Forever In Love With A Davenp...

By SavannahBrookeFrisby

266K 3.4K 1.1K

"Still can't believe your engaged to my brother." "Oh, come on! I can keep a relationship!" "Adam, you didn... More

Authors Note
Aspen Johnson
Chandler Johnson
Katherine Parker
Alyxander Cook
Chapter 1-The Jet Wing
Chapter 2-Wedding Planning
Authors Note
Author's Note
Chapter 3: Mission: Mission Creek High
Chapter 4: Not So Smart Phone
Chapter 5-Principal From Another Planet
Chapter 6-Three Minus Bree
Chapter 7-Which Father Knows Best
Author's Note
Chapter 8-I Do
Author's Note
Chapter 10-Adam Gets Tattooed
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 11-Oh' Brien
Chapter 12-You Posted What?!
Authors Note
Chapter 13-Armed & Dangerous
Author's Note
Chapter 14-Two Pink Lines
Author's Note
Authors Note
Authors Note
Authors Note

Chapter 9-Cyborg Shark Attack

10.4K 169 31
By SavannahBrookeFrisby

"Man that movie was awesome!" Adam said as him, Aspen, Chase and Leo walked into the Davenport house, his fingers intertwined with his wife's. 

"Yeah, Shark Beach definitely lived up to the heights. All through I couldn't hear most of it over Leo's screaming." Chase stated before he turned to Leo, "Shark! AHH!" 

"No Chase, that's not right." Adam protested as Aspen let go of his hand to get some apple juice from the fridge, "It was more like, AHH!" Adam started screaming, his voice going higher so it sounded like a girl.

"Oh, it was not that loud!" Leo snapped. 

"Leo, honey, girls said you were screaming like a girl." Aspen told him as she walked back over to her husband, who wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. 

"Look," Leo frowned, "It's hard for me to talk about, but when I was younger I had a very traumatic experience with a shark." 

"You did?" Chase asked, and Aspen rolled her eyes. 

He knew what he was going to tell them. He was gonna talk about the time he was in the bathtub with a bath toy shark. 

"It was the dead of summer." Leo started off, "I was playing in the water when all of a sudden everything turned red. And that's when I realized.." 

Adam and Chase looked at each other in shock, but Aspen just rolled her eyes once again.

"It bit me." Leo said, and Aspen giggled.

"Aspen, baby, why are you laughing?" Adam asked, looking at his wife in disbelief.

"Your actually going to believe the guy that get's hung by his underwear in the locker room by Trent?" Aspen asked the two of them.

"Tell us what happened" Adam jumped up and down as Aspen moved away from him.

"Okay, yeah Leo got bit by a shark." Aspen said, trying not to crack up. 

"By a Great White shark?"


"Hammer Head?" 


"Tiger Shark?" 

"Nope." Aspen laughed, "He got bit by a rubber shark." 

"Wait, wait, wait." Chase said, "You were bitten by a toy shark at the beach?" He asked, looking at Leo.

"That's the best part!" Aspen laughed harder and now had tears rolling down her cheeks, "Leo, was in the bathtub." 

"But I wasn't the only victim!" Leo exclaimed, "Mr. Froggy is still missing!" 

"Leo, sweetheart, something else is missing also." Aspen said.

"What?" He asked. 

"Your manhood." Adam stated before following Aspen up to their room. 


"I can't believe Leo told everyone that we were the screamers at the movie. It's time for a little revenge." Aspen heard Chase say as she walked into the lab.

She did feel good this morning when she woke up so Donald and Tasha told her to stay home and get some sleep. She was just now waking up and going into the lab since she knew the boys were back home from school. 

"I got it. Go to the aquarium,-"

"No, Adam. We're not gonna throw Leo in a shark tank.' 

"No, I was gonna throw you in a shark tank and make Leo rescue you." 

"What in the hell are the two of you talking about?" Aspen asked, and Adam rushed over to her, pecking her lips.

"You feeling better?" He asked softly, and she nodded her head.

"Leo told everyone at school that it was me and Adam screaming at the movies last night." Chase said, "Then told us he'd knew that you'd come after him if he said you were screaming to, so he didn't say your name." 

"Now back to revenge." Adam said, wrapping his arms around her waist. 

"Look, Mr. Davenport developed a school of cyborg sharks he used to guard his top secret underwater facility." Chase said and the three walked over to the cyber desk. 

"Why doesn't he just use human?" Adam asked.

"Because he's cheap." Aspen and Chase answered.

"See, the sharks are designed to attack intruders, he still have a few prototypes in storage." Chase grabbed the tablet and pushed a few buttons. There was a noise and they turned to see a shark laying on a table.

"Wow! He looks vicious! I'm gonna name him Carl!" Adam said with a lot of joy.

"We can use Mr. Davenport's-," Aspen stopped listening to Chase as she watched her husband pet the shark and them shove his hand in the sharks mouth. Chase turned around to find his sister-in-law laughing and Adam trying to get his hand out of the shark. "Why would you put your hand in there?" Chase asked in disbelief.

"Because I didn't think my head would fit." 


Aspen stood next to Chase while he kept tapping on the tablet that was controlling the shark.

"Man, the cyborg shark is working perfectly." Chase laughed. 

"Yeah! Let's release the other two sharks before my hands get stuck in them." Adam smiled widely.

"Yeah." Chase muttered while he tapped on the table. 

Adam was opening the bag but he stopped when Leo came walking into the lab.

"Alright, alright, alright!" Leo yelled and smacked the tablet, turning to Aspen and the boys, "You got me. Now cut it out or Janelle is gonna leave." 

"Should've thought about that before you mocked us in front of the whole school." Chase told him. 

"I'm gonna go help Janelle." Aspen said, pecking Adam's lips and rushing to help Janelle. Once Aspen got in the living room, her eyes got wide at the smoke everywhere before jumping on the counter next to her, "So much for me helping." The boys ran into the living room.

"Hey Janelle, Aspen. What are you guys doing up there?" Leo asked. 

"Oh you know just hanging, TRYING NOT TO GET BIT BY THAT DAMN SHARK!" Aspen yelled the last part. 

"Trying to remember why I ever came to this house." Janelle snapped. "Your fake shark just ate my real shoe." She held up her tore shoe.

The shark swam towards the boys, "I thought you turned it off." Leo said with wide eyes. 

"I did." Chase said, quickly looking down at the tablet. "Oh no, the cyborg shark must have artificial intelligence. It's ignoring my commands." 

"Calm down. We just hit the off switch, I know exactly where it it." Adam said, "I was elbow deep in that thing for two hours." He started walking towards the somewhat seeable couch when the CPR doll was sitting. 

Just as he had taken a few steps, the doll was pulled down into the smoke. There were some aggressive sounds until parts of the doll started flying. The doll's head flew straight into Leo's hands, and they all looked at the doll's head before they all started screaming. 


The boys ran and jumped up on the counter next to Aspen and Janelle. The two stood up to make room for them, and Adam wrapped his arms around Aspen's waist.

"Where'd it go?" Janelle asked as they looked down at the smoke. Then the shark jumped up before going back in the smoke, making them scream again.

"Man, you think you know a mechanical shark and then it just turns on you." Adam pouted.

Chase started tapping on the tabled before he sighed, "The shark is blocking my commands to shut it down. And it's taken over the home security system." 

"So there's a shark, loos in our hour, and trying to eat us." Leo's eyes got wide before turning to Janelle, "We're going to die!" 

"Since we're all goners, there's a few things I need to get off my chest." Adam said, getting everybody's attention. "I've always wanted to be a florist. But I don't wanna pick them, I just wanna arrange them. Oh, and Leo was the one screaming at the movies." 

"That was you?" Janelle snapped, slapping Leo's shoulder, "You said you weren't afraid of sharks, why would you lie to me?" 

"Ummm?" Leo tried to drag on.

"Hey." Adam tapped Leo's leg and he squatted down so he could listen to Adam. "You know what would fix this? Some Daven-dills." 

"This is getting ridiculos, we've been up here forever. I'm out of here." Janelle said and jumped off the counter.

"Janelle, no!" Leo yelled while she tried running. 

She was almost at the door before a shark appeared in front of her. She screamed, turning to run towards the stair but a shark appeared in front of her again. 

Janelle let out another scream, "Look out! Jump on the couch!" Leo yelled, and she did, watching as sharks circled around her. 

"Wait! We have two smaller sharks. Maybe I can program them to attack the big one." Chase said. 

"Ah, they're right here!" Adam pulled up a torn bag, "Well that's weird, where did they go?"

"I think I found them!" Janelle yelled and pointed at the three sharks that now were around the couch.

"We're gonna die!" Aspen exclaimed, "I'm never gonna get Dylan O'Brien to hug me!" 

"Hang in there, Janelle!" Leo yelled.

"What are we gonna do? We can't use our bionics in front of her." Chase spoke so Janelle could hear him.

The couch started jumping again, "Leo, do something!" Janelle yelled in fear, "Help!" 

"No!" Adam and Aspen yelled as Leo jumped into the smoke and on a shark. 

They heard Leo's grunts and screams coming from within the smoke, but then it was completely silent before he popped out of the smoke, with sharks around his arms. They kept trying to bit him and Leo tried to stop them.

They went down again and they could hear Leo trying to stop the sharks. He got up smiling and looked at all of them, "It's okay, I'm alright, I'm okay." Then the shark jumped up and attacked him again, causing him to scream and disappear into the smoke again. Then silence. Again.

"Where is he?" Janelle asked, looking at the three bionics with fear laced in her eyes. 

"I don't know." Chase sighed and looked around. 

Leo got up out of nowhere with a part from the shark in his hands. The lights turned back on and he smiled, "Sorry sharks, this beach is closed." 

Janelle jumped down from the couch and hugged Leo, "You did it!" She exclaimed, "Thanks for saving me. And for buying me a new pair of shoes. I'm a size seven." 

"Great job!" Chase said as him and Adam jumped off the counter, Adam turning to help his wife down, before wrapping his arms around her waist. "Since you took down the big shark, the other one automatically deactivated." 

"I can't believe you got over your fear of sharks." Adam told his step-brother in disbelief.

"I guess I was just more afraid of never having a girlfriend." Leo told him.

"Wait, how were you able to deactivate the shark without getting bit?" Chase asked. 

"Easy. I jammed the dummy's head in its mouth and turned it off. I took that thing down and didn't even get a scratch." Leo said before turning to Janelle.

"Yep, not a scratch." Adam pointed out as Leo turned around and they saw that his shirt was ripped and torn on the back. 


Aspen walked out of the bathroom,  running a brush threw her hair.

"So I was thinking." Adam said as she jumped next to him on the bed then straddled his waist.

"And what was it you were thinking?" She asked, as he grabbed her hips.

"Well you have an 'A' tattooed on your wrist for my name." Adam said, and she nodded, "So, what would you think about me getting your name tattooed on my chest. Where my heart is." 


"I want to." 

"We can do it tomorrow." Aspen said, and he nodded, "We can go see my tattoo person." 

"I love you, wife." 

"I love you too, Husband." 

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