The Lover (18+) [Completed]

By AnonymousBlueInk

1.1M 49K 4.4K

"I've wanted you my whole life, Scar, and when I'm finally here with you, you're married..." Scarlett Knightw... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chaper XXV
Chapter XXVII

Chapter XXVI

29.1K 1.2K 209
By AnonymousBlueInk


I couldn't stay seated. The image replayed in my head over and over again. I don't even know how she was still alive. I knew I should've grabbed her by the force and pull her away from the street. But I had wanted to give her space, I never thought she would be so distracted.

I ran my fingers through my head, sighing out loud and trying to stay calm. Nurses and doctors rushed from one place to another. But none was Scarlett's doctor. No, he was still with her. Because she was fighting for her life, right?

It's been hours since we arrived at the hospital and I still haven't gotten any news. I needed to know that she was alive. I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to her.

My hands felt sweaty, and I had to lean against a wall when I thought about the pain she must be going through right now, the pain she must've felt when that car struck her.

Flash back

My stomach dropped when I saw how the SUV hit her. She didn't fly, no. The SUV ran her over and her body was trapped under until it passed over.
Her name was still in my lips as I rant to her lifeless body and dropped to my knees. There was blood everywhere; her face, her neck, her torso. I was scared to touch her, but I couldn't help but cup her cheek.

"Scarlett, baby wake up. Look at me"

People started to circle and watch what was happening

"Call 911!" I found myself screaming. The guy that ran her over jumped from his vehicle and started shouting how he didn't see her, that she came out of nowhere, pulling a phone from his pocket and dialing.

But I didn't care what he had to say, my eyes were solely on her, trying to catch a glimpse of her breathing. She was unmoving and looking down I saw how her leg was bent in an unnatural angle. Why was there so much blood?

I took my jacket off in a desperate attempt to hurry up and make her as comfortable as possible but a hand wrapped around my arm and stopped me. My eyes glued upwards and I saw Moore.

"Let me go! She needs a doctor and she's in pain!" I shouted, trying to rip my arm away from Moore's grasp.

"You cant move her! There's an ambulance on its way" Moore said and tried to get people to move our of way. My desperation was overwhelming, I felt helpless. I quit trying to move her but reached out and tried to find a pulse with my finger on her neck. It was weak, but it was there.

"Scarlett, hold on a little bit longer. The ambulance is coming, baby. Please. You can't die on me yet, we didn't put this fight just to end like this. Open your eyes please" I kept saying over and over again. I didn't know I had been crying until a drop splashed her bloody cheek. It felt like an eternity when the ambulance finally arrived. There was a commotion in the street and cops had showed up to close the way. Paramedics rushed towards us and tried to push me off, to get to Scar. Moore pulled me to my feet as I felt my nauseous from the view. She looked dead.

So much blood.

Once they stabilized her with IV and put a neck collar, they slipped a surf-looking table under her body to boost her up.

"Sir are you her husband?" one of the paramedics asked.

"Yes" I didn't hesitate, and the paramedic asked me if I was going in the ambulance with them. Of course I was.

I just needed her to live. Even if she never talked to me again.

Please God, save her.

END of Flashback


I opened my eyes and saw Scarlett's parents rushing towards me. Her mom looked like she was about to collapse, and her dad looked impossibly crushed.

"How is she?" she asked, and I sighed, pushing away from the wall

"I don't know, they haven't told me anything" I responded, and Mrs. Knightwell cupped my cheek in affection and I tried to return the sad smile, but I couldn't. My face seemed to be frozen.

I was too worried to think about offending or pissing anybody off right now. I just needed to be with her, just know that she was going to be okay, that we hadn't lost her.

"I will go ask" Mrs. Knightwell said and disappeared down the hallway, and I leaned against the wall again, trying to keep my shit together as I stared at the double doors Scarlett disappeared through with more doctors than I could count.

"I will call your sister to bring you some clothes" Mr. Knightwell said and I forgot my white button down had been splashed with blood. I nodded quietly before Mr. Knightwell dialed Alex.

I opened and closed my fists. I felt like I needed to punch something, release the tension. The not knowing was killing me. But I knew I had to keep it together, because her parents didn't know about anything. Not Andrew, not the divorce, and definitely not about us.

The Only thing I could do was pray

If you save her, I will leave, if she wants me to. But please save her

It felt like hours passed before Mr. Knightwell came back, slipping the phone back in his pocket.

"Son, you look like you've seen a ghost" he said and I tried to lick my dry lips.

"You could say that, yes" I mumbled and looked at him in the eye. He was studying me

"We're you there when this happened?" he asked, leaning against the wall next to me. I nodded, not trusting myself to say anything else.

"Where were you two?" he asked and I don't know if it was his tone or the way he said it, but I looked at him in the eye for one second before casting my eyes low.

"We, uh, met up for lunch" I said simply and tried to look away. Mr. Knightwell 'hmm'ed me and I clenched my jaw. This man knew something was up

"Why did she jump in front of the oncoming traffic, Nathaniel?" he asked me quietly and I swallowed the thick lump in my throat. Remembering what had happened only caused intense pain within me, and I didn't know what I would do if I lose her.

I would never forgive myself.

"Because of me" I managed to get out but in that instant the doors opened and a doctor came out. His eyes met mine

Scarlett's doctor

I pushed from the wall so quick, Mr. Knightwell didn't realize I was gone

"How is she?" I asked quickly before the doctor stopped and Scarlett's parents met us half way.

"She's critical condition right now. She had three bruised ribs and two broken ones, one of them punctured her lung, and her left femur was shattered into multiple pieces. Extensive lacerations from glass and she received a strong impact to the head, so we have to get an MRI from the head, make sure there are no bleeds" he was saying with crossed arms

"When can we see her?" Mrs. Knightwell asked, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Due to the extent of her injuries we had to put her in a medically induced coma. She's very fragile right now. She is intubated and on a ventilator, but should be ready for visitors in an hour or so" he said, nodding to Scarlett's parents who seemed to deflate for a second.

She was alive

But she was in a coma

"Come, son" the doctor said suddenly and pulled me away from Scarlett parents, who looked too distracted with the news to pay attention at the doctor pulling me away. I frowned, and dread instantly took over me

"You told the paramedics you were her husband?" he asked me and I cleared my throat

"Yes" I said. He'd had no way of telling I'm lying or not. I just hope that doesn't slip out later on to her parents

"I didn't want to say this in front of them, they seem distraught enough, and I figured I should talk to you about this first" he said, and curiosity hit me.

"We tried all we could, but we couldn't save the baby"

It was as if someone had dumped a bucket of iced water on me. I saw his lips move slowly, he reached out to put a hand on my shoulder, but I couldn't hear anything. Blood was rushing to my ears and I was breathless.

"What?" I found myself mumbling.

"I'm sorry. I know these are difficult news-"

"Yes, yes. I don't understand. She was pregnant" I said it more like a statement than a question and the doctor frowned a bit

"You didn't know she was pregnant?" he asked and I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I, um. I cant have kids. I don't understand" I mumbled in a daze and my eyes wandered around.

What just happened? I had just given up the hopes of becoming a father, and then he tells me Scarlett had been pregnant, and she lost the baby? The only baby I may have been able to have due to my stupid cancer history?

I could only imagine what the doctor might've thought by me telling him I couldn't have kids. Bet he was asking himself whose baby it was

"How many weeks?" I asked quietly, clenching my teeth.

"Looked like four weeks pregnant" he said and I sighed. I couldn't believe it. The last surprise I expected was to get Scarlett pregnant. I had been to multiple doctors for many years and they all said the count was too low, so we would have to resource to sperm donors if it came down to wanting a baby.

How is it possible this could be happening?

We could've had a baby, and the same day I found out I could've been a father, the same day I found out Scarlett lost the baby.

"She's gonna be crushed" I said and the doctor sighed

"There's nothing you could've done. Sometimes things like this happen, and it's a miracle she's a live" he said and clapped my shoulder. I nodded quietly and watched him go.

I closed my eyes and cursed destiny in all its dirty loopholes.

How am I going to break the news to her?

Three weeks later


I could hear voices in the background, telling me to rest, telling me to get better. I couldn't see anything, everything was black and I felt suspended in the air, but the voice came and went in an overwhelmingly loud echo. Where I was it felt timeless, like I had been stuck for years but it would feel like it had been mins.

I was cold, and the darkness was taking over my self control.

You have to come back.

I'm sorry


I blinked hard and then tried to open my eyes but bright white light blinded me and it burned, causing me to gasp

"Don't move-"

In an instant I was coughing and gagging. The movement made my body scream in pain but I felt something down my throat. I heard a thud and a small alarm went off. I couldn't stop coughing and I thought I was gonna throw up

"Breathe, Scarlett, please breathe"

It was Nate.

I couldn't breathe, not how I wanted. Whatever was down my throat was causing me to bend in spasms.

"You have a breathing tube, please try to calm down"

I opened my eyes wide painfully and a sob bubbled up when I saw him bend over the bed I was on. His bright eyes met mine. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, and his beard was growing. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt with jeans, but he's never looked more beautiful than now. His hand found mine and he looked at me in the eye concerned.

"Breathe" he said in a soothing voice and I tried to mimic him, trying to calm down or I would throw up. Nurses and a doctor showed up and practically pushed Nate out of the way and I had to shut my eyes.

"She shouldn't have woken up yet" the doctor murmured and I felt hands on me

"Scarlett, I'm gonna need you to take a deep breath at the count of three, okay? I'm going to remove the tube" more hands and my body felt cold. The doctor counted his stupid numbers and soon the tube was being pulled from my throat, which caused me to gag uncontrollably but soon enough everything was over and I was able to lean back as the doctor administered some heavy drugs to help with the pain.

After they left I was left alone with Nate and I wished I was back asleep.


We stayed in silence and soon I felt my throat close u.

"Scarlett" I kept my eyes casted down. I couldn't look at him in the eye. Not after everything.

"Scarlett, I have to tell you something. Please look at me. I beg of you" Nate said, and he sounded chocked up so I looked up.

"I love you. I always have" he started and I had difficulties swallowing.

"Please forgive, because I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I had lost you" he said and I looked up at the ceiling, grimacing at the pain.

" long have I been here?" I asked breathlessly, trying to change the topic for a moment. Nate looked down realizing what I was trying to do before he continued

"You have been in a coma for three weeks, Scarlett" he said and I frowned.

"What? That cant be..." I whispered and Nate sighed.

"I'm so sorry. The damage was extensive and the only way they could allow your body to heal properly was inducing you into a coma" he said and I felt panic bubble up.

"I have been in a coma for almost a month" I whispered and some tears slid down my temple and Nate came close, his hands cupping my face. I couldn't move so I had to let him touch me.

"Please, just..." I said, shutting my eyes but ending up grimacing.

"I have to tell you something Scar, but please I need you to stay calm" he said and I frowned. After a moment I nodded quietly. Nate studied me and sighed quietly again

"The day of the accident, after they got you out of sugery, the doctor came to talk to me because he thought I was your husband" he said and I looked down for a second at the mention of him being my husband.

What wouldn't I want more than that?

"He told me that at the time of the accident, the damage was grave and..." he cut himself off

"Can you just spit it out please" I said forcefully and I felt pain.

"Um...After the accident the doctors found out you were pregnant, and –"

"What?" I stopped him and he swallowed.

"Yes, Scar. I don't know how, but you were about four weeks pregnant, and after the accident..." he stopped again, and closed his eyes, shaking his head, as if he couldn't continue.

I understood.

I moved my hand and placed it against my stomach lightly.

"I lost the baby" I whispered more like statement than a question. Nate stayed silent and reached out to grab my hand.

My instant reaction was to tear it away from his grasp, my eyes meeting his. He looked hurt at what I did.

"Scarlett, I know it's hard. I couldn't believe it when he told me. But...but we can fix this. If you want kids, I'll give them to you, I promise, just please-"


It was such a simple word but heavy with meaning. I was saying no to him, to us. To everything that we lived in the short couple of months we've been together. I may have been in a coma for three weeks, but my memory was from three weeks ago. I still remember fresh what he did to me, and that was something I couldn't forgive. I trusted him, and he failed me.


"I trusted you. And you lied to me" I whispered, and Nate straighten up.

"We don't have to talk about this, Scar" he said, trying to reach for my hand

"How convenient for you, Nathaniel. You betrayed my trust-"

"Scarlett, you don't get it. Yes, maybe I had the worst intentions at the beginning, I was hurt. And I wanted to hurt you-"

"That's it then! You wanted to hurt me-" I was getting too hyped up and my lungs felt like they were going to explode from the pain.

"But I couldn't do it anymore. It became a mission to save your company. I was trying to buy it off you, yes, but I was doing it because I would be buying it off Andrew as well. I didn't want him to have anything else that was yours. So in the case he won the case, I wouldn't have the company in a legal way-"

"I don't care. I don't care anymore. Help me or not, you lied to me, you betrayed my trust" I stopped him. Realizing what he was saying was huge but I was so angry I didn't care what came out of my mouth after.

"I love you, Nathaniel. I always have. But I cant be with someone i can't trust. And i don't trust you anymore" I said in a whisper and he's face twisted in pain

"Scarlett, don't do this. Not now"

I loved him, so much. My emotions were all over the place, and I wish I could brush it off. But this meant so much to me, i couldn't go back to what we were

"I'm sorry. But please, leave and don't come back" I said

Nate frowned, his eyes welled up with unshed tears

His eyes were so dark, his sadness was palpable and tears finally rolled down my cheeks

"Is that what you really want, Scarlett?" He asked in a whisper and I can't bottom lip trembled but I clenched my jaw

I loved him, but i had to set him free.

I couldn't be with him when I felt a grudge. I loved him, and it's because I loved him that I knew he deserved better than my complications

"Leave and don't come back" I said

It felt like minutes before Nate reacted. He gave a silent sigh, and with one last look, he turned around and walked out of the room.

That was the last time I saw Nathaniel Hatford

Hey hey heyyyyytt PUH-lease don't murder me !! I know this is like a WTF just happened!! But its all on purpose. I'm a true believer of losing someone's trust can lead to it all getting undone.
I'm a true believer of being honest with your partner no matter the situation, and I also know that losing someone's trust is the hardest thing to get back!
HOWEVER , Story is not done. YET

Whatcha think of this chapter? Please don't forget to comment and vote ! Until the last chapter !


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