My Wolf

By RainMarie

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Shane was a boy who had loved wolves ever since one saved his life. As he grows he obssesizes over her. The w... More

My Wolf
Chapter - 2
Chapter -3
Chapter -4
Chapter -5
Chapter -6
Chapter -7
Chapter -8
Chapter -9
Chapter -10
Chapter -11
Chapter -12
Chapter -13
Chapter -14
Anna -1
Anna -3
Anna -4
Anna -5
Anna -6

Anna -2

877 15 0
By RainMarie


“Yes you do Alpha. I am sorry for my disrespect. I just sometimes feel that I am not important in the pack.” I let go of his neck he sat up.

“Clayton, you are very important. You make sure no one comes on our territory, this pack would be lost without you.” I looked up at everyone. They were staring at me with bright eyes. “Every member of this pack is important, no one…” I looked to Shane and my voice dropped to a whisper, “…no one gets left behind.” They all howled, and I immediately told them to quiet down. People were sleeping and we did not need the police showing up. I talked some more but then I dismissed everyone.

They got up and moved around the house. Shane sat in his chair, completely still, I felt so bad. I ran outside to the backyard and let my tears fall. I covered my mouth with my hand. I didn’t want anyone to hear me. I was out there for two minutes before Shane came out and found me. I could barely see, tears were streaming from of my eyes so fast.

“Anna” he said. I turned and he was a beautiful blur in my eyes. “I felt that you were upset.”

I took in a deep shaky breath. I calmed myself and said “That’s the bond between us.” My voice was shaky and weak. “Because I changed you, a little part of me will be with you. It has been known for newly changed wolves to feel the emotions of those that changed them.” I was going to lose it. I looked up at Shane and his eyes were gentle. “Shane,” I took another breath and exhaled, “I’m so sorry.” I couldn’t hold back anymore and huge tears ran down my cheeks.

Shane pulled me into his arms and his body was warm. “Do you think I’m angry with you?” He laid his head on top of mine.

“You should be. I took away your life.”

“No…you saved it.” His understanding made me cry harder. My body was shaking against his. As he held me in his arms I felt something that I had not felt in a long time. I felt utter acceptance, and love. Shane is perfect for me in every way. “Anna” he whispered. I looked up and he cupped my cheek. “I was going to wait to tell you this but right now is perfect.”  With his free hand Shane took mine and he intertwined his fingers. His hand was strong and warm. “Anna, I can’t stand to be away from you.

“When you were gone, I didn’t know what to do. You not being there just didn’t seem right. All I thought about was finding you and then never being apart. And you did that.” His gray eyes smoldered. “Now we can be, nothing is in our way.” I thought of Antony and how I would eventually have to tell Shane, but he quickly left my mind because Shane was here and he was all I wanted. He was all I ever wanted. “Anna, I love you. I can see our life together perfectly. Running together, hunting together, being mates.” Something about him saying mate made me think that Shane might be able to handle this life.

“Shane, I love you too. I never thought I would fall in love like I did with you but now that you’re here, it’s just wonderful.” My eyes watered, but they were tears of joy. Shane leaned down and he kissed me. It was just a small kiss but it was in no way dull.

We stood in each other’s arms, until there was a sound inside the house and I knew I had to go find out what happened. I looked up at Shane and rolled my eyes. He smiled at me and he let me go. We walked inside hand in hand and it felt nice to have someone there for me. Inside Nicholas and Graham had gotten into a fight. I broke it up and ordered everyone to go to sleep. It was late, and tomorrow was going to be very stressful for everyone. Shane had to be told everything and start being trained. Even if he hadn’t changed yet he was now a pack member. I found a spot for everyone, and by two o’clock everyone was asleep. Except for me and whoever was in the kitchen moving around. I went in there and sitting in chair was Shane. He had a picture frame in front of him and he was staring at it.

“Shane what are you doing?” I was tired, and I really wanted to just collapse right there.

“I saw this picture and I liked it.” I went behind him and saw what he was talking about. It was a picture of Oliver and I, and my fake mother Dawn. This picture was from a long time ago. Dawn had been killed fifteen years ago, by another werewolf. It hurt Oliver the most because he was about to make her his mate. He kept this picture mainly because it was the only picture we had of her. We didn’t like to take many pictures just because we didn’t want to be remembered. “That was taken sixteen years ago. It was at our old house in Toronto.”

“Who is she? I haven’t seen her tonight.”

“That was Dawn. She was Oliver’s mate but she was killed a while ago.” I sensed Shane’s regret. “We can about this more tomorrow. Come on we need sleep.” I put my hand on Shane’s shoulder. He got up and I led him up to my room. Inside he was hesitant. I laid down on my bed and I expected him to follow soon after but he didn’t. I looked up and he was just standing there. “Shane, what’s wrong?”

Shane swallowed. “I’m not sure if I should be sleeping with you.”

“Why?” Did he not want to?

“Jared is near and I don’t-”

“Oh Shane, nothing is going to happen. You just need a place to sleep. I’m too tired for anything to happen, and Jared can’t do anything to you. Not as long as I am Alpha.” I saw him debate this and eventually he got into bed. At first he was far away but after lying there for a few minutes he came closer to me and draped an arm over my waist. I fell asleep content.

I woke up the next morning and I felt warmth behind me. I looked behind me and Shane was peacefully asleep. I looked at the clock it was eight in the morning. I had gotten six hours of sleep. I turned around and Shane’s hand fell from my waist. I looked at him for a while but eventually got up. Shane didn’t wake and I went downstairs. People were asleep everywhere. The house was silent and I was happy. All of mine are safe. I went to the kitchen and found the stash of money that Oliver kept for situations like this.

I grabbed what I thought I needed and put the rest back. I took my car and I drove to the supermarket. I bought food for breakfast and lunch. I was driving home when I smelt something. It was a fresh kill. I pulled my car over by the woods and got out. I sniffed and the wonderful smell made my mouth water. I couldn’t help myself and I tracked the scent into the woods. A man was lying on the ground with his stomach ripped open. My fangs descended and if my mouth was open I would have drooled. It made me think of how I lied to Shane. Human is what werewolves crave most, but I don’t let my wolves eat human. My stomach growled, and I stared at the meat.

“Go ahead Annabell have some.” My back tightened and my eyes widened. I know that voice. Slowly I turned around. Antony stood there, looking just as he did before. “I killed him for you.” My insides we shaking. It had been almost over eight years since I last saw him. He had on blank jeans, and a nice fitting white shirt. He had on the gold necklace that he wore the first time we met. It was big and definitely not from this century.

“Antony” I whispered.

“Hello my love.” His blue eyes were sharp and they drew me in. Seeing him again reminded me of why I first found him attractive. He had long soft brown hair, and a strong jaw. “You seem surprised to see me. Did you not receive my message?”

“No, I got it.” I was still shocked to see him. It had been a long time and we did not exactly separate on good terms.

“Then you know I want to speak with you.” I nodded my head. “Annabell my love, I wish for you to rejoin me. I am lonely without you and miss your company. Return to England with me.” His voice was soft and it actually sounded like he was asking. There was even a smile on his lips.

“No, I am Alpha of a pack, I will not leave them.”

The smile vanished from his face. “Yes, I heard about your pack. A bunch of werewolves living solely off of animals. I am not sure how or why you do it, but I do not care about them. Leave them and come home with me.” He paused and his eyes searched mine. “Do you not miss England? It is your home land.”

“England was never a home for me. It was a place of torture.”

His eyes turned sharp. Those were the eyes that I remembered. “It is foolish to stay here. This excuse for a country is failing and we both can see it.”

“No, it is not. You are stuck in your way of thinking and you do not see the possibility this country holds for so many.” Antony became angry with me and quickly he ran up to me, grabbed my neck and pushed me back against a tree. It was a shock, and he had me pinned against the tree with his body.

“You smell of another. He is everywhere.” He leaned down and rubbed his face against mine. He was trying to mark his territory, and it enraged me.

“No stop” I protested. I tried to fight but I could not free myself from between him and the tree. He kissed me forcefully. I was upset when my body reacted to his touch like it used to. I clenched my hands into fists and squeezed.

Antony pulled away and his eyes were angry. I saw as he realized what had happened. “You love another. You have found another mate?” His eyes were both hurt and furious. A growl vibrated from him and it was dark. It reminded me of how powerful he was.

“You were never my mate. I just stayed with you.”

“If you are not mine, I will not let anyone else have you” he shouted. He tightened his squeeze on my neck and my oxygen supply was limited. I gasped and I was able to get some air. “Farwell, my love.”

 He thrust his hand into my stomach and I gasped. It was a sharp pain that left my body limp. He pulled his hand out and I screamed. Tears fell from my eyes. He pulled his hand back again but before he could stab me again he was tackled. Jared had changed into his wolf form and stopped him in time. I fell to the ground. I heard my pack coming. Jared was the only one that had changed. Antony threw Jared off and he knocked down a tree. Jared got up immediately and stood snarling. Antony was too powerful, Jared even in his wolf form would lose. The rest of the pack showed up and Oliver came over to me.

“Transform, then you will heal” he whispered. I listened to his words and I let go. In seconds I was in my wolf form and already I felt my body healing. I laid on the ground panting, as the pain slowly went away. Antony was looking at everyone. His eyes were furious, but he knew not to attack. With me now changed he had no chance. He looked at me directly. Shane came running over to me and I looked up at him. I heard a growl and we looked over at Antony.

“That is the smell.” He looked at Shane with crazy eyes. “This is the boy who corrupted you, and took you from me.” He looked back at me. “I will kill him” he said in a dark and nasty voice. I growled and tried to get up but I fell back down. I was snarling and Oliver pulled Shane away from me. Antony gave me one last look and it scared me. I knew that look. He was determined to kill Shane. The last time I saw that look he bit me. After that he ran off.

“Do we follow him?” Oliver asked.

“No” I said into his head.

“No one chases after him,” Oliver ordered “Alpha’s orders.” He looked to me. “What do we do now?”

“Take everyone home. Keep them there. I will go there once I am fully healed.”

“Everyone is to return home.” No one moved. “Now!” They all turned and started leaving. Shane came back over to me and stroked my head. As much as I loved him I needed Shane to leave.

“Oliver take Shane with you, and guard him with your life.” Oliver nodded. He pulled Shane away from me but Shane fought and tried to get back to me. Oliver came up behind Shane, wrapped his arms around him and squeezed. He carried Shane away. He was screaming my name and it tore at me. I had thought everyone had left but Jared was still there.  He came over to me and he began to lick where Antony stabbed me. I growled and nipped him on the muzzle. Jared whimpered and back away.

“I only wanted to help” he said into my mind.

“I wish to be alone, go home.”

Jared looked at me for a second and then he ran off in the same direction as the others. I was left with my sadness and I laid there until I was fully healed.

I transformed back around, eight that night. My clothes had been torn and shredded, so I hunted through the woods for one of our hiding places for spare clothes. I found some and went home. The house was loud with talking. When I was inside it got quiet, and those near me rushed over. They rubbed their faces against me. It was there way of saying I was their leader, and they were happy I was back. I moved into the living room, and they gathered around me.

“We face a problem. A member of our pack is being targeted. We have to train him quickly.”

“But it isn’t the season, training him now will be too difficult” said a voice from the crowd.  

“I know it isn’t the season, and it will be difficult but we have to.”

“Why?” a member asked. “He is new, we should just let that guy have him, then the pack would be safe.”

“No” I shouted. “I told you before, no member is left behind. That means no sacrifices.” I could feel the tension in the room.

“Alpha is right” Clayton said from the corner of the room. “No sacrifices. You’re just scared, we have to stand up to this guy.” More people seemed more on board with Clayton supporting me. “Alpha, who was that man?”

It was time I came clean with all of them. “That was Antony. He is very powerful. He changed me, many years ago.” There seemed to be a simultaneous gasp by them all. “We are the same and we do not age.”

“Why does he want to kill me?” I spun around and Shane was walking down the stairs. He looked upset and confused.

“When I first met Antony I was 17. He turned me when I was twenty. He taught me what he knew and we had an emotional bond as well. For a while I thought I was happy with him, but he changed and I couldn’t stand him anymore. When I left, it wasn’t on good terms. He most likely wants to get back at me.”

“Maybe I should go home. My parents are probably worried.”

“Shane, you can’t go home. Now that you know” God I hoped he played along “you have to stay with the pack.”

“I can’t just never see my family again.”

“You have to,” Clayton interrupted “going back is a big risk of exposing us. Exposing Alpha,” there were some growls and though I was mad they were growling at Shane I was touched they wanted to protect me “and we will not allow that.” Clayton stepped forward, and said “You are safer here anyway, out there you are a danger to humans.”

There was some more talking and it was decided that Oliver, Clayton and I would start training Shane immediately, and the others would watch out for Antony. The next day the four of us went out to the woods. Shane looked a little scared and excited at the same time. When we were deep in the woods, the three of us turned to Shane and started the lesson. We told him of what he would need to do to survive and what not to do. We tried to get Shane to transform but it never happened.

What if Shane never transforms? He can be human, and lead a normal life.

Hope swelled in me. I very much wanted Shane to be able to be normal. We trained for weeks and went over all the basics but Shane could never transform. I saw that after four weeks he was very upset about it. 

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