phoebe.

"Been a long time, Sam." Victor answered, his facial expression saying it could have been longer. "Now that everyone's here, can I freshen anyone's drink?" Piper asked quickly. "Sam, would you care for anything to drink?" she continued when no one answered her. "I'll take some ice water if you have it," Sam answered. "Coming right up. Dad, can I see you in the kitchen for a moment?" Piper inquired pointedly. "Certainly, sweetheart." Victor answered as he got to his feet and followed his daughter from the room.

Halliwell Manor- Kitchen

"Look, Dad... I know you and Sam aren't the best of friends, but can you please rein in your animosity for the wedding, at least? Glenn's parents have no clue that Paige is a witch, so I don't want to get into the whole 'Whitelighters are horrible creatures thing' in front of them." Piper informed Victor. "As long as he can behave himself, I will, too." Victor assured her. "Thank you." Piper said gratefully as she added water to the glass of ice she held in her hand. "We should get back to your guests." Victor said as he gathered Piper into his arms for a hug. "Yes, we should." Piper agreed as she squeezed her father tightly to herself.

Back In The Conservatory

"Here you are, Sam." Piper stated as she held out the glass of ice water to him. "Thank you." Sam replied as he took it. "Paige? Honey?" Piper addressed her baby sister, who looked up from her conversation with Diana. "What?" Paige inquired. "I'm thinking maybe it would be a good idea for you to eat a banana or something to tide you over during the rehearsal." Piper suggested gently. "You haven't eaten anything since lunch, and that was awhile ago."

"I'll be fine." Paige insisted. "Besides, I'm too worked up to eat, anyhow."

"Okay, but if you start feeling queasy, missy, we're stopping so that you can eat." Phoebe informed her as she rubbed her own protruding tummy. Paige rolled her eyes at Phoebe while offering a loud, dramatic sigh in response. "Smartass." Phoebe muttered under her breath. At the same time, Diana inquired. "Morning sickness, sweetheart?"

"Morning, noon, middle of the night...the kid is ruthless." Glenn informed his mother. "So were you, dear." Diana retorted. "Great." Paige mumbled. "That's just wonderful."

"You'll make it." Piper whispered as she rubbed Paige's shoulder. "Thanks." Paige whispered as she offered her older sister a shaky smile. "You sure you're okay?" Piper pressed, worry evident in her large, chocolate-brown eyes.

"Fine." Paige lied as her stomach did a flip-flop. "Let's start this rehearsal," she said in a louder voice. "Father Flanagan?" she addressed the minister. "What? Oh, yes," he said quickly, looking up from his conversation with Chris, Sam and Victor. "Glenn? I'd like you to come up here by me, if you would. Girls? Go to the top of the stairs, please. Victor, since Sam is here, you can have a seat, and Sam? I'll need you at the bottom of the stairs. Rob and Leo, you wait with Sam and walk in with Phoebe and Piper."

"I'll take Garrett." Victor announced as he held out his arms, and took his grandson from Leo. "Sam, I can take Peyton." Diana offered. "Come here, sweetheart," she continued as Peyton went, cooing, into her arms. "Sure, she likes you." Sam muttered good-naturedly as he turned and walked to the foot of the staircase, taking his place beside Rob. "Got the music." Chris stated as he pressed the play button on the CD player. Seconds later, the opening notes of 'The Colour Of My Love' by Celine Dion filled the Manor.

The Top Of The Staircase- Seconds Later

"Are you positive that you're okay?" Phoebe asked, noting that Paige was beginning to sweat profusely. "The bathroom's right there, and we can hold up a minute if you need to..." she trailed off as Paige glared at her. "Okay, fine, then let's go," she added hastily. "Piper, you're first." Piper gave Paige one last worried glance over her shoulder as she descended the staircase. "See you downstairs." Phoebe said softly as she, too, started down the stairs.

"Is Paige okay?" Sam asked as Phoebe reached the bottom of the stairs. "She said she was fine; why?" Phoebe inquired. "Because she just turned around and took off running." Sam informed her. "I knew she was sick!" Phoebe stated. "Why don't you go to her?" Sam suggested. "If she wanted me there, she would have said so." Phoebe answered. "She's stubborn like that."Suddenly, Paige's voice could be heard from the second floor as she screeched, "PIPERRRRR!!!"

"Oh, crap!" Piper exclaimed. "Pardon me, Father," she said over her shoulder as she bolted for the stairs at a full run. "Not to worry, dear! I've heard worse!" Father Flanagan shouted after her, as everyone else chuckled in response.

Upstairs Hall Bathroom- Moments Later

"What is it, honey? What's the matter?" Piper asked, somewhat breathlessly as she came in to find her youngest sister kneeling in front of the toilet. "Dry heaves." Paige gasped. "Can you get me some w-water please?" she pleaded as she again began to gag. "Sure, sweetie." Piper answered gently as she ran water into a cup and held it out to Paige. "It's not working!" Paige cried moments later as she strained to vomit and again, nothing came up. "Here." Piper said as she took the glass, refilled it, and handed it back to her sister. "Try some more water, and gulp it this time," she suggested. Paige did as she was told, with no result other than another bout of dry heaves.

"Alright, Piper...much as I hate doing this, I have to." Paige announced as she proceeded to gag herself.

"Paige, no!" Piper shouted as she lunged in her sister's direction, attempting to pull Paige's arm back, and groaning as she failed. "Oh, gross!" she moaned as Paige finally succeeded. "Do it in the tub!" she cried as an arc of vomit spewed forth from Paige's mouth. Paige turned her body in the nick of time, nailing the tiled wall at the back of the bathtub as she did so. "God, Paige! That is precisely why you don't do that!" Piper scolded her baby sister sharply after Paige had recovered.

"I had to, because it wasn't coming on its own, and I didn't want to hold up the rehearsal any longer than I had to, or worse yet, have it happen down there in front of everyone." Paige answered, defending her actions.

"Okay, as nasty as that is, you do have a point." Piper announced, as her own stomach lurched. "Just promise me that you won't make a habit of it, because you've most likely royally pissed off my little niece or nephew in there. Now I want you to splash some water on that wall, there, and then spray it with the cleaner under the sink; we'll take care of the rest of the cleanup later, but that should do for now. After you do that, I want you to brush your teeth and wash your face, because it's bright red right now. I'll wait for you in the hallway so that we can start again," Piper commanded.

Paige couldn't help herself as she saluted Piper, mumbling. "Yes, Major Peeper."

"So not funny at the moment, Paige." Piper said wearily. "Just do as I asked and I promise not to smother you with a pillow in your sleep."

"Good to know." Paige stated. "Sorry if I grossed you out," she offered meekly. "I'll get over it." Piper informed her as she patted Paige's shoulder and left the room.

"Is she okay?" Phoebe inquired worriedly as Piper stepped into the hallway. "Yes." Piper answered as she briefly closed her eyes, leaning heavily against the wall. "Are you okay?" Phoebe continued. "After what I just witnessed, not really, but I'll make it." Piper assured her younger sister. "That bad, huh?" Phoebe asked.

"Pretty much." Piper answered. As Phoebe was about to inquire further, the bathroom door opened slowly, admitting Paige into the hallway. "Feeling better, sweetie?" Phoebe asked as she moved to hug Paige. "Yes, thanks." Paige said simply. "Let's get this over with."

"We're ready!" Piper called down the staircase. Leo made an okay gesture with his fingers, and then called. "Chris? You can start the CD again. The girls are ready."

"I'm on it!" Glenn's father shouted back.

Back In the Conservatory

"Mama!" Garrett shouted as Piper walked past him on Leo's arm. "Hi, honey." Piper murmured distractedly. "Peeba!" he screeched again, holding his arms out to be taken by his aunt as Phoebe walked by with Rob. "No, baby... you stay with Papa." Phoebe commanded her nephew. "Payg!" he cried out a third time as she came past him with Sam. He began to squirm and whimper in Victor's arms, wanting nothing more than to get down and walk. "No, no, Garrett... you stay with Grandpa." Victor murmured quietly as he held his wiggling grandson close. "NO!!!" Garrett shrieked as sparkling, silvery-blue orbs began to surround him.

Piper turned quickly throwing her hands out and freezing the room, seconds before her son orbed himself into Paige's arms. Paige's jaw dropped in horror as she offered up a silent prayer that Glenn's parents had been frozen before they saw anything. "What do I do?!" Paige squeaked, barely controlling the shriek that threatened to burst forth from her. "Put him back!" Piper snapped. "Just be grateful he didn't orb Dad with him," she added in a calmer tone. "Why didn't he?" Phoebe asked with a confused expression. "Well, your dad must have panicked and let go as the orbs started to form." Paige answered. "You and Piper have both done that to me on occasion... really pisses me off, because then I have to come back and get you..." she added the last part in a mutter under her breath, as her sisters looked at her as if to ask. 'When was this?'

"Good answer, Paige," Piper praised. "You could have left off the last part, though, as it was a wee bit on the rude side." She paused and giggled quietly at the frustrated expression on Paige's face. "Okay, put my son back where he was so that we can continue, here."

"You go back to your grandpa, little dude." Paige said as she sat Garrett on Victor's lap once more. "We'll be done soon, and then you can get down and play." Garrett looked up at Paige defiantly as if to say. 'If you think I'm staying here, Auntie Paige, think again!' Piper, catching the look on her son's face, said firmly. "Garrett Michael Wyatt Halliwell! You stay there, young man! Mommy's going to unfreeze, now, so be a good boy."

As the room's occupants became animated once more, Garrett let out a heart-wrenching wail as he threw himself back against Victor's chest. "Okay, little guy...Grandpa's going to take you upstairs by your toys." Victor murmured as he stood up and carried Garrett from the room. "Wow, and I thought Peyton could scream." Glenn whispered, as Paige shot him a death glare while tightly squeezing his hand. "Alright, this will pretty much be the way that things will happen tomorrow, so unless you'd like another run-through..." Father Flanagan trailed off, looking expectantly at Paige and Glenn, who in turn looked at one another and announced in unison. "We're good, Father."

"Then let's eat." Piper stated as she led the way to the dining room.

Dining Room- A Short While Later

As Paige was in the process of talking to Diana about something, she flinched as she felt something hit her in the back of the head. As she turned to find out what had struck her, she was hit a second time, this time full in the face, with a glazed carrot. "Garrett!" she shrieked. "What?" Piper asked as she looked up from her own conversation with Leo at the opposite end of the table. "Your little angel just nailed me with a carrot!" Paige informed her sister. "Garrett... that's naughty." Piper told him disapprovingly. In response, Garrett launched a carrot at his mother instead. "If you don't want to eat them, just leave them on your tray." Piper stated. "You've got other things you can eat, there... leave Auntie Paige alone. "

After a few moments of behaving himself, Garrett looked over at Father Flanagan and orbed a slice of turkey off of the end of his fork, just as he was about to bite into it, sending it flying at Phoebe. Piper let out a yelp as she froze the room again and shouted, "ENOUGH!!!!" In response, Garrett let out a whimper of meekness, disappointed and upset, at the no-nonsense tone of Mommy's shout commanding him. Noticing she froze Leo as well, she figured that the father of her child should be alerted to what was going on. "I'm unfreezing my husband...maybe he can control our son."

With a wave of the hand and a couple of taps on Leo's side with the back of her hand, Leo came out of his motionless state. "Did you see what your son just did?!" Piper asked Leo. He replied, "Yes, I did; right before you froze me and everyone else apparently." He then turned and looked to Garrett. "Garrett Michael Wyatt Halliwell, you're in trouble little man."

"Garrett, Mommy didn't want to yell at you, but you have to learn the meaning of the word 'no.'" Piper said to her son. "Piper, he's just a baby... how do you expect him to understand?" Phoebe butted in. "I don't recall asking for your opinion, Phoebe." Piper reminded her sister quietly, trying to keep her frustration contained.

"Sorry." Phoebe snapped, as tears threatened to fall. 'Damn hormones,' she said to herself. "I think we all need to calm down, here." Paige stated softly as she wiped carrot muck off of her face with a napkin.

As Garrett sank back in his high chair, pouting, he started to form orbs around him to leave when Daddy told him, "No. You stay right there sport. Take the punishment like a man." Paige and Phoebe exchanged looks stating, 'glad I'm not their kid.' Piper noticing asked, "What's that look?" Paige jumbled quickly for a response as the word, "Nothing," came from Phoebe first. "We're just amazed at the power that the little dude packs at such an early age." Paige covered. "Definitely." Phoebe added in, trying to sound convincing. Piper looked at Leo with an expression that stated, as the same word came from his mouth, "Whatever."

Suddenly, the realization of horror lifted Piper's big brown eyes. "Oh God. What if I wasn't fast enough to freeze? What if Father Flanagan noticed what happened to the turkey, or if others saw it? We're going to be exposed! Or we'll have a reputation as the people who live in the creepy Halliwell Manor," Piper panicked.

"I thought we already had that, actually?" Paige asked. "Paige, this isn't funny. What if this little act exposes us?" Piper snapped. "Piper, honey, I think you're over reacting a little here." Leo told his wife.

"No; I'm not. I'm dead serious. The last time Garrett pulled a stunt with magic those damn Cleaner guys came to take him away. Leo you have to dust them; especially the priest." Piper finished, believing it to be the only solution.

"Uh...." Leo sighed. "I can't dust them. There are too many details to have intact here for their memories, Piper. Especially Father Flanagan. He could have a sick person to visit right after this to give Last Rights, or a baptism, or whatever. My dusting could very well make him forget about the entire wedding for Paige and Glenn...not to mention everyone else." Leo explained. "Even a pinch of dust?" Piper bartered.

"Lady, if my wedding is ruined because of something this stupid...." Paige started to threaten. "What, Paige?" Piper stared her down. Paige held her own, grimacing back.

"Here's an idea. Call me crazy, but why don't you unfreeze the room and see just what everyone knows? I'll bet no one even noticed but me, who got hit by the turkey getting ready to enter Father's mouth. Eww," Phoebe finished. "I'd say that's the best option as a Whitelighter." Leo announced. "What about as a father?" Piper queried in a dramatic end tone. "As a father I'll deal with whatever comes. Trust me." Leo told her. Piper gave them all a final look as she lightly smacked the table, giving in, "Alright."

She threw her hands upright through the air to unfreeze everything. Father Flanagan touched his teeth, making sure they were okay, as he observed the turkey-less fork in his hand. "I could have sworn that there was a piece of turkey on my fork...silly me. I guess it must have fallen off before it got to my mouth. I'm certainly going to have to train myself not to masticate my food anymore though. I bit the fork so hard I nearly broke my tooth," he chuckled a little as the rest of the family did as well. No one seemed to even be aware of what happened...except for the fact that Phoebe was holding her glass when the room unfroze.

Diana questioned her, saying, "You weren't holding that just a second ago."

"I picked it up as you looked at Father Flanagan." Phoebe lied, as she and the others looked to Piper, who was wearing a small grin of relief as she exhaled slowly. Diana shook her head in acceptance of what Phoebe told her. Leo moved in close to Piper's ear and whispered. "I told you there was nothing to worry about," as he gave her a small kiss on the cheek, near her hairline. Piper tilted her head back, as she rolled her eyes slightly, and muttered, "Yada, yada."

Foyer- A Short While Later

"Okay, honey...I'll see you tomorrow at the wedding." Paige said with tears in her eyes as she kissed Glenn goodbye. "Don't cry..." Glenn pleaded. "If you cry, you're going to upset the baby, and then you'll be up all night."

"This is your fault, you know..." Paige said darkly as her hormones surged. "What do you mean, 'my fault'?" Glenn asked. "Don't listen to's the hormones talking." Phoebe stated as she entered the foyer from the living room. "Just go to the hotel, before she uses her telekinesis to throw you onto the me," she added as Glenn gave her a questioning look. "Alright missy...upstairs with you." Phoebe commanded, steering Paige toward the staircase. "Goodnight, Glenn," she said as she turned to look back at him on their way to the second floor. "Take care of her for me, Phoebe." Glenn said softly as he opened the front door and stepped out onto the front porch. "Goodnight," he added as the Manor's elaborate door closed behind him. "I will." Phoebe said softly to the now deserted foyer.

"How about a bubble bath to help you relax?" Phoebe suggested as she turned to Paige. "Then, when you're done, I'll give you a manicure and pedicure."

"What fun." Paige said humorlessly. "Look, if I could see my toes, I'd paint them. Since I can see yours, and your shoes for tomorrow are open toed, I think it would look nice to have them painted. Now please, can I paint your toes?" Phoebe begged with a comical expression. "Sounds like a plan." Paige answered dejectedly. "Okay, Eeyore... You'll be seeing him tomorrow," she said, attempting to make Paige laugh. "I'm so sorry, sweetie..." she said softly as tears began to stream down Paige's cheeks. "Eeyore is Glenn's favorite character from 'Winnie The Pooh.' "Paige stated, explaining her tears. "A bath sounds like a plan... I think I need to de-stress, don't you?" she added. "Might not be a bad idea, no..." Phoebe answered. "Okay. While you do that, I'm going to have Leo set up Peyton's playpen in my room so that you can get a good night's sleep. Let me know when you're ready, and then I'll paint your nails for you. "

"I'll do that." Paige assured her sister as she disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door.

Meanwhile-Down the Hall- Piper and Leo's Room

"Are you not feeling well, honey?" Leo asked worriedly as Piper came out of their bathroom holding her stomach. "Just a little heartburn," Piper informed him, as she sank down onto their bed. "I'll be okay."

"Why don't you try to get some rest? I'm going to put Garrett to bed." Leo informed his wife. "Say goodnight to Mommy, little guy," he commanded his son as he held him down so Piper could kiss him goodnight.

Before Piper could react, their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. Piper sighed and said softly, "It's open."

"Sorry to bother you guys, but I need a quick favor." Phoebe stated. "What can we do for you?" Leo inquired.

"Well, I was wondering if you could please set up Peyton's playpen in my room for me...she's gonna bunk with me tonight so that Paige can get a good night's sleep."

"Sure...I'll be right there." Leo stated as he handed Garrett to Piper.

"Dada?" Garrett asked as Leo followed Phoebe from the room. "Daddy will be right back, buddy." Leo said over his shoulder. "Be a good boy for Mommy, okay?" With that, he was gone. "Mommy loves you, sweetie." Piper told her son as she kissed him on top of the head. "You're gonna have to wait for Daddy in your playpen, though, because Mommy's not feeling well," she added quickly as she dropped him over the side rail as gently as possible before making a beeline for the bathroom.

When Leo entered the room again later, he found Garrett seated in the playpen sobbing brokenheartedly, while Piper slept restlessly on the bed. "It's okay, pal...Mommy's tired, and she's feeling yucky." Leo informed his son as he plucked him from the playpen and held him close. "Let's put you to bed," he added while carrying Garrett into the nursery room.

Leo was in the process of laying his slumbering son in his crib after finally getting him settled when he heard his wife moaning in the bedroom. Thinking it was a demonic attack, he whispered urgently. "Garrett! Danger!" Leo looked back as he left the room, sighing with relief as he saw Garrett's protective bubble come up, and then went to tend to his wife. As he stepped into the bedroom, Leo heard the bathroom door slam shut, followed by another loud moan. "Piper? Honey, are you okay?" he asked as he stood outside of the bathroom door. Leo received an answer to his query as he heard Piper retching on the opposite side of the door.

"I'm here, baby...." he murmured as he rubbed her back seconds later. When she had recovered from her nausea, Piper stated weakly. "Great time for me to get sick, huh? Either dinner didn't agree with me, or I've got stomach flu...Oh, God!" she gasped as she began to gag again. "Leo, would you mind leaving?" she asked when she felt better. "If it's all the same to you, I'm more comfortable doing this alone."

"I understand...feel better." Leo said as he kissed her sweaty forehead and got to his feet. "I'll go downstairs and get you a bowl if you need it, and I'll wait for you in bed."

"Thanks." Piper answered hoarsely.

"Do you feel any better?" Leo inquired when Piper finally came back into the bedroom. "No." Piper whimpered as she lay down on the bed. "My stomach feels like someone put it through a blender."

"Well, try to get some sleep." Leo said softly as he sat up, taking her feet into his lap. "What are you doing?" Piper asked as Leo proceeded to massage the soles of her feet. "It's called reflexology." Leo informed his wife. "Paige told me that every part of the body is connected to nerves located in various areas on the soles of your feet. Rubbing the area that corresponds to the section of your body that is hurting is supposed to help. "

"My sister and her strange ideas." Piper remarked dryly. "No, Paige said she learned it from Ava when she trained her and Phoebe to be your midwives." Leo informed his skeptical wife. "I suppose it's no different than my use of acupressure on Paige's lower back while she was having Peyton." Piper answered after a moment or two of silence had passed. "Anyhow, whatever you're doing, it feels wonderful," she murmured as her eyes closed. A short while later, she was comfortably asleep.

Paige's Bedroom- 3:45AM

Sparkling orbs were visible above Paige's bed as a summoning jingle was heard from Up There. Since Paige was sleeping so deeply, she paid no heed to it. Several minutes later, the process was repeated, and still, Paige slept on, firmly ensconced in dreamland. After a third attempt to wake her failed, The Elders instead forcibly orbed Paige from her bed to bring her Up There. Halfway up, she came to consciousness with a start and a loud yelp of, "What the..." Before she could complete her outburst, she found herself standing in front of a set of elaborate golden doors, still dressed in her pajamas, no less. "Oh, no, no, no!" she moaned as she briefly buried her face in her hands. "Please tell me I'm dreaming."

"You're not dreaming, Paige." A soft, familiar, voice replied, seemingly from nowhere. Paige turned slowly to see Kuria standing beside her. "What am I doing here? It's-" Paige began to say, before she was cut off by a massive yawn. "Put this on." Kuria commanded as she handed Paige a white, hooded, robe. "And come with me," she finished. "O-okay." Paige stammered, afraid of what would happen if she were to refuse. While the youngest Charmed One slipped the proper Whitelighter attire on, Kuria grasped Paige's elbow and led her to the eternal golden doors. Kuria spoke in the Whitelighter code language, which sounded frighteningly like an upset squirrel. **Click click. Clatter crackle** With the elite password, the solid golden gates slowly opened outward, allowing bright light to pass through the growing entrance crack, blinding Paige in her half-asleep state. "Place the hood over your head, Paige." The escorting elder ordered, as the wide-open entrance revealed the bright, sacred chamber of the most-high Dominions. Kuria told Paige, "The Council of Dominity is now ready, child. You may proceed in."

"Thank you, your eminence." Paige answered as she entered, making her way through the bright white chamber to its center. Orbs engulfed Kuria's body, teleporting her to the council stand with the other Elders. The only thing Paige could think of was 'What did I do now?'

Before The Council Of The Elders

"Paige Matthews?" The voice of Thessius, Chief Elder, boomed from in front of her. "Yes sir." Paige answered quietly. "In a simultaneous ruling, this Council of Dominity has decided to restore your powers as a wedding gift to you." Thessius informed her. Paige peered with a blank face, thinking, 'This has to be a dream.'

"We feel that you have proven yourself to us, but you must understand, regarding our convictions. You are on probation for a period undetermined as of yet. Until such time, that we feel you can use your gifts, without abusing them, you will be unable to heal; and your charges will remain assigned to other Whitelighters."

Paige was confused to a certain extent. 'They're giving me back my powers but I'm on probation...welcome to high school detention,' she thought to herself while she smiled slightly, fighting back a yawn. "Nevertheless, what was gained shalt not be lost. Your inherited witchy powers have been inter-twined with your Whitelighter powers. You have proven to be able to control both well. Therefore, we shall cut ties for a truly active power to reside. Let telekinesis and telekinetic-orbing be of two powers residing in one."

"Thank you." Paige answered simply.

Suddenly, nine of the Elders orbed off the panel and spread out, rematerializing, as the bright silvery-blue orbs dissipated, surrounding Paige from the north, south, east, and west, symbolizing the 12 gates of Heaven with three in either direction. They all raised their hands, and from each of the twelve, came a single orb, like keys to open a lock, which gathered above Paige in the air, hovering above her. As the orbs linked together in a ring formation, they began to spin so rapidly; it was akin to the speed of light.

Then, from four of the Elders, each being in the center of the compass direction they represented, came blasts of the elementals. From the North, Phaedra blasted ice into the speeding ring. From the South, Kuria shot the hottest of blue fire into the ring. From the West, Thessius, the leader and most powerful Elder, beamed lightning into the spinning ring of orbs. And finally, from the East, Lucid formed a giant boulder in his hand that materialized from the dust in the air, which he thrust into the ring of great light. Then in a booming chant of harmonic unison,

"Punished once, but now is free. Return your powers, blessed be."

The spinning ring of orbs with the powerful elements within smashed together in a blinding flash, with a crack of thunder. Before Paige's eyes, a single crystal sphere appeared, levitating above her, with bright shiny orbs floating within it. She used her power of telekinesis to pull it down to herself and took it from the air. At the touch of her hands on the crystal, it cracked and the power orbs within enveloped her, engulfing her with rotating orbs that plunged into her body. "Feels good to have powers again! If I wasn't so tired, I would celebrate, but...." Paige was suddenly cut off. "You may orb back down to earth, now...Blessed Be," Thessius intoned. "Blessed Be." Paige echoed as she turned toward the doors again. "Congratulations on your wedding and also on the new child." Kuria said to Paige as she accepted the robe back outside of the chamber.

"Thank you, Kuria." Paige answered quietly, as orbs began to swirl around her. Seconds later, she was on her way back down to earth. Halfway down, Paige was powerless to stop her eyes as they drifted closed. She thought simultaneously of a warm bed and her small daughter. As a result, her sleeping form materialized from the orbs in Phoebe's bed, close to Peyton's playpen.


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