Chapter 14-Two Pink Lines

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Aspen sat on the end of her and Adam's shared bed, biting the end of her thumb. In just a matter of minutes her life, and her husbands, would probably change.

Currently, Adam, Chase and Leo we're out for a "guys day" as Leo put it. Donald and Douglas was with her Dad, Tasha was with her Mom, and Bree was with Caitlin.

So, that left Aspen in the house alone. She had been throwing up for a few weeks and called Vanessa. Her sister-in-law has suggested taking a pregnancy test.

Aspen had bought the test two days before and had had much time alone to take them, but here she was.

The timer that she had sat on her phone went off and Aspen took a deep breath before standing up and walking into the bathroom.


Adam and the others had gotten back around twenty minutes ago and as soon as Aspen heard them come in she froze before deciding to get Adam.


The sound of his wife's voice made the teenage boy turn around, finding her standing on the stairs.

"Hey baby girl, what's up?"

"Can I talk to you? Upstairs in our room?" She asked and Adam glared once he head Chase and Leo 'oohing' from beside him.

"Yeah, come on" Adam put a hand on the small of her back, leading her up the stairs and into their shared bedroom.

"Your going to wanna sit down." She bit her lips as her obeyed and she started to pop her knuckles, a habit she had when she was nervous.

"Baby, what is it?"

Without saying a word she pulled the two pregnancy test from her back pocket and held them up, both of them displaying, clear as day, two little pink lines.

"I, uh, I'm pregnant."

Adam sat frozen on the end of the bed, starring up at his wife, who's eyes had started to finally water.

"P-pregnant? As in a baby?" Adam asked, "Oh my god." He stood up, gripping Aspen's face in his hands. "A baby, we're gonna have a baby!"

"Your happy?"

"Aspen, baby, why wouldn't I be? Your my wife, the person I wanna spend the rest of my life with, of Course I'm happy."

"I love you."

"I love you to." He smiled, pecking her lips. "You do know what this means right?"


"You, my beautiful wife, the mother of my child, are not going in any more missions for a long time."


"I don't want to hear it. No more missions."

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. "And let's not tell anyone about this yet. I wanna make a doctors appointment first."


Two months, Aspen was already two months pregnant according to her doctor. She couldn't wait to get home and tell Adam, who had wanted to go but got pulled away for a mission.

Aspen has thrown up again that morning and explained to Donald and Douglas that she had already made a doctors appointment without giving to much away.

The blonde walked into the lab and went straight to her husband, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"How'd the mission go?" Aspen asked  the other three bionic kids, laying her head on Adams chest.

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