Authors Note

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Okay people, I know it's been forever since I've updated but I just published a new chapter and a new story!! The new chapter is basically getting Adam a tattoo and it was just a chapter to hold you guys over.

The next chapter I do is also gonna be original but it's not gonna be for a while. I literately have a week and a half before I get out of school for the summer and I plan on spending those two and a half months updating and trying to get this book finished to move onto the third book because I have big plans for that.

Now, about the new book! The new book I just published it's called All To Myself and it's a Jay love story from Descendants. It's got five chapters, maybe six, published. I won't be working on that story a whole lot because I want to finish the Adam story. So if you want to read that one you can.

I also have many others that I'm working on to get ready for you guys to read those so I have a lot that I'm gonna be doing for the summer.

If you guys want to see something specific happen in this book or the third book, you can call comment to private message me. I'm open to any suggestions for original chapters.


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